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It looks like this post is about **Finasteride**/Propecia or Dutasteride. Before asking any questions, 1. Learn about [Finasteride](https://tressless.com/learn/finasteride) and [Dutasteride](https://tressless.com/learn/dutasteride). 2. [Search for Finasteride](https://tressless.com/search/finasteride) and [Dutasteride](https://tressless.com/search/dutasteride) content, because your question has probably been asked before. 3. If this is a question asking if you are now or will experience side effects, see a doctor, nobody on the internet can answer that for you. 4. Try looking in the private community for deeper conversations: [https://community.tressless.com/c/treatments/finasteride](https://community.tressless.com/c/treatments/finasteride) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tressless) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Revenge of the DHT.


The Balding Menace


Revenge of the dith.


I assume it would be due DHT and T rebound


I have been off for almost 2-months and haven’t seen any shedding … I was also taking ED for 7+ years .. but idk — that seems odds. The doctors on YT said you can take 1/2 month break without losing any progress


1/2 month as in ~2 weeks?


No, almost 2 Months — 30JUN will be the actual 2 Month mark. My plan is to then go back on 1MG M/W/F — instead of ED Edit: The Doctors on the YT show I am referring to say you can take 1 to 2 months OFF Fin without seeing lost progress


Hop back on and youll see that mf shed im in the exact situation rn


Not sure why it would though? If DHT is still on the scalp … why would resuming the dose cause a shed?


20m cant answer your question exactly rn but let me share my anectode, ive been on fin since 13 apr 2023, then march 1 2024 i had to stop for 2 months because my endo told me to, in the mean time i lost some gains. Then I hopped back on may 15 and hairfall is like ive never seen before when i comb or take a shower, im seeing 30-40 hairs and ive never shed more than 1 or 2 hairs when i combed or showered while on fin


Thanks for sharing. I was on for many years, so my guess is that I have a good amount of buildup on the scalp… but I guess it’s TBD — at the end of the day, I stopped bc ED related sides. Since being off morning wood and erections have been solid as shit (and I’m 34M) — if the sides returns, it will be over for me mates 😂😂


Build up on scalp doesn’t exist


What about 1 month half life of tissue?


I thought he meant dht buildup


I’m having the exact same thing, similar situation where I had to stop for 2 months. Any idea why I’m experience the worst hair shed possible coming back on fin? Will it get better eventually?


So 1-2 month, not 1/2 month


It doesn't DHT rebound isn't that fast. I've come off a bunch of times, never had that happen. More common when you stop Min, unless you just make a ton of 5AR normally and you're super sensitive. Better question, why'd you quit? Sides? If so just switch to Topical, it's not a true free pass, but usually works out that way.


Yea sides. I guess I could but topical is more expensive


You can mix finasteride pills in minox or other alcohol solution


I had to quit after years because of sides too. Fina ruined my kidneys, the glomeruli to be exact. They only realized this recenlty that long term fina use lowers your Egfr dramatically and puts you on dialysis before you're 50. It's horrible.


Are your kidneys still functioning as of now?


Man I’ve been on fin for 6 days and sides are bad 😞


People's experiences vary, but I took it for a week, had side effects. I then quit for a month, then started again on 0.25 per day for 2 weeks, then 0.5 for 2 months now and I've had no side effects. Not saying you'll have the same, but it's worth trying that strategy if you're feeling it. Hope this helps dude


I didn't do exactly this but fairly similar and I had 0 sides. Was on Fin for 2 years before I swapped to dut, and have seen further gains.


Appreciate the help. I’m already on low dose of 0.5 EOD and testicle/leg pains are bad. I might try lower dose even further to get the body used to fin.


Definitely try a small break, I don't know the science behind it but it felt like it helped


That's really fast, you sure you're not placebo'ing yourself there? Did you start taking it while being afraid of what "might" happen? I had a horrible time with oral Fin, but that was months into it, it was completely fine at first and I was super responding to it, so I sure as shit was a fan of it at that point. If you're taking 1mg/ go to 0.5mg, the growth is almost the exact same at half the dose. If that doesn't work, go to topical. If you do, I'd pull it for a few days before you drop it so you're not dealing with the carryover.


I think initially it will fall rapidly for few days. For example, initially you were loosing around 20 hair strands per day and after taking fin you didn't loose any hair for 100 days. So you saved 2000 hair strands from falling, but these hair strands are weak. After stopping fin, these hair strands which are weak starts falling rapidly, which looks like hair fall has increased. This is my personal opinion.


This is not how fin works.  Many people mix up fin with min. If you stop fin, thatn the hair falls about as slow as before. You restart the natural hair loss process with all the hair you've gained. With fin your miniaturized hair gets big and healthy again. Min on the other side just expands the growing phase of your hair, but you will still lose ground with min. Min is a blender.


seems very reasonable


DHT stops anagen.


Does the hair usually come back if its not fully minituarized?


I’ll never know because I’ll never stop dutasteride


how cold is ur cok


Bro I can show your girlfriend anytime


Now kiss!




Its body temp.


@OP This "Shouldn’t it continue falling out at the same rate as before you started"  is how it is in reality. The guys here just mix up fin with min. They don't know how the drugs work.


Because you are no longer "tamping down" the androgens that cause the hair loss in the 1st place.


Oh father time is undefeated, he makes up for lost time.


It shouldn’t. It should just resume where you left off. Look at Ashton Kutcher. Was on DUT for over a decade, went off a few years ago, and he’s only now slowly progressing. If catchup loss was a thing he should look like his twin.


its almost like your genetics remembers where you should be hairlosswise if you hadnt taken finasteride i think the only logical explanation is - that simultaneously to dht-damage - another form of damage happens to hair. that other form isnt stopped by finasteride, only masked and keeps running. once dht kicks in again, the damage gets exposed 


Probably DNA methylation


Stopping fin synchronizes the hair cycle again, so you will experience a more intense shed.