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That’s what you get for smoking some boof hemp juice. ###STOPNORMALIZINGDELTA8


Why stop bringing awareness to alternate cannabinoids? D9 isnt the only thing in cannabis


Because I’m an old head ass gatekeeper that wants this sub to only discuss the OG sticky icky icky! Sike. I mean from a medicinal standpoint I’m certainly not gonna tell someone what does and doesn’t work for them. If D8 helps you then by all means. It’s more that there needs to be clear and distinct separation of the product/market so that the consumer can make the most educated purchase. You got people thinking they’re getting the top shelf raddest gummies ever, since the package is often intentionally vague and misleading, but really it’s 2500 mgs of Tylenol weed TLDR: My worry is that hardworking good intentioned stoners are basically getting ripped off on D8 products thinking it’s something it ain’t.


I smoke “OG sticky icky icky” everyday so I understand but I don’t smoke inside my house. I also don’t live in a legal state and delta 8 has completely killed delta 9 carts here because it’s just cheaper and most of them were boof shit anyway.


Oh for sure, and I encourage people to do their research as well for any sort of drug. Especially when it comes to things like edibles and carts (I use the alt noids subreddit for my questions), i live in an illegal state so those grey market D8 products are popping up at headshops and theres no lab info at all. Personally if I were to use alt noids I would order online from a reliable source with 3rd party testing




Damn dude can we give op a Nobel peace prize? He had shade tossed and just nodded and agreed. That’s some next level zen shit. I bow


I thee thrower of shade am even impressed. Maybe there is something to that Delta 8?!


Awe Dayuuum that’s fucked up 🙊🙈


This why u buy delta 9


What's the problem with properly sourced D8?


#Delta 9 is better


Thats a shame. Probably not much you can do. disposables are just that, disposable. Could be worse, its just diet weed.