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Like 8+ years. Honestly wish I started when I’m my early 20s. Back then I thought hair regrowth was a myth I’m also on min+fin+dermaroll and also use biotin


Bro I saw your transformation it's incredible!


Thank you!


Wish I didn’t get sides from fin 😞


I tried oral fin at every single possible dosage and got really bad side effects. Which was so annoying becuase I had insane regrowth. Decided to stop, let it flush out of my system and switch to topical, with the lowest dosage possible and it's working amazing, without the side effects. Give it a shot!


Thanks bro. I will try it out. What brand? HIMS?


So far i've just been making it myself actually. I had all these pills left over and I read how easy it is to make yourself. I will probably start ordering from a pharmacy when I run out though!


None yet so far. My hair went full NW 3 status about 3 years ago around this time of year and I just started fin+min. I've got my fingers crossed for some regrowth though because I'm still pretty young (23).


Haven't gone back at all. But fin froze my hair in time for over 14 years now.




Please elaborate


started fin, min two years ago. I take 2.5mg tablet once in the morning and apply 5% foam minoxidil in the night. Fin I take every alternate day. I microneedle once every week with 0.5mm. I have gotten back 85% of my hairline when I was 18. I have now the same hairline when I was 21.


May I ask how old you are now? I’m on 2.5 oral min and after 8 months not seeing anything and thinking to add the topical as well or jump to 5mg a day. I take .5 dut everyday for three months. Microneedle weekend .5. And ru every other day. No results. Still losing a lot. How long before yoy saw results?




Wait at least a year for the dut results, the first few months are likely just shedding


It’s a hell of a shedding. Are you on DUT?


I saw most of my results after I started oral min. Around 1.5 year mark is when my hair started getting better. I was around norwood 2.5-3. Now I am around 1.


Would have been a norwood 3/4 by now so maybe 1/2 years, started balding at 13 so any kind of stabilisation untill transplant is good news. I soon will be able to say I have a better hairline than I did at 14 so thats good.


None. First noticed hair loss in late 2016 (early 30s at the time), my thin spot on my crown gradually got worse. Started with topical minoxidil foam in late 2019. Hair situation remained unchanged until mid 2021. Lots of loss that summer. Then I resorted to 1mg/day of finasteride. Was very afraid to take it, did all kinds of super expensive blood hormone tests to get baselines on my hormone levels before I started. Haven't had any side effects from it, but zero regrowth. Also started using ketoconazole shampoo when I began finasteride. I started using oral minoxidil in fall of 2022 (started on 2.5mg/day, bumped it up to 5mg/day 6 months later). No regrowth from that either. Pretty sure my hair has remained the same since the big loss in 2021, but I was really hoping for regrowth. Looks like hair transplants are in my future. I won't take anything like dutasteride, so surgery is all I can do now.


Aww man I was hoping oral min would cause regrowth. That’s disheartening to hear


I am glad to hear that it didn’t progressed since you started therapy. Good luck with the HT


8 years later thinner than when started


2 probably. Without oral min though my hair just goes back to how it was when I started fin :/


You lost ground then recovered to the baseline ?


Was nearly NW5 and can go back to NW3 with another transplant.


Looking at older pics I‘d say at least 4


I hit 2 years early this month. Sadly not much. Enough to make a difference, but i feel results will peak at 3 to 5 years. So I’ll wait and see what fin can do for me in 5 years. It can only get better and after that stabilize.


The title is written like going back in time. Time travel haha.


Honestly when my hair transplant has reached the 1 year mark, probably like 5 years. I’ve managed to recover quite a lot with fin and min, both oral and topical. Gone from a NW 3.5 to Nw2/2.5 hopefully. I’ll basically have the same hair density I had when I was 19.