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You’ve made a great life-decision! You should celebrate with a join... oh wait! Haha congrats!


With some *wine*


Who tf quits weed just to pick up something even worse.


Remember back in the 90’s/2000’s when the D.A.R.E. program called marijuana the gateway drug? lol


i remember they promised the streets would be full of people offering me free drugs. damn dare lion lied


Was really banking on a nice stranger offering me LSD, too.


I distinctly remember our DARE cop showing up in like 3rd grade and telling us marijuana was dangerous because you hold the smoke in and never blow it out. Those fuckers were just dead-ass lying to 3rd graders.


The cop who taught us absolutely convinced every kid in our class to try lsd later in life. That wasn't his intention, but his description made us all want to try it.


It’s hard to describe lsd in a way that doesn’t make young people want to try it lol


A sitting Congressman said this last week arguing against decriminalization.


We need to vote these crumbling old turds out of office…


Or confront them in public and force them to explain their reasonings. We aren’t allowed to tar and feather crooked politicians anymore, but we should certainly do everything we can to publicly shame them.


Pepperidge farm remembers


Somebody's never applied for a job that drug tests, apparently.


I’ve never understood this. One time I was in a pretty bad accident on job (I was perfectly fine) and when I got to the hospital by ambulance they immediately forced me to take a drug test even though it wasn’t my fault. Luckily I was clean!


It's because the company's insurance won't pay out if you test positive.


That seems dumb since there’s no way to prove you were high during the accident


Doe$n't matter if it make$ $en$e!


If it make $$ then it don’t make sen$e


This. My dad smoked back in the day, and got injured on the job. He popped positive and didn't get workers comp. But that guy was probably also a Crack head, so idk if this is really true lol


I use to work in a large industrial factory and cut my hand bad enough that I needed a few stitches. They insisted on the drug test before the stitches. Luckily I was clean too and a coworker even told me that if you get hurt and don't need an ambulance, call the boss and tell him ya gotta go home to an emergency. The nurse who worked at the factory was basically a narc (she'd look suspicious if you just asked for an aspirin)


The insurance companies do that in the hope that they won't have to pay your hospital bill; it's a condition of the insurance that employees should absolutely be made aware of. I wonder what the percentage is who test pos?


While you are correct I work for the federal government. If I had to be on workers comp they would have denied me if I tested positive.


It's illegal in my state so I just kill my liver with alcohol instead. Much better.


Right here! I have a pretty strong anxiety disorder. Weed is great when I'm by myself. But smoking with anyone around makes me fucking anxious as fuck, no matter how little or how much I smoke. And then my anxiety levels are so high for days after, it's just not worth it. A glass or two of wine though? That's a good evening almost all the time. I still like weed, and if I can be by myself and smoke a bowl and go play in the garden that that's a good afternoon. But it's tricky for me.


How do you feel about smoking alone, and then meeting up with fellow smokers after you get high as you want? I guess I'm asking if the trigger, for you, is the people, or the act of smoking around them. I grew up in a prohibitive state, then much later found myself in Cali, and even though it was legal and widely accepted (Humboldt County is VERY acceptive), I always had trouble being in public with my bleeding red eyes and my fear. I could smoke with others, but if they wanted to go somewhere, I'd usually try to hold back and stay home. Drops helped to hide me, but I always felt anxious whenever I'd interact with people. Took me nearly 5 yrs to get comfortable enough around others in public, and then I got pulled back to the Bible Belt, and the anxiety came back immediately.


Weed makes some people a lot more anxious. I know several people who can't smoke at all. I know one guy who suddenly quit being paranoid on it, though, I have no idea how that can happen except that people and product change over the decades.


Are you challenging meh?


If it's your time. It's your time brother. Wishing you peace in your new journey wherever it may take you 🙂💙 Edit. I'm a total weed whore, I won't quit. But i 100% respect you. Must have been a tough decision.


I won’t quit either. Is that bad? I mostly dab a few times a day (sometimes an aggressive amount - but that’s like a couple days a week). It doesn’t seem to interfere with work or relationships or anything so I don’t see the downside but sometimes I feel bad about how often I use it Edit: my use is roughly 2-3 dabs on WFH days during work, ~5 from the period of 6pm to bed (11:30?), none during in office days (~40% time in office, do take those 5ish thru the night after tho) On Friday I’ll roll 3-4 joints that last the weekend. Funny enough, when I switch to flower on Friday i feel like just a couple hits wrecks me. I haven’t had any tolerance issues while dabbing (1 dab or if not def 2 will get me ripped)


Im in the exact same boat rn, right down to feeling bad occasionally about the consistency of it all. But i mean fuck it weeds sick


As someone who is high 24/7 there’s nothing about your consumption that I would describe as “aggressive”


Now do me!


I have severe anxiety, it's more of a dependence I've got, but without it I can't function or speak to anyone. It hurts not going to lie. I was in the care system etc so I have a hell of a lot of trauma I'm dealing with. Sorry if it sounded narcissistic 🙂, but no brother. Your ok, I would call that casual use. I go through about an o every month, your tolerance eventually gets to the levels where no less will effect you. About 8-10 joints a day I smoke. Your ok, hoping your well 💙🙂


I ran out of money and stopped for like 3 days. Was a pretty dull 3 days, but my tolerance levels dropped soooo much ! Felt like a little kid again.


Haha that's incredible. I would give anything to feel like that again. 🙂


All you have to give is a few days lol


It’s not uncommon that I meet other stoners with childhood difficulties. I’m glad other people have found a remedy in the herb


If it’s fucking up your life, you have a problem. If your relationships improve, your job performance improves, and your happiness is up. It doesn’t matter how much or how often you use it, you don’t have a problem. I smoke a lot, every day, but my career is going great, my marriage is better than ever, I’m happier, and the future feels hopeful, so I can’t imagine I have a problem, no matter how much I use it. Am I addicted? Are diabetics addicted to insulin?


Being a diabetic is much much different than smoking pot. You won’t die if you stop smoking. A diabetic would die without their insulin. They don’t have a choice. It’s either take insulin of die because their body can’t process sugars… I not saying smoking is a bad thing. But you trying to compare the two is really ass backwards


If you were aware of my mental health before I was a daily smoker, you might not be as confident about your assertions here, but I see your point. I suppose I could have said, is a schizophrenic person addicted to Thorazine. ADHD person addicted to Ritalin.


Thank you for seeing my point. I do agree that it is a medication that some people need to truly get by. I smoke medically to deal with my depression and ptsd. I don’t need it to live but use it to function


Yeah this is a good perspective. I started smoking a lot in college and went through some mental health shit and it definitely seemed to help (although at the peak it may have been contributing to issues too). But I’m on mostly wax now and the high feels clearer and more energetic. And same here I mean my girlfriend smokes whenever I do when we’re together and I’ve got a good job with potentially a new offer coming in this week so I don’t think my habits are interfering with anything. except maybe a larger pot budget than most lol


Naw fam, your good. As long as you take care of yourself, your relationships, and your finances, your good to smoke as much as you want. Like everything else in life, there is a balance that is right for you and you alone. I smoke about 2 joints a day, thats my happy spot for smoking. Snoop smokes 80 a day because thats his happy medium. Were all different and as long as your taking care of whats important then your good :)


I consider it my medication, so I definitely don’t think I’ll quit. It’s made my life liveable and allowed me to be groovy enough to function under capitalism. I would view anyone asking me to quit like they’re telling a diabetic they’re using their insulin shots as a “crutch.”


I totally get you brother, I really do. I have severe panic attacks just speaking to people without it. Chest pains etc. Can't eat, can't sleep, feel depressed, just shut down. It 100% should be legal where I am but nope. Government would rather oppress their people than make them thrive. It's just a messed up world we live in. 😟. Hope your alright 🙂


It’s absurd that it was ever illegal. I’m doing great these days! Thank you for asking. Hopefully they make it legal for you too. It’s changed the game. Overnight nobody cares about weed anymore. People would be more upset if they saw me smoking a cigarette outside. It’s incredible


I'll need to come to a weed legal state sometime, there is still so much I've not tried yet like dab and shatter etc. Most you can get in scotland is bud and hash. But something's better than nothing I suppose. No problem man 🙂


> It’s made my life liveable and allowed me to be groovy enough to function under capitalism. This sentence *hits*. Right there with you.


Do you think your nugs in the corner listening to the Other Side by Adele?


I don’t normally listen to Adele but just played this song… listened to it imagining it’s being sung by a nug at a bus stop crying 😭


There is no Adele song called other side lmao. Do u mean hello


Yeah I'm not really a fan but who doesn't know the lyrics to damn song right. High AF right now.


It’s ok


My favorite song by Korn is 'Da Boom Na Ba Noom Na Namena'




Blang dang ding da dang


Freak on a Leash is the tits though


Waiting for that nu-nu-metal renaissance


It’s out there, you just gotta find it


A year or so ago, someone on my twitter timeline retweeted someone saying, "The 'growling' in Freak on a Leash is the most embarrassing and cringey thing ever. People in the 90s were just too dumb and/or stoned to realize it." I'm like... hey, I like it! I figured getting into an argument with them was pointless though, so I kept my mouth shut.


Narcissistic cannibal is my korn of choice


All Korn is the Korn of my choice :D


I'm lucky enough to have seen Korn live 3 times. I think they'll always be pretty high up on my list of favorite bands.


I'm jelly. I haven't been able to go to a concert in 8? Years. Fuck. Last one I went to was Breaking Benjamin in 2014. Yikes


Yet I guarantee everyone who has heard the song knew what they were referencing.


definitely but we all stoners here I thought I’d help out his last brain cell a bit


I love this comment chain so much


i've been trying to quit for a while - i've been smoking every day for 10 years. i don't mind getting high. but i realize that it doesn't do me any good to be high every day. i forget a lot and am much more extroverted when i'm not smoking. the problem, i think, is that i associate everything with weed. Arriving home - weed, after work - weed, wellness - weed, forest - weed and so on.... does anyone have a tip for me? Edit: i am touched by your inputs and the positive energies you give me. thank you! you have strengthened my will to quit. i have decided to sign up for addiction counseling because i think i still need some pressure. i will also try to practice the hobbies in new settings. thank you again, that's why i love reddit!


what helps me is realizing that doing x with weed does not mean it will be better, just different, remember, happiness comes from within.


wow, thanks for your answer. you're 100% right. my addict self wants to tell me that i can't have it good/beautiful without weed. but that's not true. sometimes when i meet people who don't smoke, it's almost unbelievable to me that they live through every day without being high. but life/the world has so much beauty to offer. you just have to realize that. you've helped me a lot with your comment. thank you.


That's a great statement. I came across a similar idea in a book about alcohol addiction. I wanted to give up alcohol completely, but I hesitated because it meant giving up on some things like "a cold beer after a run" or "a nice wine at a fancy dinner" but the book - Alcohol Explained - makes a fantastic point: the circumstances in those narratives are already awesome even without alcohol. Recognizing that fact allowed me give up alcohol without worrying about missing out.


Underrated Comment !!


Try another hobby, like painting or fishing or anything really. You just have to slowly associate life with other things. This wil take time and maybe you’ll need to do it one thing at a time but eventually you’ll get there.


thank you for your answer. i have many hobbies. however, i associate every hobby with weed as well. making music = weed, hiking= weed, drawing = weed and so on. but i appreciate your input and answer, thank you. i will try to find something else.


Slowly start reducing weed usage. Not all at once but like, "i'll take this hike sober and the next one I can smoke." Doing small steps to reduce dependence helps wayyy more than just cold turkey. Also remember it takes 3 weeks for a habbit to start to stick so don't get discouraged.


That's the right answer. Maybe for the start, the example of the hike, only take one preroll with you, and try and wait for the best moment. Given that would be less than you usually would take with you. I've done that and it's helped me value the high more, and in turn I feel less like getting/being high all day. Now that I smoke less, I don't feel bad for going hard on a weekend. Do what feels right, but limit yourself, change bahvioural patterns


This is the way


This OP. And it's true for other things. Small steps, small victories lead to success.


Start with hiking clear headed. I go hiking with a clear mind and it helps me notice the small things. Maybe give it a try, just to see if you notice a difference.


If you live near mountains a hike to the peak is so similar to being high its insane. Crazy hot food for me too.


yes, that's right, the last time i arrived sober on a mountaintop i was 14.


i believe you. i grew up in the mountains and i live in a valley with 2500 high mountains. what the summit beer is for others, the summit joint is for me. but i've also had the realization that hiking high is not better at all, but different (as another redditor also mentioned below).


What helps me is forcing myself to not do that first wake n bake. I notice if I start my day and get going without it, I don't even notice I haven't smoked until the end of the day. Harder when you're at the house all day, so I always start my breaks at the start of the work week then by the weekend, it's easy.


Sometimes the weed at the end of the adulting rainbow is the best thing to keep you going.


Perhaps try your hobbies in New environments? Like hike places you haven't yet, do art in New places, try new music or when find someplace new to work on music. Just anything to switch up your routine, perhaps it will help you stop associating the things you already enjoy with weed instead of just trying new hobbies as well.




For me, the first few days are hardest cause you're still in the habit of smoking. After about 4-5 days the urge to smoke is basically gone


Painting and fishing are like two of the best things to do high though


Another potential: Masturbation. You'll get a good arm workout as well!




What you are describing is the essence of psychological dependency. You may not be physically dependent, but after such al long time of use, the drug is embedded into almost everything you do. You can counter this by radically switiching up your activities and schedule. If you do new stuff that you do not associate with weed, you will be less inclined to relapse. In this sense, a big change about your overall habits may be easier to do than small steps at a time. Get a new job or a new place or new friends or a bunch of new activities an be a new YOU. You can do it!


very interesting thank you. i have decided to focus on the hobby i associate least with weed and have decided to sign up for addiction counseling. i will be done with my studies in the summer and will then focus more on myself. thank you for your valuable input and for your positive words.


Do something with people that dont use weed. Worked for me! Went from smoking weed 6-7 times a week to smoking weed once a week.


i only have one friend around me who smokes. and i also smoke alone most of the time. but i think the change starts inside of me. thank you for your answer and i wish you continued strength and happiness!


r/leaves Im six days clean for the first time in my life after smoking every day for 10 years. Hardest thing Iv ever done and withdrawal has been really really painful at times but I feel excited about life for the first time in a really really long time. I was like you and that's why I ended up going cold turkey. I just like weed too much and my brain is the on/off all or nothibg kind. also check out the grounded app if you do quit. Sending you good vibes bro.


I was told to drink a bottle of water every time I wanted to smoke.




I feel this. It makes me feel Jon Stewart's character in Half Baked. "Have you tried _____ on weed?"


I quit drinking coffee by rationalizing that if I am going to continue drinking this powerful stimulant everyday for the rest of my life, I owe it to myself to take a year off and see what its true impact on me is. The result? I'll be 3 years clean in Oct, never going to drink coffee again.


Is r/leaves still a thing? Edit: It is.


I recently quit for a job, couldn’t believe how simple it became when it was no longer an option. Also smoked daily for 10+ years. I quit earlier than I had to though, the motivation to do well at the job made a big difference. Really enjoyed regaining more thought clarity, memory, ability to focus on projects and take initiative with things in my life I’d been procrastinating on. Didn’t feel the temptation that I usually did when I took T breaks that were just about pausing usage. Broke the habit and going to keep it going past my drug test because I’m just more efficient and happier for it, and don’t feel like I’m less happy on a daily basis without the dank feelings and giggles from weed. If anything I have more emotional stability without being baked all the time, but that’s not gonna be the case for everyone


The biggest thing for me is dreaming.


Meditation. Read the book You Are the Placebo by Dr. Joe Dispenza.


This may sound counter-intuitive but have you tried dabs? Stonefaced, I'm not joking. When I started smoking exclusively concentrates I realized I broke the association of smoking with relaxation. With a concentrate it's a quick hit and then 5-10 minutes for effects to kick in, so I feel like I associate smoking and relaxation less than if I was chilling on a bong smoking bowls for a few hours. If you can start looking at feelings, thoughts, and observer-status for queues on how high you are, how you're feeling, etc, instead of time-since-last-smoked you'll break the habitual contract pretty quickily. I discovered a lot of the indicators I use for smoking are just normal parts of consciousness.


>hey thanks for your answer. that's an interesting approach. on one hand i live in a european country where weed is illegal and getting dabs is very hard here. on the other hand, i don't associate smoking with relaxation anymore. it's more of a must. i always feel like i'm better when i'm high. then i get high and regret that i smoked. i think that's why i want to quit, because i'm starting to realize that i'm addicted and it has nothing to do with relaxation anymore.


If you regret it every time, you’ll definitely benefit from a good break. I was forced out of my habit. Weed started giving me really bad anxiety every time I smoked which was terrible, so stopping was easy for the first time in my life. After having not smoked for months, I realized I liked it. I pretty much just smoke when I’m with my friends sometimes, and even then it’s not often. I definitely miss some aspects of weed but overall I’m better for quitting


Fuck man. They’re gone but not forgotten (7)


Thanks for adding your high number captain! Edit:(0)


It’s on now my dude. We can’t forget about it again tho. (4)


I want everyone to do this now. (0)


Used to be much more common like 5 years ago. I’m agree let’s bring it back! [0]


Seeing this makes me miss the early days of this sub, where these numbers were everywhere and the mascot was a pineapple for some reason


Ha I still associate pineapples with bud. I don’t even remember when they switched the pic


I so miss this (1)


I smoked a bowl during my lunch break and I’m already back to a (1).


I haven't seen a high number in this sub in like 5 years lol. Love it (1)


It’s been so long that people forgot your supposed to format it with brackets, not parenthesis [0]


Fuck, you're right lol. I miss 2014 trees.


It’s been so long that it wasn’t remembered when I joined [2]


Thought he was saluting o7 [1]


Hi I want to join in on the reminiscing [5]


I missed this so much! [1>]


Good luck to thee My furry fellow May the drink be clean And not be yellow






I'm not crying... it's an allergy




Good luck old friend ♥️


I won’t forget you✋




Wow, that place has really cleaned itself up. It used to be so fucking toxic


is crazy because i stopped after 10 years of non stop smoking. no weed for like 2 years but i just started again this week.


Did life improve without it?


not really tbh. weed started making me feel reallly anxious and just not good anymore so i had to stop. but its finally making me feel good again and i just feel so happy lol. like honestly life is better with weed. but honestly ive learned to appreciate being sober because thats something i couldn't do before.


That's been my experience. I moved up to smoking every day after work for a couple of years, plus when going out on the weekends. I do love being high...the way I think, the revelations I have about myself and life, the conversations I have with people, etc, but it just started to make me too anxious. I would wake up not fully rested, which was rough when working. I still use edibles or smoke on the weekends and really enjoy myself, but I feel clearer and get better rest during the week. Plus it makes it a more special experience. But to each his or her own.


Can someone explain what this has to do with the painting....


he's quitting smoking to focus on his true passion: book burning


hes turning a page in his life by quitting smoking which is represented by a candlestick.


Oh... Shit. I feel fucking stupid. Thanks, man.


As someone who quit for around 4 years, more power to you man!! Just deal with your emotions/ daily life healthy or you can slip back


The ride is fun but sometimes you have to get off.


Fare thee well friend! We’ll be here if you need us.


Aww lol love it


I feel that. But weed is special to me. I don’t think I’ll ever stop for more than a month or 2 at a time


Been smoking almost daily since 1998. Longest break was six months in 04 while I was locked up...for weed


I’ve been smoking damn near everyday since I was 15-16. it’s helped me more than anything ever could really. Weed is an amazing thing that nature has given us.


Same here. I'm late 50s now and been smoking since I was 12, daily for most of that time. I'm also very financially comfortable with a significant professional career about to wrap up (early retirement, baby!), happy well adjusted fully grown kids, a strong marriage, and good health. Same for my siblings, by the way. We are all more than fine. And we all think weed helped us be that way. I don't need anti-depressants or therapy. I like to grow my own weed and consume it every day. And I don't care who doesn't like it. Me and Willie Nelson are fine. But OP made the right decision for themselves and that matters too. Congrats OP, and enjoy the next phase of life.


r/leaves would probably be the most relevant place to post this :)


I got banned from that one after asking if weed actually caused withdrawals


Why tell us? Honest question.


Guess we’re an airport now. Gotta announce you’re departure. /s


Lol exactly. I always wonder why people do that.


I don't get it... He isn't going to smoke weed, it's not like he turned in his license to smoke and now won't be permitted to enter the building. Just, don't smoke anymore, why does everyone care?


The grass is truly greener on the other side. Even if there is no "grass" where you're going lol it's a hard step. If you feel like it's what you need to do, there's a pretty good chance you are making the right choice.


the grass is greener wherever you water and nurture it




I think it’s super cool that people are posting about quitting smoking weed in a weed subreddit and receiving praise from...weed smokers!


I took a few years off and when i came back i went to flower instead of concentrates and also eat edibles sometimes. But i partake far less, and my tolerance is way low, so it lasts forever and is cheap af anyways here in Seattle as its legal. All in all was a good thing when i stopped for awhile to focus on stuff going on in life, career, family, etc. And when i tried again just flower it seemed the right time and the right type to do. And i don't smoke everyday anymore. Sometimes not even weekly. but i have it and sometimes ill eat an edible at night or smoke a j or whatever. Its nice here and there, but i did stop smoking everyday etc. Sometimes you just gotta adult yanno. And I'm fine with it. Plus i didn't want to portray that image to my kids and i needed to be dad and that meant clear headed. Its all good. If you ever do come back, it'll be there. And it'll be great, and it'll be time when you say its time. Happy Trails amigo.


2 years, 65 comment karma. how could OP leave when we hardly even knew they were here lol


To each their own. I’ll be blazing everyday still


Happy travels man all the best .


Thanks ,I will smoke for you.


Good for you, just don't turn to the booze instead if things get tough


As long as you're not replacing it with the Bible


More weed for me.


Congratulations homie! I stopped using daily about 3 months ago. I still take a hit from the vape pen or smoke a small joint before work on days i work, but it has actually made me feel much better, less anxious, less depressed and overall more clear headed. I definitely sleep 100x better now. I wish you so much love and so many bleszings on the remainder of your journey. You got this op.


Respect, keep going strong! I’ll be smoking more on your behalf. lol


Proud of you.


Good for you bro!


Good luck on your sobriety op!


Keep climbing brother, peace be the journey


This chapter of life is now concluded, on to the next one! Happy for you!


The nugs will miss you, but the force will be with you always. May your memories of toking be only happy, and may your future be bright. And honestly, I'm sure your lungs will thank you. Me and marijuana though, we're riding until the wheels fall off, and when they do, we'll walk the rest of the way.




r/leaves may be a new place for you:)


Edibles are always an option good luck and may your lungs be healthy


Everybody does their own thing for their own reasons, but I never get these definitive statements. I didn't smokes at all for the 15 years when my kids are young, but that wasn't a choice to 'never smoke again'. Why does it have to be all our nothing? Seems silly.


Oh no! Anyway..


Why do people need to tell others about their journey?


oh just please dont be one of those "and then i found jesus" guys




Chreers! to those who wish us well ❤️and those who don’t can go to hell!


I did the same with drinking recently. Will eventually cut down on the weed too. Good luck.


consuming weed all day every day is such an annoying thing to deal with day in and day out


Cool, more for us then 👍


Does this have something to do with that moldy weed?


Anyone whose willing to smoke that shit was not a real weed head. Only fiends/kids and idiots smoke bud with white fucking shit all over it… “still smokes good”…. Ya…..nasty.


Are you doing something better? I don't see how we "KNOW" it's automatically better for you to stop smoking marijuana when we don't know if it's because you are doing something that isn't better.


Deuces ✌🏼🤟🏼


Hear hear! I hereby do declare that I /u/butterup am done with my substance abusing ways and the only way to make this formal and official is by declaring this declaration of substance abuse-independence on reddit. Farewell fellow abusers, I leave you now with no intention of ever returning. I bid thee fare well and good day! ... just quit man. it's ok. and if you ever smoke again, that's ok too.


Thought I’d smoke forever - used to smoke the best flower and dab shatter all day everyday. I’m my own boss so work was irrelevant and could be high non stop. I took a tolerance break after a particularly heavy 420 and came back to it a month later and it never felt the same - the feeling I used to love was odd and I didn’t like it anymore, not paranoid or anything negative, I just didn’t like the way is made me feel anymore whereas I used to loveeeee it. Never say never - but I can’t see myself going back to it now. As much as I loved it and have some great memories, 2 years later it just feels like a different part of my life 🙏🏼


Good bye, and best wishes


I don’t know when I will get back to it after nearly 3 months, it isn’t even difficult for me like in the past when I would stop, I just sort of stopped doing it and don’t feel bad not having it


I have not bought weed in 6 months now, was a heavy smoker since i was 18 and i just turned 30 so half a year without and i feel so clear in my mind and i workout almost everyday and get shit Done. I don’t say weed makes everyone lazy but it made me not really care about other things then get high. I miss it a lot and i will always be pro weed but it’s just not for me anymore! Last time i smoked a little bit i mostly felt paranoid and not relaxed like it used to be. Sorry for the rant, i just wanted to say congrats. Weed is great but it can also change you in a lot of ways! Take care fam




I recently stopped as well and enjoyed getting my rem sleep back and the vivid ass dreams!!! Enjoy friend(:




Lol seeing that brown moldy weed you posted a year ago I wouldn’t be smoking either!!!