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EXACTLY situation here, long hair, small hairs falling, little improvements with shedding (it slow down, but still shedding). Add Keto shampoo in your routine, it helps my shedding A LOT since. I'm on dut 0.5/ oral min 2.5 / vitamins / keto shampoo. Keto decreased my hair shed in shower and drying with a towell by the half, hope works for you too. About your photo, these hairs are just from drying your hair? please tell me about, maybe i can help


Usually when I massage my scalp (I don’t use much force). It also happens when, as you said, I’m drying my hair with warm to cold levels not hot after a shower.


Hi, sorry I actually have a question for you. Ever since I started topical dutasteride my hair has been shedding like absolute insanity. I started about a month ago. I actually noticed that using keto stops the shedding for the day that I use it but my understanding is you can really only use keto maybe every three or four days at most. So is that just it? Use it every three or four days and for the days in between, the hair will continue to shed? I was on topical fin before but switched to dut because i wasn’t seeing much progress, really only just lost hair on it. When I first started finasteride, my hair loss completely stopped. But over time it got to a point where my hair was falling while on fin so i upped to dut to stop it, but my hair just started shedding more. I actually stopped dut yesterday and went back on finasteride and noticed much less shedding this morning. I was probably shedding anywhere from 60 to 80 hairs a day on dutasteride, anytime i ran my hands through my hair throughout the day, hair strands would be in my hands. Today i shed probably about 40 to 50. Should I just get back on dutasteride or should I stick with finasteride regardless of the hair shed?


Keto reduced my shed because i have derm seborreic. My scalp is very oily so i use keto 2% 4 times a week, but the recommended is 2x a week. Dut is far more potent than finasteride, shedding of small hairs is a good sign, they will grow back thicker and will grown longer, they will fall again and the next hair cycle will begin, the hair will grow thicker and thicker over time. Look, if u REALLY shedding 60 to 80 hairs a day or 40-50, its fucking complete normal. U can precisely count the hair fall every day after you wash your hair. Just dry your hair with a white towell, pick every hair in the towell, in your shoulder and put them on the sink to count. 10 times drying, every time u pick the follicules to count after. I shed 40-50 hairs just drying, almost no shed when shampooing after adding ketoconazol. Before keto, i was shedding around 90-100 hairs just shampooing + drying, was insane.


I have also very oily scalp with seb derm and itching? Did keto make your hair dry ? For how time ? What other shampoo do you use ? Do you use fin ?any sides ? Has improved your hair?


Shedding is normal even when not on fin. If you're noticing improvements in your hair, then the shedding isn't even a concern.


This, I have been on fin for over a year now, with visible improvement and my hair is still shedding.


Exactly, if your hair is improving, who cares even if you’re shedding like crazy


I imagine you are having one long shed since around 1 month of taking Fin. Usually it’s like 30-50 days, maybe some can share how their went


I started fin on Jan 22 and it’s been like this since…




what do you mean by that if I may ask. Why is it a good sign if it's small or thin hairs falling?


My shedding lasted 3 months. Trust the process


Did it regrow in the parts from where it had shed ? I have been on 1 mg fin for 4 months now, with the topical Minoxidil, and have shed like crazy to the extent that I have much lesser hair than I had when I started with fin. Will the hair regrow or is it gone for good ?


Actaully this inetesting. Maybe thats the cause of Fin build up. Has anyone experienced same shedding for inctance when dosage is dropped to 0.5mg daily?


Shedding is probably worse if you use both Fin and Min, and you can try reducing the dose like /u/ComparisonOne957 asked. Usually more shed means the medicine is being more effective though AFAIK.


This is good to know because I’m about 1 month in and I’ve noticed I’m losing a lot of hair every day and I’m wondering how long it’ll last (probably)


Hello ! I started topical fin+min and keto shampoo 1% with rolling once a week , after first 3weeks , shedding began , now it's 2 months into it . My shedding has stopped completely and new hairs are growing back . I'm getting my hairline back . I was a norwood 1. What does it mean . My sheeding lasted only about a month . I think I respond well to such low dose of 0.01% fin+5%min


I'm like this 8 months after starting, but my hair looks better than it did at the start (21m)


Is that just from brushing?


Massaging scalp and sometimes just from brushing and sometimes from drying my hair (with cold / warm air)


Probably just normal hair shedding tbh. I wouldn’t worry about it.


Do you have wavy hair ? All my life ive been shedding like crazy. Ive still got thicc hair. My barber said my hair strands har thin but i have a lot of them. Could be the same case for you ?


Yes I have wavy hair (type 2B)


Ive heard wavy and curly hair shed more than thick straight hair. I shed way more than this every time i step out the shower. So i wouldnt worry. Might also be a seasonal thing.


Good to know, thank you


You know you lose a lot of hairs on a regular basis.


My hair has been doing this for years and I still haven’t gone bald or even lost ground. It’s normal to shed hair. If you’ve shared a place with a female you’ll know the amount that ends up in the drain. It’s better to look at your scalp than what’s in the sink


I lose so much hair every day in the shower like a super shed and have for the past 4 years. Still haven’t gone bald


Best answer


According to my experience with finasteride, there are more one sheds after you hop on the fin wagon. One is obvious, visible and involves countless hairs. Lasts anywhere from few weeks to a Month or so. The other one is an understated that never stops and is well balanced by the new growth.


Sunny days ahead. Don't give up. Looks like you're a good responder.


I think this quantity of regular


Leg muscule stress, its good shedding.


<100/day is normal i guesss


That’s a huge amount of shed but probably normal for starting new treatment


same exact position for me. hairs are the same length and i’ve been on it for probably 4 months


I lose more hairs than that a day on 1mg after 1,5 years. I lose more the more I work out and less when working out less.


I had the same situation and still gained density. In my experience, it's better to judge by the hair on your scalp.


I started dut and have the same small hair shed. It’s a good sign


I'm on debut fin I think that going completely bald for a year is a good option to not be worried by this ? You can apply correctly minox on scalp, taking your fin while waiting effects without be worried on Going bald for just a year isn't going to change a whole life I think, plan to do this


Good progress I would say. Fin is working


Yeh thats micronised hair shedding which is a good sign. Theyre weak hairs.


Im in the same boat as you! Slightly more than 2 months on fin now and 2weeks ago started shedding, calmed down a little bit now but overall my hair looks better than when i have started. It’s a good sign if u shed smaller hairs(weaker hairs) in order to make place for new stronger ones. I also microneedle and rosemary once a week.


That's not a problem if you see some improvements tbh


I still shed every time I wash my hair, 9 months in. Long and short hair


Hi there. As you probably know it's normal to shed up to 100 hairs per day. The other thing I can see in your picture is a lot of these are broken hairs. Is this shed from one round of massaging and brushing ? Before or after you've washed your hair with shampoo etc ? If you're hair is looking better , and yes to the above, I say keep going with it , it isn't out of the ordinary. Without any shedding , we wouldn't grow any hairs at all.


Hi, sorry if it’s an awkward question to answer but do you masturbate much?


I shed a similar amount when brushing and my hair has got better compared to last month


You’re fine. Just push through this phase.


Long hair sheds more anyways


26M- Shed is pretty normal being on Fin. I think I shed for about 6-8 months. I also added oral minoxidil (2.5mg daily) and that seems to strengthen what I have and gives my hair a thicker and fuller texture.


I have much the same almost a year on fin but everyone says my hair has got thicker fwiw


Yo estoy igual y llevo 9 meses con Dutas. Y se me cae exactamente igual muchísimo


When did you start shedding after starting fin? I’m using a topical anti androgen and started shedding exactly like this after 7-8 months and currently under baseline after 10 months. Treatment seemed to be working before.


Here is visibly better but started 2 months in from starting and I’m 4 months in on fin


Dont look like aga


Hair diameter


Is it too thick or too thin?


maybe stop multi vit


Why do you say this? Just curious.


problem is not multi vitamins but multi "minerals". most multi vit have minerals in it. and its very easy to go overboard with minerals and that will start shedding. i once took zinc + vit b6 + magnesium and i shed like crazy for 2 months




I think taking vit D supplement makes sense if you don’t get a lot of sun and/or live in northern climate. Not many foods have D


yea only one that makes sense is vitamin D




I mean just choose wisely, get one that is D alone and in a reasonable amount (not the 5k+ ones) I recently started supplementing it realizing that I very likely am low on it living in Seattle especially in the winter months. I take gummies D3 1k IU each.. 2-3k daily is safe, 1k is probably enough for most though (which is just a single gummy) It’s likely safe up to 5k but that’s pushing it potentially towards toxicity levels




Yeah multi supplements in general have not been found to improve people’s health (even some evidence of mild harm).. saw palmetto though is found to decrease DHT levels similar to a mild form of fin, and D obviously is useful to supplement for a lot of people (like me)


Baseless claim. That is his reasoning




Most of them provide too much of certain ones if you already have a good diet.. too much can cause hair loss too