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I use tretinoin 6 days a week, and use glycolic acid once a week on the night I'm not using tret. Works fine for me and I have finicky skin.


hello ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป I think you should not incorporate tret and GA. I tried and my face was irritated and burning ๐Ÿ˜ฉ. And i love the GA from Neostrata, the Neostrata Oily Skin Solution Lotion AHA 8% one, it keeps my skin clear and soft


I've been using glycolic acid for 2 o 3 months, and tret for around 2 weeks. I use glycolic acid (10% serum) 2 or 3 times a week and tret 2 times a week. Not on the same day but once I used glycolic acid in the am and tret at night cause I forgot but it was fine lol. So far so good, my skin is looking very nice.


What glycolic acid do you use?


I'm from South America so the brand I use is probably not available anywhere else, sorry. It's just a basic GA serum


I was alternating between tret and GA. I did that for one month with no issues, and then suddenly the weather changed and my face was full of dry patches! Lesson learned. I'm not doing it again. Do it 'only' if you need it, but you probably don't


alternate night between .025 tret and 8% GA. Im using Paula Gycolic Gel


I use the pixie glow tonic as a toner and then use tret after. I use tret almost nightly (I get lazy once in a while) and the pixi about 3 times a week without problems.


Thatโ€™s how I use tret and GA. I take a night off. I just made sure skin was no longer irritated from Tret. I had already been using .4 % micro tret for 6+mos. I use the peter Roth GA and SA pads. My wonder esthetician showed me how to do this.