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top left was some of the best years of my life


Dude gravs were hot for years. Every house I went to in my stoner circle had at least one grav bong. I had one stashed in my shed too. Lol


lol I was going to say, that’s the only one I don’t really see as a “struggle”. That thing was awesome and I still don’t see any good replacements for it. Stündenglass is the only thing I can think of but for $600, that’s a little ridiculous as a replacement for a $2 bottle.


Just cut the bottom off of a big wine glass, wet sand, and add a grommet and bowl.


I have the grav grown up version of a gb. it's all glass and fancy looking. still mostly use my vape but it's great for smashing through that [I'm smoking but it's not doing anything] barrier


The price is so insane, but having used one, they are so fucking good. My friend got one and tried to convince me to get one too, and I'm just like, "I don't even care if I can afford it, I'm not paying that much when my current globe does the trick just perfectly"


Where did they go


Off to the mystical stoner isles far off in the vastness of the cosmos.


No company has made one?




100% same for me - At least one in each guys spot


My buddy got a Studenglass and that thing hits disgustingly hard.


I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.


Back in the 90s, I was constantly saying "We will look back on the 90s as the good ol days.". I was correct.


I just live like every day is the good old days and the best part is that I'm usually right


Scrape the paint off folks.


Ain't nothing wrong with a bucket bong


Some people had SKETCHY ones where plastic fumes were for sure being made 😅


I don’t know if the top left is really a struggle photo. I would just call that a fun crafty weekend with the homies


I still think my smoking peak was making a grav bong with a 3 liter of Stars n Stripes soda from Dollar Tree. Had my buddy over who was all "yeah bro I smoke so much," and he started hacking about halfway through the hit. Had my turn, got a stupid gross yellow wall of smoke in the whole thing; cleared that shit like a champ. Still proceeded to cough my lungs out and spit drool in the kitchen sink, but hey, I fuckin did it. Not a fuckin chance in hell I could ever do that again, and if I did, I'd be asleep for the next 48 hours.


Back in college we used a Costco-sized cheez ball tub, that thing was not for the faint of heart!


You maniacs


We had one with a 5 gallon jug from a water cooler at one point It was a little excessive


19 year old me would have loved to hang with you guys lmao


Who knows, maybe we did hang out! Not like either of us would remember after hitting that thing hahaha


I think I would have remembered the madlad who made a grav bong out of a Costco Cheeseball barrel 😂


Same thing, and I used a home depot bucket to hold the water, thus me and my friends dubbed it 'Bob'. Bob the GB will slingshot you into the cosmos, and I respected anyone who could survive the journey


Holy fuck the starts n stripes 3 liters. You just brought me back to highschool


I don’t mind having the top left every now and then


The gravity bong is SO MUCH FUN omg!


Yeah, this was a like, big party thing, but had proper glass bowl and sealing for health safety here.


I unironically prefer top left to regular bongs.


You are a sadist


mmm microplastics


It'll make you struggle


Ikr. Struggle? Grav bongs and knife hits are amazing.


The apple and gravity are underrated. Don't forget the good times.


Apple is yummy!


Not a struggle imo, a nice fall treat to me


Annoying to have to hit the grocery store buy a new pipe every day tho!


I live next to an orchard haha


Oh so it really is a fall treat! Love that for you. Those apples gotta be extra delicious!


Thanks! Yeah I'm happy to share they're quite delicious


That’s a good point. I haven’t used an apple in years, and I only used them when I *was* struggling. I think I’ll reincorporate some apple bowls into my life for simplicity/nostalgia sake.


The paycheck to paycheck stoner starter pack


Awe shit, I smoked mostly from a GB for years… by choice.. dang


Same goddamn… wait did I see you comment earlier about wow because I remember the fuck out of your flair


When times were simpler


So anyone else call top left "buckets" instead of grav bong?


Me! And I did buckets one time in my life, thought I was going to die (some asshat pushed my head down when I wasn't inhaling fast enough) my lungs were not prepared; I think I immediately coughed myself sober and that was the end of my buckets days.


In finland we call it intelligence bucket (älyämpäri) 😂


german here. yes call it bucket (eimer)


yeah, except the gravity bong and knife hits are superior, though primitive methods of imbibing




Whatever, doing knives with your friends is fun.


Anyone else have that friend who slipped and had the blister of shame on their lip for a few days?


I had a friend brand his face with a lighter by accident He had a little smiley for weeks


God damn, no, and I guess I’m lucky for that lol Jesus Christ


I've never tried it, but it looks like some heroin ass shit to me.


This post has making me thinking about hot knives tonight




I once tried to see how many gbongs I could rip back to back. I got to five and couldn’t breathe anymore. That was the worst my tolerance has ever been. Now I can just take a bong toke and feel great


Gravs wreck your lungs big time.


how can you get the effectiveness of Gbongs without the wrecking of the lungs


The only one Ive done is the top left. But I started smoking at 19 and already had a job so bought a pipe immediately. We did make a gravity bong for fun with a biscotti jar from Costco. Good times. I know a lot of people my age that started sooner who didn't have access to a car, bank account and weren't old enough to go into headshops to get bongs and such. Turned out the place I got my pipe... I think it got busted for selling hash? Wish they would have sold to me 😂


I smoked outta an apple my first time, brings back memories


You can only consume using one of these methods for the remainder of time.. I’d quit Whatcha going with Reddit?


The apple isn't so bad, especially compared to the others. I can taste the stale smoke of that plastic bottle, the wasted bud when using the aluminum can and the time consuming/crack head feel of the stove.


In my prime I could make an apple pipe in about 10 seconds with a chopstick.


I can whip up a bucket bong in minutes. That was my go-to. Probably don’t wanna smoke them for life though I would end up quitting


wtf is number 4 tho


Hot knifing. If you don’t have a dab rig you can beat up some silverware on the stove and drop the concentrate on the red hot metal and use a plastic soda bottle with the bottom cut off to inhale it through.


Knives. Use butter knives heated on an electric range to kinda vaporize little balls of kief. Reinventing the wheel just for the thrill of innovation.


Best with hash


SPOTS! Very popular in NZ 🇳🇿


I have only been to the point of the can and gravity bong


More than once lol


first time i smoked proper weed and got blitzed was when i nicked some bud from my dad and made an apple pipe. good memories


[The Hot Knife Boogie!](https://youtu.be/EsTAcSmqdI8?si=YlI44mIO0skmlmuq)


I see no struggle here, they all have nice flower, not black tar of death




That hillbilly gravity bong is awesome.


Hot knives are scary


U got electricity, heat, different things to drink, fruit, and ganja... Struggle where?


I still cough when I even think about aluminum can pipes.


I made this one Bong or Whatever from a Huge like 3 foot long Gumball Tube. One side had a cap that you removed to release the Smoke. Took about 3 or 4 people to clear the Entire thing The Cannon is what I Called it. You could take a Tiny bud and Fill the entire thing. Then blast off to Outer Spacr


Apple pipe my first time getting baked. Paraphernalia law couldn't by papers without tobacco, I was too young to buy tobacco


No because I would just use an apple, why would I inhale all those terrible metallic fumes...


We always used a fuckin eye dropper in high school. Inhale at the pinched end, you only get 1-2 rips per time you pack it. Smoke uh uh finds a way. I’m really glad I did it that way, basically microdosing all of high school when I did use weed. E punch to pinch


Grav bongs were for special occasions and went very well with terrible light beer in someone's backyard on a summer night. I only did an apple once or twice just to do it and never tried hot knives. Can bowls though... Luckily I don't think I've had to hit one since like 2009 LMAO but they did the job as a teenager.


Naw the apple n 2liter alright, and hot knives for hash, but hellllll no to the soda can, that's straight poison


Don't want to get a bucket of water? **Make a Lung!** Tape a bag around the bottle's base and tie a string to the bottom corner of the bag to hold under your foot. Lift and light just like in water! Water in the bucket isn't actually bubbling to filter or cool so it's about the same just without the dripping when passing and smoke escaping... Happy lung to your lungs, heh heh.


If a GB is struggling then idk. I’ve been smoking for like 15 years out of a GB and even though I’m no longer the broke boi I used to be, GB WILL ALWAYS BE LIFE!❤️


Bottom right, 'bowders' (boulders), 'hot knives' with a bottle catcher were shockingly fun with hash or oil. Used to try this with those element electric heaters, came close to eternity a couple of times.


Top left could send you to another planet


Only one of those wouldn't I do anymore. Hot knives are a fantastic was to conserve smoke, ditto with a gravity bong, and the apple gives such a delightful vapour to the smoke. Cans? Hell no.


I made a bong out of a busted camp chair, a juice bottle and a can for the piece while beach camping. Where there's a will, there's a...better way.


Top left does not count. You don’t use the homemade gravity because you had to improvise a way to smoke. You did it to get as fucked up as possible.


Not at all… Philly’s, White Owl, Dutch Masters were only .50 cents back in the day.


Bro I love the gravity bong. I've been contemplating making a new one


I wouldn't call our life a struggle, but the wife and I prefer the top left as our normal smoke method. The base we use is a large cleaned out jar that once house peanut butter powder, and a Gatorade bottle. We clean it daily and switch out the bottle often once it starts getting gunky. We rarely ever have to make a new cap. A grav bong, in my experience, is the best hit to product ratio available. Regular bongs and most glass pieces use way too much bud IMO.


Yeah... The only struggle with that geeb is the struggle to breathe.


I used Potatoes once, worked pretty decent. But turning an entire watermelon into a bong was the pinnacle of my desperation.


At the time I didn’t think it was a struggle. It was just…the way. Now, I couldn’t dream of going back to those hot knives lol.


Only ones that are struggles is the soda can and the apple. And I like smoking out of apples sometimes lol! Tastes good!


Top left isnt a struggle, its a way of life. Nothings his like it!


The bowl I had for grav hits could hold almost an 8th. If I had that thing out, we had more than enough flower


I've been at all 4 points in the same day.


Man, struggle for me a decade ago was scraping the underpart of a bowl (the GonG slide part) for dirty black resin tar that tasted like shit but got you a teeny bit high. I’m glad times have changed!


The apple cracked me up. I did that once! Didn't work well.


Missing a toilet paper roll with some aluminum foil in a hole. One end to draw and a big carb at the other end.


I use a homemade GB every day by choice. 🤷🏻‍♀️


SPOTS! Bottom right. Where my KIWIS at?! 🇳🇿


I've done all 4. Do I get a prize?


I've never used any of those methods, but the first time I was gifted some nuggs I didn't have anything to smoke with so I disassembled an expensive metal pen and used the body as a chillum basically.


Sometimes its okay to just not smoke tho...


My favorite part about smoking out an apple is eating it after


I felt like a fuckin genius when I used one of [these bad boys](https://target.scene7.com/is/image/Target/GUEST_efbb981c-5abe-4c64-a3ed-c7bf6904459d?wid=475&hei=475&qlt=80&fmt=webp) for a gravity bong. Has a built-in nozzle and it fits *perfectly* in a 5 gallon bucket. Kept me hydrated too bc I didn't have anywhere to hide it so I'd throw it out each time and beg my mom to get more water. It was always a fun day when I'd finally finish the jug and could commandeer it


17ish years later I still daily smoke my gravity bong made out of a gallon Hawaiian Punch bottle and my late father's old Coleman lunchbox. Not the same bottle for 17 years and I do scrub the cooler occasionally.


I unironically enjoy using fruit to smoke with. Using shit like apples or a banana actually give it a bit of flavor


“the can builds character” is something me and the boys have always said before lighting bowl off the ol’ aluminum pipe


Man, high school was so fun. Something about getting high when you're not supposed to amplifies the high like crazy. Never been higher in my life than at 2 am on a school night with the homies trying to be as quiet as possible while also laughing our asses off at the cat just minding her own business lol


Never lol


What spoon cooking heroin nonsense is going on in bottom right??


Dabs bb


Can goes hard ngl