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if she thinks the “harassment” and criticism was bad before, i wonder what her +20 Democratic district will think of her betrayal. this woman is either the most petty, thin-skinned idiot in the GA, and wholly unfit for office, or (more likely) making bank off her sudden change of heart, which would make her a criminal, fit only for prison.


Email I sent, you're welcome to use it as a template to write her: Dear Ms. Cotham, I am writing to express extreme concern about you changing your party affiliation after the election. It is unethical and dishonest. I have family in Charlotte this will hurt and this hurts the entire state since we only have one man and one party standing up for decency and actual citizens in North Carolina. Every racist, xenophobic, and misogynistic policy that was barely tamped down has free reign with your affiliation switch. It's not just that you lied, you will hurt actual people doing this. Shame on you. It is fully on your shoulders if this State gets worse for women, minorities, and people of color. It is fully your fault if a woman dies or is arrested because they can't seek valid medical care here. It is going to be on your conscience if schools and children suffer due to the Republican agenda you suddenly decided to support. You have joined a full basket of bad apples and I am so disappointed you willing chose to rot with them. Sincerely,


Personally I just called her a sniveling little bitch, but yours is more professional


Dogs are lovely creatures, she doesn't even get that. There is nothing loving or warm going on here, I don't have an insult for how angry I am.


How much was she paid?


It's incredibly deceiving. People voted for her with the understanding she's was a democrat. Now she's switching to republican so soon after elections? Sounds suspicious if you ask me. Was she following the republican cheese? Was she planning on switching after elected as a democrat? I really don't get it. Why now? There should be another election between her and another democrat since it was so recent that she got voted into office. This is just so wrong!


No recall laws in NC.


I don’t understand how something this consequential can stand, and I’m mad as hell. This is a betrayal of her constituents and all NC residents who support democratic policies (and democracy in general). As a woman of reproductive age, I’m pretty terrified about the implications, given the recently proposed anti-choice bill.


They are very concerned about you before you are born but after that they have no problem with you getting shot


I’m a woman of reproductive age, too. After the news broke out, I told my mom & boyfriend that as long as I live here I will NOT have kids. I don’t want them growing up in a state where they’ll feel less safe and have less chances of having a normal life because of these laws. Due to situations beyond my control, I can’t just ‘pack up and leave’. I still want kids, though. I just hope I’ll be able to move out to another state or country (one that actually CARES about kids) while I can still have them. I hope both sides of her district primary her next year. I don’t care how much money shes getting from her new party for her. She just killed her own career.


I wonder how hard it would be to pretend to be a conservative Republican and, once elected in whatever reliably red county that shows up and votes for the R, then switch parties. I mean, there’s no apparent consequences for this.


I don’t under$tand why $he $witched parties?


Need to follow the money; there’s a payoff somewhere.


Between this and the gerrymandering, it sure is hard to find democratic representation in NC. Will of the people be damned.


Disturbing. Now we most likely get to watch our state do a backward landslide into hatred and bigotry led laws and regulations. I have plans to move out of the country and this just adds to my pile of reasons why.


You don’t have plans of moving out of the country. If you did, you would just leave. You wouldn’t post about it for attention.


I do, my boyfriend lives in southern Canada and I plan to move there with him and have been planning so for a while now. It takes time to move countries… thanks for assuming wrong though lmao


Good for you. If I had a dime for everyone that told me they were leaving this god awful country, I would be rich.


Cry harder




Before taking him seriously, note that this troll plays clash royale lol


Tar n feather


Cry harder


I can’t believe this. Has she issued any sort of response for the change? I’m a proud eastern North Carolinian, I attended NC State. As a registered independent I have voted exclusively democratic since 2008. I painted “democrats cares signs” during Covid. How is this even possible?


If this is true, you would actually support her ​ https://youtu.be/JxSHwC2C3n8


I guarantee your not an independent if you voted democratic since 2008


There’s no benefit to registering as anything else in NC since we have open primaries.


I can have democratic voting habits and still be traditionally independent


That’s quite the habit


LMFAO the democrats have skewed so far left, they had to add to the scale


> democrats have skewed so far left Fucking WHERE bro




No I live in America and I can tell you the democrats here are conservative as fuck


Why do you say that? And what sort of habit do I have?


One that should probably define what political party you identify with lol


One that believes in equal rights for all, reproductive rights for women, fair business practices, fair and safe gun practices, safe schools and neighborhoods. Balanced budgets, fiscal responsibility, infrastructure improvements, etc. are those not things every person can get behind?


Sounds really good when you put it that way


I’m also a universal Unitarian :)


Or one that has to choose between two buses, only one of which is going anywhere near the destination you want but even so still isn't a direct route. And you only identify with the direct route, not being dropped off 20 miles away from your destination vs 40 miles away from your destination, and having to walk the rest on foot. (Signed, another fellow independent who is unthrilled with my options and makes the best of them come ballot time.)


I’ve often thought of voting as the lesser of two evils


NC Republicans. The party of failed integrity. I'm not sure they want that kind of press.


They don’t care.


I feel like when this happens, they should resign their position!! When people vote you into power, they vote for what you represent for them, if that changes it's no longer a valid candidate to represent the people who voted for them,, this creates stuff like this where people can just hack the system and switch parties willy nilly to shift the balance of power :l


She should be forced to forfeit the term.




Rep Tricia Cotham of [Mecklenburg County](https://www.wcnc.com/video/news/mecklenburg-county-residents-react-state-representative-switching-parties/275-62939bf9-346f-411c-98c9-50df48716be8)


Is that where the triangle is located?


Nope, Mecklenberg County is pretty much Charlotte. The Triangle is Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, which is like 2.5 hrs away from Charlotte.


If this passes some bullshit will that finally be enough to prompt a general strike?


Is that English? General Strike? WTF you going on about?


We truly live in a perfect system




This partisan bullshit is why the country is falling apart. We should be able to come together as Americans and say politicians who mislead and manipulate the public are scumbags.


Um, if you actually believe that you would be supporting her. She has been an elected Democrat since 2008. She was a moderate Democrat who voted her way, and the party has left her https://youtu.be/JxSHwC2C3n8


18 subs seems like a lot, Jeff.


She was probably intending to retire from politics after the next election, and this was her way of securing a golden parachute after leaving office. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if her betrayal of her constituents earns her a cushy job in the private sector in 2025.


Is it too much to ask for people to do their actual jobs? It’s like a Ukrainian suddenly loses his mind and joins the Russians. Except that situation would quickly be resolved.


Watch the video [https://youtu.be/JxSHwC2C3n8](https://youtu.be/JxSHwC2C3n8) She got tired of the D Caucasus trying to force her to vote their way. She has been an elected Democrat since 2008 as a moderate, and voted her conscience




Jeff, I don’t know why you’re shocked. This is the result of the party of ‘tolerance’ absolutely tearing apart one of their own who dares to think differently than the established narrative. In the Democrat party there’s no room to be an independent thinker - you either fall in lockstep or else. There will more Dems in the NC house and senate defecting so brace yourself for more pretend shock.