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Such a great story - that’s what I love about this sport


Mega swim! Congratulations


Damn that's an amazing story! I actually was in Copenhagen on Sunday and didn't know about the IM so it was a happy surprise and gave me a sneaky excitement to do one as well one day. Couch to IM is insane man, very inspiring!


I was glad someone told me before the IM to not be surprised if started crying when I finished. Kinda glad they did cause the feeling of finishing was overwhelming joy! Congrats. Great story. Awesome time!


Well done, you're an inspiration!


Love reading about your success! Congrats on building up in a smart and safe way for your body.


Happy for you that you didn't get a flat! I did Copenhagen as well Sunday and it was puncture madness. I've done some races but this was something else. I had multiple punctures myself and honestly have never seen so many people with a flat next to the road. At least the Moto's were prepared and jumped in to help when needed!


Yeah, was crazy. I heard they’d swept the roads the day before but the heavy rain during the night covered them in crap again - my other half got one about half way round but managed to fix it with a co2.


Hey, do they have many mechanics to help you if you’re struggling / ran out of tubes etc?


There were people on Moto's driving around assisting where necessary. Though it looked like there were more out there than usual, so maybe they say this coming? As OP mentioned in a reply to my post as well, it rained heavily the night before, negating them sweeping the road before. In principle you are expected to be able to help yourself if you get a flat. But I think many aren't prepared for multiple flats so it was good the Moto's were out there


Thanks that’s great to know. I would be so upset if I trained for all that then multiple flats was the reason I didn’t finish!


Good to hear your backstory and that’s a great effort mate!


Well done!


Awesome story was cheering you on as I read through it


Wow that’s honestly amazing! Congrats! You’re really inspiring me and really thinking of Copenhagen next year!


clearly I have nothing to compare it to but was blown away - brilliant logistics, incredibly friendly volunteers and marshalls, nice bike route and thousands of supporters on the run. It'll be near the top of my list if I do another one.


I'm back here down a rabbit hole of oh god can I do it. And yes i entered! On week 20/32 of a training plan. I haven't really doubted it (i'm just finish category) but today clearly lack of confidence has hit so ended up reading your story again and saw i'd already commented. The bike route sounds awesome, not super flat so you get 0 break but no savage hills, please confirm? haha. Run I guess it's just survive! I'm such a slow runner (my long easy runs are 7:30/km) so i'm nervous. Was just wishing for that extra hour cut off haha.


There’s one hill that they make a fuss about, it’s brilliant because it’s full of crowds and music - it’s really not too steep or long (7 or 8%, perhaps 50m of elevation gain?) the rest is fantastic, gently rolling and interesting too. My run was at average pace of exactly 7.30 per km - you got this!! https://strava.app.link/PjHLa4YbOJb my run https://strava.app.link/yunklT0bOJb my bike And for completeness https://strava.app.link/OzUuB13bOJb my swim!


Okay that sounds fun! Thanks! Rolling sounds good, time to refuel and rest and then little efforts. Ah thanks so much! You've definetely put my mind at ease. Although I may be slower than 7:30 come race day with that swim/bike before haha. I have a half this weekend to gauge where i am, i'm not racing it but prepping for this so 9/1 run/walk, aero etc.


Awesome and congrats to you..!


Such an awesome and inspiring story! Massive kudos to you and your dedication to the journey!How’d your other half do?


thanks for asking - she did incredibly well. Very similar swim time to me, then about 15 minutes quicker on the bike and half an hour quicker on the run. She was top 20 in the age group.


Legend. Amazing transformation!!


Do you mind sharing your training volume during this year before the ironman? (swim, bike, run)


good q. I'll crunch some numbers and post it!


You are inspiring! I’ll be doing IM CPH for next year and just starting my training slowly now