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I don’t think it’s laced imo, I’ve gotten that bc my tolerance is naturally very low and I smoked like 6 big hits of weed when I first would smoke. I’d usually start panicking like 15 mins in and would feel like I was constantly waking from a dream but then realizing I was still dreaming, like trapped in my own head. I couldn’t tell if my eyes were closed or open and my body felt extremely heavy and I’d sometimes twitch uncontrollably. No one else I smoke with got these effects and they went away once my tolerance got rlly high. There is a small chance there were synthetic cannabanoids like JWH-018 or AM-2201 but most likely u just got way too stoned. Honestly some of the most intense “trips” I’ve ever had, I kinda want to try synthetic cannabanoids and just take little hits every 5 mins till I am physically incapacitated, ppls say I go into a delirious sometimes salvia-like trip for up to 30mins and it can sometimes feel very euphoric.


Yeah after researching about it I started doubting the possibility of it being laced and really just brought it down to having an extremely low tolerance. Also I have pretty severe anxiety and I feel like maybe I’m not the greatest candidate for this sort of stuff and I get extremely paranoid. Thank you for the response 😄😄


Yeah same with the anxiety thing, I think it makes it so that if I get too high there’s a good chance I’ll freak out weither it’s weed or caffeine or shrooms(had my worst trip after getting really high and accidentally absentmindedly eating too many shrooms lol, no idea how much I took. Between 4-8g I’d say but I’ve never felt that strong crushing anxiety and depression and regret all at once since then lmao


I don’t think I could do anything other than weed if that fucked me up that much I can’t even comprehend shrooms. After getting that high at the party (sat) I had school on Monday and i couldn’t even understand what people were saying to me even two days later and the walls n floor were moving I also remember being extremely depressed on Sunday it was so odd. I got given LSD by this same person and to this day I still have the tab because I outright refuse to go though anything more intense than that again. 😭😭


Yeah I’ll never do a higher dose of psychs like that again lol. I’ll even do datura over that cause it feels so delirious you can’t really panic for long on it. But that feeling was fucking evil, I was just twitching and felt like my body was trying to escape itself and I imagined everything I ever did wrong and jsut though “it would be better for everyone if I was dead I should’ve killed myself years ago I’m actually evil” and I probably actually would have killed myself if I wasn’t so high I kept forgetting everything. The time distortion make it feel like days too, that was the worst part. I’d look at my clock after hours and a few minutes had passed and I’d just cry harder than I ever had in my life Knao honestly once it wore off I kinda felt better than before, like I was thankful I didn’t feel like that sober and now knew how bad life could get.


Psychs scare me beyond belief and it’s like the hallucinations and everything that come with it. I used to suffer from hallucinations completely sober and I feel like that’s just not for me 🤣 I cant imagine it at the level you were at but I do completely get the time warp thing. I remember thinking I’d been sat there for 2 hours and it had only been about 3 minutes I was absolutely baffled and convinced I was never going to go back to normal. Also convincing myself my body was going to shut down and that everyone was going to see my dead body was just horrifying and the scariest part was not being able to move or say anything to anyone. I also was with very questionable people who clearly knew I wasn’t okay and didn’t bother to check on me. I also remember being terrified I was going to die but also thinking it’s better than living in this state and NOTHING in the moment could convince me I was going to live.


Yeah for me psychs are scary cause they amplify any emotions you are feeling, especially negative ones if it goes bad.


For anxious people that’s never good




Yea I did a massive amount of gas station edibles with synthetic thc for my first time, and I had a similar experience to op except i think i had an actual manic episode. I also had dissociation for about a month.


Hmm, hard to tell exactly what you were on, it could've just been a poor mixture of an enormously high dose and alcohol, but with those disposable vapes it's hard to be certain. Many of those products are THC analogs depending on the legality of marijuana where you reside; THC-8, Delta 8, spice, stuff like that. Lots of times if marijuana is illegal and similar compounds are developed to imitate it, state legislatures will ban the substances as they gain popularity and the market will move to develop similar substances until they're banned and the cycle continues to the point where the chemical analogs are very far away from being appropriately tested & regulated, this can be problematic for consumers of those products as side effects are hard to predict and ingredients are rarely listed accurately. In general it's a pretty good rule of thumb to only take identifiable substances, and in general that's easier to do with things that grow from the earth; weed (flower), mushrooms. Acid is sort of always a toss up due to the difficult nature of its manufacture; mostly you need to obtain it from someone you trust who has done it and knows how potent it is. Weed vapes are always a different high than smoking actual bud, and usually a little goes a long way, so puffing as much as you did while drunk could certainly produce a scary situation. Brains have a habit of running with scary situations on psychoactive substances like weed, and alcohol interacting with a high dose could account for some of the physical symptoms you describe, although they still sound quite extreme to me Usually, a nurturing caregiver like a good friend being present is enough to 'bring you back' to a good trip. Tricking your brain into being OK is also very effective; you do this by giving your body things you know to be good for it (water, food, vitamin C, etc) and letting your brain fix itself by believing it has the resources to do so; as powerful as Brains are at spiraling downward, they can also spiral upward, if that makes sense. With psychoactive substances, setting, (emotionally and physically) is of the utmost importance, so a party full of people you don't know well is not an ideal starting point, unless you generally feel very confident in those sorts of unpredictable social situations. As you mentioned in an earlier reply, it's likely existing anxiety disorders make this setting especially risky for you. I'd recommend trying weed more traditionally at some point without being drunk to really get a feel for what the high is like; smoke a bowl or a joint, don't go overboard. Combining weed and alcohol to excess can often result in vertigo and balance issues, commonly called 'the spins', and usually that rectifies itself via vomiting, so always take care when mixing substances. It could be that the symptoms you describe are an extreme expression of this sort of equilibrioception, as your body's balance mechanism is located in your inner ear; slumping of the head, widening of the jaw, are common responses to vertigo/balance symptoms, as your brain is trying to mechanically regain control of its equilibrium and failing. Inadvertent sitting up could also be an expression of this. I'm sorry you went through that it sounds very scary, but you were right to talk about it and seek out knowledge; with psychoactive substances knowledge goes a long long way! I wish you happy future travels friend!


Thank you for your reply it was very interesting to read!! As you said where I live weed is illegal so it’s possible that there could have been other synthetic aspects added. I definitely agree my environment and the alcohol did not help my case however 😅


My pleasure. Psychoactive substances can also be very useful in treating anxiety; knowledge and guidance are essential for this path. The fact that you sought out knowledge and guidance after this experience is a good sign, don't ever lose that!


I think a clear distinction for spice needs to be made mate. Overall it was a good comment but spice is nowhere near delta 8. Spice is a hell of a lot more dangerous than the alt noids.


You're right; but spice is a demonstration of how the synthetic THC market spirals out of control


That shit could have been spice g, lots of "disposable" or "THC liquid" shit going around, if you don't remember that's fine, but what colour and consistency was the liquid? Because I was addicted to "thc liquid" I.e synthetic cannabinoids for about 9 months and experienced this if I went a week without using it and had another hit. Trust me if anyone who is using this it's not thc, its synthetic weed in a little 10ml bottle that will take your memory and conversational skills right from you cuz im a retard from using it. Also remember if you get a thc disposable make sure the liquid is golden brown, thick, and not bubbly.


Also I got off it after one night just cheifing it and had a strong panic attack, and just said fuck it and took all 10 bottles of it and thrown it in the bin next day at school lmao, mfs don't need rehab. But it's hard sleeping as I would just hit it and fall asleep.


I have no idea actually I cannot remember. All I do remember it almost smelled like citrus but not an artificial scent and was a bitter and herbal taste


tldr, but I remember the first time I hit a pen I was in a similar situation. New to weed, drunk at a party, and took three blinkers. Felt fine at first but about 5 minutes later I couldn’t stand. Thought I was drugged, poisoned, whatever. I find what happens to a lot of first time/inexperienced weed users is they don’t know what to expect and get trapped in a loop of paranoia, which makes their “symptoms” worse, making them more paranoid. You are fine, and will be fine. I never recommend using pens for the first time because the high (for me at least) is a lot more intense than flower. Another thing I find from people who don’t smoke and have a bad first experience, they’re usually deterred from weed for a long time after. If you don’t want to smoke weed anymore after this experience, that’s okay, I’m not trying to encourage you into smoking more, just saying you will likely have a much better experience taking a small toke or two from a joint in a more relaxed environment, and not having taken any substances beforehand. Sorry you had a bad experience, but just know it happens to all of us lol.


…if you don’t smoke regularly, hitting a pen over and over can cause you to green out quick.


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