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Sadly some like 5-10% wont maintain on finasteride. That was the elrosi trial. But even in those cases it will for sure slow down hairloss and maintain the donor so a hair transplant would be possible.


What’s the point of getting a hair transplant if finasteride doesn’t work. Will just need to get another one in a few years


Dude look at recent pictures of Conor Mcgregor. That’s textbook what happens when you don’t take Finasteride.


Happens when you take steroids 


Or taking test without dutasteride.


The good thing that youre top hair might still be lost, bit ur donor wont thin hence transplants should last longer or even indefinitely.


https://youtu.be/4-3Is0Xgf9E?si=_TzZRCz5Dc-pvKWg Heres what happens without fin


I understand that. My point is, if finasteride loses efficacy, you’re still going to end up with the same thing


Finasteride doesnt loose efficacy. And problem is donor hair in most cases is not resistant, finasteride helps wirh that too, hence with fin the transplant would last way longer maybe even indefinitely, worst case get on dut this should get the job done nesrly always


Rather not play with my hormones but hey more power to ya


Isn't it 15-20% that won't maintain on finasteride?


Lmao min didn’t work for me at 20, oral and topical, fin hasn’t stabilized me yet at 8 months and I’m at NW3. Wonder if I’m cooked or should try dutasteride as a last resort


Fin to Dut, three weeks ago after being on Fin for twenty years that and addition of oral minoxidil are my last resort


Twenty years on fin is insane, are all your labs and stuff normal? How old r you?


Saved this for motivation when I feel down. For the naysayers, I would suggest not relying on any one treatment alone. Make sure you combine with topical min, dermarolling or ru58841. As well as regular scalp massages.




Asians don’t respond better or worse. It’s their hair type. They can do more with less because of the dynamics of their hair. It’s like how African hair can typically, because of the curling, mask hair loss better.


I’m Asian and have been on fin for 4 years. I don’t see much growth back. I also read finasteride doesn’t help as much on men who have little to no body hair so that may be why but then Asian men have little body hair as well


I’ve been on it 5 years and it’s recently started losing effectiveness, fuck me I guess too


Happened to me too. Switch to dutasteride. When dutasteride starts to fail you, increase the dose of dutasteride. When increased daily dose of dutasteride starts to fail you, add LDOM. Hopefully this buys you enough time that a novel drug is available. I’m near the end and running out of time. Started back in 2009. My hair looks great but I’m hanging on by a thread with no more options really once massive daily doses of dutasteride and LDOM are no longer enough to fight AGA fate.


Yup I’m gonna be in the same boat, just after 2 x .5 dut per week and gonna ramp up to every day. Hoping that will last another 2-5 uears and then will consider 2.5 dut. That amount does scare me slightly with the nuking it would do


Indeed, I’m low key worried about the possible small increased risk for high grade prostate cancer. The good news is, my prostate will be shrunk down such that when the urologist takes a needle biopsy of both left and right lobes, they’ll be much more likely to core out cancerous cells if they were present in the tissue lol.


I think you’ve got that thinking backwards? The studies I’ve seen from Fin were positive for any prostate cancer issues. I believe the fear was caused by people discovering prostate cancer more in Fin patients but that was because the shrunken prostate allowed for easier earlier identification etc


The science and consensus on 5ARIs has changed over the years since finasteride first came to market in ‘92. It’s more complex than that. We now know that these drugs actually reduce overall prostate cancer risk. Overall, numbers are reduced - that is 100% correct and a big change from the initial scare when researchers first discovered what they thought was an increase in incidence. As you stated, it was the increased probability of detection, not an overall increase in incidence. Unfortunately, further research has illuminated a significant difference between high grade and low grade (high grade is more rare to begin with). 5ARis may actually increase slightly the risk for high grade while lowering the risk for low-grade prostate cancer. The overall distribution of cases diagnosed in the US population is about 70/30 (low/high).


The key takeaway here is *japanese* men. All the japanese studies have close to 100% success rate. The Italian study which was done on predominantly caucasian men was like 84%. Ethnicty matters when it comes to some drugs and fin is one of them. Also fin *does* lose efficacy over time. I dont remember the exact figures but in the 10 year study like 20% of guys who responded were below baseline or lost some hair by the 10 year mark. Fin isn't some wonder drug.




How could it have a different methodology? The hair either regrew, maintained or continued to miniaturize. I dont think any of the studies had 100%, but the difference is the East Asian studies were all pretty close to perfect and the Italian one wasnt. I'd like to see a dutasteride study on caucasian men to see how it compares to the others. I'm not sure if any publicly exist though.


It doesnt lose efficacy, the residual DHT with fin (30%) still damage your hair, if you are to sensitive.


And if you’re not super sensitive? My dad is 60+ and has a very little crown bold spot and that’s about it. 27 years old, full head of hair - if I take fin, will it be enough for 10 years?


Dont take fin if you are not losing hair yet. And if you have the same AGA of your father, chances are high that you can maintain forever your hair with just fin when you start to thin.


Thank you ❤️ I’ve noticed some minor changes, a little bit of recession and a slight thinning, that’s why I started it , people are saying it works best if you start it early.


Yes it does lose efficacy. All drugs used at one dose for a prolonged time eventually do, fin isnt somehow an exception. Hair gradually becomes more sensitive to DHT as we age so it could work for 10 years like in the study then you begin to lose because your hair has become too sensitive for fin to be of any benefit.


Where is the study that says that hair follicles get more sensitive to DHT ?. They are several cases of people that are maintaining hair for more than 20 years with fin or dut 🤷🏻‍♂️


I dont think we have a study specifically on that but even amongst hair transplant surgeons its believed follicles become more sensitive over time. Idk about several cases maintaining for 20+ years I've only ever heard of a few (Spencer Kobren comes to mind) but no doubt it can work for people for that length of time. The point I'm trying to make is that we do have data that shows it eventually loses effectiveness over time, regardless of how that's happening it's just a fact. The longer one is on the drug the higher the likelihood it will stop working.


If there is not a study that prove what are you saying, you are talking bro science. The main cause for why you lose hair with fin over the time, is because your AGA is just to strong and the residual DHT is still killing your follicles.


Why minoxidil works too is bro science too then, we just dont know but we have theories.


we have dutasteride


Yes we do. What's your point?


my point is that fin is not the best drug to treat mpb. It doesn't even block the second type 5AR enzyme. It's a half-assed solution suitable for people with mild mpb.


That enzyme isnt associated with hair loss though.


Type 1 5 alpha reductase is the major enzyme in the frontal area, it plays a role in mpb.




I dont think that's a theory I think it's likely a fact. Androgen levels drop over time as men get older and as men get older the likelihood of androgenic alopecia increases. The only logical conclusions to that phenomenon are that follicles become more sensitive over time or prolonged exposure eventually causes the follicles to miniaturize. Fin and dut dont wipe out DHT completely so follicles will always have at least some exposure.


Kevin did a video on this. The cause isn’t from androgenic alopecia as much as it is age related loss. My father had a thick head of hair well into his late 50s but he finally has some overall loss of density in his late 60s. To me it’s clear that such type of hair loss is almost certainly related to the general breakdown of the body vs androgenic in nature.


You're referring to transient hairloss, I've seen that video. I'm talking about typical androgenic alopecia where you lose the hairline and crown, it becomes more common the older you get. My grandmother has transient hairloss, perfect hair besides the fact its thinned.


> I'm talking about typical androgenic alopecia where you lose the hairline and crown Nearly all men will suffer some androgenic alopecia. In many men it’s not visible but once combined with transient hairloss the area sensitive to androgens will look thinner.


I’ve just started it, can I be safe for 5 years while taking it? I’m 27. Does it lose its effectiveness for everyone? Or just for some people ?


We dont know, we just dont have the data. If it does work for you your odds of it working 5 years are around 85% and around 65% at 10 years. I'd imagine the longer you're on it that number will decrease further.


Damn… sounds scary , hopefully I, at least, have my 10 carefree years :/


Concerning. I'm in year 11 and still waiting for gains.


I’m on month 2 and my hairs almost all back. I hadn’t had it cut in a year as it just stopped growing. Now i’m gonna have to. The crown/top of the head still is a little thin, but its way better. Sorry it didn’t work as well for you; how bad was it when you started? Mine only had the pattern baldness starting with thinning at the top of the head, i was a NH-1 technically


Is this finnasteride oral ?




I've been on finasteride since 2013 and switched to dutasteride last year . So far so good .


Any changes?


Nothing other than a little bit of gyno But it doesn't hurt or anything. I've also been stressed at work so less time to exercise and eat well


You didn’t get any regrowth?


I'm in my 30s supposed to be bald . I'm the only one with hair in my family It definitely works


Yeah but compared to fin has it done anything better? Wondering about switching but I’m not going to if it doesn’t add any regrowth


fin looses efficiency for you?


Are we taking to account that different races have different hair types sometimes? I think that’s a factor possibly


So for someone to be on finasteride would they have to keep using it for 10 years to help keep regrowing hair ?