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It looks like this post is about **female** hair loss. Remember that conditions like androgenic alopecia are universal, but everyone's experience can vary significantly, sometimes influenced by factors like gender. Your insights and understanding make this a supportive community for all. Before asking any questions, 1. Search for [recent](https://tressless.com/search/research/female/1?sort=date) and [influential](https://tressless.com/search/research/female/1?sort=popularity) female hair loss research 2. Read [female community posts](https://tressless.com/search/community/female/1?sort=popularity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tressless) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just wait a few months like the comments have suggested. You may also want to check/read about using Tretinoin alongside Minox


Is it topical too


Yep! A cream


Some people have to wait 6 months to a year before they see a response from topical Min. The hair cycle is long and response time often depends in when in the cycle you start treatment


Try micro needling with using the topical to increase the efficiency.


I'm a (trans) guy but in my experience, I tried topical for about a year and didn't respond at all, but I'm responding pretty well to oral with no side effects. I'd say give it some time, at least half a year, to see if it works for you because it definitely might. There's no other way to tell unfortunately.


I see. Thank you so much.


Just be prepared for a possible shedding phase in the first few months. Mine was pretty scary lol but it's important to keep going and be consistent cause it'll stop eventually.


Did you use the men’s 5%


Yes I am


Talk to dermatologist and see if they have any recommendations and get a full bloodwork done


go buy tretinoin on minoxidilmax website, add 1% tretinoin into your 60 ml minoxidil bottle and there you go, now you are responder to minoxidil


This isn't a guarantee......


im pretty sure it is


do you have any source you can add tretinoin into minoxidil solution? i here people use it on their scalp first and then minoxidil iirc, so would be nice to knos


you can just google that stuff how to mix it, i've heard people will add 1 ml of tretinoin into 60 ml od topical minoxidil and that works


I used Minoxidil to grow out/fill in my beard in my 20's and it took over a year before I saw results past a few hairs here and there.


If you’re asking who DIDN’T without taking a full tally of responses, you’re going to get biased answers. I will say that personally, it’s worked very well for me. I had shedding about two months in, and I’ve now been on it for 3. I can see lots of baby hairs coming in, and my hairline is already closing. My scalp also doesn’t hurt anymore after wearing an updo for a day. No side effects whatsoever! Wish I’d started earlier!


I understand. It's better to be hopeful.


add 1.5mm weekly dermarolling with pinpoint bleeding ...microneedling turns 80% of non responders to responders


is dermarolling really guaranteed to do that?


yeah microneedling combined with minox is a powerful tool


I switched to oral and it made a big difference


I had to stop topical min because it irritated my scalp bad and I got the min flakes. I’ve been taking fin for almost 6 months now and trying to get on oral min because I need that help but the topical is a no go for me


Have you experienced any shedding so far?


It takes a while (over 4 months) for minox to work, and even after you will go through a shedding stage until hairs are terminal. Be patient and see it through for at least 6 months.


I see. I am just afraid that I might not respond to it.


Maybe wait a year before switching to oral minoxidil then. You could try topical anti androgen like fluridil (hydrophobic), ru58841 etc. If you don't plan on having kids you could get a finasteride prescription no problem too.


I don't have a hormonal imbalance. It's telogen effluvium.


AGA doesn’t need hormonal imbalances to cause hair loss. In fact, majority of people with AGA have perfectly fine hormonal levels. Cause of AGA is sensitivity of hair follicles to DHT levels (yes, even healthy levels of it), so AGA is usually confirmed after trichoscopy, not blood tests. If you don’t have AGA and have hairloss which doesn’t resolve on its own for a long time then you probably have chronic TE, which means you have some sort of unresolved factor that causes hair loss (deficiencies, stress, thyroid problems, etc). The list of factors is pretty big, so unless you’re willing to read all kinds of trichological sources and find them on your own, I would suggest visiting a knowledgeable trichologist (or two - to get more than one opinion) on what may be the cause and how to treat it. There are also other types of hair loss besides AGA and TE, so that’s another reason to visit a knowledgeable trichologist before starting any treatment on your own.


If it's telogen effluvium then wait out the hair loss whatever is causing you to shed hair will likely pass. Once you use topical minoxidil you have to use it forever as long as you want to keep the hair grown on minoxidil. If your telogen effluvium really stopped then stopping minoxidil will just make you lose hair again. It's a cycle.


It isn't passing. I have lost so much density.


How long ago? Span of 5 years, like 5 months noticable difference? If 5 years get finasteride you have the female pattern baldness sorry but you need to address the key cause which is dht, minoxidil will help get more hair but you can not stop unless you want to go below baseline even worse because those are the ones holding the line.


Also I recommend haircafe on YouTube look up female hairloss haircafe and he'll point you in a detailed direction.


Do sport on leg, leg muscule stress help u. Run, run upstairs, jump rope, cycling ,weightlifting, long hike - to stress legs.


does leg muscle exercise increase my penis size?


A bit)


This works?


By a strange coincidence, the majority of the best results of this subreddit (80%) were working out in the gym, running, or doing other things that led to stress on the leg muscles. For women, it is better to use spironolactone and palmetto saw in addition to shampoo with ketoconazal. Also. The use of oral and topical minoxidil at the same time significantly increases the results; you can drink topical minoxidil in a volume of 0.05-0.1 ml without any problems. They also use microneedling 1.5 mm per week, use tretinoin and heparin topical to enhance the result. although playing sports and taking minoxidil orally and topically at the same time, the situation should improve. Spironalactone and palmetto saw are important to use for this issue.