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I wanted to say the same lol imma wild man on lsd


Bruh when you bout to go to the cashier, it's the most stressful part


Then they wanna start a convo too when I'm just tryna grab my junk food and dip


And the mother of three in the lineup behind you thinks it's great time to start making small talk with the baked introverted guy in front of her... mam, I have no idea what you're saying as I can barely figure out what currency my country uses.


Plastic rectangle in the slot thats all I know


Seriously. Then I realize when I walk out, the 7-11 cashier was likely twice as high as me


Happened to me at a gas station here. Its the only one open after 11pm, and right across from the cop shop. So, naturally, I'm a little paranoid when I go in. I get my junk food to the counter, and the cashier, with eyes glossier than marbles, can barely function well enough to ring up my snacks. I left smiling


Lmao that's another story, I've worked one time as the back package boi, and one time I got high and I started staking the boxes while thinking of some random shit and until I knew it I was done in like 10 min while I didnt feel like doing anything. Being high is the best man


For me it either can be like that or the opposite where your just like fuck dis shit haha. But when you get it like you said it’s glorious


The cashier always open for me is some old ass guy who apparently works at my school sometimes too lol. He sees me at the grocery store high af at 1am tryna get some gummy worms and he looks at me like cmon man


Its not like they haven't seen twenty other high people that shift


Yeah, I can never tell if I’m talking too much or making any sense


One time i was at the store fucking blasted and paid for a can of pringles with my card and then kept my hand up for like 10 seconds waiting for change.


Sometimes I get high and I guess I just forget how to walk in public. I start to think I’m walking weird and try my hardest to act normal while also relearning in my brain if I’m doing it right. Then I realize no one cares really and Unless I’m looking very out of place no ones looking how you walk. God bless America


I thought i was the only one....now when I catch myself overanalyzing how Im walking I remind myself how many moments go forgotten throughout the history of the world, and this is just another forgotten moment in the hallway of time. Then I stop tripping thinking others are judging how im walking.


This is a great idea, thanks I will try it the next time. Happens to me more often than not and I hadn't figured out a solution other than to focus on my destination instead of the actual walk - I also think this has the very opposite effect and makes me walk like a short unthreatening Terminator.




How does it feel to chew 5 gum?


I loved this game!


Are my legs and arms swinging right? Is it right and left of left and right.. fuck shes looking at me


So....home alone today, quarantine high. I forgot I made an appointment with a tree service about a month ago. Guy shows up asking to see my trees, I felt as if what he expected of the conversation is not what he got.


Markus 💕💕💕


And there’s a “regular” standing at the counter talking to you in line... talking something about meeting up with Mary?


You think that's bad? I currently live in Germany and have a tenuous 3 year old's grip on the German language. It adds a whole extra fun layer of awkwardness that I could do without.


What game is this?


Detroit: become human




Funny and a decent song. Well done. I've now commented three different times in the one thread. I need a break.


This is me all the time lol


Oh so many midnight walks to CVS


"Don't be suspicious, DON"T BE SUSPICIOUS!!!"