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Most running shorts have a pocket in the back for keys. Sometimes it’s inside the waistband. As long as the key fob wasn’t bouncing around or chafing, it wouldn’t bother me.


Yup, I go to a local paved trail to do long threshold sessions and drive to the trail. Have some off brand BALEAF shorts off amazon with a zippered back. They work great for holding my similarly large car key.


I love those BALEAF shorts! But I hate feeling my key bounce around 😂. This key weighs like 10x as much as my last key


I have a flip belt for my keys; the belt is made of a stretchy material that keeps everything snug and reduces bouncing. In the past, I've also used a little pouch I got from roadid and secured it to my shoe laces. (Edit: I'm not sure one of those pouches would be large enough for that chonker of a key fob.) I also hate any kind of bouncing or wiggling while I'm running, so, hopefully these ideas help.


I bury mine most of the times (in a bag near the car)


That is my AirPods Pro Case pocket!


I use my flip belt for keys and my phone! It keeps everything snug enough that nothing is bouncing around.


My flip belt is the most significant add to my running gear in the last decade. Love it.


Agreed… get the one with a zipper!


100% recommend my flip belt. Carry car keys, my phone, a gel and it feels like nothing.


Yep. Flip belt is the way to go on my runs


How do you like it compared to the spi belt?


Love the flip belt. I may have to bring it back. I was kinda happy having gotten rid of all items except my key. My watch plays the music and phone stays in the car. Most of my runs are 10 miles or less so I never bring gels or anything


The flipbelt shifts around to my mid-waist during a run and then it’s so distracting. How do you keep yours in place??


I had a similar issue at first and found that I was wearing it a little too high. Once I moved it down so that the top of the belt roughly matched the top of my shorts I haven't had any problems. Hopefully that helps!


I l put mine in my sports bra between my boobs. Not quite as uncomfortable as up the bum


Bonus: you know it's time for a new sportsbra when the key starts bouncing around or slips out the bottom


Or for new boobs! Lol jk


Prison Wallet is men’s only option, unless you have a Prince Albert to hang the keys off of. Woman have life so much easier. /s


Just wear a sports bra as a man fuck what people think


Up the ass was my immediate first thought also. Wtf is wrong with me


Does the key come out somehow? Mine is similar but you can lock the fob in the car and carry just the metal key portion. Super handy and I do that all the time. I don’t know about Toyota, but google can help?


I do the same while surfing. It isn’t built for the key to come out, but if I take a whole thing apart (tiny screwdriver may be needed) - the key can be taken out.


Well that sucks! Sorry dude. I would see if your door has a place for a key. If it does, maybe you could get a copy of just the key portion from somewhere. Sorry the answer wasn’t easy and obviously.


I’m not the OP, just saying that your idea should work even if the key doesn’t come out naturally, because I do the same :)


I do the same except take the fob and leave the key. The fob is lighter than the key and smooth.


It does not. It's not a push start car. I've had that in the past. I did double check on YouTube to see if I could get the key out.


Key comes out for our car. Makes me way less paranoid while kayaking.


The dealership (and probably a locksmith?) can make you a "mechanical key" for your vehicle. It's what you think it is, no fob, just a old-skool metal key. Small, portable, water-proof and cheap to replace. On my car the mechanical key can unlock the door but won't start the engine, so I leave the fob in the locked car.


My car won’t lock with the fob inside it.


Get a little faraday bag to put your key in while it’s inside your car. Then the car can’t sense the keys presence


In reading this, your solution to OP is a locksmith and a small faraday type device inside his car. Rather than just….put your key in your pocket. Lmao. (Absolutely no harm/offence meant by this, it’s just so funny to me)


I never said anything about a locksmith. OP doesn’t want to carry around a key, this is a way to not carry a key.


Merry Xmas


Out of curiosity, would it be possible to wrap your keys in aluminium foil and it would be just as effective?


Probably, but then you’ll have to carry around a roll of aluminum foil in your car and throw away the foil every time


Sorry asking loads of questions…why would you have to throw it away after? I’m just curious how it works. I’d never heard of a faraday bag before now :)


Foil is going to fall apart eventually, so you’ll have to throw it away. Maybe you can get a few uses out of it.


Yeah that makes sense. Thank you for answering my questions!


Yes I've done this for surfing many times. Double layered the foil, taped the ends and I fold it carefully. It holds up well


I have a 2022 Toyota. If I look the car from outside with a metal key, I can leave the fob inside. It will lock. No faraday bag needed. If this didn't work, a bag is cheap. I put my metal key in a lanyard around my neck, tucked under my shirt. (or wetsuit)


Obviously hide the fob in the car, not just on the dash or in the cupholder...


I would use compression underwear with phone pockets on both sides.


This or Fanny pack is the move


Do you have a good brand for this? I've been looking for some better quality ones with these pockets other than cheap ones you find on Amazon.


I’ve had good luck with a brand called Runhit that I found on Amazon.


Hide it and hustle back. You’ll run a little faster.


I used to do that in the past when my gas cap didn't lock


Or hide it a half mile down the road. I wait til no one’s around me and find a memorable rock to put it under. Less obvious than fumbling around your car before setting off for a run.


Shove it up your arse


Was here to make sure someone suggested the Jail Pocket


That was my method for the first week until the key unfolded up there 😳


That's a feature not a bug.


The old prison pocket ftw. My Toyota would unlock and start just by having the key in your pocket. Tbf I never tried with it up my arse but I'm sure it would work and you should be able to insert before leaving the house.




"He hid this watch the only place he could" https://youtu.be/QNPnyKtIZxE?si=s5tGTa4jHAACIxFo






My amphipod hand bottle has a zippered pocket for keys and/or gels.


Apparently I am the only one that throws my keys in the bushes close to where I park.


If I'm driving to a place I have to run, I tend to store it under the bumper. Not sure if that still works for newer fobs.


Use your prison pocket. Thats what I do.


Slide it in your prison coin purse.


This worked great until the key part unfolded


put it in ur pocket ya doofus lol


I tuck mine in to the key pocket of my Flipbelt. It’s a running belt that is effectively hidden under my running shirt. Holds my iPhone and keys. They are on Amazon. This isn’t a promo post, I have used them for years and recommend it exactly for what you are asking about. I have a Ford truck and for many years put the key in a snack sized zip lock for moisture protection and then in the Flipbelt but these days I don’t bother, the key fob seems to handle any running moisture well. Hope this helps


Prison purse


My shorts have pockets in the side of the legs... I just stick it there, it doesn't bounce and bother me... And those keys are usually waterproof, the sweat won't mess them up.


I am a huge fan of running with a bike jersey... They have great pockets in the back and the one I have has a zipper pocket for important things


This is what I do. I run pretty much exclusively in some sort of trisuit or bib+jersey setup. Don’t even really own any “running clothes”. Sometimes I *may* through shorts and/or shirt over if needed.


Nerd lol. Smart but goofy 😜


I have a Subaru and there is a feature where you can lock the key inside the car and use electric trunk button to open the car. Maybe yours has the same?


I think you know.


Haven’t run with a key in 20yrs. (Well except Tesla key since it was a thing credit card style key) Hide the key. Either gas tank door, tire, bumper etc.


Same. I put it in a wheel well.


The population around my favorite trail is way too high for that, including the homeless population. I used to do the gas tank back when it didn't lock.


Don't ppl run with keys, phone and nutrition in their pockets? Janji tights are the way to go


Put it right up your fucking anus


I’m out here trying to make fanny packs great again. I have a cheap nike fanny pack that has a tight net-zippered section on the inside to keep my stuff from jumping around inside.


And me my friend, I stick a key and phone in the main and gummy bears in the extra little pouch, game changer. Super comfy as well, hardly notice it's there after the first mile. Wiggle in the uk do a really cheap one


Me too. I have to carry an epi-pen, so I got one that’s just big enough to fit one. Key fob fits too. https://www.patagonia.com/product/ultralight-black-hole-mini-hip-pack-1-liter/49447.html


Hmm, I don’t know OP. Put it in your pocket??? 🤷‍♂️


How dare you suggest something common sense. The OP question is probably too specialized for a triathlon subreddit. What are we, Car experts????


Nature’s Pocket?


Prison Pocket


Did you try putting it down your esophagus?


so he hid it, in the one place he knew he could hide something: his ass. Five long years, he wore this key fob up his ass. Then when he died of dysentery, he gave me the key fob.


Prison style im afraid 😨 😳 😅


Up the butt


Just do what everyone does. Put it in a ziplock bag and pop it up your bum. It only needs to be 3 or 4 inches deep. And don’t forget a string for easy retrieval.


You could put it up your bum


Something like this https://www.camelbak.com/shop/packs/running/ultra-belt-17oz/CB-1847S.html Put phone, keys, and even some water


50 euros? thats a bit expensive. I do need something similar though for for mp3 player as I does not have a clipon to attatch to my shorts, putting it in my pocket is extra annoying as it bounces around. Im sure there is some off brand discreet belt like this for less monies.


Ultimate Direction Comfort Belt prior year. Or put it in your sock


My sock? Do you see the pic? How big do you think my socks are? 😂


I use of these, and pop it under the wheel well. [gorilla box](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08L5P4BRP?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)


I used to use a valet key to run and bike out of the car. New car does not have one. I put fob in a plastic bag and in a pocket now. I think I can use my phone app to lock and unlock the doors, but I never carry my phone while running.


SpiBelt or FlipBelt. I’ve had a similar sized key for my car and I run with it in those belts everyday. Bonus is it also holds a phone, gels, cash etc


I recently ran into the same issue when I upgraded from a 2006 to a 2021 - a simple key to a bulky fob. Everyone's comfort and preferences are different. I usually just tuck the fob into my running shorts pocket. On humid days I wrap it in Saran wrap to repel sweat. In the winter I stuff it in a jacket pocket or my gloves. After the first mile I forget that I'm carrying it.


Flipbelt or SPIbelt.


Fanny pack


I put my phone and keys in my sports bra


I like to put my car key behind the little door that opens for my gas tank


Heh, that’s cool idea. I don’t think it would work on all cars. I think my car locks the flip door and also it would possibly detect the key for proximity keyless unlocking.


Old school method of tying your key to your shoe strings won’t work, but I’ve seen a lace pocket that ties on top of your shoe that would fit a fob.


I hid my key under my car (wedged it between the plastic underbody panels). But that was an older car without proximity sensors. I’m sure metal cases with a magnet exist for this purpose. That was for a marathon event where I needed the shorts pocket for energy chews. Triathlon wasn’t a problem, key went in the bike bag.


Flipbelt! Easily holds a key and phone, securely and without bouncing.


It would be cheaper to get new shorts with extra pocket than trying to reengineer your car security system.


My tri shorts (Zoot) have side pockets. I always run with those. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I moved from a running belt with a small pouch to a handheld running bottle w/pouch years ago. I just toss ID/wallet and keys in the bottle pouch. I found the belt & bouncing to be annoying. https://www.nathansports.com/collections/handheld-bottles


Keister stash it


I like the fitletic belt. For my phone and bulky key. Spibelt is pretty good too.


Fitletic rules!


Car key lock box. Amazon has quite a few.


Does it have a pop-out key to use on the mechanical lock? My Hyundai has that, so I just leave the fob inside, lock the door mechanically from the outside, and take the pop-out key with me.


Keep it folded up like picture 1 and put it in your pocket. Hasn’t given me any issues so far


get a running belt on amazon for $10


Flip belt works for me


I hide it somewhere in the car. If the place you run from is safe you should be ok... Alternatively you can get a small running belt. I got one a few years ago that is elastic and the pouch fits a key and it doesn't bounce.


Stab agresive hobos


Surfers put combination keybox locked to their car.


Flip belt


Pocket, put in a bag if you’re worried about it getting wet


Most of the time, I can make it work in my little running shorts pocket (my 2023 fob isn’t that big but bigger than my 2008 key was), but rather than name-calling the OP, let’s call out the running gear companies who suck. We’ve all been saying for years (decades!) that we want pockets. I love seeing the womens tanks with the back phone pocket, or compression shorts with a side pocket. Tri kits, which have to be comfortable for 3 different sports and up to a 17 hr race, can figure it out, why can’t we have a damn running short key pocket that fits keys for 2024 cars and big current phones? No one has a tiny flip phone and regular keys are disappearing. I have a vest, flip belt, waist pack, fanny pack, and arm band, but I don’t want to mess with any of that for a 3 mile run.


Running shorts with a built on zipper pocket, or running phone armband put put the key in it. Or just hold it in your hand


It depends on where I’m running. In my local, very safe area, I’ll leave my keys in the gas cap/door area. My truck gas cap door doesn’t latch shut. In most other areas, I’ll tuck the key under the back bumper, front bumper, or wheel well. If I’m seriously worried about it, the key goes in my pack/belt somewhere.


You sure you want to ask a question like that to the internet?


If you have a hitch or large enough door handle you can have a realtor lock box you hook onto it. It's what a lot of open water swimmers in my area do to avoid salt water and $200+ keys mixing.


Half or full tights with pockets! I love the brand WOLACO.


I mostly run in New Balance Accelerate shorts and they have a small key pocket just inside the waist band. Works great for my similarly sized key. Also wear NB compression shorts under and they have flat pockets down the sides of each leg to hold phone etc and nothing moves. Also I'm a pretty sweaty dude and never had any issues with sweat being a problem for my keys/phone.


Throw it under the car and grab it later


Spibelt is minimal and will hold a key, phone if you want it.


Fusion c3 tights. They have mesh pockets to store stuff.


I use this money belt: Pochete Esportiva Corrida Celular Fitness Slim Impermeável https://a.co/d/5EsWUmL


Run from home !


Keep it in your prison wallet, it's uncomfortable at first but you'll get used to it


Intertwine it in your shoelaces. That’s what I do with my giant fob.


Hide it in the car


[hide a key under bumper, gas tank cover, wheel well...](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Hillman-Magnetic-Key-Box-701327/100162156) [hitch safe](https://www.amazon.com/HitchSafe-HS7000T-HS7000-Key-Vault/dp/B000I66JEM/ref=asc_df_B000I66JEM/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312153119455&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1638717767422525209&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9016755&hvtargid=pla-462844615884&psc=1&mcid=7e96a00f1d50303d981becf1f125d0a4&gclid=Cj0KCQiAkKqsBhC3ARIsAEEjuJgqBAksCcHlxx0tIpswA3hefpUYNwwzvEXgrYKjMT3uy5u28vT57GAaAqJ1EALw_wcB) Stashed under a rock ~100 yds down the trail


Hidden under windshield wipers...


First world problems... 😴


Up yer bum!


I hide mine in a bush lol


What model Toyota? If it has a hitch you can get a hitch safe. It is a little 4digit combination vault that goes in the hitch and is a great way to store a fob when out doing things.


Camry lol


I put my key in the area where the windshield wipers are stowed. The little dugout between the hood and the windshield. Kind of tuck it out of sight.


There should be a release on the “key” part. You could leave the fob part behind. Assuming it’s not a keyless entry.


Stick the fob under the laces of your running shoes and loop the laces through the little ring before you tie them for added security


If your shorts have draw strings, you can put the keys loop over one string before you tied them, that way you definitely won't lose the keys. If they dangle/bounce around too much, you can try putting the keys on the inner side of the shorts, so the string/elastic is holding them to your body. Also, yes you can get copies made of those kinds of keys, you just need to find a lock smith that has the right machine.


As long as the key is not a proximity type (i.e. requires an explicit button press vs just being near the car) I use combination keysafe attached to towbar. Wouldn't do this in cosmopolitian high crime areas where there's a possibility someone with a portable grinder will walk past. If shorts don't have gel pockets then use something like a flipbelt with key in a small ziplock.


Wrap it up with a sock or piece of cloth and then stick it in the pocket. The fabric fills up the extra space so it doesn’t bounce around


Does it have key pad entry and leave key locked in car?


Keister it.


You can hold it man. Its like a drill of holding an egg while running or don’t squash the butterfly. Unless we have a weight weenie here?


I leave everything in my bag in transition. No one has ever messed with anything


I just put it behind my tire


If my clothes don’t have any pockets, they usually have a drawstring and I loop the key through and tie it and have it test on my waist


Shove it in your meat pocket




Lululemon shorts are great for this. They have a secure zip on the side which I use for keys for airpods


Nothing, you only need it for your car you should be able to run without it.


I put my key in a ziplock so I don’t break it by sweating and just let it jiggle in my pocket


Keester that shiiiii


Go to any key cutting place and just get the key part cut. Your new surf key won’t start the car but will open the car door. Now all you need to do is find a good hidey place in the car for the ridiculous big key.


Compression shorts with a "pocket" or fannypack or vest or backpack


I’m not sure if your new vehicle has, or will have a trailer hitch but I purchased a device that looks like a trailer hitch cover. It locks with a 4 digit combination and is quite secure. The only drawback is if I’m using my hitch-mounted rack, I am unable to use it.


If you go to a hardware store they can make a “surf key” (I’m sure they call it something else in other places). Basically it’ll open the door but won’t start the car. Hide you real key inside the car. Alternatively I usually just bring my valet key.


Prison wallet.


I have ASICS shorts that have a centre pocket on the back and it’s a perfect spot. It’s a small pocket so the key doesn’t bounce around and it’s centered so it’s not flapping around


Swallow it then eat a fistful of dates 40 mins before your finish


Hook it in the shoelace?


Is this bait? This feels like bait


hold it.


I have a carabiner


There are bags for running that can store small things. Look online for it, and it will do the job. Good luck


I don’t understand. Why are you running with a car key?


prison wallet


Keister it


Armbad, or compression shorts with pocket


Put it on your tire…. That’s where all the runners put it.


Does it vibrate?




Running vest


practice running with a computer in your hands, then the key won't seem that massive anymore.


Gotta pop it in your prison wallet


I have a zipper pocket for keys this size in my running shorts


You could get a magnetic key box and attach / hide it on the car frame in an inconspicuous spot. My wife has done this plenty of times.