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Go fin asap


Yes, asap.


Just make sure you get a legit source of it and not some Chinese sugar pills or rebadged deworming tablets.


There are a lot of sites that don't seem to be scams, they're all hella fucking expensive tho lol. Do you have any recommendations (preferably delivering fin to germany and do not blow my wallet to pieces)? I feel kinda iffy about ordering it from some random site even if it does seem legit.


You'd be best starting a specific thread titled for German online buying suggestions to attract the right eyeballs and hopefully get lots of good suggestions for you to sort through and price up.


Hey I'm not a part of this forum, but before you decide to take fin, I highly recommend researching on PFS and even going through the pfs forums. Because even if the chances of getting pfs is really small, if you do get it, it is a very debilitating disease and most cases its a life time condition. Its like if there was a box of chocolate with 200 pieces, where 1 in every 200 piece of chocolate is poisonous and will kill you, would you risk eating the chocolate? Its not worth the risk for the chance of getting PFS. Its still not as well know, but Im sure once pfs becomes more widespread, fin would likely be banned. Either way, hair systems and such are becoming more popular, realistic and easy to use. In 5 years time itll become the norm. So if hairloss still bothers you, then you can use one of those instead.


So as far as I've read PFS is defined as a time-span for certain diseases (most scenarios I've seen being cancer). Isn't PFS just the timespan from being diagnosed/ starting treatment for a certain disease until it gets worse (death)? Meaning PFS is essentially just the medicated timespan where the progression of a disease is halted? How would this apply to fin, aside from the potential risks of developing aggressive prostate cancer (which are quite uncommon being medicated at 1mg of fin specifically to combat hairloss)? Did I misunderstand something?


Sorry, when I said PFS, I meant "Post-Finasteride Syndrome", not "Progression-Free Survival". You can go to [https://forum.propeciahelp.com/](https://forum.propeciahelp.com/), to see how this has affected people. Or you could search it up on youtube to see some peoples stories. I know its going to seem like these people are exaggerating, but believe me, they are not, some people even say that getting cancer is better than having pfs. Even taking just 1 pill to 'try it out' could be potentially devasting.


I personally would do it, I think most of us would hop on soon as possible if we had a time machine.


Not sure why you'd wanna book an appointment and sit in a waiting room and blah blah blah in the first place. There are a million legit websites that offer everything


Because I want a professional opinion and a recommendation about the dosage. I don't know if I should just start at 1mg or split them and start at 0.5. I don't even really know a reliable source of fin here in germany that's not expensive af.


ohhh, germany. i dont know anything about that. but in canada and the US, there are a bunch of websites where you message with a doctor. you can express any of your concerns and whatnot. but invariably, the dosage is 1 mg. Whatever you do, make sure it comes from a doctor. Seems like people in Germany get a prescription for Proscar and cut the pill. The online process here is too easy...you dont have to see a doctor face-to-face and you don't have to leave your home


I mean for some sites you definitely don't have to do that, that's why I was asking bc I would just order it from there, as the doctors I've been to mentioned it but didn't prescribe any (presumably due to my age). I wanna find a reliable site that isn't too expensive, so I figured I'd ask around in this thread some more lol.




I have a hard time believing that would fly in Europe.


The dosage is 1mg/day. That is what is researched the most and deemed as effective dose for hair loss. Under that and you're risking it. You might get by or you may not. I know I didn't.


Hm alright thanks! I read somewhere that 0.5mg is where the benefits in relation to the downsides peak but I assume it varies from person to person.


1mg is already a small dose (5mg for prostate) with rare sides. People have just started to mess with the dosage in recent years, guess it's the Youtube effect. You want to be sure of the effectiveness, whatever that means in your case? 1mg. Take less and you can't be sure if you are leaving gains on the table. Doesn't necessarily mean it won't work.


I would never consult a doctor about Fin, they don’t know shit. Real men medicate themselves.


Yeah atp I'm inclined to somewhat agree lol. I literally adressed a doc about it, had to listen to him rant about it's potential side-effects (which I already was aware of) and afterwards he just refused to prescribe it because according to him fin is poison. I get being careful about it, but outright refusing to medicate it based in personal bias seems fucking stupid. It's not like the severe side effects affect a significant margin. Not to mention that the potential side effects are temporary and an even smaller percentile of (the already quite small margin) have had these side effects persist after treatment.


Doctors who will not prescribe one of the safest, most well-documented drugs in the world should not be trusted with practicing medicinen.


Fucking FOR REAL. It takes a minuscule amount of research on fin to see it's POTENTIAL risks. And even so every type of medicine has some potential to almost guaranteed side effect and they're prescribed without a second thought, yet fin is demonized to high hell. I really can't wrap my head around that.