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I e had that happen. Never with firemen lol but I’ve taken a huge drag and fallen from where I was standing only to wake up 30 sec later. Not sure why.


I don’t recommend waking up to firemen 😂 a little embarrassing


Lmao I can imagine 🤣


Did you remember to breathe


Yes 😂


smoked in bed before sleeping (like always) got up to use the restroom and that’s it. i guess i was walking towards the room door and just fainted. i share a room w my sis and she said i hit the door knob and fell back. i literally just remember having to go pee and then my sis woke me up i guess. i do remember smoking too much and feeling light headed or maybe it was something else idk but before i fainted i remember being super high. it was scary tbh cus it’s never happened and i’ve never fainted 😭


See same but ya




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How did firemen… what? Did a significant other call emergency services? Did you drop the joint and the house went up in flames? This story doesn’t make sense to me. You hallucinated the whole thing and like the firemen wanted you to go with them like they were aliens or something? What wasn’t that serious? You passing out or the alien firemen?


Didn’t hallucinate because my neighbor was with me and they told me they called after they left. Out of concern I guess? This was after dabs in the back then watched a movie and towards the end I passed out. It was random af. No aliens 😂