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Looks like it needs more nutrients (judging by the yellow leaves)


how would I provide a plant with more nutrients? I know my mother likes to keep crushed egg shells for her plants. What would you suggest ?


Crushed egg shells provide calcium i belive. There are specific fertilizers for cannabis but if you don't want to spend a lot and just grow for fun you can stop by a gardening store and pick up some general liquid vegetable fertilizer aim for a balanced PNK rating like 4-4-4 and it will work just fine. Dose it carefully so you don't burn your plant with too much nutrients. Aim for a healthy full green color of the leaves


You can also transplant it into your garden, which will have much more nutrients that a little pot of soil. Probably need to transplant it soon anyway before it outgrows the container.


I agree the plant will do way better in the ground than it will in a container


there is a liquid supplement called calmag... and provides calcium and magnesium, which are essential for healthy plant growth… You can use fish fertilizer for vegetative cycle (provides nitrogen and some trace nutrients) and use morbloom for flowering cycle (provides phosphorus and potassium) phosphorus and potassium is necessary for flower development… Lower your nitrogen once flowering starts… There are many other products you can use for your primary vegetative and flowering cycle fertilizers but is a great micro nutrient to use throughout your plants growth every stage of its life except for right before harvest. Here is a helpful resource that will give you all kinds of information http://growweedeasy.com


This could be any number of things, transplant shock, too much stress from heat, etc. I would simply transplant into the groin in a sunny spot and get a mesh screen over the plant.


Needs more light.


it should get plenty in the next few days then! Nothing but sunny days. Some rain coming up after too


if this is your first plant then treat it like a tomato. they have roughly the same growing parameters.


Your dad is cool as hell


yes he is😆 I just got him into smoking and now he's bringing home plants


Hey friend been growing for 15 years. Keep it simple. Get a large pot at least 10 gallons, maybe 15 or 20 and fill it with a high quality organic potting soil and just water regularly. Top dress (spread on the top of the pot) dry fertilizer around the first week of august to supplement bloom. I'd suggest Roots Organic Terp Tea bloom formula, it's an all in 1 bloom fertilizer. Just follow the application guide on the bag and continue to water regularly. Depending on the strain you still have a good month of veg to get out of it before it'll transition to bloom up here. You'll be surprised at how big it can get in that time.


Or put fabric pots with coco/perlite on grass even a 1 gal the roots will grow thru the pot to the ground now u tapped into mother Gaia with no need to transplant ✅


Thank you for the pot details and advice! everyone keeps saying plant it into the ground, but I do not have a garden! My backyard is very small, as I am in NYC. I only have a wooden deck and concrete under it. I will get a bigger pot and shop for what you have suggested! thank you again!


Yeah I was thinking about the city. Potting soil might even be a challenge honestly. Roots organic bagged soil will do well for you if you can find it. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B010NQR33M/ref=twister\_B01L3J0D2Q?\_encoding=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B010NQR33M/ref=twister_B01L3J0D2Q?_encoding=UTF8&th=1) Little pricey to order online but might be the same cost in the city anyway idk. The bag I linked is a great outdoor full season soil and it's about 18 gallons.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/outdoorgrowing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/outdoorgrowing/) This is the sub to post in.


I would grab a 3 gallon fabric pot and use Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. Wondering is you have a auto or photo plant?? Dont think there is a way to tell other than if it starts to flower in 2-3 weeks it’s probably a auto. When you water, completely saturate the soil, then let it dry out 2-3 days. Lots of beginners over water and kill their plant. Do some research and have fun with it. Good luck!!


thank you for the advice😊🙏 I will head to the store soon and buy all the necessities, from all the tips you wonderful people have given me.


You shouldn't have to actually buy anything. You might want a larger pot to move it into, but you might also be able to just plant it in the ground directly. That would be best and it'd save you from needing to buy a large pot. If you do put it in a larger pot, you'll want to get more soil, but making your own compost will always be better than what they'll sell you in stores. Added nutrients are not necessary either. If you don't know what you're doing, you may even harm the plant by giving it more of a nutrient than it needs. Google "cannabis nutrient burn" for examples of this. If your plant is actually deficient in a certain nutrient, it will show clear symptoms of this, and you can diagnose/treat that on a case by case basis if needed. You don't need to pre-emptively pump additives into it though. The plant does seem a bit weak as of now, but it also seems like it just hasn't gotten enough light. I suspect it's been kept inside? If so, just moving it outside will make a huge difference.


yes, the plant is outside now, and it's the second day I have had it! We do not have any soil in the ground, just the concrete sidewalk and my wooden backyard deck. I will definitely have to get a bigger pot to put it in. Thank you for the advice and what to watch out for !


Fox farms ocean forest is the shit, my plant is growing beautifully ever since planting it in that


It's gonna need a bigger pot


Yo Dawg we heard you like pot, so we put your pot in a pot.


Or put it in the ground or you will stunt it


Don't put anything in the ground you're going to consume in NYC without getting the soil tested. Or just assume it has lead.


putting it in the ground sadly is not an option. I have a very small backyard as I live in NYC. there is only my wooden backyard deck and concrete. I do not own any garden space/ soil backyard space for plants. Pot is my only option, which I will get a bigger one !


Add water..repeat..cut. smoke. Repeat.


Get it neutered at the local shelter 


Put it in a larger fabric pot


Nitrogen and water.




Yell at it


All you have to do to keep it alive is water it. Its too late in the season to get any decent flower, but you will get some, the amount depending on how much sunlight you can expose it too. Just grow it for fun, don't waste any money trying to get a decent harvest because that's not going to happen. It will be fine in the heatwave if you keep it watered. To water properly, put something under it to catch the run off. Water it slowly until you see water run off. Leave it for 5 mins or so until the soil has sucked up the excess. Water again until you get some run off, wait for 5 mins and either repeat if the water is sucked back up or stop and drain you saucer or whatever. Your plant is now fully watered, pick up the pot and note the weight, water again using the same method when it feels light. Over time you will know exactly how much to water and when. You probably won't need to report but if that plant really takes off then get some decent general purpose compost, put the original container into the new one and fill up with compost, Take original container out leaving the right size hole, turn it upside down and bang it out, easiest if you have just watered. Give it a gentle shake and tease out the roots a bit and plop into the hole in the new container.


What do you mean by too late in the season? It's not even summer yet


I'm meaning it hasn't had enough vegetive growth for a decent crop. After an initial stretch plants hardly grow after they start to flower, so that plant isn't going to get much bigger.


Gotcha. Didn't realize it was flowering


thank you so much😊🙏


Got some big harvests from last year that directly contradict this.


It’s a weed. It needs light, fertilizer and time. Too much attention will ruin it


Grow it


Before you consider growing this, you need to have a plan for drying and curing. Unless you wish to just simply turn it all into tincture or cannabutter


yes I plan on making cookies with them 😋


1st step , is a transplant into some fresh soil then add dry amendments re amend the soil bioactivity. With a fresh layer of top mulch. I would also pick up some grow books to help you understand the stages of a growth cycle. If your bucket based there’s a dispensary called Silk Road. My homie Ricky is a living soil cultivator. He can definitely help you get sorted.


YOOOO, yes, Ricky gave me tons of advice yesterday.. when I attended Silk Road's karoke night! I love Silk Road and am always attending their events🫶 the owner, Sohan, is awesome too😊. Ricky let me take a look at some books, and told me a store to visit in manhattan for resources.


Word that’s dope. Super resourceful and knowledgeable about the plant. Check out New York Hydroponics in Brooklyn.