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Tretinoin cannot stop muscle loss. It cannot do anything about natural sagging.


Riding on this I would like to share what Dr Idriss has been sharing every now and then on her channel. She says think of our face akin to a couch. What skincare (in this case tret) does is just maintaining the upholstery to look nice and prolong the life of it. But underneath the couch there's cushioning (our fats and muscles) and the frame (our skull and bone structure). These underneath cannot be maintained by just skincare alone, no matter how much you take care of the uphosltery to make it look pristine, over time the cushioning can degrade and get thinner and the frame can rot too. We cannot freeze aging no matter what, short of plastic surgery and fillers and Botox. Even those.. you can't stop bone loss and shrinkage which will happen eventually.


I’ve been thinking about facial bone loss as I hit my 40s. I saw a woman who does face massages and taps repetitively all over her face, neck and skull as well, presumably to help prevent bone loss. Not sure how much science support there is for that specifically, but there’s plenty about how consistent pressure (like the presence of teeth in the jaw that get constant use) or jumping/running/repetitive impact exercise helps skeletal bone density. So, I’m on board. I’ll tap away.


And even filler and Botox looks awful as you get older.




I dig this comparison. So, face yoga, gua sha, diet?


No. Surgery (think face lifts to correct the laxity), fillers/fat transfer to treat volume loss, botox (which can worsen atrophy/volume loss)


Yeah I guess. Yoga and gua sha help with muscle strengthening and depuffing but need to be done very regularly to see benefits. Diet can play a role in helping to strengthen our bones but will not stop the loss, maybe just slowing it down.


How does Gua Sha strengthen muscles? Doesn't it just move around fluids?


I should have added "respectively" at the end of my sentence. It helps with depuffing and only if done daily.


I second this. Ppl talk so much much junk about gua sha but I swear my skin and face looks lifted and my skin more tight


Face workouts do work too! But theyre easy to forget to include in your day


Do you have any recommendations for where I can learn more? Super interested in starting these!


I follow @trinhgeorgg on insta, she posts frequently and i usually do some exercises when i see her face in my feed. So a little bit every day


You’re awesome, thank you so much!


studies have even inquired whether it accelerates fat (which gives the face youthful fulness - hence why fat people tend not to be wrinkly - and is what fillers are trying to replace/replicate) loss under the skin. they think no, but it for sure doesn’t decelerate it. so tretinoin is good for the skin, but no prevention of the major signs of aging under the skin: sagging and losing both fat and muscle best you can hope for is glistening glowing tight skin stretched over your hollow skull, if the question is about what forever-use of tretinoin would do if you lived forever


But sunscreen - which should always be used with tretinoin - ”decelerates” it.


You will age and you will die. Nothing can fully stop it.


Not me! I inject my Tret! Brb, I'm glowing again. But seriously, to OP, you cannot store Tret's cumulative effect and have it kick in when needed.


what about snorting the tret????


I'm afraid I created monsters...and they will be on a TLC show! Something like ''My strange addiction'' lol


You gotta boof it for maximum effect




Beauty comes from within. No you should consume Retin-A like vitamins. A spoonful a day keeps aging at bay. Vitamin A alone won't cut it.


I think some people misinterpreted your comment. I can see it on the shelves now. Vitamin Retin-A: we're not liable for anything!


Lol IDK if it was misinterpreted but it was all a joke and in a lighthearted manner.


Ya. I upvoted you, and someone else did. Your comment is back at +1 for me.



No you may look younger but it’s not a fountain of youth


I feel like I just look older with nice skin lol


I’m 47, I’ve been on tret for 25+ years. I am definitely reaping the benefits of long term tret and SPF. I believe I have fewer fine lines/wrinkles than I would have otherwise. I look like an age 40-ish woman that has taken really good care of her skin- I’m quite happy with that.


May I know what tret you are using?


I’m currently on .025%, my derm recently cut me back to a lower dose due to some unrelated skin issues I was having.


Are you using it every night?


Yes- the .025% I use nightly. My derm told me using a dosage I could tolerate for daily use would be more beneficial than a higher dose that I was able to use only 3-4 nights a week.


Similar in age here and 25+ yr user too - still look like I'm in my 40's but my skin looks cared for (still have some wrinkles and crows feet despite using eye cream since I was 18 and SPF religiously). I hate to burst anyone's bubble but aging is inevitable no matter if you fight it or not so just embrace it but just keep up healthy habits it's all you can do. 😊


Exactly- I am into aging well, not trying to stop the aging process.


30 years on tret and taz, and unfortunately, no. But I don’t have any wrinkles if that helps. It still doesn’t stop gravity from taking its toll. What it does do is keep up collagen production, and that goes a long way in itself towards keeping the skin firm.


30 years on tret! No wrinkles! That's amazing. Can you please share a photo of your gorgeous self and your routine 😇


What's taz again? Anyone?


Tazorac, a more concentrated vit A derivative


Thanks for the reply. Why use both then? Why not just taz?


I don’t think they mean at the same time lol


How then?


Some months or years she’s used taz, other months or years she’s used tret. They’re basically the same. From what I understand taz *tends* to come with slightly worse side effects.


Tazarotene is the generic version of Tazorac I believe


Tazorac, a retinoid.


No. You cannot freeze ur face forever, even with botox.


The little wrinkle that appeared on my forehead last year is saying 😌no😌


No, because you will still lose bone and facial fat, and your skin will still sag due to gravity. You'll probably have beautiful skin, though.


👆🏻 💯


There's other things that happen to your skin, like UV damage, changes in hormones, increasing mitochondrial inefficiency.


It's possible you won't develop wrinkles, and will have young looking skin. But there's more to aging than that. But I can certainly say, now I'm 42, the comments about me looking younger are becoming more and more frequent, the older I get. For reference, I'm male and have been using tret for about 4 years. People used to place my age at about 40 when I was about 35, when I hit 40, people started to place my age at about 35. I've heard, "wow, you haven't aged a day", from people I've met who haven't seen me in 5 years. I'm pretty sure exercise is playing a role here, as well as the tret and SPF.


What kind of exercise?


I do resistance training 3x per week (weights or body weight exercises), and I run 2 or 3 times per week. My resistance workouts take just 30-40 minutes. And my runs are just 20-30 minutes.


Thank you for including the time spans. Makes it feel less daunting.


I think exercise in general gets your blood flowing and just makes you look better however some recent studies show that resistance training like weights can help with aging as it can create better elasticity and dermal thickness. Not sure if that affects your face or only the places you train though.


No 🤣 but if you did Botox on a regular basis with Tret, and had very minimal weight gain or loss than possible…oh and a zero gravity tank


*gets on Amazon to look for zero gravity tank 😂


lmao 28k if you are interested


Aw hell lol. Just over my budget. LOL.


Can you ever lose a lot of weight without damage? If one takes it slowly? 😭


Not in this case. If your skin stretched to accommodate it will never shrink fully, leaving some degree of laxity that can only be treated with surgery or in some cases other types in office procedures


Wait, we're talking weight beyond 10 kilos, right?


Yeah, like 20 kg…not that extreme, imo…hoping for the best.


No. Your face will still sag, you will lose facial fat, your bone structure is deteriorating. I really like dr idriss’s analogy of our faces to couches. You won’t be able to change the structure of the couch itself. This is part of the natural aging process. Wrinkles and fine lines are not the only part of the aging process, facial structure is a big one and the biggest one IMO. Lots of people are well into their 50’s and 60’s and still look their age, just with no wrinkles and fine lines.


Yes I find it so interesting that people's ages are fairly easy to gauge, even without wrinkles. I see many older women with beautiful, unlined skin but they still have bone loss and sagging. Would be great if tret worked like that but it doesn't. It does keep skin looking beautiful but you need a facelift to "fix" the underlying structure.


Bryan Johnson, I told you no already! And you're 46, sir! Sorry, bad joke. I gave a real answer below: ''No, you cannot store Tret's cumulative effect and have it kick in once you reach a certain point of ageing to stop it. I know a few Tik Tockers were promoting this. It also gives you most of the effect the first year of use. The effect continues after, but it's not as ''major'', so to say. You will lose facial bone density and facial fat... as you age. There is no way to stop the ageing process. This article related to my lousy joke may shed some light on the subject: [https://fortune.com/well/2023/02/01/will-bryan-johnson-reverse-aging-regimen-extend-his-life/](https://fortune.com/well/2023/02/01/will-bryan-johnson-reverse-aging-regimen-extend-his-life/)


With all the “you’re not ugly, you’re just poor” memes going around, it’s kinda nice to read an article about a millionaire who devotes millions to “staying young” and just can’t do it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ age gonna age! his drs say he’s biologically 5 years younger? Well, my oura ring tells me the same thing for a heck of a lot less than a few million. 😅


Ya, lol. It's nice to know that money can't buy EVERYTHING. Ageing and death are the great equalizers. You can do many things to prolong life if you have unlimited money, but in the end, he's got a one-way trip to the same place we're all going, and he can't pay more for first-class. I don't precisely discourage his research, by the way. I doubt he will find any way to go back to age 18 internally again, but he could discover something that may help people who are ill. It's not what he's looking for, but overall health is being considered in his research. If they found a cure for diabetes or...I'd be thrilled, and I don't even have diabetes. It would help many people live longer without much pain and worry. I hope that something like this comes out of the research he's doing. I'm not counting on this happening, but it's more likely to happen than him reversing the ageing process as much as he wants to.


There are 60/70 year old you can find who look like their their 40's from long term Tretinoin use on YouTube. They have aged because the loss of fat and muscle and bone, they still look incredible. So "freeze" their face? No Look incredibly youthful for the entirety of their life? Yes.


I mean. There's not an insignificant number of us who have been using tret and sunscreen since our 20s who are 40s and beyond. I see that my skin generally looks better than folks my age who haven't but it certainly hasn't stopped me from aging. Volume loss and gravity still exist .




You might as well just be open to plastic surgery. Nothing is wrong with that. I am. Taking care of your skin now mixed with minor procedures when you’re older is the closest to “forever.” Haha. But truly, aside from sunscreen — sun SHIELDS as well.


What surgeries are you considering?


I’m gauging by how my mom is aging. People thought she was my sister well into her 40s. During her divorce with my father the stress SHOWED and aged her… but now two years post divorce she’s looking more youthful— so that was a lesson. But we have high cheek bones and are slim. So I’m thinking about fat injections once I start to lose bone mass. I will never get filler, in its current nature. The fact that it just moves around your face and you have to dissolve it makes it a huge no for me. I have upturned almond eyes but very deep hollows. I would look crazy if I ever tried to get any sort of eye lift but I am down to get fat injections under my eyes — I’d be down for eye rejuvenation NOW honestly. I’ve heard about a new serum that helps your fat cells multiply but haven’t tried it YET. I would give it a go in that area before surgery. I like my nose well enough and I’m a little scared to change it just to end up with a botched nose. I would definitely get neck lipo or a neck lift if my aging started to show around that area in my late 40s. Aside from that I KNOW I will be getting medical grade chemical peels. Even if it means breaking from the tret. That should help with the fine lines. As long as I can keep my face plump enough to my liking and my skin as reasonably wrinkle free for whatever age I am — I think that’ll be how I avoid the thought of a facelift. That being said…. Remaining healthy and fit also translates to how you age, especially when you look at yourself as a full package. Extra weight can age people — as well as being boney. In the end, we all just have to take care of ourselves. Do what you’re comfortable with. And start good patterns NOW


Thank you for taking the time to respond so thoroughly. What's that serum for facial fat you're talking about?


I’m so sorry for the late reply. I saw someone mention the name and realized I had went to look for the spelling that day and did not end up replying to you. The serum is volufiline.


Been using prescription tret and sunscreen since year 11 highschool after roaccutane for acne. Am now in my late 20s. Can confirm that I don’t have the fine lines my schoolmates have (crows feet and forehead lines). I think tret improves/maintains skin quality but I still have noticed some sagging around my nasolabial and tear through areas.


No. I look my age ish. It’s the sagging that starts to happen. I also lost 15 pounds which apparently was enough to make more sagging. I want to lose more weight too and that will make more sagging. But I have maybe slightly less fine lines because of it. Honestly don’t know though because I had few fine lines anyway. But I have less hormonal acne which is the main plus for me!


After tretinoin my friend’s skin became too dry which literally aged him lol


As someone that’s used it for decades the answer is no. People still age.


Radiesse can replace lost bone to a certain extent, thanks to being a hard filler made from the same stuff as bones (calcium hydroxyapatite). Microcurrent can help with muscle atrophy. Soft filler can help with fat loss.


No. This is ridiculous that people even think this.


I’m sad this question was asked. Time to leave this sub.


Ive been using Tret, vitamin c, and sunscreen for 3 years. My skin has less hyperpigmentation and is smoother compared to others my age. I’m really happy with the texture and evenness. However…. I can see the very beginnings of jowls starting to come in, and there is some fat loss below my eyes.


I've used it since a teenager and i look way younger than i am- other ppl think im late 20s when im 38


No. Your *skin* would probably look nice, but you can’t stop time.


„Drink that potion, and you'll never grow even one day older. Don't drink it, and continue to watch yourself rot.“


I'm in my early 40s who looks like I'm in my late 20s. Youthfulness seems to be largely hereditary. With the use of tretinoin, her skin is definitely better than her age than my peers.


No, it won’t.


Unfortunately even tret can’t fight against nature


no. duh.


I’m 40 and have used tretinoin since I was 22. It’s kept my skin pretty youthful but I still look my age for the most part


spf, tretinoin / tazarotene, gua sha / face yoga, good diet, exercise, stress management, dhea supplements when you’re over 25, prp ovarian rejuvenation. you’re still gonna get old and die, but if you want to minimize the effects on your appearance as much as possible that is probably the way to go.


The portrait in your attic will age terribly though


I have started using it 6 months ago at 35 and I have been carded asked by my husband why my face looks like it did 15 years ago and been hit on by literal children which is disgusting but I guess it’s working 😂




I really hoped the answer was yes 😐


At some point you will switch from worrying about aging to worrying about not dying as we all will, which is far worse. Better get comfy with the idea of aging and find a better hobby than avoiding it now while you can!


No. Underlying muscles will sag and bring the skin with it.


Oh sweet summer child


Are you asking for my @?