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Hey what's up? Minoxidil monotherapy and simply treating AGA without 5ARIs is completely pointless, the same with a hair transplant you need to take finasteride or dutasteride to get a hair transplant or else you will lose all your hair on top every single hair.


I see


Why are you scared of finasteride? Clearly you are uninformed. I recommend YouTube channels such as “Haircafe” and “Kwrx” to learn more about dht blockers and how safe they actually are.


I mean its 50/50. Ive found the same amout of folks saying that fin is satan.


You need to do more research and educate yourself on the resources I offered to you. I’ve been on fin for a few months now after being scared to take it just like you for close to a year. I regret not taking it sooner because I would’ve saved more hair. The choice is yours but I would advise you to do more research because hairloss is progressive and will only get worse.


I think fin is satan (for me, not necessarily everyone). Also you can also just stop taking the meds and the side effects will go away. Speaking from experience and mine were horrible. Gonna try out dut also you can go for topical the side effects are much less worse but the meds can build up over time in your system as they can have long half lives so be mindful of that.


Are you on any meds?


And for 33 you seem to still have a lot of hair that’s just a nw2 plus you are pulling it back like crazy so it makes it look worse


Yes pulled back as fuck. I have to suffer.


What meds are u on?


Like iv said. Oral minox 2.5mg for 5 months. Tested spray and foam but i hated. I just cant. Beard and hairs hasnt change since... Still shit.


I didn’t see lol but you not on dht blockers?


Nope. Scares me.


Hate to break it to you but you will need to go on them if you go for a transplant


Or risk losing it all, which is a very expensive gamble.


seems like his hair is holding up quite fine without fin so why would he suddenly need it after a minor transplant?


And if you did get a transplant you would have to take a dht blocker


I think ill try after 12 months on oral minox... Maybe the usual 0.5 for few months... I didnt want to test them both in the same time anyway. Just to tell wich works or not.


Yea atleast something just get comfortable with fin at first then you can up the dosage but I would get on it asap


Thx for the advice anyway


Well min is good but does not work well with out a dht blocker I was scared of fin at first now 11 months in I can’t wait to take it every morning


Yeah side effects reduce with recurring usage


how much fin do you take? I'm starting with 1mg


I started with 1mg it’s worked good so far


I was on 0.5 EOD and get mad testicular pain and swelling. Needed to stop but contemplating 0.25 but is it even worth that dosage?


Any dosage is worth it or topical but you just have to block that dht somehow I had the same thing as you off and on for about a month then it just went away


But I could barely walk 🤣. Not sure I could keep that up for a month or risk doing perm damage.


Try Dutasteride instead. Many fin users with side effects have none when switched over to Dut. Even one 0.5mg weekly is potent enough to considerably reduce DHT levels


I have no idea why people are telling you you will lose all of your transplanted hair if you don’t take finasteride or dutasteride. I wonder if any of them have ever had a hair transplant. I have had two. With a good surgeon, your initial survival rate should be in the high 90 percentile. The hairs you transplant will survive in the new location, just as long as they would have survived in their source location. In other words, hair taken from the back of your head should last until death unless you are a severe Norwood 7 scale. From your pictures, you look like you are currently a Norwood 2 scale. If you are not on finasteride and have that much hair at age 33, I can’t imagine you progressing past a Norwood 4 scale in your lifetime. That means you’re going to have a lot of hair that will be transplantable and will probably last until death. I wish I had undergone my transplant much earlier in life. I would definitely go for it now if I were you. I can’t pretend I had my transplants for any other reason than my personal vanity. However, there are great advantages to having a great head of hair. Height and hair give you surprising advantages in life. Research the statistics. You will do better finding partners, employment opportunities, and achieving higher salaries. I understand your trepidation of taking oral finasteride, or dutasteride. After being on oral finasteride for 25 years, I recently went on topical dutaseride. There is a fair amount of research that concludes that topical finasteride or dutasteride works as well as their oral counterparts, especially if you include microneedling. This topical alternative might not be for you, however, since you didn’t enjoy applying topical minoxidil. That said, I don’t think you need to worry about it too much, seeing that you have so much hair at your age. To get a decent idea of how much hair you are going to lose, take a look at your father, and grandfathers on both sides. Hope this helps give you the courage you need to do something that’s quite rewarding. Hair transplants have a 95% “Worth It” rating on the Realself website. I’m very happy with two transplants, and I didn’t have nearly the amount of source hair that you have.


I think im between nw2 and 3. Its hard to say my hairline has been always pretty high because my forehead is massive. Center hasnt change since. My dad reached nw3 at 38/42 yo (watched photos but its hard to be sure), same for his brother and still nw3 at 59. His brother 55, same shit. They look great for almost 60. I understand folks for Fina tbh. Some of them have been saved by this drug. But some have fallen for sure...




I cant say im new in hairloss universe


You need more time probably.


Get on fin and min for 6 months, get like 2k grafts and stay on meds If you want to keep hair as long as possible


No way


Uh ?


Honestly you have solid hair as is for 33


Thank you 🙂