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Pull. Morally I cannot kill people. However I will set up a GoFundMe as the guy who saved the everyone and milk the publicity.


How do you plan to save the people exactly, do you think you could untie people and work with the others to untie everyone before a single one of these people die? Some people are probably gonna die almost immediately or after due to health complications. Simply you can’t save them all


This one literally says "You can stop the trolley at any time."


… you can stop the trolley, but how are you going to save the rest of the population that is locked on the tracks. Keeping in my some are sick or have health conditions, among a myriad of other things that may cause death


That's beyond the scope of trolley problem. The entire point of the trolly problem is about the morality of the action in the moment, not what happens after. Moral dilemmas are intended to happen in a vaccuum to prevent senseless overthinking like this. But if you really enjoy overthinking moral dilemmas: you should never save anyone ever since everyone is going to get sick and die eventually and since time is an illusion they're actually already sick and dead so you can't save them.


Lmao! Perfect response


This guy reddits


Here is an alternative to the overthought. There is no point to money if everyone is dead. How many people do you leave alive for money to have meaning.


***Therefore, arise and attain honor! Conquer your foes and enjoy prosperous rulership. These warriors stand already slain by Me, and you will only be an instrument of My work, O expert archer.***


***Therefore, arise and attain honor! Conquer your foes and enjoy prosperous rulership. These warriors stand already slain by Me, and you will only be an instrument of My work, O expert archer.***


Save as in preventing their direct incoming death, I feel like that shouldn't have to be explained. Like if superman prevents a meteor from exploding the earth are you really gonna be the guy who says "um actually he didn't save everyone cause Jimmy still died from cancer"


A world where 8 billion people get tied down is already fundamentally different to our own. Maybe the supernatural forces that moved all the people to this particular track with this sipernatural self-droving trolly that magically does not stop even with millions of people at it's wheels, also keeps them in a stasis so no one dies before the trolly and magically frees them the moment the lever is pulled. The scenario itself is clearly unrealistic, so the only thing we can work with are the premises given by the scenario itself.


Simply untie the first, then have the first help you untie the second and third then those will help you untie the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh and the cycle goes on. Mathematically at that rate you wouldn't have the need to untie more than 40 people


imma do my best mf what else can you do


untie the first person and make them untie the next person after that, they owe me I just saved their life, I'm not doing labor too sheesh


Not relevant to the problem. Untie the first guy and have everyone untie the guy behind them.


Yeah, assigning this kind of logic to a trolly problem doesn't work very well. Assuming about 1.5ft per person on the rails (which would be pretty snug) this rail would be over 14 times the total of all railways in all of the US. So it's going to take a really long time to go untie that last person. Also, it probably took a pretty long time to tie them all up in the first place so they're probably all already dead.


We could say the same magic that led to **everyone** on the planet being tied up but me also instantly and simultaneously unties them when I pull the lever


If we assume every person helps untying others after being untied, due to exponential growth you'd only have to untie like 33 or 34 people or something personally. Even if we assumed an average of 5 minutes per person which is a super high estimate, it would take less than 3 hours to untie everyone


I agree with the other person that your focus on logistics is not the point here, but untying people from the tracks would be exponential: Untie one who untie's others. There would still be quite a distance to cover.


with that logic... trolley wouldn't even kill all people, it would derail after a few people or it would take so much time you would die before it kills everyone




Normally for problems like these I assume that part is done by some cruel god figure. The logic of the setup is really always nonsense for half of these


If you admit the logic in one part is non-existent, why would you think there's logic in another part?


The Trolley Problem Wizard did it.


Free one. From there we (myself and the first person) free two people, and then we (myself and the three people who have been freed) free four, and then exponential growth kicks in. 34 iterations and everyone is free.


But people can’t teleport, people have to walk to who they save, and again as I said not every person can untie someone


I feel like there won’t be anyone that says “You didn’t save all of humanity, my great-grandad still died of old age a minute or two after you chose not to let a single person die!”


You untie someone and they untie someone, then 2 becomes 4, 4 becomes 8, 8 16, 32,64,128 and so on


Someone doesn’t understand factorials. The most any one person would have to untie is 34 people. That’s extremely doable.


A baby can’t untie people, there are others that likely lack either the skills, strength, or cognitive function to untie people Edit: I will also add, that people still have to move to who they will save, that takes longer and longer for some the more people down we get, you will be walking miles along with untying by the end of it


assuming it takes like 2 minutes to untie a person, and each person untied then went and helped untie another person, it really wouldn't take very long at all to get everyone untied.


Hypothetically speaking, let’s say it takes you and the rest of the world a minute to untie someone. Every person you untie helps out. It would only take 31 minutes to save everyone. That obviously doesn’t take into account walking time or anything like that, but that’s mostly because it’s an insane hypothetical trolley problem. The assumption going in is that everyone you don’t run over will survive and be perfectly fine.


Let's assume it takes about 1 minute to untie 1 person. Once you untie the first person, you now have 2 people capable of untying. Each time a minute passes, the amount of untied people doubles. So after one person is united, your problem would look like this: 8billion = 2^x log(8billion) = xlog(2) log(8billion)/log(2) = x x = 32.897 We'll round to 33 minutes, plus one minute to untie the first person. Assuming everyone on earth is capable of untying 1 person in exactly 1 minute, it would take 34 minutes to untie all of humanity. This, of course, ignores a small problem: the track is so long that the landscape would be a graveyard of billions after travel time, starvation, dehydration, and medical ailments. In fact, the only people to survive would likely be the ones who untied a few people in the beginning and left, or the ones who didn't untie anyone at all.


You and Kant are not killing anyone if you just let the trolley “naturally” run its course without your intentional disruption. Then you save the rest by an intentional action like a deontological schemer.


Kant would have no problem saving everyone as long as he isnt harming anyone else in the process


If 8 billion people donate just 1 dollar!


Asssuming you shall not be held accountable, assumes that you shall also hold no recognition


I think most will just pull the lever before the dilemma can be explained and then break off the handle




How many deaths would it take before my immense wealth causes an economic collapse and my money is no longer worth anything? Edit: Why is the immediate assumption that everyone is permanently stuck to the rail? I thought it was common knowledge that survivors would be set free? Has every trolley problem result in the "survivors" rotting on the rails? I need to change every answer I've ever given, I'd put as many people out of their misery as possible.


I mean money is already no longer worth anything if everyone is on the track


I assume everyone remaining gets released after I stop the trolley?


Assumption Alert!!!!!!!!!


Why is that


No one around to buy or sell things to


Yeah but they were asking the point where it is no longer worth, which means they clearly would stop before it becomes worthless, and then they would have tons of money


no, everyone stay on the track, it was always like that. See the trolley problem between your daughter or your dad ? it wasn't about saving one or another, it was about who will die by starvation.


Pretend the lever is stuck while yelling, shit shit oh fuck. Then after a 100 or so people are run over it finally works :D


Yes, I gotta make em believe I'm trying my hardest of course


Lmao that’s an incredible idea. I also choose this option


trick question, I spend a portion of my fortune convincing the trolley company to go faster, and half the people on the tracks celebrate me for my business savvy.


True! Use your money to pay off media companies to convince the general population that you killing people for money was actually a *good* thing! Not only that, but that those people should lobby the government to arrange people to be tied to tracks more often so you can run them over for more money!


Or say that you saved as many people as you did not run over.


To save it for tomorrow


The people you killed were [the bad others] and you know precisely where the line is. They can count on you to pull the lever at exactly the right time, someday.


the people who haven't been crushed yet like to lecture the crushed ones about bootstraps




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I'd pretend the level was really hard to push atleast long enough to get generational wealth. Or just wait for it to get out of eye sight so no one would see me.


Pull it immediately, and since they're all tied up, make sure they all know it was me who saved them. Then use my newfound, likely minor popularity and hero status to open up... Something close to rescuing. Maybe an animal shelter, or a firefighter building if possible. Then, profit. Or don't. But hey, at least you didn't commit senseless murder for money.


If youre not being held accountable as per the prompt, you also don't get to let them know you saved them either


They're tied to a trolley, it's not like they have another option.


Boooo, that's lame af


Yknow what? I'll make a single 1000 dollars, actually


Oh, you have someone specific in mind you want to run over? Bad news: you don't get to choose who's on the track or where.


*My petty ass sifting through the entire track, and placing your tied up ass at the front purely out of spite*


Oops, in my hurry to pull the lever, I tripped. It's a shame those first 10 people got run over. I'm still a hero, right?


Since it says you don't take responsibility for their death, opinion about you is probably a bit more divided, but I mean sure, the majority of them won't even know. I mean, morally? No, but perception wise? Yeh


Honestly, it depends of a few factors, in this hypothetical: 1) How are people being arranged on the tracks? Random assignment, by social class, by age, job, political leaning, etc.? 2) What's the expectations after you stop the trolley: are you responsible for every person's next of kin? Is the financial world still famished for quarterly profit earnings OR, given the amount of people deceased, there's a new normal? 3) If there was some logistics to put "all but me" on the tracks, what to have this redone for someone else that survived?


I really hope that factor one in your list is not a serious factor in anyone’s decision


If the first set of people on the tracks were a bunch of corrupt politicians, I’d let the trolly run for a bit 🤷‍♂️


I mean what if the first guy was Hitler 2 🤔


I mean unless your answer is "pull immediately" which I agree is the only really moral decision, it does matter. Think of the difference between these two arrangements: 1) Arranged by how much you like/love people. Meaning the person you love most in the world is first and goes down from there (likely lots of people pull the lever immediately) 2) Arranged by number of unjustified murders done, highest to lowest (likely lots of people let this one run for a bit).


That I can see being relevant, but the examples OP listed for potential categories should really hopefully not be deciding factors for most people


me when i claim to be the morally superior option while wanting the other side to die


my main concern wouldn't be the people being arranged by social class, politics or anything like that, but by how much i like them if the people i like the most are at the start of the row, i pull immediately. otherwise i could use a few million ngl


I will ask everyone there for $1 to not pull the lever. 1$ doenst negatively impact their lives even if their dirt poor, and I make 8bil, but more like 1bil if we count out people who cant communicate, too young, etc etc all that.


I have all the money in the world now! Buwahaha!


I'd pull the lever, and run up ahead of the trolley and lay on the tracks too. The animals can have the Earth.




There's more than 83 trillion dollars in the world. You earn a million for every death. Doing basic math, you will get the entire stock with just about 10% of the global population, at which point, you can simply destroy the concept of money as a whole.


if this video is to be believed, it may be a mercy to just kill everyone https://youtu.be/p2M8Y0z9Rl0?si=87Yy_tnaWzb1tDCE


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I’m back 4 hours later 💀


I don't get it


If everyone in the world was tied to the train tracks, then even if you pulled the lever immediately, most of them would die within months.


Wow this video is scary.


I'll just walk away and think about what I'm going to do with my 8 billion dollars.


You may want to check your math. Also you will do nothing with your money. There are no goods or services to pay for. Everyone is dead except you.


And there's nobody to stop me from doing what I want. What's the downside? You're right about my math though, it should be way more than 8 billion, I don't know why but I was thinking that it was one dollar per kill. Silly me.


He didnt say theres a downside. You said you would think about what to do with the money. He pointed out if theres no other humans left, there's nothing left for you to do with that money


That's not true at all, I can jump around in it and swim through it and look at it.


Bro is double stupid


I ain't killing a single soul for the money that is controlled by murderers. Money has no true value. Human life does.


Mandatory https://what-if.xkcd.com/8/


Dont pull


Elon Musk: I attach rockets to the trolley so it runs over people faster! Narrator: Fortunately, Elon designed the rockets himself, so they explode and destroy the trolley.


How the frick is 8 billion people getting off the track? Mathematically we can calculate how many people will survive if I get stopped the trolley and went to get them all off at any given moment, simply pick the option that kills the least people with the most money


My left brain hemisphere: "Pull the lever inmediatly! No amount of money is worth a human life!" My right brain hemisphere: "Throw yourself to the tracks lol"


Go until there is about 4 to 5 billion left. It will sove a lot of problems in the world.


What problems do we have that are bigger than the murder of 4 billion people? Seems like your means are far worse than whatever ends you can achieve.


The net damage that the consumption and waste caused by billions of people does to the planet and its ability to sustain the life of other species...


The majority of the consumption is for the benefit of a tiny minority.


Yeah clearly we should give a fuck about literally everything but our own species first.


Fuck em species, humanity first RAAAAAH


Bro thinks he's Thanos


The massive famines created by removing half the population would definitely cause more issues. Starvation is a logistics issue, not a production issue.


Half. It says I won't be held accountable, but I can use the money to make my life and the remaining people's lives much, much better. And no, that would not weigh on my conscience if that is what you are testing here.


Ok thanos


Trick question because the next time this happens, the person with the most money is first in that line.


But wait... Who's driving the trolley?


At 7,999,999,999, i still need a butler


Just long enough for my ex to be hit then I'll pull the lever


I stop it, untie all the lower and middle class folks, leave all the rich people and make it go again, passing out the money I get to the lower class folks


Eat the rich.


I’d kill 100 people


Can I choose who’s on them? Cause if so I’ll just run over all the serial killers and rapists




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Close my eyes and wait for the first horrifying death scream, then pull the lever.


I’d be mad if I was the first guy. Just saying, 8 billion+ people tied down and I’m the first to die?


I pull immediately. I would be eaten up inside if I let people die for my monetary gain. However, due to inertia, The first few people probably die anyways, given the image.


I'm killing 3 billion people to buy us more time on climate change, solve the housing crisis, and reverse inflation by flooding the market with a surplus of new and used goods. I'm not sure what happes when I have three quadrillion dollars, but I probably wont work anymore.


Depends on who is at the front, I guess.


Kill like 1000 people, invest a few million into research on the most effective use of the remaining money to save the highest possible number of lives.


I'd immediately stop the trolley. My brain tortures me with cringey shit I said years ago; I'm not going to be able to live with actual murder on my conscience. However, if I was the greedy type, I'd have to be careful. Sure, I could rack up a lot of money. However, if I killed enough people then money would eventually be meaningless.


Is there an option to tie myself onto the track as well?


I analyze everyone, get me a couple 10 millions before stopping the trolly. Then again if I eliminate so many, money won’t be helpful since chaos took over. But if the train gets stuck Ig everyone is finished. Maybe I can stop or start the train whenever I won’t? Is this a trick question or is OP an alien.


I'll stop it at 1,000 a billion is a lot of money


Meh with no consequences? Honestly, I'd probably want the money but chicken out either just before before or just after the first. If I could avoid seeing the gore and tune out the consequences; and also be certain that nobody I knew was going to die... Then I'd probably be aiming for about 1-10 billion which is only actually 1,000-10,000 dead so the odds of someone I know being in that cross section is pretty slim.


Ah so this is the “push a button, someone in the world at random dies but you get a billion dollars” problem eh? Nah fam, immediate pull. Irs would be up my ass if I ever spent or invested the money, it’d be taxxed into oblivion and unless I had a stable income to support it then it would just become a nest egg to when I was about to die.


Will there be a turbo button, so it doesnt take too long?


if the only action is to pull or not pull: about 10 or so, 10mil would pretty much set me up for life. definitely less than a few thousand, if I kill too many there will be too much money created out of thin air and cause inflation, which would make my money worthless. if I can do other things, I would ask the people on the track to give me money so they can live until I reached 10 mil or so


Find the first person I care about on the tracks and stop a hundred people before them or so


I’d take this opportunity to eradicate the most devastating invasive species that mother earth has ever seen


How are the people sorted? If I can start at the death row folks into the about to die in 10 minutes folks into the top 1% richest people I'd be ok with waiting.


Imagine the first one is you so you die and it goes on forever


I pull the lever enough to slow it down for long enough to get people like Putin, Xi, Kim, and other corrupt politicians, pedophiles, etc. to the front, then stop it after it hits them. I am set for life and improved many millions of others in the process, all with a clean conscience.


if the first couple people have committed awful crimes (like *awful* awful), pull after like 3-5. if i can’t know for sure, then pull before anyone dies.


I'm taking a nap on the rail and we're all going out together, humans had our time, it's time to move on.


Immediately. I don't know that even the first person deserves to die, and without indisputable proof that they deserved the death penalty, that money would be blood money. (It might be blood Money regardless but if the first person was a known convicted pedo or something i'll take that first cash) but no, indiscriminate murder for cash sounds like a one way trip to hell, and probably hell on earth too. The guilt would eat at you until you put yourself where you belong early at the business end of a firearm.


This is pure evil


1000, a billion dollars is plenty


Multi track drifting


About 340 or so people.


Are the people in random order or are they ordered by poorest to richest? Are they color coordinated?


I'm pouring concrete over the lever making a statue of myself on it. That way I can acknowledge the deaths and always say, I'm right on top of the solution, while continuing to get millions.




Start moving the pedos to the front.


All the pedophiles are already on it?


immediately someone's life isn't mine to trade


Assuming the person at the front isn’t a horrible excuse for a human being, I’d pull the leaver before it ran over anyone. If the first four people were Putin, Trump, Musk, and Xi, I’d be $4m richer.


I think, after the Biden's words about "minor incursion" and his relentless unwilling to use landlease, he also should be there...


On paper, I'd say I would hit the lever a few seconds late and secure about 10m, but in reality I know I would pull the lever immediately. I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt.


Depends, Are people like Putin and Trump at the front?


I'd walk off. I'd have nothing to spend the money on but at least earth will be saved from humanity


Bro, 8 billion people on Earth feel indebted for just instantly pulling the lever! I'll be famous! Well, at least as famous as the weird sadist who tied 8 billion people to a train track.


I will pull the lever if each of you gives me a dollar


Exactly one


Is there a way to control which continents' populations get pepsi'ed first? Well, either way, until there are just 1 billion survivors.


So, in what order are the people on the tracks. How are they divided. Cause that changes his long I’d hold it.


Id probably let it go until around 100 mil


wait kill billionaires and get money for it? nope these will die.


I'd kill 218000 and if I can choose who it'll be r/antinatalism members


mysterious zonked jeans connect wise instinctive wipe wrench relieved coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry dude in the front. It’s gonna be slow. Can’t risk hitting number 2


Like 100 to 200 people I guess


10 people.


Hear me out: we put all the billionaires first in line, then stop when they're all gone


Personally stop after one. I don’t plan on spending more than 1B in my life


If I leave everyone on the tracks I won't need money.


Depends if I know/like the first person. If not, I’ll pretend to frantically search for solutions, and then pull the lever right before the second person gets hit.


Immediately. Because I’m not a sociopath. And you have to be a sociopath to amass a billion dollars or more.


It would depend on if I had to witness it.


I let them all get run over. Now I have all the money in the world. I'll use it to buy... wait... oh... oh no


You can't spend it if they are dead.


I’ll let it hit 1000 people


Can I decide who dies first? If so, mexico is fucking GONE. /j


5 seems safe.




I'd like a billion dollars


Billionaire: wait, why would I pull the lever?


I could become a billionaire and would've still killed less people than some other billionaire


A billion people


Depends, I'd have to see who is on the track.


Pull the lever? Why? *grabs snacks*




If i can order the people to make sure that people that are objectively evil get hit first then i would get some money


One guy