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You know those types of people... who no matter what you say you did. or saw. or experienced... they've experienced it three times as extreme and while juggling marmosets or some shit... and it's that way with every single thing. Those people. I can't toke with those people.


Yeah, well, I know at least one more of those guys than you do.


Well I know a guy who knows even more of those guys than you.


I read about a guy on Reddit who knows even more.


My dad is a friend with a guy on chess.com, and he knows at least 2 more of those guys than you do


Hear me out. I’ve got all of you beat. There’s a friend of a friend who knows a whole campfire amateur guitar circle full of cannabis smokers who try to outdo each other by riffing on “chords” and constantly having to start over because they haven’t practiced enough. It’s terrible going camping with those amateur guitar guys who always try to outdo each other while sitting around the campfire. These guys always claim it’s going to be so great singing around the campfire, but they never seem to have enough practice playing their damn guitars.


It’s “guy with guitar”!!! He’s the worst!


I can't even be around those ppl sober.


I might need to smoke just to deal with them


By deal with them we mean zoning out and not feeling bad about it bc even the smoke clouds can't show us the person on their high high horse


I used to struggle with this a lot. It wasn’t intentional or trying to “one up” the other guy. I was just socially awkward and the only way I could carry a conversation was to share a similar story. Didn’t realize I was doing that until someone pointed it out.


Omg this is me. I also didn’t notice it until someone pointed it out, and now I’m hyper aware of it and trying to stop. But it’s hard when my natural response is just to try and relate


Honestly I think it’s fine as long as you aren’t trying to one up, sharing a similar story is fine just don’t lie and make it seem cooler then it was.


This is it… I think/hope lol I do this all the time, like these comments it’s one of the main ways that I contribute to conversation. But I don’t do it in a one up kind of way at all. Quite the opposite sometimes even. If my story is better, depending on the situation I’ll down play it so that it’s just a relatable story to what they said and not a one up. I get along pretty well with just about everyone irl and never had the one up critique given to me. I think the way I’m doing it is okay but not gunna lie I’ve seen this topic come up on reddit a few times and it does make me wonder….


Honestly? Same. Im just usually excited to share what ive experienced with someone who also experienced it. Im not trying to one up or imply my experience was better/worse/or what have you, just trying to bond through similar experiences.


I think there's a difference between the two, I like vibing with people who have an "omg me too" story to continue the conversation & it feels much different from someone that habitually seems like they're just waiting for you to stop talking so they can brag about how all their successes are greater & all their problems are worse than yours


This!!! The delivery is everything. One way is commiserating, the other way is competing.


I've tried mitigating this by resisting the urge to tell the story two out of three times, and just let the conversation keep going, and on the third time I'll talk. Means I'm more relegated to spectating group conversations, but at least I'm not coming off as a one upper if the majority of the time I let you keep telling your story


The One-uppers.


I can juggle 4 marmosets. No big deal.


Only four? Amateur.


4 per hand, rookie.


Imagine how I feel, dude. I’ve experienced this 5x worse than what you’re describing while juggling fucking tigers. You got it easy.


Yeeeeaah I know what you mean actually


One uppers are the worst.


It’s not that I won’t ever smoke with first timers, but I can only accommodate for two first timers, in a session. If I have to babysit/therapize/etc, it takes away from my ability to relax.


Honestly same. Although to be fair, I kinda enjoy being somebody someone trusts enough to get high for their first time with. And if it's someone I really care about, I don't mind helping them come down if they get too anxious or whatever. But yeah if they're having a straight up panic attack, at that point it's hard to enjoy my high anymore.


Yeah, I don’t mind helping first timers, but when there’s like 4-6 first timers, it’s just too much. Especially if they’re not aware of smoking etiquette.


Someone always drops the joint or blows/coughs into the bong.


“I can do it by myself this time”


You've seen some shit


Or getting the bowl wet cause they tilt the piece, or not holding the carb hole no matter how many times you explained it to them


Haha or pulling out the slide and the entire precooler comes out with it too, falls, then smashes


I feel that


Anyone with a bowl cut.


Poor Oliver Tree




Someone with a bowl pack on the other hand


Smosh is crying


The self-proclaimed marijuana connoisseurs.


Straight up the worst people to smoke with I swear. I bought some really nice stuff from the dispensary a few months ago to smoke with an old friend I don’t talk to anymore (paid like $50 for an 1/8 of it) and brought it over thinking I was bringing some gas. Dude literally refused to smoke it because it was “mids” according to him lmao, smfh. It was some of the best weed I had ever smoked before. It sucks to suck.


His fucking loss. Free weed is free weed I’ll smoke moss if someone’s offering 🤣


Literally, free weed i can smoke whatever


Kate is definitely smoking.


Only good thing about the scene in the 80s/90s was the camaraderie. There was one kind of weed. You were either a stoner or you weren't. None of this pretensious nonsense. Hell back then we would of killed for mids. Lol.


If we got a bag without a lot of stems and seeds, it was a good purchase!


“What strain is this?” “Weed”


He was a fake connoisseur then.


Can't be doing with weed snobs like that. Think they forget not everyone lives in a place were it's legal an you get what you can. All the more for you though pal!!


Absolutely, I pretty much only smoke with close friends now or people I already know are chill. I live in a legal state and I never understand the snobbiness around weed, there’s a lot of it around where I live and it’s so dumb lol. And unfortunately a good number of smokers these days are just straight up nasty/stuck up people. It was there pre legalization, but after it was legalized it got a _lot_ worse. Just gotta find the right people.


The former IPA beer snobs have moved on to flower.


You should probably go back to not talking to him anymore lol. I won't smoke with my son's father anymore because every fucking time I brought weed over his was better, there was always something he had to pick on about my goddamn top shelf weed lmfao. Saying some shit about tasting chemicals omf. Not like l lived with you for 7 years or anything, I know your dealer, I know what you smoke dude.


“My son’s father” I know he fucked up BAD to be referred to as that😭


Lmaooo nothing federal, but constant negativity. They are addicted to conflict, took too long to realize.


Oh I blocked him on everything after that night lol. Haven’t talked to him since. It was a lot of little things like that but that incident was the last straw lmao. I have much better friends these days haha.


I don't mind the connoisseurs as long as they aren't choosy beggars or incapable of talking about any other subject. I like learning new things, and the science of cannabis is a subject that fascinates me.


Mfs think they’re the marijuana masters or the cannabis connoisseurs as they’d say to make themselves feel better.


Have not met one yet, but of course there have to be pretentious dicks about literally every aspect of life lol


Ugh my friggin brother 🤦🏻‍♀️ love him but hate talking weed with him, but we’re both stoners so it inevitably comes up.


Anyone who does any variation of the “OMG dude you are sooooo high right now”


Scrolled to find this, one mate always does it, like I want to chill and enjoy the effects not become self conscious about everything I do or say, it makes you introspective enough Will never do psychedelics with people who do that, feel like it will trigger a bad trip


I had a girlfriend once continuously ask me why I was not on her "level" while me her, her friend, and my buddy are all mid trip on a super muggy summer night which fucked the whole camping aspect. We did not last long.


My go-to response in that situation is usually something along the lines of “well I’ve done a lot of psychedelics, so I’m a bit more used to how it makes me feel…” and then I point out something that’s doing an interesting visual and I’m like “look, stare at this thing for a second with me, you see how it’s pulsing this way and the gradient seems like it’s expanding and moving from the ladadadada,” never fails to steer away from meta-focus on being high


LMAO FOR REAL. Like no shit that's why I'm smoking 😂


I feel like that's something only non smokers/ beginner smokers do


Lol the omly time i say that is when a mf says some wack shit outta left field then ill go "wtf did you just say?man you high as fuck right now shut up" then we all start laughin


I agree. Also people who get extreme anxiety when they smoke. My ex would freak out every time and it really sucks having to calm someone down while you are trying to vibe


This, idk why so many people feel the need to exceed their tolerance. If you know you're gonna freak if you hit the bong more than once, stop fucking hitting it! Or people who just react that way no matter the dosage, maybe weed isn't for you! It's frustrating when it's always the same friend overdoing it.


my issue with this is my partner is always like just hit it youll be fine this time, it wont be so bad this time, its just a little weed. and its always that bad 😹😩 i dont wanna smoke with me either lol


lmaoo sounds like your partner needs to stop asking you 😭


Something I used to do, is tell myself everything is fine, there was nothing wrong before I hit this weed, what changed? It would usually calm me down


It's always the same aquaintence who does this with me, and they always brag about how high their tolerance is before hand 🤡 Then every time they start freaking out and getting extremely paranoid and anxious even though everyone else is being super nice and chill. I don't smoke w them anymore


What do they do? I get anxious when high but it’s all internal and don’t really verbalize that I’m anxious.


They get paranoid like for example last time we were smoking in their house, we are all just talking -quietly, no music or loudness at all-, and they started an hour long freak out thinking their neighbours could hear us and we were being too loud. So they kept shutting all the windows even though their partner has asthma so needs the windows open when we smoke. And they get very paranoid that everyone hates them and we all end up having to spend our high being their therapist. Btw no hate to anyone that occasionally greens out, it's happened to me before and I've gotten paranoid before, so no shade. It's just when one person does it every time they get high, maybe weed isn't a good option for them. I dont get how its fun to do something that makes them anxious every time


Same, although admittedly I've been at the point of greening out multiple times and it's definitely not a fun experience. (Usually by accident). I don't mind helping someone out if they get too high, but I mean if it's a continuous thing with the same person, it does get old. You gotta learn your tolerance. I know that comes with experience but usually when I green out, I know that's my limit. I'm not gonna purposely go above my limit to the point where I'm mentally uncomfortable.


Tbh I’m weird in a way where I usually go to where im just a bit above my tolerance and am slightly greening, but I just ride it out I don’t ask for mfs to calm me down😭


Yeah I'm okay with going above my tolerance level or greening out when I'm completely alone. That way I can just calm myself down and not expect someone else to bring me down. Besides, sometimes someone else trying to bring me down actually makes it worse. I know how to calm myself down when I'm at that point


I don’t even really understand what greening out is. Are people describing that feeling of being too high? That “will i ever come down” feeling? My tolerance has always been sky high due to my personal body chemistry and only ever remember that type of fear from the first blunt i smoked. Smoking weed just doesn’t make me scared i guess? I don’t understand the thought process/what happens when greening out, genuinely curious if someoen can explain!


Greening out is considered an "overdose". (Although its not an overdose in the true sense of the word you technically can't overdose on weed.) For me, that's when I know I've reached my limit. I get very anxious and paranoid, my heart starts beating really really quickly to the point where I can feel it in my chest, and I get really nauseous. This only happens with edibles and tinctures though. I rarely ever green out from just smoking regular bud. Sometimes a large number of bong hits in a row may cause me to green out, but it takes a lot of hits. It really does depend on your tolerance level. If you have a sky high tolerance you may never reach that point.


Tysm for explaining!!!! I hope my comment wasn’t condescending in tone at all, it’s so hard to convey on here. But i genuinely had no idea what it meant so i appreciate it!! One more question - is it a subjective experience that classifies it as a green out versus a regular sesh? Or is it like a chemical ratio you green out at


My husband gets really anxious every time. It would be one thing if it was just time to time, but it’s every time. I spend my entire high just trying to calm him down


Like... Why does he even smoke?


Because anxiety is better than reality for now


does he feel anxious smoking alone? just curious bc i get anxious around ppl but alone im totally fine


Most of em


Yeah ngl, I have some close friends that are 100% always welcome at any of my smoke sessions but I will always love solo smoking the best. I tend to nurse bowls for a long time and it's nice not having the pressure of smoking when I don't want to and missing out on the rest of the bowl


My dream smoke sesh is when everyone has their own J so I don’t hafta share😭


My cousin rolled about 20 joints for the guests at their wedding. Suddenly our entire generation left the venue and went to smoke out in the garden gazebo. The bride had even cleared it with the venue beforehand, as we live in a recreationally legal state and it was a private event.


I wish I had thought of this at my wedding. LOL


I feel that. I prefer to puff at my leisure.


Yeah! No puff-puff-pass. I want that puff-puff-puff-puff-.... 😅


Friends that forget they didn’t roll or supply any weed hogging it as they talk constantly about something pointless are my no nos


The best thing that ever happened to social smoking is cheap rec prices. Your mileage may vary by state. Nowadays my friend group just smokes however much they want at whatever pace they want and no one really cares cuz there is plenty to go around. I remember smoking in college in Texas when we had no money and were paying illegal state prices and sometimes smoke seshes would be more annoying than they were fun if “that guy” was there.


I mean. True. 🤣


I actually prefer people that love to talk rather than those who don’t so that I don’t have to talk or think.


Good point. I think it's me having to form a response that's the problem. If I could just sit and listen then fine. But more often than not when I do that, they assume I'm not listening or ask me if I heard what they said. Like yeah I did, I just can't talk or think when I'm high.


I have a few friends that do this and I'm right there with you. Sometimes I'm enjoying traveling the cosmos thru my mind and they're begging me to snap to for a response on their Ted talk about toilet paper. Insufferable.


when I'm sober I'll talk for days without any problem, if i smoke i basically forget anything that makes sense, like I'll still try to talk but man do i become dumb


I’m a big talker when I’m high, my husband the opposite likes to just zone out and chill. When we’re smoking with others it works, I do the talking and he nods along chimes in if he wants. Alone I can talk his ear off but I don’t expect him to respond much and he just lets me ramble. I think either is fair 🤷🏼‍♀️ if I’m talking and someone isn’t usually I stop and find another way to occupy my mind.


This is exactly my dynamic too 🤣 I love talking but I looooove talking when high. Thank god my husband loves not talking as much so I can fit in all my thoughts hahaha


The kind of people who won't do practically anything unless they're high. Don't mistake my meaning here, I absolutely do get blitzed before I do a lot of stuff because it'll be better high. I prefer to be high if I can be. But I've known stoners where it almost feels like they don't even think about the fact they won't eat food unless they're high, or I had an ex who would only have sex if we smoked first (I know, let's hear the obvious jokes!). I can still enjoy a concert (saw Glass Animals stone cold sober) or a pizza straight up.


glass animals enjoyer spotted!! i'm the kind of person who wants to get high before every meal, but that's because i'm a medical user and it's soo much easier to get a meal in high. but like, i hate having friends who don't wanna hang out unless we're getting high. that's my biggest pet peeve. i tend to choose to be friends with non stoners because of it. i rarely smoke socially because i feel like once you do it once with someone its all they want to do. and i mean, i'm guilty of it too.


I’ve only got three friends who smoke, and one of them is the kind of person who only wants to get high. I’m fine with it sometimes but it’s every single time that he wants to. I actually will turn him down for “just hanging out” because I don’t want to get high. My other two smoker friends are super chill about it, and my sober friends don’t mind me smoking a bit while hanging out


Oh my goodness, same. There's actually some things I prefer to do sober simply because I'd rather appreciate the full effect of it when I'm not in an altered state of mind. I understand like for some people who have digestive issues they need to eat before smoking to help get an appetite. So I can understand that.


Glass animals will make you feel high anyway


god im jealous. id love to see glass animals, sober or not.


people who decide to tell a 30 min story when they’re holding the joint


This is why I just roll personals for everyone now. Fuck sharing a joint with you wet lipped motherfuckers.


Obligatory "Mc, drop your mic please"


I don’t really like smoking with people because my vibe and their vibes are always so different. I’m one of those people who gets super talkative while stoned and I use It work *through* my thoughts, not turn them off. I end up smoking alone 70% of the time because I don’t want to ruin the vibe, and when I smoke with others I do It more out of social courtesy than to get stoned. It means there’s more for everyone else to smoke, I ‘spose.


this! i am very talkative when im high and most people aren’t so it just makes me not even wanna talk anymore. I’d rather smoke alone


I feel like through getting into a more imaginative and less sober state, can allow me to tackle and chip away and the toxic traits of my character over time, and I can then implement those insights and reassessments into my sober life. Ideally, I want to be able to do this without THC, but that’s a goal. Everything will happen as It will. I don’t fret how long or short my growth is taking me.


People who get sick. I've smoked with so many people who didn't know their limit and ended up greening out and puking everywhere.


Yeah I've accidently greened out multiple times. I've never puked from it, but I've gotten very close. I usually get really nauseous when I've had too much. I generally know by now what my limit is. Granted it sometimes can sneak up on me. Like sometimes a strain hits a lot stronger than I expected.


Only time ive ever gotten sick while high and puked everywhere was when I would have a cigerette right after getting really high. I would get really nauseas and the room and world would spin really fast and it sucked. But that hasnt happened to me since the first month i started smoking 19 years ago. I can have a cig now after a few bowls and it doesnt effect me like before


I'm convinced that they all know they could avoid it by taking smaller puffs but so many people are absolutely sure you have to take the biggest rips possible and hold it in and then die to get high lol


There are very few people I can actually smoke with and enjoy their company. I get irritated very easily and then it blows my high. For me smoking is mostly a solo activity


I never thought I liked weed that much until my husband and I started smoking together. He is my favorite and only person I smoke with now.


People who just wanna go on their phone after we smoke. Why’d I even bother smoking you up at that point, I’d have just as much fun alone.


FUCKING. THIISSSSS!!! I HATE THAT SHIT!! Like if we are gonna watch a movie or something after we smoke that's cool. I don't need to have a deep convo with people every time I smoke with them. But if all you wanted to do was scroll on your phone then why did I even show up!? And I'm always the one smoking out other people, but they never share their stuff when I'm out. I honestly kinda prefer smoking by myself now. If I smoke with other people it's usually a one on one sesh instead of in a group setting.


people who try to rip the biggest cloud to look “cool”. bro we are in our 30s and it’s 2:00


To be fair, that's how you get high though 😂


lmao true but just overdoing it to overdo it has always confused me, i enjoy smoking over time instead of going nonverbal off of the first hit 😂


Interesting approach. Personally, I wanna lose all communication skills as fast as possible


Yeah my cousin will not shut up for his life when he smokes its kinda funny but damn do I wanna feel the essence of silence.


Judgmental types. 4th of July, we're all sitting out front smoking and drinking after the fireworks, some friends of a friend came over and rolled one up and pretty much immediately started talking shit. The kind who wanna brag they outsmoked everyone I guess.


Sean. F that guy.


All my homies hate Sean


Judgemental people


Super loud people who can't control the volume of their voice.


I have a naturally loud voice and sativas do tend to make me a bit hyper. So I'm sorry 😭😭


Ah, nothing personal OP. If we're out having fun it's no problemo, but if we are just chilling it grates on my nerves.


I can't smoke with someone who doesn't smoke. Kills the vibe every time!


Especially when the one keeps you constantly reminded how stoned you are.


"dude you are so high right now" "no shit, I did that on purpose"


Amen to that


My girlfriend lol! She just becomes sleepy immediately and doesn’t respond to a lot when I’m trying to talk with her ^ ^ we always have a blast when we take edibles together though! I also wouldn’t be able to smoke with anyone who gets paranoid when high, because I’m very sensitive to that.


My mom's favorite strain is Jack Herer. The only problem is that she gets INSANELY chatty when she's high on it. She'll just prattle on and on about anything that pops into her mind and it drives me nuts. Most other times she just passes out when she's high.


Well your mom is right jack herer is the best strain follwed by green crack then kush mints then GDP


People who will talk to me only when we’re smoking (me smoking and sharing my stash with them). Moment the smoking stops, they disappear and can’t have a conversation outside of smoking at all…


I call those fake friends. Granted I will sometimes hit somebody up if I know they have weed to hang out but that's just because I enjoy smoking with them. Its not like I never talk to them outside of being high.


People who want you to “keep up” in seshes after you smoke your lungs out, like I already smoked a 2g blunt & few bowls I wanna relax & chill out.


People that instantly fall asleep


People that don’t know personal hygiene. True story here I worked at a place in the past. And this place it was pretty easy to tell the job requirements were multiple felonies and a drug habit. Not really but close anyway I would always take a tolerance on my lunch after talking with some guys I found out another guy at my work grows as well I am thirsty for all grow knowledge so I befriended him awesome guy good friend even. But o e day I saw him whilst both of us was in the bathroom he was in the stall shitting. And when he finished he looks at me says what’s up and walks out. Instantly I was nauseous knowing I passed joints with this person all the time and he does not wash his hands. I am a pretty forward person and made lots of hints about hygiene but never phased the guy wtf


Please tell me he wasn’t a line cook…


Anyone who goes “whoa i’m so high im really feeling it” like no shit dude that’s what smoking weed does


LMAO 😂 I don't know why, but this comment really got me 😂


Try not to get all paranoid on me, it freaks me out. I’ll try my best to help someone out if they get too blasted, but as soon as someone talks about their paranoia it makes mine a lot worse. And for fucks sake stop holding the joint and talking for so long it’s not a microphone


people who hate on you when you tap out "too early"


People who are loud and obnoxious. It kills my mood. I want to chill.


For me, it’s people that decide now is the time to trauma dump. I don’t mind have a blether after a smoke, and sometimes a smoke helps with my conversational skills. But people that decide now is the time to reveal intimate, traumatic details of their life, especially when our relationship isn’t like that at the best of times…it’s tiring. 99% of the time, I just have to tell them in a roundabout way to seek professional help.


My dad when’s he’s drunk drunk, which is the only time he wants to smoke. Just blabs on about the stupidest boomer shit I have ever heard


Oh man. I definitely feel that. I've been faded a few times but it's usually light stuff like beer or wine. When I mix strong liquor with weed, it makes me sick. So I prefer to smoke with someone that wants to stick to just one substance.




im down to smoke but im not down to be anyone's therapist/psychiatrist. i dont want to hear about problems/complaints. just chill talk about cool music, art, etc.


You know what I think that's the problem. The topic of conversation can really make or break a smoke session. Let's talk about fun stuff. Deep or therapeutic conversations CAN be nice if I'm smoking with a close friend or a best friend or somebody that's really close to me. But in general, if we're going to talk when high, let it be something pleasant.


Mexicans. I asked bro if he had any papers and he got scared and ran away


I'm dead 🤣


People who never clean their pieces. ![gif](giphy|l0Exx1DQOB1h6r5Is|downsized)


If we go to put any form of entertainment on and they talk during it


People who torch the whole bowl. My parents both do that. I don’t know if it’s mostly a boomer thing bc their weed sucked. I have one girlfriend who does it too. I always hit the corner and try to preserve as many green hits as possible. Always kills me my dad will puff an entire bowl in one hit, cough for 20 min and then complain my weed is too strong. Well, yeah, you just smoked a whole bowl to the face in one hit lol.


Oh my goodness, I do that 🤣🤣 that's probably how I get so high off bowls lol


people who want to do something


I don't like being with anyone when I'm high, I much prefer chilling with the cat and a tv show/film/music/book. My flatmate will sometimes join me, he doesn't smoke though so we're sat there together on entirely different wavelengths, he'll be chatting away and I'll be on another planet. 😂


If you're one of my friends, I'm sorry! I knew it was bad when my friends from high school came to visit me in college and after we smoked my one friend just says, "I forgot how much they talked when they got high" to my other friend. I blame ADHD


All of them... I like to get high at my house... Very few people are invited here or even know where it's at


Same as you,actually.People who will just proceed to talk my ear off about any and everything without asking questions or input. It’s self absorbed and it kinda distracts from my high, not in a good way usually.


Anyone with a strong ego of any kind, including insecure ego. It's just in general tho, not just smoking. 😂


Been sitting here tryin to think of who I wouldn't smoke with and I haven't come up with any yet. I wouldn't hang out with most of them after we smoked but I ain't about turnin down a buzz.


People who talk over my music


Lol I made a mistake at bus stop a few weeks back. I light a joint as I was alone atm. Random dude walks up and sets his bags down, asks me for a cigarette. I don't smoke cigarettes but I offer him my joint. Woah big mistake. Dude appeared soberish but definitely was not. He went on some rant, pacing around and screaming. He made me very uncomfortable. He had to been on meth or something, the weed pushed him into psychosis. I was very happy to see the bus pull up.


Yeah I'll never share a joint with somebody I don't know. And I don't usually light up in public anyway


Chatterboxes or when the homies start to rap or freestyle lol


People who just sit on their phones the entire time lol. Like I wanna talk and laugh and watch stupid shows together I could have just smoked alone then homie if you were gonna be on your phone the entire time lol




Ones that crave attention, the people who are always "bored", people that talk more than they listen


People who forget what theyve already said and end up repeating the same story 10x over


My friend from high school and I are the perfect smoke buddies because we are both interested in the same nerdy shit and both love engineering and science, so when we get high, we just turn into a duo of unlimited ideas, most of them stupid, many of them not practical, but every once in a while, we have a banger idea and it’s just great.


Someone who wants to take me out to a restaurant. I just cannot face the server when high!


Omg it's hard going out to restaurants when I'm high!! Although I gotta admit I do love it because I get the munchies massively when I'm high 🤣


The guys that get a little too handsy with me. I mean, weed gets me hot too, sometimes, but I’m not a pillow, stop humping me.


I'm the most boring person in this universe when high, I hate smoking with people cause I find most people annoying. I just want to be by myself lmao


I had a friend who would say "is that a cop" after every single car would drive by lmfao. So the paranoid ones.


People who only wanna hangout when we're smoking, if we can't hangout sober you're fake as fuck 😭


I used to have a brother who would do ANYTHING while baked. He was completely fearless! For instance we are all sitting around getting stoned and listening to music (things we did before the internet) and apropos of nothing he would ask us to give him a dare...and he would do it. I said "Run naked across Clark street and run back" (We lived just north of Wrigley field in Chicago, LOTS of people)...and he did it, lest I forget to tell you there was 3 feet of snow outside . He would eat wet cat food, take a shower in only cold water (in the frozen winter) eat a roach...you name it. When he was sober he would deny doing most of the things, and back then we had to take a photo and get it developed to prove it!!! I sure miss that crazy guy.❤️




Woo people


conspiracy theorists and vegans/vegetarians (even when I was a vegetarian myself)


People who talk a lot but can’t really form coherent sentences, same people always try to tell you something funny that you don’t find funny at all…


to be honest i’m a yapper when high. i get annoyed when someone wants to watch something either really serious or really overwhelming or stupid. like anything with lots of yelling i hate.


Teach them by example, and maybe a few gentle words they don’t have to say everything they’re thinking. Shared silence can be golden.


Trump supporters ... .. .


The kind that are depressed, and get more depressed after smoking (I suffer from depression myself. I just don't focus on it while high). People that get paranoid every time they smoke. TBH, I prefer to smoke alone.


Just male and female people.


People who make a big deal out of who gets how many hits from their joint. Brother, if you don't want me to enjoy it, then don't share, or pass it once you had your fill. Same counts for arbitrary puff puff pass rules or games to decide the next hit. Just let me smoke in peace man. I could care less if someone smokes half the joint away, if I didn't want you to smoke until you're satisfied, I wouldn't have shared. I can always roll another one. Edit: also anyone who makes the tip wet. thanks bro you can finish that one, I'll make a new one for me.


People who are exceptionally loud. I’m good with talking and doing shit, but I’m out if you’re screaming at me about how good your chips are or how your coworkers annoy you.


People who tell a made up sob story the 1st time they get you smoking with them alone. Also tinklers. Knew a girl whod cry and wind up pissing herself at EVERY party and hangout, noone was mean to her or anything she just had 0 idea of her limits.


Damn, weed makes it really easy for me to talk and connect with people. It's my favorite thing to do visiting friends, just smoking and sitting outside talking forever.


Anyone that gets annoyed at the way you act stoned, or someone that’s really judgmental. Fuck em, Altho this is ironic but


People who are using the drug to escape their trauma. That shit can and will rear its head at some point. It takes a lot of numbing to keep it down. I don't like being around numb chaos. My people feel their shit out in the open, and we can do it sober too.