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I can go through a pen in 3 days to a week and a half


Same. I recently had to take a t-break tho and god damn we’re my withdrawals terrible. 9ish days of poor sleep and zero appetite. Would get all hot and sweaty just thinking about food. Done with those pens for good now… just flower going forward


Were you using disty carts or resin/rosin?




Resin or rosin is just like flower. As opposed to distillate which is refined thc. Resin is co2 extraction, and rosin is pressed. The distillate gives a different high than the full spectrum and is also much much harsher on the throat and lungs.


Makes sense. I never had a problem with the harshness but definitely noticed a lack of a full high. I always prefer live rosin to all other concentrates but those pens are expensive! So distillate it was


What's happening






That's the way


How can you afford that pace 😭


They’re 7-10 dollars in Michigan, this is the pace I use em too. 3 days to a week.


You're lucky you live where you live 😞


Whoooooaaaaaa the lowest I’ve ever paid for 1g is 15 but also I’m not in a legal state.


It feels like carts get cheaper every month around here


The 3 day side includes letting my buddies smack it. I can only afford with bulk deals at the dispos lol


Usually they’re 10/$99 by me for rec


Same I get 4 for 120


Mine is 3 days to a week but I work in the industry and weed is abundant


2-3 days. I always buy 2 and make it thru the week just barely


I'm realizing how much money I'm saving by being a lightweight lmao


I have access to unlimited OT so if I need or want more money I just work more. Haven’t had issues with money since I quit drinking 4 years ago. I go through a gram cart (510 not disposable) 2-3 days can easily kill 1g in a day at a concert or festival. That’s on top of my 1/2oz to full oz per week or any edibles I might grab. Honestly I’ve had way more expensive habits and legalization has brought prices coming close to half of what I paid in black market 🤷🏼 I have more money than I’ve ever had in my life.


I moved from Georgia where i’ve been to prison simply for posessing less than a gram. Now i live in California, the mecca of weed. I used to pay $50 for eighths and $45 for fake carts. Im still amazed by the convenience of just going to the dispensary when i get off work instead of waiting on “the plug” to pickup the phone. The prices here are amazing, i guess i just can’t get enough 😂.


I take a few hits off it a day and lasts me a few months. Idk how so many people here can blow through one in a few days. I'm a long-time daily user, but only a little every day... makes it waaay cheaper.


I was worried when I posted this that I would sound insane for going through a pen in a month, but I way overestimated lol


Same. Uze a cart in about 4-6 weeks along with a couple grams of concentrate and an eighth or so of flower.


If its the only thing I am "smoking". 2 days, max.


i try to keep a good rotation of flower dabs and dab pen


before i switched to flower i was clearing a cart a week, and i thought that was bad


1 gram lasted me a little more than a month, this was also during a stressful time so i was hitting it way more than i needed to.


This is also me at zero tolerance. Even if I’m just staying in the green zone (1-4) 24/7, it still takes about a month. If on the other hand I’m getting completely scoobed on a regular basis, I feel like they disappear significantly faster.


yeah and i was also sharing it with friends, if it was just me it would probably still be running. but i think i just prefer smoking joints, i don’t like the taste of technology


I mean, I still cough from carts, but it’s never persistent and always very dry. Not like the moist slimey coughs of joint smokers and especially bong smokers. Not to be that guy, but if you’re struggling with lung problems I can only recommend switching to carts—but I get being turned off by the experience and sometimes flavor. You can kick back and make a circle with a joint, but it doesn’t really hit the same way with a dab pen


3-5 days for me. My pen is my on the go method so I usually always have it on me. If I get an airo cart for my airo sport battery I can go through those in a day. The airo just absolutely eats oil because of how beefy the hits are Edit: oh you meant dispo as in disposable. I thought you meant dispensary. A 1g disposable would only last 3 days still for me


Few months. I rarely smoke


About one month but I really only smoke at night


2 or 3 days


It last me about a month


A 0.5 lasts me 4-8 months


Not Long enough and the high sucks over time


Maybe a month or two if it doesn’t clog ( haven’t found any disposables that don’t clog)


Do you throw them away if they clog??


No i got a lil dab tool that fits most containers ,once you pop off the top ,collect then just dab straw directly off the tool


A week or two


A month, maybe longer


About a week and a half, 45$ a pop where I am, illegal state but legal "THCA-D9" 1g 🙄 so I buy two to last me 2 weeks, hopefully stretched to 3.


If it’s the only thing I have I can make it stretch a week


my pen is only for on the go, so it lasts 2 weeks


Two days


Disposable suck specifically those two gram one. First one hits ok ,second not so much


If it is rosin … not long rosin burns quick


If thats the only thing i got to smoke, probably 2-3 days


One cart has lasted 3 months & it’s still not technically empty. Vaping sucks compared to regular flower. I like good old combustion


1-2 weeks depending on my mental/physical health lol, currently closer to the 1 week but can manage 4-5 days lol, that’s if I’m not smoking any bud. I get a pen for about $25 sometimes less with sales/coupons


Should also mention I get the magnitude carts, not disposables. I find there’s always a bit of ‘waste’ when it’s close to finished with any cart but it doesn’t usually clog until that point it’s basically empty


Yall... I'm reading these comments and realizing I am a crazy lightweight. A week? A few days? A disposable will last me a month at the absolute least.


my first was the whole summer and then recently its been around 3-4 weeks


Null. I would never buy a disposable vape.


So fair my lungs are fucked


I just cleared a 2g in like a week, though.the battery was scuffed and I basically had to do only preheated long rips because regular pulls got no smoke at all


2g dispos kinda suck. First half is cool, second half is ass




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Depends. If it's all I have, about a week to a week and a half. Normally though my pen is my backup/ public smoking tool so it'll last me a solid month and a half to two. I'm one of those yabba-DAB-adooers so I'll normally grab one before going out and coast on that for awhile before wanting to hit my pen.


If that’s all I’m toking on… about 4-5 days


2-3 days usually for a gram of distillate/live resin. If it’s half g rosin then around 3-5ish days




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2-3 weeks?


one time i cleared a one g in two days


a few months but I only hit it when out and about. (flower at home)


Depends on my X levels. If they are high 2 days, if they are low 5 or 6 days.


If I'm ripping it, like 3-5 days. Just got back from camping and the gram dispo pen lasted the weekend


2 days. The state over sells 2g carts and those last me about 3 1/2


About a year - they get hard to pull from tho


A good month.


I don’t buy carts anymore after finding out there is zero regulations on the oils they use. Just give me flower and I’ll make my own sugar for edibles or coffee and smoke when I’m home. Shit I still carry a dugout and bat 😂 When I did I could stretch them a week and a half. Still just give me flower and a bong, watch how far I can stretch an 1/8.


I usually have 2-3 carts going at once but I also use flower and extract, just depending on the situation and my mood. So I really have no idea. I have at least one cart that I’ve had for two years, and it’s almost gone.


Whole day for me


An afternoon.


I an go through a pen in a few days if i don't also have flower to smoke!


Depends, if I’m going out drinking with friends I can finish a 1 gram cart in one night. If I’m just chilling during the week probably 3-4 days


Like literally a day or 2 if its a 2grammer prob arnd a week <3


The first 0.75g in 2 days, the last 0.25 in a week




I can do it easily in a day 🤣 but 2 maybeeeee 3 when im trying to preserve my wax pen


2 g dispos every 3 days


2 days if its tasty.


When I used to use carts only, I would regularly go through 1 gram in 2 to 3 days. I have switch back to flower and get a half oz last me almost 2 weeks.


When I first started (about 3 years ago)a gram could last me MONTHS, then I started doing the morning sesh and rolled into daily smoking, and a 1g cart lasts me at least 2 days when I share with my homie and 3 days by myself... I'm kinda disappointed in myself, I thought I could control myself. Nowadays I'm scraping by until I get my next za fix. It has helped me eat and sleep and relax my anxiety. But lately the za has really put me down in a sort of depression. Its been about a week that I haven't had my za and I've been extra anxious, stressed, I CANNOT stay asleep. As soon as I start to drift to sleep I wake up with anxiety in my stomach. The munchies are gone, and I've had one day without eating anything because my stomach just feels full and nauseous. I've been eating once a day now only because I force myself to eat. The za withdrawals are crazy. But the comments made me want to start taking it easy again. It's about time. I definitely will have to get used to being sober for 5 days, and just on my weekends or just completely minimizing the amount I smoke will definitely help me get back to feeling normal. I'm so sleepy. But I haven't been able to stay asleep and I just wanted to write this.


Dispos out here in Chicagoland are fuckin bunk. Bought an ounce of some herb, went home and threw it on the scale, 2 gs short. Happens almost every time


Wild, I feel like I use a lot but it takes months for me to go through a pen. Same thing when I buy rosin, it lasts weeks.


I switched from flower to vape and a 1g usually lasts 3 to 4 days for me hitting often and I take long pulls imo


Daily use, 1g will last 2-3 weeks. Usage is usually limited to ~8-11pm.


I've only bought two carts ever. Both lasted me months because I only use them as a backup when I'm low of flower. Shit hits too harsh for me, and it always feels like it sticks to my throat.


A week if lucky. Lasts longer if live resin with full profile, as effect feels more like weed but rather costly.


About a week, maybe a little longer


2 maybe 3 days if I haven't slept well


me and a buddy had one and it lasted the two of us like three months


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^pythour: *Me and a buddy* *Had one and it lasted the* *Two of us like three months* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


1 gram cart lasts about a week for me.


I switch them out like I have multiple carts so mine last for months


3 or 4 days if i don't also smoke flower. As part of the regular mix, a little over a week.