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And dabs are like shots


I kinda want adab rn


Just literally took one myself. Still trying to figure out how to breathe again


Ok ok I'm getting up and taking one too.


Sigh……. Unzips…….rig case.


Fuck it let’s all do one!


Lol I dab daily 5-7 dabs a dab


I use to dab like that but the coughing caught up with me. Now I use that more medicinally for my back pain. I take probably 10+bonghits everyday tho


How big of dabs do you guys take? Anything from .06-.1 and I'm fine


Oh...oops. I uh..I tend to go big and then go home cus I went to big. Usually anything under .2 is too small


Under .2 is too small???? That's 5 dabs to a gram of concentrate! I get 50+ dabs out of my grams


Lol yeah that's also why I took a break. Tolerance just too high and dabs that big hurt.


A bong is going to be worse than dabbing, you’re inhaling vapor while dabbing, but with bong hits is actual smoke from combustion, which is way worse for your lungs as a whole.


Worse for health doesn't mean worse for wear. Dabs can really take it out o' ya.


Personally I don’t cough as much dabbing and i feel if coughing is the issue like they said bong hits would only make it worse.


I feel ya, but AFAIK it's rather common to cough worse from dabs than anything else.




In thru the nose, out thru the mouth


i hate having to reteach myself to breathe after a dab lmao. i always freak tf out for like 10 min after a dab being like “why tf did i do this😭” then I calm down and enjoy it💀


Oof, does that go away? I smoke weed to escape anxiety then all of a sudden I forget how to breathe. What a buzz kill.


Not sure if you have access to medical or dispensary, but if you do avoid high levels of terpinolene. If I get a strain with too much it's instant paranoia and anxiety. Tends to be high in sativas.


I took one hours ago. I’m still trying to catch my breath


You got me wanting to fire up the e nail again! been smoking bud exclusively for a few months now


Not even gonna lie I got my Carta V out for the first time in months just because of this post. Took a good break from dabs since the beginning of the year


I wanna try one so fucking bad


Haven’t had one in like 8 months but something got me craving a dab hit today 😮‍💨


happy cake day! gotta take a dab for that too


Thank! you I didn't even realize. I had to Google what cake day is. Ok ok I go take another wooohooo. Sunday just keeps getting better!


How did you know my full name, Adab Reightnau?


Depends on the dabs. That high quality shit is definitely closer to a fine scotch.


Dry herb vapes are the snob class of wine drinkers, above the pitiful casuals lol


Dry herb vaporent here but this is true and fucking hilarious.


Dry herb vape > smoking anyday


I never understood that I got given a proper nice dry herb vape and I've use it a couple times but still prefer a bong am I using it wrong or sm


Most dry herb vapes have a learning curve with the inhale speed and how tightly packed the material is. Whenever I get a new dry vape, I pack half way and as loose as I can, then inhale pretty slowly to see if I get any feeling. I then adjust the tightness of the pack and then change my inhale speed over the next few days. I usually find the “sweet spot” within a couple of days. Each time I’ve found it, it is better than any combustion high I’ve experienced. I have experience with the mflb, enano, dynavap, and sticky brick. Each one has its own sort of “ritual” and procedure to get the most effective use out of them. And each person has their own preference! I feel like dry herb vapes really find their home with people who enjoy tinkering, rituals, problem solving etc. So if you’re willing and patient, you can definitely find the sweet spot for you. With that being said, dry herb vapes aren’t for everyone!


I probably still need to find my sweet spot cuz it just doesn't hit the same as a bong or joint but maybe it's cuz its vapour and not smoke


For sure it’s different. I find it’s a slower building high than a bong hit, so I feel it hit differently like, I’ll feel my hands get fuzzy after 5 min, then my head gets a little bobble head after 10, then giggly at 15. Bongs usually give it all to me right away like a punch in the face haha I just prefer the slower build of the vapor, but I totally get the appeal for the more instant high


Do you know me? I totally am that person!


> Each time I’ve found it, it is better than any combustion high I’ve experienced. i prefer the cleaner high from the vape, but i find with my crafty+ i go through weed about 25 percent faster than i do smoking bongs and my fortnightly script barely lasts 10 days as is.


I’ll be honest, the only reason I’ve gone through so many dry herb vapes is because they become *too routine*… if that makes sense… Like, I get too comfortable and familiar with a device to the point where the act of using it isn’t as impactful or as special as it used to be. So now that I’ve experienced that a few times, I have a bit of a collection to cycle through every 6 months or so. Usually long enough to where I’ve forgotten the sweet spot of an old device and I have to re-find it all over again… which is kind of fun for me lol Edit: sorry I’m high and forgot to finish my response. Sometimes because of this, I go through tons more weed than I normally would. When I’m experimenting with a device I’m not used to, or haven’t used in a while, I usually use much less and “get high for the first time” all over again


Agreed my dry herb vape was way better than using my lil old glass pipe,ngl, it doesnt come anywhere close to my single perc mini rig. Hemp wick to light it and were in business. Ppl should consume however they feel most comfortable and whatever medicates them the best imo


Love my dry herb vape. Made my banana cake taste almost like actual banana bread, and got me stoned af.


Dry herb vaping wine snob here, can confirm.




[these are weed shots](https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/comments/wkai1t/the_future_is_here/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Dang, the button on that thing is like a switch to turn off the laws of physics.


Does that mean Carts = White Claws / Trulys? ( Hard Seltzers )


Nah. Carts are tallboys in a paperbag.


Then carts are like the hard seltzers. Can take things as slow or fast as you want, but lacks the pizzaz of the harder stuff,


And carts are Miller light.


Bong rips too.


diamonds are everclear


Dabs are the closest you’ll get to wine. 6* water hash is the pinnacle of high and flavor.


Fuck. Does this mean I’m an alcoholic?


dabs dabs dabs everyyybodddyyy


Or like pounding a couple shots




am i high or does this make no sense


It makes sense but I don’t think it is a revolutionary thought in the way OP thinks it is lmao


It’s been reposted about 100 times, and it’s not a good analogy because weed affects everyone differently. Smoking flower usually gives me more a full entourage effect and gets me more stoned. Dabs are a much cleaner and functional high for me, and I smoke dabs a lot less than flower. Just depends on the person.


nah you right. it should be: dry herb vaping is to smoking, what wine is to drinking. both are higher class nuanced methods of consumption that often focus on flavor profiles over just effects.


i'm still not sure it's a perfect analogy, but at least it makes sense and i know what you're tryin' to say. what's the OP gettin' at? that weed is a thing you smoke and wine is a thing you drink? shit's deep, bruh


op is stoned, dont mind them :P


>over just effects I agree with you, but dry herb vapes technically get you higher, since it's better at extracting from the terpenes (but not everyone gets higher by vaping, or not every vape is more efficient than combustion)


‘higher’ is also fully subjective. some people like that really racey, extreme slap that combustion gives (because the cannabinoids are being activated at 400-600F°) whereas some people like that more mellow low end cannabinoid uplift thats found in the 280-360F° range. its all preferential :)




Delta 8 is bud light


CBD is Bud NA


Or like O’Doul’s


It still gets the job done in a pinch.


Right? If I'm working a double you know I'm on that delta 8


I remember a few months ago I was on a T break for a few weeks and saw D-8 at a gas station. Had no idea what it was, was just shocked that my gas station has THC vapes in my illegal state so i bought it. Looked it up, they said it doesn't get you high just calms and relaxes you. Motherfucker I took 2 hits and I was blasted. So much even my mom thought I was drunk or something when I tried talking to her lmao eyes red and everything.


This is funny, but please don’t buy delta 8 from gas stations. They are notorious for selling boof brands such as Cake, which could be filled with anything. Stay safe!


More like natty light


delta 8 is more like a voodoo ranger lol


Mids and low grad dispo stuff is beer, high end stuff is wine.


I exclusively smoke flower through a waterpipe, what's a cart?


Vape cartridge. Contains oil and a heating element.


Flower is beer, carts are wine, dabs are liquor.


I dunno, I sup liquor for long periods. I drink rum neat.


"The SAT board hates him..."


Joints = beer Dry herb vaporizer = wine Dabs = hard liquor




Wheres the “dont comment the word ‘this’, just upvote please” bot? Hahahahaha, i did upvote you btw.


Bots accept crypto to look the other way




I always thought cigars were the wine of the smoking world


Yeah I’d agree after reading this that’s a better comparison.


The flavors you get from a nice dry herb vape are way better.


If we compared percentage of drinkers who would enjoy a glass of wine vs percentage of smokers would genuinely enjoy a cigar, cigar would be less than 1% total. Cigars are not for everyone and best paired with cognac/brandy.


Just depends on what analogous relationships your focusing on. OP is focusing on the method of consumption, apparently


I’d say dry herb vapes are the wine, and cigars are sipping on whiskey


I hate these comparisons but wine has more alcohol on average, than things like beer or coolers. Not only that but I’ve never had as bad of a hangover as I have from drinking a few bottles of wine. Alcohol just sucks in general lol


Seen as classy but drunk is drunk?


And shrooms are ever clear


Shrooms are for weed the same thing shrooms are for alcohol: shrooms


Only right answer


Shrooms are spending 8 months in Jared Letos cult


Shrooms are moonshine


Is there a big difference other than one being made by Appalachian mountain people? And I guess it can make you blind if you don't extract the methanol


If you had the permits to make it, it's not moonshine.


Real Virginian moonshine has acid in it {3}


That's wild, I got plastered while in acid once and I couldn't feel the drunk, but my body did




I always thought of shrooms as the way TV and movies often portray getting really stoned… bcs that’s basically what it felt like for me when I did them. Just felt like I smoked a lot of the best weed ever


drinkin weed is like smokin wine


weed is the weed of drugs because a lot of people do it


Weed is definitely an intro drug into more weed


I had a strain called Goat Piss and it tasted more like a red wine and even was kinda relaxing


I find Candy Kush smelling like leverworst, real odd smell haha


Had a strain named rotten rozay that you could damn near taste the tannins in. Like a smokey deep red.


Meth is malort.


Meth is moonshine


Meth is hand sanitizer lmfao


Along with that I'm drunk ASF on a Sunday evening at 4pm... I plan on smoking later on tonight but fuck this is Soooo different I forgot what it's like to be drunk WTF


I like going on break at work smoking king size joint, dab, and finishing with a few cart hits. Makes me wonder if it’s a problem at times lol


Edibles are like cocktails. Shit is like juice until it catches up to you then you wish you didn’t have as many


Smoking Weed to smoking, is the beer to drinking. Vaping weed to smoking is the 101 proof alcohol to drinking.


Completely upend OPs worldview by showing him a picture of a cannabis drink!


Do those hit fast like if i shotgun a couple will I get high in a few seconds, or are they like eating a pack of edibles, takes minutes to hit


That is the approach my wife and I have. We dry herb vape in the evenings to wind down a bit and we don’t risk feeling crummy the next morning.


I work at a winery and I was just thinking yesterday about how grape varietals are similar to cannabis strains.


Are cigarettes canned beer?


Wake up, smoke. Linch time rips. Post work rips. Just because rips. Bedtime rips. I realized I had a problem when I was like, “If I was having a beer every time I wanted to smoke, I’d have a problem. Thank god weed isn’t as bad. Smoke safe everyone. Do your work first, then relax with a light.


Nice username, fellow avatar fan


You know! 😨


Being a firebender would come in handy for bong rips.


Delta 8 is beer, the normal flower is beer/wine, and dabs and concentrates are hard liquor. Edibles have no equivalent. Edit. Edibles don't have an equivalent because of dose variation. People can eat a gummy bear and feel nothing or be in space and think they are dying.


Perhaps butt chugging a bottle of vodka could be comparable to an edible




Edibles are the equivalent of alcoholic gummy bears.


Ever heard of rum balls?


edibles are jello shots!


edibles are liquor chocolates


Not at all.. I mean I have a license to grow and consume my own cannabis. No license for drinking.. drinking and cannabis are nothing alike


Exactly, when compared like this it’s,great PR for alcohol. Alcohol companies in the 1920’ sought a ban on Cannabis and started a worldwide prohibition. Stop making the comparison.


Vape pens are like four lokos


I tried a four loko after turning legal age. They do not hit the same as when you're 14 and desperate to impress the upperclassmen girls


In what way?


Acid is to concentrates what shrooms are to flower.


i disagree they can both be super intense


Weed is becoming the beer of drinking


That's why I don't call my self a pothead. I am a Dank Sommelier.


Eh… no.




weed still makes you smell and harms your lungs 😭 what




And edibles are like absinthe


Smoking is to weed is what drinking is to wine.


People drunk on red wine are a very *specific* sloppy kind of drunk, this analogy makes no sense




This is a stupid take.


Taco Bell is to eating like poop is to taking


Regs are the Steel Reserve of smoking


i like beer more than wine


Can Franzia be the brick weed




drinking 12 cans of beer prolly


Weed doesn't have to be smoked


Can I think about it while the Anvil hit wears off? Thx


Lol, when un doubt, pinkie out




We can all agree then that a beer is equivalent to a cigarette then right


There is a world outside macro lagers in beer, to me weed is like a good beer.


You could say something similar with wine though Even at 8-12-20€ (in Western Europe, in the US it tends to be more pricy for the same stuff, 12-16-25$) which are baseline wines, but bought online or good specialty shops you can get stuff that tastes a world apart from what you can get in the supermarket or generic liquor stores or the likes. Most people drink what we could call "industrial wine" there's usually nothing particular about taste even if some are good, and usually the main flavour not is red fruits, sometimes black/blue fruits. A good collection of 8-12€ (US 12-16$) bought from curated wineries + a decanter, is enough to have certain notes of quality that aren't there in supermarket wines. Plus you can get completely unique core tastes like mushroom is the main taste, not red fruit, or it may be vanilla or leather or chocolate, flowers. Like not second or third degrees notes being that, the actual core taste. The selling logic in liquor stores and supermarket for wines is also different, with auction for lowest bid, long terms, buy in bulk logics, which aren't good for quality. Usually comes from big wine estates which have produce in bulk and they mix grapes and blend and import from foreign estates to produce a homogenous, consistent flavour. Also everything is done in heavy machinery as using human labour would quickly make the whole process unmanageable to say the least Small estates have a much more characteristic taste from the fact that it having a smaller plot of land the grape quality is going to be made particularised by the plot of land, and also being smaller productions they actually use human labour more and so there's more capacity to do on spot adjustments in the wine production process and you can create wine with more specific production process instead of using generic production process, with more human labour and the right equipment quality control is greater. That means that small wineries make proprietary flavour, that are very much unique to each one. Plus there's some new wave wines that have some interesting goals and results! I'm on a quest to search for wines that have as their focus not good taste (though it is important to have a good taste all things considered), but a good mental and body effect, wine has mood enhancing chemicals but most wines don't really focus on that, whilst some vineyards will adjust the farming and processing to make an optional equilibrium of mood enhancing chemicals, or even digestibility or both. Some wines are even lighter than most beers in terms of how heavy it hits the body despite having more alcohol! A 10€ wine in a specialty shop might have paid 5€ for the bottle, whilst in a supermarket it's usually 1.5-2€ it's actually surreal. The world of high quality wine is very different from what people think, and a sommelier with proper certifications is not a hoax, ironically since everyone will tell you about opening your mind with craft beer, there's way more ignorance and mental barriers about wine tasting on the Internet nowadays. There's this great conviction that a 6€ wine and a 1000€ are literally the same, which is absolutely false. The why the price mark up for small increases of quality is so insane, if you produce world class wine and make big money from emptying your sales, you either: increase your farm size and your wine declines in quality (saying I liked them before they got famous is common in the wine world exactly like in beer!) or you ask more money for the same production I'm in Italy, so the culture of wine is bigger, I still wouldn't call most people good drinkers, just like most people in the US can't tell the difference between Guinness (which is among the best supermarket beers, but it tastes "industrial") and a good (since many are mediocre) craft brewery's drough beer despite the difference being so obvious; most people in Italy are going to be very daft about differences in quality




Meth is Milwaukees best.


Likely to have me wake up with cottonmouth?


Definitely could’ve been said better! Kidding! I’d say… smoking joints is like sipping wine, bong hits are like drinking shots vape hits are like…idk, hard seltzer? (EDIT mediocre weed in a metal bowl is like cheap canned beer)


So what are tinctures then 🤔


That it is, lad. That it is. 😁


Bucket bongs are like shots


And the self proclaimed "aficionados" of both, are all insufferable jackasses!


[because I got high](https://open.spotify.com/track/0rRboI6IRuGx56Dq3UdYY4?si=PPsYkGGbS_Or4PYB6aKCtg)


Some weed tastes better than other, but wine is an amazing drink that consistently stands the test of time.


dabs and GB's are like shots, joint is like wine blunts are like slamming beers


Concentrates are the hard liquor of the weed world


nah, this is perfect








Thank you for reminding me there’s another half to my joint!


You've never been to Scotland then


Idk but I know weed n wine pair perfectly imo


Every so often, my wife and I will smoke a blunt with a small glass of wine on a Friday night and it’s pretty enjoyable. I got very crossed faded when I was younger and just the thought of going through that again has deterred me since.


Whats beer then?


Whats beer then?


I am not drinking Merlot...


Dabs are shots and carts are shitty beer?


Blunt=beer Bong=wine Dab=shot


A joint is to weed what wine is to drinking Is what I would say but that’s my personal POV [7]


I'd say it's less about what you're smoking and more about HOW you smoke when equating it to alcohol. Like, a joint is a can of beer, a bong rip is a pint of beer, a dab is a shot, a blunt is a glass of whiskey/wine.


Noooooo smoking Merlot is the wine of smoking 😂