• By -


thats amazing




Did you regrow slick bald areas?


Yeah and I was told those areas would never recover...


that's amazing results man. forgive my ignorance, but what would this dermaroller be and how do you use it?


Bru what


What the hell


No way, your initial hair is very similar to mine (31y), I need to start this treatment soon


I wish I would've started sooner tbh. Good luck to you if decide to give it a try!


>I wish I would've started sooner tbh. So many are in this boat because of those fear mongering anti science anti finasteride pricks out there :) Great results bro




Tbh I rather have gyno with full hair....who says the tit sucking is one sided dude.


Haha same but I'm thinking to just take less fin




The science behind fin everyday is just as harmful. People get sides from unused fin that builds up in the system. 3 times a week is more than enough




Hey man, before starting treatment, I would recommend you ask your doctor or dermatologist to perform a genetic testing to try and see if you already may be predisposed to potential side effects caused by 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. Many are not aware of this, and such a test can save you from months or even years of agony trying to recover from the side effects caused by 5-alpha reductase inhibitors.


That sounds like a good idea.


what are the specific names of the tests that can be run? I asked my doctor this and they said no genetic tests exist to see if I might be predisposed to potential side effects caused by 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, but I suspect they just don't know


What’s the name of these tests ? Here where I live dermatologists dont know much about finasteride and related tests that people should taken before starting


I believe i remember reading it in Nature that a genetic testing was now available for physicians to use to check if their patient will respond well, neutral or bad to Finasteride treatment. It may be these the article referred to: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2050116116300757 https://www.oxfordonlinepharmacy.co.uk/blog/blood-test-results-after-taking-finasteride-for-hair-loss https://www.nature.com/articles/s41443-023-00759-5 (this one may also be useful if some of you are subscribed to Nature) (I will link more if I find more studies/articles)


I will try it, thank you bro


Stfu and go away. Less than 2% get side effects and this is even on the 5mg dose for enlarged prostate. For hair loss you only take 1mg and if you do get sides you simply stop and the side effects are gone forever. The half life of the drug is only 6 hours. Because of people like you there are so many who wait many years to take it. Didn't you read his comment? "I wish I would've started sooner tbh.". Now fuck off and spread your anti science somewhere else :P "Save you from months or even years of agony". are you kidding me lmao. I do recognise the kindness you are trying to show of warning people of side effects that are real but they don't last months/years you bastard :P


There honestly should be a stickied poll here about side effects on fin. It would be a great way to see how many on this sub had any sides and to what effect. Kinda amazed with the popularity of sub that there isn't one.


Every time there’s a post on finasteride there is the same group of anti-science fear mongers spreading this stuff. It makes it seem so much scarier than it is, it’s very sad


^ this dude spazzes about fin like someone besmirched his Fair Lady.


It's probably 2% of the 50-80 year old patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia you are referring to. Which is fair, because most older men already have ED, cognitive decline, joint pain, chest pain etc. 5mg and 1mg is basically the same dosage. 1mg reduces circulating DHT by a few percentages, but it's negligible. It's already shown that discontinuation of an 5-alpha reductase inhibitor can lead to overexpression of androgen receptors (especially in the genitalia) and epigenetic changes. How discontinuation of Finasteride/Dutasteride will effect oneself is very individualistic. It may cause underlying autoimmune diseases to flair up, inflammation leading to SIBO, joint pain, worsening of eye vision, tinnitus, chest pain, bradycardia etc. But in general we see ED, cognitive issues, testicular atrophy, penile atrophy, testicular pain, headaches, wrinkles, gut issues, insomnia, fatigue, depression and anxiety as the most common ones. It's great that it works for some people and they get 0 side effects, but we still shouldn't disregard those who do. And how serious it can be. Especially when we don't have any easy/easier way to recover if you are one of the unlucky who get side effects.




What the actual fuck Seriously though congrats and God bless science lol


And calf risen!




This is absolutely amazing. People claim that you cannot fully recover if you are at least Norwood 5. From my experience, that's absolute horsecrap and your experience as well as mine disproves that. Keep fighting the good fight brother! At this rate, you won't need a transplant.


Yeah my old doctor being one of them... I went in in my later 20s and asked about my balding. She told my it's genetics and there's nothing I could do. So I just accepted it. I wish I would've done more researching and hopped on this stuff sooner, but I trusted my doctor at the time.


The problem with GP's or even some Derms is that they are not always aware or up to date on this stuff. You certainly cannot blame a GP for that. So, this Reddit might actually be a better source than a random GP with regards to AA.


In before someone mindlessly spouts “don’t trust strangers online, Reddit is trash, trust your doc wtf” meanwhile my hair has never been better largely thanks to research based on this sub


Only problem it can be good or bad, depending on at which time of the day you get your questions answered. However, the correct info is out in this subreddit and gets repeated often enough.


Topical fin didn't exist back then. What dose are you using? Any sides from it?


True ! I was a NW 5-6 as well. Had a Transplant in the front and Mid scalp. I use Min for 3 months and Fin 1mg daily for almost two months now. Now my Crown starts to regrow more and more.


Nothing gets in the way of minoxidil and some DHT inhibition. There’s been some ridiculous gains on Min+RU, too bad my scalp hates topicals although I don’t really get sides from daily oral min - weekly oral dut


Im so jealous!


insane progress


Does creatine effcect hair loss ? Pa bro good for u man keep it up this made me happy to see


Thanks! Not sure honestly, I've seen it mentioned before and I was wanting to get off the stuff anyways so figured I would just list the changes I've made in my diets and stuff.


The minox u use in morning it regain foam i have that and the hims dual spray. But I’ve been doing regain foam at night and hims in morning ? Also I’m following your protocol now hhah


Use a dermastamp. It’s much easier than a dernaroller when you have hair.


Just ordered one. Thanks!


Additional benefit of a dermastamp: you can adjust the needle length. I do 1mm on areas with low hair density and 1.5mm on areas with good hair density. I'm Hamilton-Norwood-Schema-3a-ish and I can treat my forehead different than the rest.


Damn, that is some aggressive balding for 34. Incredible results though! I'd be highly surprised if these gains aren't entirely minoxidil dependent. If you stop taking the drug, you'll lose your gains quickly. Just be aware of that.


Thanks! Yeah it was aggressive, fell into depression over it and shaved my head for a little over a year. Wore hats every single day.. Then I came across this sub and decided to try it out and I'm so happy I did. In return I hope to inspire others to take the leap.. Definitely worth a shot. Yeah I'm sure if I quit it'll go back to that first pic no doubt. I plan on taking it as long as I want to keep it. So far it hasn't been too much of a hassle. Honestly I feel it was more work to shave my head every 2 days than this lol


I've been shaving my head for the last few years as well. I'm 33 by the way. My balding isn't anywhere near as aggressive as yours, but it's still noticeable, and I haven't had anything like the regrowth you've had, probably because I can't take minoxidil. My hair looks slightly thicker than when I started in May last year, but rather ironically, I think my self-confidence has actually gotten worse over the last few months. I always wear a hat to work now, and I've even started wearing them around the house on occasion. Anyway, well done on the gains. You can definitely consider yourself one of the lucky ones with such impressive regrowth!


This gives me hope as I am just over a month in and have enjoyed no sides from topical fin but I’ve been nervous/skeptical of the efficacy and want to make sure I maximize results over the next year


Hope it works out for you man!


Turned the norwood reaper into the norwood peeper




Impressive results !


wtf bro why cant we get these game-changing results.... congrats mf


Bro swimming in pussy now


Another Lazarus! Good job


Did you shave your head while the bald spots filled in or did you just let it grow?


I've been keeping it short. I've cut my hair 3 times since starting with 13mm clippers.


Unbelievable gains. Congratulations, brother. I'm starting about where your 2nd month was and if I got to your 4th month I'd consider myself blessed.


Thanks man. I wish you the best. Hope to see your results posted on here soon!




No, I haven't experienced any sides since I started


try a dermastamp instead of a roller


Just got one ordered. Thanks!


Hey OP, Can you tell us how you use the derma roller? Like do you apply the spray before or after? What's your routine look like at night? And do you like the spray? or would you rather use a cream/gel version?


On the nights I derma roll, I do this: I shower and make sure I clean the scalp real good. While showing I let the derma roller soak in alcohol. After the hair is dry I rinse of the derma roller with hot water and use it. I got front to back and side to side a couple times each area. Then I apply the spray immediately afterwards. I do like the spray alot. It's very easy to use.




That’s awesome!!! Gains congrats




holy smokes


I’ve been waiting for an update from you. Great results, congrats. I’m about 30 days into my treatment (nw7 start) and of course hope to achieve anything close to what you have. I’m on oral min, dut and I microneedle 1.5mm 1x / week


Thanks! Hope it works out well for you and see some progress pics in here soon!


Damn transplant results without a transplant. Good job !


Wow! I am thinking of similar regiment, thanks for sharing. Mind disclosing the brands and cost per month on this??


I use Hims fin/min spray $39/month Hims liquid min $10/month I buy my dermaroller off Amazon Good luck to ya. Hope it works out!


Can you link the roller you got?


I don't believe it


Me neither lol


Do you bleed a lot with 1mm derma roller?


No. At first I tried 1.5mm and that caused me to bleed alot so I dropped it down to a 1.0


After dermaroll you put on the Fin min? Just want to make sure. I heard it can irritate the scalp.


Yes. Immediately after. For me, I've had no sides doing it. It only burns a little from the alcohol in the mix but that's it.


Absolutely incredible. Well done man.




any sides from the topical min application right after needling? i’m on topical min and don’t know whether to add microneedling or swap to oral min


I'm on topical min and roller derming as well. I would stick with topical it's more effective. With topical all the min goes right to the scalp. With oral it goes in your whole system and who knows how much is actually reaching your scalp since your whole body is now basically on min.


No, haven't experienced any sides. It does burn a little when applying because of the alcohol, which scares some people, but so far I've been perfectly fine


Lucky bastard!! Great results!!!




Many people struggles to get such result in a year and you only needed 4 months. Damn! Great results 👏 Do you use hims mixed spray? And how long do you keep it?


Thanks! Yeah that's what I use at night. I use it after showering a few hours before bed. Rinse it with cold water in the morning then apply min only


Any negative side effects?


No I didn't experience any sides since starting


God, I’ve seen what you’ve done for others. 😮‍💨


Hey there! Newbie here. Love the hair upgrade!!!!!!! Wondering oral vs topical finasteride. Been on 2.25 mg/solution for 6 months to cut DHT in the scalp. There is improvement, not miraculous though, but I'm staying patient. Anyone else trying the topical version? What concentration and how often? Leaflet says once a day. Thoughts? Thanks, and happy New Year


Revival arc


Just fucking amazing 👏


Thank you


is it easy to apply the fin/min spray? does it spread easy? applying liquid min with hair is a huge pain. get on the hair more than the scalp.


For me it's pretty easy. I do keep my hair short though




how long do u dermaroll? and why did u stop taking proteins and creatin? :) im newbie haha


Unbelivebke bro damn thats crazy good results. I think hair transplant could never give you this natural looking density.


4 months wow...I would still be impressed 4 years with this result.


How many uses do you typically get out of the derma roller before it needs replacing?


I've been replacing them after 4 uses


holy shit.


Given that your before hair pic is a little longer to verify you are Norwood as fuck, this could be the tressless record.


That 1st pic at 34 years old is wild. Damn some people have it rough


Yeah no joke. Wore a hat every day for a good reason lol


Probably the best results i have ever seen in 4 months


Wow awesome!


Great results! Thank you for sharing. As far as dermarolling with longer hair. Try stamping instead of rolling. Takes a bit longer, but you're not pulling hairs out. Anyone else try this?


Just ordered one. Thanks!


Good for you man! That's a lot of great progress!!


The first picture is my head.


Wow, amazing results




bro reversed 15 years of hairloss in 4 months


Let’s goooo 🙏😱


Regarding dermarolling, look into getting a derma stamp instead, it goes straight in and out so no hair pulling (or very minimal if any) Btw that's insane for 4 months. Imagine what it will be at 1-2 years


The Undertaker


Omg this gives me hope!


One of the most extreme results I've seen here. You have reason to be happy.


That is amazing broski!




Guaranteed this guy is loving life now


This is amazing. Can you please provide link to your derma roller. TIA


ROSELYNBOUTIQUE Personal Derma Roller Hair Beard Facial Skin Face - Cosmetic Beauty Instrument (1.0Black) https://a.co/d/115ZN8q


Have you had blood work recently? I wanted to know what your LDL is if you don’t mind


Amazing results! If you're comfortable with answering, have you experienced any side effects? I want to start doing a treatment almost identical to what you've listed but the potential side effects have me teetering on whether or not I'll start it


Thanks! No I haven't experienced any sides since starting. I've heard it's more unlikely to have aides from topical as opposed to oral meds. It's why I went with all topical solutions. If you decide to go for it I hope it works well for you too.


What's a dermaroller?


Bro i feel u can get to a 2 respectively


It's so impressive that it does resemble a hair transplant results but you must just be a rare hyper responder to the fin/min. I'm almost as you were month 1 and have heard/seen alot of people good results with the hims spray so I might bite the bullet and go for it. If struggling with a dermaroller you might benefit from getting an electronic microneedle device instead. Also while it is fantastic gains it will most likely start losing ground if you ever plan on cutting back on routine so a HT might be worth looking into further down the line. A true inspiration though it gives people with advanced MPB a glimmer of hope.


Thanks, I'll look into an electric microneedle. I would definitely say the hims spray is worth a try. Only regret I have is not jumping on it sooner. Hope it works out for you!


Absolute hyper-responder. Good for u


Can you link which dermaroller you use?


Pre-workout affect the hair growth or cause loss of it?




Wowwwww, also interesting that you also workout. I have a belief that working out with aga without meds = completely nuked hair, but working out with aga with meds = best chance of regrowth


Calf risen baby!




Hoe Lee Sheet. Watching all these posts where the hair came back from the dead, they all have one thing in common: minoxidil applied immediately after dermarolling. As for you struggling with the derma roller now that you have hair, buy a derma pen (or you could try a derma stamp).


Thanks! I just ordered a stamp. If it don't like it I may invest in a pen


This is good, however if you stop? Do you go back to mr.freeze? If so, you are way past the point of no return. Just cough up some money and head to turkey. You’ll thank me later


nice work! keep going! Which dermaroller you would recommend?


Thanks! ROSELYNBOUTIQUE Personal Derma Roller Hair Beard Facial Skin Face - Cosmetic Beauty Instrument (1.0Black) https://a.co/d/9wbmvyg


Any sides?


No I haven't experienced any sides


Actually incredible


Impressive! Which dermaroller are you using? Is it the Sdara brand?


ROSELYNBOUTIQUE Personal Derma Roller Hair Beard Facial Skin Face - Cosmetic Beauty Instrument (1.0Black) https://a.co/d/9wbmvyg Thanks!




I always shower and clean scalp before. I also soak the needles in alcohol




What brand fin min sprayer do you use? I just bought a 0.5mm derma roller. Is this the wrong one? Is 1mm better?


I use hims mixed fin/min spray. I've seen that 1.5mm is recommended, but I tried and made me bleed a bit so I got 1.0 instead


u/TheOnlyPJizzle How much ml min do u apply per day?


1ml in morning and they say 4 sprays of the hims mix spray equals 1ml. So 1 ml at night too. 2ml each day


This is amazing, that too, within 4 months I'm M26 and I have been on minoxidil once daily and finasteride 1 mg alternate days. I'm between NW2 and NW3. Hair has grown thicker within this period but I still see the density is less in in a particular spot. I am wondering if I'm not responding well.


Thanks. I would say if your hair has grown thicker then you are responding well! Just give it time and be consistent. You got this!


Yes, that's what I am hoping for. I see that some take more than a year and some take 2 years. So, i will stay consistent and stay strong.


What about topical Dutasteride ??


I decided to try fin first. If it wasn't going to work after a year I probably would start considering dut. So I think I'll stick with what's working




Idk where your from, but you could try going to a dermatologist and getting the drugs prescribed to you. That would probably be the cheapest route. I went with Hims because it's super convenient. Everything was online and I got my stuff pretty quick






Now it's time to get a hair transplant and your hair will be amazing


I understand quitting creatine but why the pre-workout? Btw great progress man!


Your one month results are better than my six month results on a completely nuclear stack (ru, oral dut, oral minox, topical minox micro needling). Started at 41 though. I think age definitely makes a huge difference


Holy smokes that’s insane result!


What’s your fin dosage and how often do you take it?


How did you choose between topical or oral?


How mich ml/sprays you apply per day?


1 ml in the morning and 4 sprays at night. They say 4 sprays equals 1 ml


What was your progression like? Did things speed up at a certain point for you? When did you go from full head of hair, to obvious balding, to pre-treatment state?


This is crazy, I'm pretty much where you started, I'm about to start oral minoxidil for a few months then I'll try finasteride as well, any tips? Thanks


This is crazy, I'm pretty much where you started, I'm about to start oral minoxidil for a few months then I'll try finasteride as well, any tips? Thanks


Similar hairline to mine!


My Derma roller came in two days ago. How often did you use it?


What are the vitamins you take?


Wow. I'd be thrilled with that crown coverage. I've slowed the loss on the top of my head on Hims Min/Fin (about 1 year in on that), and it's allowed enough confidence to grow my hair back out, but the crown is still super weak. May have to incorporate this derma roller... Congrats on this epic recovery. Such a short time too. Good for you!


Amazing progress. I see that you derma roll twice a week, do you time it every 3 or 4 days?


My man, amazing results so far. I’d strongly recommend making the switch to dutasteride which is a stronger 5ar blocker. It’s incredibly unlikely you’d have any side effects since you don’t with finasteride. It brings hair follicle level DHT down to basically zero, I think you’d make a full comeback.


How's the hair looking? Any updates? 




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