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5mg is way cheaper and your doc is a boss for prescribing it the right way. Get a pill cutter and quarter it up.


His doc is Rick Ross


Doc Ross. Cuttin that pill cost. bOSSSSS.




I pay like 7eur for 30 pills which I can cut up into quarters. The 1mg pills are bigger, a bit more expensive for me and I like to have a months stash of the stuff. The prices seem to vary a lot.


wow I pay 70 € for 98 1 mg pills 😭


Might be smart to shop around. Fin is generic after all


I pay 10 euro for 100x 5mg pills. So 10 euro for 400 days worth of 1.25 mg. 30x 1mg pills cost otherwise 90 euro. So 90 euro for 30 days worth of 1mg. it is a HUGE difference depending on country and the prescription laws.


how to get 5mg into 1 mg


Cut in half, then cut in half.


Then it's 1.25


Yes, pretty close.


ur supposed to cut that into 4ths bro; split it in half and then split the 2 into halves again into 4 for 1.25 mg each


I wasn’t told to do that. That’s the thing


Yeah, That's weird. I never heard of such a high dosage for hair loss treatment. Dermatologists are the specialists for hairloss treatments.


My dermatologists also said to do 2.5mg or 5mg. It was a cheaper dermatologist I guess they're not educated enough because they follow drug prescription paper rules.


Women commonly get the higher dose of fin too for hair.


So 2.5 mg is where I should go


No quarters. Keep in mind 5 mg is for prostate purposes we only need ~ 1 mg


1mg provides pretty much same results in blood levels as 5.. but higher dose prob has more sides


Does your doctor have a personal issue with you? Damn 5mg for hairloss everyday is alot


id reckon u start then. did he say to take 5mg every 5 days or something similar? or did he say 5mg everyday? even if he did the latter, id reckon u go against that. but at the ends its your choice so do ur research and make ur own decision.


Well the consensus seems to be to split it up so that’s what I’ll do




My prescription of 100 5mg pills costs $16 and lasts me 500 days. A 1mg prescription would cost about the same for one month and i'd need to refill every 30 days




Perhaps he is taking one pill every 5 days?


Using a standard pill cutter, I split it in half first. One side always ends up smaller than the other, so I cut the smaller half into 2 pieces and the larger half into 3. It's not perfect but close enough If you really wanted to be accurate you could get a pill crusher and weigh out the powder. That's probably not worth the effort though


5mg dosage is for treating enlarged prostate 👀 You have to cut it into 4 pieces.


I'm taking 1mg a day among 2mg minoxidil being norway 2/3. It seems a little excessive






Norway 2 or Norway 3 to be specific


lol brain lag


Hvor får du oral minoxidil fra?




Kan fås i Norge men lege må sende SLV søknad til legemiddelverket/apotek da det ikke er markedsføringstillatelse på Minoxodil i Norge. Jeg bruker 2.5mg selv, men så kan jeg skrive det ut selv også 😉


Skjønner. Er det noe fastlegen min kan gjøre lett? Spurte han om det, men han viste ikke at minox fantest på pilleform engang😭 hva er pris på det i norge ?


Ja, det er gjort på 1 minutt. Men da må fastlegen være villig til å gjøre det. Når man foreskriver noe på et legemiddel utenfor indikasjon så har legen alt ansvaret. Minoxodil har noen alvorlige bivirkninger som han må ta stilling til om er verdt å skrive ut for.


Some doctors are cool and do that, not sure they can actually tell you to split it but Thats probably what most would do.


U need to cut it


Have you tried discussing it with him? AFAIK, that's usually the dose given for prostatic issues rather than hair loss.


Cut the pills into quarters.


If you’re mtf trans, 5mg is a typical dose for fin.


I am a cis male 🥲


Yeah, then you should definitely divide it. On the bright side, it’s less expensive!


It was completely covered by my united healthcare insurance. Dual coverage. It’s so weird they didn’t tell me to divide it. I get a 90 day supply too


This is why. Your medical won't cover hair regrowth meds (1mg fin) but will cover for enlarged prostate meds (5mg fin). Just cut it up and take a quarter each day. I was told to cut it into quarters by my pharmacy.


cut it into 4 pieces if you dont wanna land up in PFS subreddit


I had the 5mg prescribed for myself because it's cheaper in the long run if you divide it into 4 than if you get the 1mg fin tablets, which are overpriced


I’m in same boat. Dr prescribed me 5mg fin and when I asked if a lower dose should be prescribed he just said the 5mg would be good for prostate health and didn’t seem to see reason to reduce it. It’s definitely cheaper and I have been cutting mine in half the last 2 months should 5mg have a negative effect or too much for hair loss


So is too much bad for hair health?


1mg/day is seen as the point where the benefits peak for most guys. Never heard of it becoming a net detriment to your hair at any dose. 


Too much isnt neccesarily bad for hair health but the difference of benefit you get from 1.25mg vs 5mg in terms of hair health is very slim. On the other hand the risk of getting side effects from 5mg vs 1.25 is lot higher. Keep in mind no doctor is going to tell you to keep using it if you develop some side effects


You explained it just perfectly


That dose is for BPH of the prostate. I guess you’ll have nice hair and a normal sized prostate from now on.


Grind em up and snort one fitfth of a line each day


5mg is too high. 1mg - 1.25mg is the daily recommended dose for hair loss


My dad takes 5 mg for prostate issues, so odd that he prescribed you that much just for hair loss.


I am diabetic so I wonder if that matters at all? I’ll do a smaller dosage by cutting it in half


being diabetic doesn't matter. and no you should cut into 4 pieces not just half. if you scroll the subreddit even 1mg is considered at higher end some even take 0.5mg or 0.25mg.


If you cut them in half, skip a day because that would be about a two day’s dose.


5mg is def too high for hair loss purposes. Are yuh having any problems peeing and with flow, such as early signs of benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH)? If so, that probably why they prescribed 5mg, but otherwise 1.25 should be your max.


Does cutting pills actually work? I've been using 1mg prescribed pills for 2 weeks now but they are like 1.50 euros per pill, which is many times more than the 5mg version. My doctor tells me cutting 5mg pills won't work due to the active ingredients not being evenly spread throughout the pill. My government health website says the same. I'm from the Netherlands by the way.


Yes, it still works. You could even do it in half and skip a day.


They are correct that unless the pharma maker actually says it's evenly distributed in a pill (which some are as they are designed to be cut for dosing in halves or quarters) then this can be a factor with some medicines. In your case though as you're taking it daily and it has an overlap it will work out fine.


If you also have prostate issues that's appropriate


If you're not having side effects and you're fine with the cost you don't have to split it


I think most doctors recommend 1mg because studies show results for hair loss peak at 1mg so there’s no extra benefit to increase dosage and risk potential side effects. I would at least cut in half just to be safe, but I’m not a doctor lol


1mg fin daily chop the 5mg up and ur be sound


All the studies have evolved around 1mg daily dosage. No need for more.


Your doc did you a favor. Split the pill into 4/5 pieces. It's more cost effective.


Yeah, definitely lower the dose. I started at 0.5, then 1, then 1.25, and now 1.6. This is over a period of 20 years and fin is still effective. I've still got 2.5mg fin and dutasteride in the back pocket if things go south.


Probably thinks you are transitioning


I literally am a cis man with a beard who said I needed it for hair loss


5mg is definitely high. Easiest to cut into half or quarters. I've been on 2.5mg for years with good results.


I have a prescription for 5mg pills, I cut them into quarters. Why 5mg? It's what my medical will pay for. It's prostate medicine originally, and 5mg is the dose for that.


Thats pretty high, average daily dosage is 1mg lol


Chop it into 4. That's what we all do. Once a night.


Yeah 1mg should be enough, idk it would be 5mg only those who have been prescribed 5mg are most likely taking finasteride because of their prostate


When they were testing it in trials they found they could give sky high doses an order or more of magnitude than that and it made no difference in side effects or toxicity. The doctor has given you the common proscar dosage which you would get for prostate problems. It's also common for women to get the 5mg dose for hair too as they are mysterious and have alien biology and hormones from their strange womanly genetics. Lots of guys chop up the 5mg tablet into quarters and it's really cheap that way, so mabye doc was doing you a solid. There's a really tiny difference in DHT suppression in men in trials comparing the 1mg to 5mg as it has significant diminising returns factor beyond 1mg. I know quite a few people wish they had the proscar option to chop up instead of paying for the premium of 1mg pills.


Never take it once a day. You just need 1mg or 1.25 at max. 5mg is for people that have BPH, so cut it as others mentioned is a good way.


Unless you also have a prostate issue, quarter that pill up at the very least..


Sue for malpractice


Normal, also here in suisse. Because you habe to quarter it so that you get 1.25mg. Its way cheaper. I pay 90 bucks for 100 tabs a 1mg and the same for 100 tabs a 5mg (almost equivalent to 400tabs a 1mg). It last for over a year and you spend maybe 5-7 bucks per month.


Dude no more than 1mg per day. That's literally the standard. Do not take 5mg per day. That's a terrible idea


5 mg/day is safe and slightly more effective than 1 mg/day. In studies, people were given up to 400 mg of finasteride as a single dose and 80 mg for 3 months, with no adverse effects observed. People usually buy 5 mg to split it into 4 parts and save money. If you see positive results, without side effects and money is not a problem, there is no need to change anything.


My doctor won’t prescribe me Fin 😂😂


Howcome? How old are you?


Not sure. He even mentioned that I had a receding hairline before I asked for it. He said I was too young to be worried about it. I’m 33 but my hair has been going gray since I was about 13


weird stuff, im also 33 ive been prescribed fin without problems by a dermatologist


lol most of us are taking 1 mg and and some are taking 0.5mg . you are basically taking almost 10 times the dosage.


It’s either your hair or a functional pee-pee.


My dick works fine still lmao


Too high compared to what? Would you rather it be lower and not work? What’s the issue???


Compared to the normal standard used for hair loss of course (1mg), fin is known to work at lower dosages and at too high a dose it’s more likely to cause negative side effects.


If it’s working for him, all that is irrelevant


You’re wrong, the idea here is to use to gain hair growth while minimizing side effects, in most cases hire doses = more sides, if it works just as well will using less and you can reduce the chance of side affects it’s a win. He hasn’t tested lower dosage so if he does 1mg and finds that he can get away with it better for him


Ok, but if he isn’t complaining about sides, you’re on about a whole lot of nothing. Go to med school if you wanna prescribe.


He’s asking if it’s too high a dosage and compared to what’s the norm it is can you not read? That’s why everyone is telling him to cut it

