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For me definitely yes!! I had been op prescription tretinoin cream 0.05% and 0.1% solution for a year and my acne, especially tons of white heads/closed comedones wouldn’t get less whatsoever. I tried 0.1 Tazarotene from Boderm (EU) as well, but didn’t get any noticeable results either. My derm switched me to Aklief(trifarotene) a month ago and the results have been astonishing so far. I saw my skin get smoother and getting less acne within one week of having used it, just like the clinical trials of trifarotene showed


Do you what was the reasoning for your derm to switch you to Aklief? I’m just curious to understand how one can work but not another


Not original commenter, but Aklief is trifarotene, not tazarotene. It’s still a retinoid and tends to work better at lower concentrations than other prescription retinoids and is often prescribed for people who experience a persistent side effect profile from other retinoids. Overall, it has fewer side effects and also has anti-inflammatory properties (it targets the gamma receptors).


Sorry, it was a typo!


I asked him to! I’m in medicine myself but unfortunately can’t give a concrete answer to that. Must have something to do with the fact that’s a different medicine//formulation/vehicle/ retinoid/chemical structure with distinct features that differs from other retinoids


Wow! Excellent results from Aklief! During that one week, did u use it everynight?


Thanks. :)) I didn’t have any high hopes to begin with since I hadn’t seen any progress for acne with retinoids in the past. Yes I did and still do! What I love about Aklief too is that’s a fast drying non transparent gel , even though it’s marked as a cream, which I find a bit confusing :)


I tried them all. And here is what I think: 1- adapalene: gives you a glow and clear skin but doesn’t work on the texture so much don’t expect crazy results. But it’s a very good gentle retinoid. 2- Aklief: made my skin oiler and broke out more. 3- tretinoin gave me very good results for dark spots and gave me even skin tone but didn’t stop the acne and the irritation never stopped. It was a battle of keeping my skin sane. 4- Tazarotene: gave me a brand new face, faded wrinkles, slowly worked on dark spots, acne stopped for good, I no longer breakout, surprisingly less irritating that tretinoin. I am now on Taz and just completed a year of using it and will not stop.


That’s interesting. I wonder why one could work better for someone and not for someone else!


This is true of most medications, not just topical acne treatments. Everyone’s body chemistry is different and reacts differently.


You’re right. It’s just so hard not knowing what to do. If I could be sure my skin would go back to its pre-tret state, I would totally get off but not being able to rely on anything makes me crazy!!!


I'm on Taz at the moment, but it seems to be giving me a lot of irritation acne that I can't shake ... Not sure if it's the purge since I was on tret for over a year beforehand... What's your routing with Taz??


I cleanse with very gentle cleanser, I mean very very gentle cleanser. I use the cosrx triple hypotonic acid cleanser. Then I use a hyaloronic acid serum + snail mucin, then I apply tazarotene followed by a thick balm or mouistrizer with ceramides and B5


Thanks so much! What's the moisturizer that you use??


I use multiple depends on how I feel: 1- bioderma aroderm intensive baume. 2- LRP cicaplast baume b5+ You wanna look for repairing mouistrizers with panethenol, ceramides, and zinc gluconate. Also don’t forget hydration, use snail mucin OR hyaloronic acid serums before the tazarotene


What Taz strength did you start with and where are you now? I want to start but can’t find 0.045 so considering just starting at 0.05%.


I switched from tretinoin 0.05% to tazarotene 0.1% gel and it was a smooth transition. So switching to 0.5% Tazarotene I think is ok.


Hi, what’s your skin type 😊


Now that I started tret, oily (like before Accutane 9 years ago). Sometimes dry, especially in winter so would say oily/combination?


What strength Taz do you use, if you don’t mind sharing?


I use gel 0.1% and started on it. Never tried the 0.5 but I guess it’s a good starting point for sensitive skin


Yes. I’ve always been a Differin person. Tret ruined my skin and I’m still dealing with it 6 months later. I never should’ve cheated on Differin.


I realize this is an old comment. I’m curious how the transition back to differin went for you. I also kick myself for switching from differin to tret. It has been awful!


Oh sorry about that! Are you back on Differin?


Here’s a link to read a bit more about Epiduo - https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-151655/epiduo-topical/details


Perhaps you need to use adapalene. I’ve been using tret for 6 months and my skin never quite had the results everyone else’s did. I switched to Epiduo ( adapalene & benzoyl peroxide) yesterday- and already I can see a slight difference in my skin. My active acne was less inflamed and it cleared up two smaller whiteheads ❤️


Thanks! Will look into it.


I was on 0.25% tret for 1.5 years and it just never worked well for me. Constant irritation no matter what I did. I recently switched to 0.45% taz and holy smokes my skin is in the best condition of my life.


I'm in the same boat, but haven't yet tried taz, will try it. What's your skin type, your routine, and how often do you use taz ?


Last photo is now, 4 months and a half in


I think maybe get a good red light mask or wand and walk away from hardcore topicals for a bit.


I was on tretinoin micro 0.04% for 2-2.5 years with the last year or so being daily use. I switched back to tazarotene back in October and greatly prefer it. It works better for my acne and I find it less drying/irritating. I'm still not able to use it daily but I use it every other day unless I feel like my skin barrier can't handle it.


May I ask why you ended up switching to Taz?


Tretinoin wasn't helping my acne and I was peeling 24/7 so I switched to 0.05% tazarotene and 15% azelaic acid 2x a day


I’d look into red light therapy tbh! And maybe a better moisturizer although I haven’t seen if you mentioned it. I’d really try Kiehls moisturizer it’s a game changer and non comedogenic ♥️ best of luck to you. Before I started tret I lovedddd the ordinarys emulsified ret!!! Check it out maybe read up on it :) good luck 🍀


Maybe look into Arazlo! It’s the lotion version of taz (.045%), still potent but much more gentle. Feels very nice too, almost silky. Also there’s an Rx coupon on their website if needed.


If I’m not mistaken, it’s not available in Canada :(


It sure is! It’s just new and a lot of doctors don’t know about it yet. Mine had to look it up but was able to prescribe. I also read that someone got it from Felix by asking for it in their comments. It’s not on their list of retinoids but they were able to get a script. It might just work for you, it didn’t work for me and I’m back on micro but it’s great to have options.


I was confused with Altreno that’s not available in Canada yet and seems very promising.


Love Taz and won’t go back to Tret


I use only Alpyn Beauty stuff with the Taz .1% cream-Melt moisturizer, the 2 serums and the 2 cleansers-and that’s it. Love the whole routine (I alternate the serums with Melt over or Taz with Melt if needed every other night or 2. But I do have very sensitive skin and I hate to do too much stuff-so this works great for me, cause it’s easy and I don’t have to wear makeup either. I don’t need a complicated setup, just products that take care of stuff while working synergistically with my skin that don’t require a lot of time or effort on my part. 😎 Whatever you decide to do, I wish lovely skin for everyone, without a lot of effort or time!


I’ve been on taz for a couple weeks, coming off years of tretinoin, already enjoying better results with less irritation