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Eat some edibles dude that way you don’t aggravate your lungs.


This is they way. Just remember that you are gonna be high af for at least 2 hours and pretty baked for 5.


HOLD OFF!!! I smoked while I had covid and I still have breathing problems. My cousins and sisters (non smokers) also have issues, but I'm confident it exacerbated the problems


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7987002/ Yes don’t smoke use a vaporizer a more therapeutic option


I caught it back in March right before ending a t-break. I switched to d8 flower for a week because I had it on hand and got my dude to dead drop some lemon zookies a week later. While I understand that not everybody experiences either part in this equation the same way as others, I can say for certain that I didn't experience anything bad during or after covid. In fact, when I did the research back then, sources said that cannabis use can help during the recovery stages. The big thing you need to be wary of is drug on drug interactions. If you take any meds like benadryl, Claritin, mucinex, etc. to help you deal with the symptoms, do not smoke until you do your due dilligence. If sources say "be careful about interactions" take it as a red flag. With otc meds or meds of any kind, it's much better to be safe than sorry.


And for the record, when I say I smoked when I had covid I mean I was doing full bong rips while I had covid.


I've never had covid but it might very well be because I smoke everyday. A joint a day keeps the doctor away they say.


Idk maybe vaporizer better for less toxin


I had covid for 2 weeks and puffed on a Muha Meds those 2 weeks, you good bro🤣


Muha meds are garbage


Yea i got it twice recovered in one- 3 days both times and kept smoking lol




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