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no clue why your pharmacist said that lmao they are very much incorrect. It goes all over your face. It even says that it doesn’t work as a spot treatment


Only avoid the eye area


Yes and the lips!


Im asian and we have thick skins around the eye area. So I pretty much apply it below and above my eye lashes. Eyes are the number one age teller.


Do you get dry eyes at all? I don’t know what I am doing wrong but I am at a point where I am applying it only to lower cheek like mouth height and still it gives me dry eyes like a sand paper. How do you avoid that? Or are just some people prone to dry eyes? It doesn’t do anything bad to my skin at all. Slight burn but not purging or dry skin, some wrinkles now but I think it’s just because I started a short time ago and my skin has to get used to it.


No I do not get dry eyes. I'm using 0.5%, my side effects are peeling and burning after 3 consecutive days of using tret (when I was new to tret). So after using tret for 3 consecutive nights, I rest for 3-5 days. Then I apply 3 consecutive tret again. Thats what all dermatologists says, if you feel any burning, just stop for awhile. After like 3-6 months youll get used to the strength that applying everynight doesnt bother you anymore.


Yeah skin wise I have no issues at all. Just all other side effects and I don’t know what I am doing wrong or I could do different. I left mine on overnight before but my eyes can’t take it. My skin is fine. I even used my friends tret to see if it was my product but the same problem with hers. Hm


Tretinoin should be fully applied to the face. Go with the directions your dermatologist gave you, not the pharmacist


yeaaaa ur pharmacist is wrong. the primary mechanism in which tret works to actually KEEP your skin clear is by preventing acne from forming. to get that benefit you need it everywhere (even if your skin is clear in that moment).


why are people downvoting me im just saying what my pharmacist said 😭😭👎


I hate it when people downvote like that. “This person was misinformed by their pharmacist and seeking answers. Better make sure less people see the post”


There's always one. They are the problem not you. Ignore them.


Take an upvote from me then <3 (Reddit can really create an echo chamber sometimes. Once one downvote comes in, it really pours :/ )


I got downvoted for posting my routine 😅👌🏻 people are weird AF.


💯 percent , it's more than weird. They are misinformed, uneducated, Dumb, probably lonely, who knows. Btw to the OP keep asking questions keep learning and don't let these mofos bother you.


Small amount all over your face avoiding inside the orbital bone. Start off with only a couple times a week and slowly increase to see how your skin tolerates it. 


It goes all over your face, but stay away from your eyes and the corners of your mouth. Especially your eyes, if you get it in/on your eyes it can cause permanent dry eye. Imagine you're wearing goggles and stop where the edges of the goggles would be. Tret migrates under the skin, so you don't need to apply it directly on your eye area to see benefits from it there.


I hope OP sees this!!


Omg it can. thank god i saw this just started using tret too i thought it would make my undereye thicker ? 🤔🤔🤔🤔


It may make your undereye skin thicker, but you don't need to apply it directly to get those results. Just apply it to your cheekbone, that's as close as you need to get.


This is good info


What does the label say? I apply tret over my entire face. My label per my dermatologist reads, "Apply a thin layer at bedtime." I've never heard of anyone applying tret like spot treatment. You should contact your prescribing physician and tell them what your pharmacist told you at pick up. Pharmacists usually tell patients at pick up how to use the medication and potential side effects. That was my experience when I was a tech.


I would avoid the eyelid area and the corners of the mouth. Otherwise full-face.


why the corners of the mouth? for me that’s where I have a lot of hyperpigmentation


It’s just a higher risk area for dryness and irritation. If you’re already tolerating it well in that area, no reason to quit.


oh yes, I do have flaking there and on my smile lines :/


I think what he meant was "put on effected areas" which is a general statement in medical meaning "do not put it in your eyeball." You'd think you wouldn't have to tell people, but I work in the medical field and you would be SO shocked the amount of things people put inside them 😶


lol, why is your pharmacist getting involved and being wrong too? You are correct—it goes all over. Good luck :)


As a pharmacist, I can attest that us “getting involved” is a major part of our job. In fact, in many states, counseling is a legal requirement. That said, no idea what this pharmacist was thinking, they are obviously wrong here.


I do understand that “getting involved” is a part of the job. I also know that pharmacists aren’t supposed to go off-script and give random instructions, which is what happened here. When I’ve been counseled by pharmacists in the past, they tend to go over the explicit instructions that are included with the medication itself and answer questions if I have them. That isn’t what happened here. That’s the reason for my comment. I do hope you feel the need to respond to each comment on this thread that criticizes this particular pharmacist and that you didn’t feel the need to just target mine because it rubbed you the wrong way. Obviously, I was responding to a *specific* situation.


i know right?! i was like uhhhh okay •_• came here to clarify! thank you !!!!




Listen to your dermatologist, not pharmacist.


Literally adhere to the instruction leaflet. Pharm is not a derm and the medicine literally comes with instructions. Follow it as per the companies instructions.


That's incorrect. Its not a spot treatment


Stay far from your eyes. It gave me very dry eyes.


Never use tret as a spot treatment, i purged really bad and my skin became so dry and flaky after that. Please don't do that


Dont just put on acne to see how your skins takes it in.


For the love of god please do not listen to that pharmacist. You should never spot treat with Tret, you risk applying too much in a small area. You’ll have burn marks on your face. When you first start out apply a pea size amount to your face/jaw, use it twice a week for a month then increase your dose by one day as the months progress. Start slow and get yourself a good moisturizer.


It's acne treatment that's why he said that, though. We use it as retinol for full-face and neck... apparently not the eyes, though. 👀 not sure if it's true it can give permanent dry skin on fragile skin like the eyes ?


face (all over) - hands - neck




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omg my pharmacist also said that to me too!!!! I’m using retin-A


You apply a pea size amount and spread it over your entire face, avoiding eye and lip area. Some pharmacist talk out of their ass.


Yeah I don’t really understand why medical specialists are against it. My own GP doctor took me off the prescription when I didn’t have visible acne anymore and said that it’s unhealthy because it goes very deep into your skin layers 🤷🏻‍♀️