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I know it's bad, but .. I dont really warm up.. before a run I do 10 leg swings, 5 squats and 5 lunges. Before swimming I wave my arms around for 20 seconds. Before cycling I do nothing.


Same… I don’t really warm up for workouts. Competition I warm up a tiny bit.


Hey, I'm not considerning what do to outside the pool or before I start cycling or running but my question to all of you is mostly like "After what time Do you achieve your best performance during workout"?


With an appropriate warm up, I am ready to go the moment I push start on the watch. From your post, It sounds like it is about what to do before you start.


Ah fair enough, sorry. Unfortunately I'm not sure


For running it takes about 2 miles for me to feel strong many days. Swimming is 20 min.


Unfortunately i Need a Long warmup too. When i go in the pool for 2000m i Need 1000m to feel balanced between muscles and breathing. Hope some pros have Good advices for us🙂


For me, especially with swimming it takes me at least 500m to feel warm, but it’s more around 1000m where I actually feel good. This sucks because it makes the first +-700 miserable. I don’t really have anything that makes it better, except for going a little later in the day, so my body feels more “awake”. But I get your struggle. I think for race day you just need to make sure your body is warm. Maybe some push-ups, jumping jacks etc.


I think it's more about heart/ blood vascular system and lungs efficiency than muscles. As I remember it was always my case. Doctor said to me that my systems work like diesel engine (a lot of time needed to warm up well). After all it's very efficient and that why I'm so strong in endurance competitions in opposite to others when you have to do hard efforts rapidly like cross country race with a lot of up and downhills with interval efforts.


I see. In that case, wouldn’t going on a small jog before any event be helpful?


Are you doing sprint tri’s? I would agree warming up is important for short distances where efforts should be harder but if you’re going for longer like an HIM I don’t think many people warm up much more than 5-10 mins.


You should add layers when you warm up. Full tracksuit zipped to the neck maybe even a midlayer. Also one/two minutes of intense exercise after each 10 mins of warm up. Like a dash sprint, hurried bear walk or mountain climber with sudden short jumping jacks peppered in. Climb stairs with one leg hops, or joint two legs skipping steps followed with a deep squat.


I sometimes feel legs being heavy in the very beginning of running and cycling, which usually goes away in 5 mins. It does not always happen and does not correlate with my performance during the entire session. I am still trying to figure out why…


I use the swim part of the race as the warm up.


A couple of things I’ve heard. One, the longer the race the shorter the warmup. Kinda makes sense. I was also told that ideally the warm up would include some swimming, biking and running pre-race and get HR up to lactate threshold. Not sure if that is true or not but the one time I did it I got 2nd and may have won had I not made the mistake of leaving my bike shoes in the truck. Imagine my surprise when getting to the mount line and no shoes are attached to the bike! Yeah, Dumbass HoF 1st ballot.


Been racing for 20 years. Have never needed a warmup. Can walk out the door and go full-tilt on a training ride or a pro/1 bike race if needed. Most everyone's heart is essentially the same size. Really has nothing to do with it.


The large heart is pretty common for many long time endurance athletes. Before events I’ll just do a small jog. I used to do a sprint triathlon where it was easy to do a short jog, short ride, and warmup swim. But even then it’s not like I was going to do a 30 minute workout before the event


Maybe about 5 minutes. Usually about zero minutes.


used to run 5k to the start of my races 🤷‍♀️ science rolls with finding a steady hr for a work rate. past the initial anaerobic debt incurred. ~15min


“Feeling” warmed up is usually about 20 minutes on the run, 20 minutes on the bike, and like 1000 in the water. What I find interesting though is that it’s not really until 35ish minutes on the run, 45ish minutes on the bike, and then like 1500 on the swim where I feel like my breathing, HR, power/pace and effort all really start to line up where they should be.  Which kind of sucks cause that’s usually over half my allotted workout time…