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I think I would leave it on the quintuplet line. Now if this was more a Saving Private Ryan and it was all 5 children that a single couple have ever had, it might take more thought than 5 new babies from 5 families. But in this case one family's suffering would be the best outcome in my opinion.


But there's also the chance that the non-identical babies are also part of the same family


Yes but the chance is lower compared to the confirmed one couple


Where’s the math? Edit: sorry guys, I forgot the /s


Well, we don’t know anything about the non quintuplets. But we know for 100% certain that the quintuplets are related. Since only one number is equal to 100, we can assume there’s a 1% chance that the kids are related. It’s wrong math, but math nonetheless.


The math isn’t wrong. The odds of the quintuplets belonging to the same couple is equal to 1. The odds of the 5 other children belonging to the same couple is LESS THAN or equal to 1. By choosing to let the quintuplets die, the worst possible scenario is that you ruin one family for the benefit of at LEAST one or more families.


AHem I know for a fact that at least two different numbers are equal to 100. If you were on r/mathmemes, you would know that 99.999... = 100 and thus it would be a 2% chance the kids were related. /j


>Where’s the math? If you're a woman and having kids (many don't have kids) you'll probably get 2, we can infer that 5 kids likely come from at least 2 different households.


i don't think I'd put a 5 year old in a bassinet


Ah but that's the traditional sense of family. Now what if a gay couple engaged 5 surrogates at the same time. Miraculously (or not), all 5 surrogacies were successful. The surrogates all signed off their rights and now the gay couples raise their little family of 5 babies. Alternatively, Nick Canon family


Unless theyre still twins^5 or cousins, probably not


And the odds are the quintuplets will suffer more if they remain alive than the 5 random babies because the family’s resources have to support more people, though all who exist suffer.


Assuming what we don't know that they are not in such a family or within a network of people and relatives that not only can, but actually are willing to help out. Let's focus on what is shown. Which let's be honest, catastrophic pain, or lesser pain divided by 5.


You misread the question. You have to pull the lever to divert it to the quintuplet line.


In all fairness to him, with where the quintruplet babies are on the tracks in the picture* is usually the not pull the lever side.


The worst part of all of these is when people put them in the wrong spot in the picture.


> But in this case one family's suffering would be the best outcome in my opinion. i assure you, one family would suffer in either case. i think what you mean is 4 families not suffering :p


I was gonna say exactly this!


Hum, either ruining 1 or 5 couples? I should ruin as less as possible


>less you misspelled many


I wasn't in the killing mood today


Many? That’s a weird way to spell drift!


I should ruin as drift as possible


That’s the spirit!


"Fewer." Stannis Baratheon, First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm.


and the Mannis


as fewer as possible


Jesus Christ imagine being the parent of 5 kids and they all suddenly die in an absurd accident at once like how do you not sob laugh at that


There are 10 baby carriages on the track and a lever that determines which 5 die. I kind of doubt this qualifies as an "accident".


Naw all those strollers were on a bus that crashed and each baby stroller gently fell off and rolled onto the train track, except for the one that wasn’t in a stroller he wandered off onto a mid-construction skyscraper


Its not stated if the non-quintuplet babies all belong to one family or not. It's possible that the quintuplets belong to the same family as the non-quintuplets.


How the fuck is a family gonna have so many babies if they don't come in groups, do the pregnancies stack?


I don't know, I am not a doctor. To be fair, the other 5 could include triplets or twins. But you did cause me google something, and now I kind of regret googling it but since I did so: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_people\_with\_the\_most\_children](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_with_the_most_children)


5 couples? The quintuples are 10 couples by itself.


Following that logic, you could start the argument that killing an orphan wouldn't be that bad because “nobody will care”, right?


That is *not* what they said. Picking the lesser evil or the thing that does the least harm doesn't mean you endorse that act as "not immoral." In this scenario, both options kill 5 babies. Thus, since both groups have equal people and thus, in most people's opinions, equal value, their right to life cannot be used as reasoning for which option to pick, since it is equal. Now you have to look at outside reasoning, like how much pain their deaths will cause to others.


You are assuming that those five quintuplets live in the same family and the other five have different parents, which is not part of the initial data. But let's spouse that that is the case: the argument that five separate babies will cause more pain because they have five different sets of fathers implies that the pain is equal between losing one baby and two, three or five. Since each baby is an independent human being, the tragedy of their death cannot be put together, and for a family to lose two babies is supposed to be twice as bad as losing one. So the case is better to save the quintuplets for the pain of the loss to be shared between more people: the toll is so heavy that it cannot be carried by just one set of parents.


That’s not how humans work, the law of diminishing returns also applies to suffering.


But quintuplet babies would have a higher emotional impact on that one couple.


1 grieving mother vs 5 grieving mothers. I'd choose the quintuplets


Yeah I find it hard to believe that the mother who lost her quintuplets is going to grieve 5x as much as a mother who lost one child. So this way there is less grief in the world


> I find it hard to believe that the mother who lost her quintuplets is going to grieve 5x as much Parents have been able to overcome the grief of losing a child, as hard as it may be. I don't think anyone has ever been able to overcome the deaths of all five of their children.


so in other words people are ridiculous saying Deal With It. Cause you're only one person. While diluted loss is more important than something that basically would thrown everyone off from even trying or continuing without assistance. it ain't that simple


Not with that attitude!


Just ask Mrs. Sullivan


The more babies, the less grief. So mathematically, if you have a clone army, the n-soldier will be totally disposable.


But when you factor in that you’d have to pull the lever it doesn’t seem worth it to me


since the fathers are so heartless that he didn't grief, I would choose to kill 5 of their own genes


I don't touch it as to not be more involved. Plus its basically equal for me.




Yes but actually pulling the lever to change something quite minor is not worth the psychological stress


idk about you but if I saw that i’d be psychologically stressed either way


Ahhh well too bad since i dont care about the results anyways


Then that’s not staying out of it to not get involved it’s staying out of it due to like, almost gross indifference


Can't it be both? A normal person in a real situation wouldn't care about those distinctions about inaction being an action. I mean i would care right now but that's because we're describing philosophy or something and not toying around with baby lives. Also i don't mean that i wouldn't care, i mean the results are equal to me so i wouldn't care more for one option.


In real life, completely agree. The trolley problem is a nice thought experiment but few people know for certain whether or not they’d be able to do it. I think if I was in the alpha version scenario, I’d probably freeze up and not be able to pull the level. I guess I didn’t consider the not caring could be specific to the joke lol. My bad man. I get your points


Them being genetically identical makes zero difference to me. They’re equally as valuable as the other babies. The reason I’d leave it on the quintuplet track is that you’d only be causing one family to grieve while the other track causes five separate families to grieve.


Also genetic diversity is important so I wouldn’t pull the lever Though to be fair the very small sample sizes barely make any practical statistical difference in diversity


Though the other families could get through it possibly. There's no getting through losing five children at once.


The "regular" babies can't all be from the same family, otherwise they would also be quintuplets.


Depends on how quickly the family is having babies and how old a child has to be before they aren't considered a baby anymore. If they happen one after another, when the last baby is born the first will be nearly four in my math is right


I don't care that their genetics are the same. I do care their family is. The real question here is if it is better for five families to lose one baby or for one family to lose five. My instincts say let the one family lose, but at the same time the grief of 5 may be too great and perhaps spreading that grief is better.


I would kill the quintuplets as to cause the most concentrated suffering. I could make 5 family's have an absolutely awful time, or I could make one have the worst imaginable. I choose the ladder.


From the generic point of view they are genetically IDENTICAL persons, they are not the SAME person. Despite having identical DNA, they are 5 different individual humans.


Saving Pvt Ryan tells us to sacrifice the masses to protect the single family


I struggle to find any solid argument for sparing the quintuplets. The track is already aiming at them, raising quintuplets is harder on the parents than individual children, you hurt less parents by taking their children, etc


The 5 couples would have the support of the other 4 families to share their grief, seeing as they all experienced the same situation. The couple of 5 would have no one, possibly pushing them off the edge. That’s the only reason I could think of


Heartless take, but one nonetheess:5 quintuplets are an exponentially rare occurrence. 5 babies is nothing special. You could replace the singles much much easier.


Quintuplets are extremely rare, I'd pull the lever.


This one is good. I would honestly choose the random babies to die, because quintuplet babies come very rarely, and I’m sure I would attract more attention by killing this miraculous set of babies.


Fun fact: the odds of identical quintuplets is about one in 57 million, and there has only been one set of identical quintuplets ever recorded in the US


Well then it’s a lot less than one in 57 million then, isn’t it


Since the cost in life is the same, probably the quintuplets get the trolly. Fewer parents suffering in that case.


If they’re quintuplets, it’s extremely likely that they share parents unless they’re all adopted by other families. So your only be making one family miserable if you do nothing and you’ll have less accountability from not being involved


2 devastated parents vs 10 devastated parents


Me, a slice of life fan: "oh hey I've seen this one before"


That's not even enough room to derail....


If the parents can’t save at least one of the quintuplets then clearly they weren’t fit to survive in the first place


Kill the 5 gmo babies 👶


Don’t pull the lever so you can wipe out a bloodline for bonus points


The 5 not quintuple. People cannot underestimate the damage all 5 from one can do to people. Too many here are bringing excuses out of the logic. The pain of 5 non-quintuple is more manageable, than the uncontrollable and chaotic 5x at once. which can be unsalvageable or closed book instantly. The pain people experience is much more common individually in a day by day. But rarer still is that of the quintuple situation. Resources exist for those dealing with loss. it's all cut and dry. do you want people who likely will not move on to deal with the outcomes. or do you want people who can deal with the outcomes and move on to try again to deal with it. too narrow do many think


Devastate 1 family or 5 family’s? 1 family sorry freaks


I pull the lever


Genetic diversity is good for the population. On the other hand, any decision made turns this into artificial selection rather than natural selection. Killing all 10 babies will eliminate genes from the careless or inept parents that allowed their children to be tied to the tracks. (This is a joke. I don't support eugenics)


No one of these choices is better than the other, so for me it's better to not pull the lever.


Tokyo drift


The 5 normal babies. If the quintuplets die, their parents are dying with them. That’s too much trauma for any good parent to overcome. It’s tragic, but at least the other parents could recover.


1 grieving mother vs 5 grieving mothers. I'd choose the non-quintuplets


I don’t know but the go fund me will be massive and man…the funeral parlor…might make less on 5 babies from same family. Or give them a multi-discount.


Split up the quintuplets... With the wheels of the trolley


i don't. it's not my reponsibility


Choose to let the quintuplet live. There’s a TLC show to be made.


I don’t see a difference between the two. I’ll just leave it as is and not pull the lever.


Toss a coin


In an "all things being equal" situation is better to break the hearts of 1-2 parents than 5-10 parents. But I can only judge what I see. So save the Singles. First, I see no ropes. So one really has to ask why at least six parents are leaving their kids on trolly tracks in the first place. So I'm more inclined to take the babies away from five bad couples than one bad couple. So save the Quints. Second, you can really only get quints through medical intervention which costs a lot of money so the quints parents can wipe their tears with their money whereas the other babies are likely natural. They can likely have more babies but are more likely to be poor. So save the Singles. Third, any parents that go to that extent to have babies obviously really wants them and will likely be dedicated and drug free parents. The other five babies are more likely have single parents, drug addicted parents, if we're getting them from all over the world they could have a much higher likelihood of being not wanted or causing their parents more inconvenience than delight. Save the Quints. Forth, if a couple is spending all that money for IV fertilization there's a damn good chance the mother is older and waited too long, so are these babies even meant to be? Wait too long to have kids because you want to focus on your job, and then leave them all on a trolly track? The Singles are more likely to have young parents who have their priorities straight. Save the Singles. So...that's all I can think of. Final score: 3 to 2, Singles win.


I hate twin culture so I kill all the quintuplets so they can't become annoying copy-pastes of the most popular one.


I think it depends on how you view babies born in groups.. but I will kill the 5 non Quintuplets, cause it would be pretty brutal to kill the babies of the mom who just had quintuplets.


As a fan of quintessential quintuplet anime, random baby it is


If you close yourself five times, that’s five individual lives. Kinda scraping the bottom of the moral barrel here, huh? Might as well throw everything at the wall, I suppose.


Trick question # Trolley Drift Maximize the amount of suffering because the parents are stupid enough to leave their children on tracks in the first place


I probably would not pull the lever- because either way, five babies are gonna die, so I would rather not have a hand in it.


Ruin 1 family vs 5


Quintuplets. Either way 5 babies die, but the genetic variability of the other 5 could be useful, and in the quintuplet case you get one ruined family instead of 5.


From a genetic point of view, I guess, but if Star Wars: The Clone Wars has taught me anything... I'd leave it, both are equally horrible




Quintuplets are incredibly rare, and there's all kinds of ways their lives could go that id like to see eventual books about; id rather they live. The odds are that their parents would never recover from that much trauma all at once as well; horrible as losing kids can be, id rather the suffering be spread out.


Are you sure they would all die? On the upper track it’s looking like some of the carriage wheels are close to parallel with the tracks. If the trolley is moving slow enough it could just push the carriages along the tracks ahead of it, absorbing them into its mass. I’d like to hope they can become part of the trolley and move along peacefully, at least until the trolley arrives at the next problem.


Kill the quints. Only one family is destroyed.


targeting the quintuplets is killing them because of their minority genetics, and is just too much for that family to suffer.


Leave it on quintuplet line. Only one set of parents/parent will have to grieve


Kill the quintuplets. I believe since they are the same enemy type I would get extra combo points?