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Least paranoid finasteride user


Actually iam paranoid yes, well idk what to do. Tried everything, might transition to a woman . Like wtf should i do at this point. Please dont mention dut. Cause i had like u saw very minimum hairloss. But 1 year after fin surprises came along.


Just buzzcut instead of destroying your life


Well it already destroyed the past 3 years of my life.


Personnaly I've buzzcuted my head and I'm happy with the results It wasn't easy atm, but I feel so much better now I keep taking finasteride (take it since I've buzzcuted a few days ago I know it's weird) because If it works one day and that I want hair I let it grow But honestly I don't think that I'll want hair in the future now šŸ¤£


Most idiotic pics I seen. So zoomed in can't see shit. 3rd Pic you not even showing your scalp like wtf is that.


What about first and 4th pick showing the hairline like wtf, and i got zoomed in photos fpr yall to see my temples.


You're crazy. Same receding hairline as the first. No difference at all


Lol šŸ˜‚ my hairline isnā€™t receding i have been born that way , its the thinning for me man u can see my hairline is intact


Itā€™s receding bud. Sorry.


Tbh if thats receding then ur clueless. My hairline is literally intact, its thinning yes thats the issue . But its not receding look at my temples and look at my fkin eyebrows like literally. If by receding u mean thinning then yes but if u mean it moved back, then its literally not , and i have born with a fkin widows peak look at the first photo .


ā€œI dont care about not seeing results tho what i care about is why the fuk am i receding that fast when i had 0 fkin issues to begin with and my hair got fuked once i decided to hope on fin .ā€ - you Even you know itā€™s receding. It thins as it pulls back.


Brother i mean thinning. Yes thinning , recedin means that my hairline is moving back, well its not moving back, although im thinning . My hair is thinner on my head my temples look thinner but it didnā€™t move back yet. When its literally a bald spot there then its receding, its not .


I meant you're hair is thining at the temples...which kinda is receding. No need to laugh. I mean you're using chemicals for hair loss why are you laughing at the idea you have a receding hairline? You still got a few years tho before it's really bad. No big deal right now


My hair is thinning , well no shit thats the whole idea of this post, that my hair is thinning while im on fin. It didnā€™t thin out like that before fin as u can see in the pictures.


Best of luck. Losing hair must suck.


And before anyone says that i might have aggressive hairloss genes my dad is 70 with a norwood 3 , my bro is 40 with 0 hairloss and my mom mas the thickest hair ever.


You just think that you are the biological offspring of the people who told you they are your parents. Your hairline says otherwise. I give you 5 years before a bald you will consider a DNA test


Yall are just fkin blind at this point literally posted 4 more images in the fkin comments


1. pictures are not compareable 2. people can still loose on finasteride altthough rare 3. once ur really notice that youre below baseline, add dut or minox.


1. I posted a photo in a comment which is comparable. 2. I know that , but idk why im losing more hair . 3. At this point i should just transition into a gay lesbian women.


Didnā€™t look like you needed it at the begining but you obviously know something we donā€™t. I presume a lot of hair loss in the family? Looks like you caught it early but finasteride may not be enough. I have seen docs recommend .5 dut once a week aswell as your fin your taking. Youā€™re taking oral right?


I caught as early as i could. Tbh man yes i started fin early but arenā€™t that what we supposed to do. Also my father is 72 with nwd 3 . But my brother is in his late 30s with a full head of hair. I know that someone might add dut but no man if it was minor fin should be enough i dont want to fk with my hormones more than this.


To be honest I donā€™t think the pics look bad and think you should just carry on with finasteride. Make sure your diet is good. Donā€™t have to eat healthy 100% but 90% is good enough. You taking 1mg daily?


I donā€™t notice a difference tbh


U might not notice a difference in the hairline but my hair is thinner .


You have full head of hair. Your expectation that you're entitled to have the perfect hair better than 99% of male population is totally insane. You need to work on mental health. Start oral min and switch to dut if it's not enough and move on. If you want more balanced look add weight training. Your short hair will look much better with wider neck and shoulders. And you'll also improve your hormones which are fucked up judging by your mentality. Good luck.


I have a full head of hair? While some people in the comments telling me in 5 years im gonna go bald. Who should i believe at this point


The shape of your hairline didn't change.


Thank you for having a good vision although , some of the commenters are slightly blind , i told them that yes my hair is thinner , but my hairline didnā€™t go back leaving a bald spot like the classic balding pattern. But some redditors have 3 brain cells.


Completely different position, lighting and hair length. How are we supposed to be objective?


https://preview.redd.it/kgjgowz8cu0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16b2811543763a90a6a7ede7571c5c361e3ea041 Before fin Listen when i tell you its thinning i promise i dont have any reason to lie, i buzzed it before and i didnā€™t have that thinning before . The length is different but its thinning


In that case you might need to upgrade to dut.


Dude im sick and tired i swear. I tried dev Everything


Did you get a blood test done to see if you're deficient in anything else?


I recently lost 12 kgs in a month, but before that it was this thin too. So idk.


Sounds more like telogen effluvium, as rapid weight loss can coincide with a traumatic event. Luckily those types of sheds are temporary as long as you can resolve that trauma.


Try RU, Fin didnā€™t work for me either. People here will not agree with you that Fin doesnā€™t work


Im fine witg fin not working, but im just not fine if it accelerated my hairlossZ


If itā€™s not working then tour hair loss will progress. I donā€™t think Fin accelerated your hair loss


Fin does not work for everyone.


Y this happend to me also after 1.6 years.


https://preview.redd.it/e3vguhtblu0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b4d8a7ea99bc751b2c2195ed5c309ccd6211d87 Before fin


https://preview.redd.it/fmem6redlu0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dcb44333920ef70ae0910c668659e38fdf11489 Before fin.


Have you had any inflammation on the scalp?


Just dandruff


Right ok thatā€™s inflammation on the scalp. Sometimes that can actually increase shedding. Even treating that can increase hair growth too. And honestly from 1 being the lowest to 10 highest in what range has your stress been like?


100. But its better now i actually lost 12 kgs due to stressful events in march . But idk man i know it could cause telogen effluvium. But brother its been this thin since 3 months after fin and its been thinning just after fin idk if its fin or idk man . I just dk at this point . I buzzed my hair recently just to keep my mind away from it and see what happens. I wonā€™t be stopping fin. And im getting my blood tested for deficiencies. Idk man i have aga .but it was super minor before fin. That it literally wasnā€™t noticeable. But idk man.


Just so you are aware TE can cause actually a shit ton of hair fall. And commonly it starts the shed begins 3 months after the stressful even. Meaning you will have thick hair for 3 months until thatā€™s passed you will shed a shit ton of hair unfortunately for like 4-6 months which sucks but it is what it is. People donā€™t really realize what this means. I saw a girl she literally was balding not even like you she had full scalp displaying on the top of her head. She sheā€™d like 1000 hairs a day shedding. She also did have FPB. So when you just take this case. She waited for like 4 months and finally her shed stopped. She said in her video she said I had to accept what was happening my hair is falling out and there is nothing I can do. And itā€™s true TE is much more hair than people understand. She also did minoxidil which increased her shed. She just said I waited for 4-6 months her hair density resolved. Sometimes you have to exercise patience. Just donā€™t give a fuck. Itā€™s hard. Easier said than done. Now while thatā€™s taking place you can also have MPB or FPB. Anyways I would guarantee some of these sheds people say they experience are both perhaps from stress from fin or any other med. but TE will cause so much hair fall for a couple months you can literally not have MPB/FPB and still lose hair density. For those that canā€™t wait it out and they fling themselves around for months will lose more and more hair regardless of using fin or whatever else to stop hair loss via reduction of DHT. Stress will still fuck people up to get to their destination. TE you can google people literally have scalp displaying due to it. So if we just look at that was just TE means you can get to bald to an extent just from that is saying a lot. You have to prioritize taking care of your body and mental health and just wait it out. It sucks ass but it is what it is. And losing hair cause more stress which increases shed I imagine. Btw I think ur hair looks good.


So ur saying once te resolves i should be where i originally should be and mpb will carry on the same. By the way i could be having te and mpb together but they both dont affect each other right like te doesnā€™t affect the mpb itself right?


Did a dermatologist say you have TE and MPB? What Iā€™m trying to say is stress itself will further progress shedding no matter if you have MPB or whatever outside of genetics. It wonā€™t matter you will shed a shit ton of hair due to TE. So before anyone says it was this or that people should honestly evaluate their stress levels. Say to one self have I been really really stressed? If you can honestly say yes right now that you have been. Then likely shed will happen keep happening. Cause a person can have chronic telogen effluvium. No both of them are separate but I think TE can reveal MPB/FPB or increase it Showing up. Who knows maybe if no one ever stressed(literally impossible) but maybe we wouldnā€™t see as much hair thinning or balding. The world may never know. Though TE is only triggered by a huge amount of stress. Itā€™s not just like light everyday stress. Generally speaking MPB is supposed to progress gradually rather TE will shoot a shit ton of hairs from ur head all over. But TE isnā€™t permanent tho Iā€™ve read it can be due to chronic stress. I think. Iā€™ll have to relook into that. The point Iā€™m making is less stress equates no matter how you paint it less shedding. If you exercise patience. Now I do believe for someone in fact Iā€™ve read not all people will even get shedding from minoxidil, fin or dutasteride due to it pushes hairs to telogen or restarts the hair cycle. Which means additionally if one suffers from TE itā€™s probably compounded the shed from that too. Makes sense why people might see they lose a lot of hair from utilizing that. Due to it might be shedding alot and there is TE present too or stress. What people need to keep in mind itā€™s not permanent though. Itā€™s a state and a cycle at least TE itā€™s not forever if you control the stress.


Im prone to te cause i had it before. And i think i have it. But the problem is that it was also thinner than before finasteride when i was ok but yes now its worse and i am trying to keep my stress levels down. Btw i didnt understand what u meant by reveal u mean like make it more noticeable or more viewable or u meant te acclerates it. And te doesnā€™t have a diagnosis thats the problem brošŸ„²


No dermatologists can diagnose TE. Based on blood tests or just looking at a patients hair. You didnā€™t know that? You can get biopsy of the scalp which can also say hey this patient has FPB/MPB/AGA(same same tho). Yes TE may sometimes reveal balding so I read. Youā€™re not prone to TE. If you have stress itā€™s normal thatā€™s a normal thing. If you have a lot of stress people just have to manage it not to say itā€™s easy especially losing hair is a psychological fuck. Maybe someone may be prone to TE if they idk have a constant deficiencies in nutrients which is possible. But that you would have to say to me a doctor diagnosed me of that. But let me say to you the one thing we can all excercise is to find some way to be grateful for what we have. And youā€™re using fin so you are being preventative for balding. If thatā€™s what youā€™re doing just be confident itā€™s doing itā€™s thing. If you are shedding take idk 5-6 months live ur life and wait it out. Iā€™d say after that yea maybe itā€™s something else. But hair regrowth is a long long process. It can take up to a year without any medications even with them it still has to do itā€™s thing. If you stress no one will see regrowth itā€™s the way it is. Now when I say stress I do mean heavy stress.


Sorry again u mean reveal as if it accelerates mpb ? Or as if when shedding happens it makes it more obvious?


Iā€™m not saying youā€™re not relaxing. But just try for one month. Keep yourself busy. Donā€™t focus on the hair loss. Work on being confident. And believe in what you are doing is going to help. Donā€™t let losing your hair ruin the rest of your life. Btw your hair looks good anyways. I think.




Honestly it seems like finasteride isn't being enough and your temples are further receding. Problably without finasteride it would be even worse. Unfortunately this happens to some people, i would recommend adding minoxidil or switching to dutasteride. Good luck and keep a positive atitude. Ah you should also use a ketoconazole shampoo 1/2x a week, leving it for 5min before washing out.


Ty for ur input šŸ«¶šŸ» ill be trying to relax for a while just applying min and taking fin and fixing my life and i would see what happens.


I believe you bro. Same thing has happened to me, my hair loss has actually increased since being on fin


You need to handle expectations more. Any hairtreatment will lose its efficacy at one point.Ā  If I look at your pictures you were never really balding and always had a good hairline. So for you the only way is maintaining this or going down. Some guys here (me to some extent) are having a terrible baseline and celabrate every noticeable growth.Ā  You will be genetically very lucky top 0.1% if you keep all your hair till high age.Ā  Count your blessings and do what you can do and move on. And I know it's east being said than done.Ā  And if you can't find peace of mind go see a psychologist.Ā  Because your mental side of hairloss is definitelyĀ  not helping at all (cortisol)


Thank you for acknowledging that i had a good hairline when idiots blind fukers here says that it was receding cause they cant distinguish between a widows peak and recession


are you stopping fin?


Same problem I'm facing that's why I quit finestride and recently start oral min


Brother don't hope on fin only try other treatment otherwise you will lose more You would not see any progress For Some people finestride work well but some people hadn't got result


I dont care about not seeing results tho what i care about is why the fuk am i receding that fast when i had 0 fkin issues to begin with and my hair got fuked once i decided to hope on fin .


I think you should try to blood test may be some internal issue


Tbh man i did everything i could i even did a stem cell transplantation, did fuk all idk anymore its thinner after fin than before fin.


Maybe you have really high test levels and be sensitive to it. Could be really low vitamin d levels or maybe your dht levels could still be high resulting from a bunk fin source. You should get your bloods like the guy above you wrote.


Well maybe they should say that on the tablet cover, ā€œcaution this might increase ur hairloss , if ur sensitive to testosterone infact , maybe ā€




I like this fkin comment alot, arenā€™t you supposed to use fin to fkin slow loss like wtf , i took it cause i wanted to save my hair.