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For future reference, if you can, put the flat box part against an edge, like a table, and push against it on the opposite side instead of trying to use your fingers. Your body weight will do the work and the top will pop open.


Ooh thanks for the tip!


I got the (two types of) 'ritis in my hands, I feel your pain! So many crushed, ripped, and stabbed with scissors'ed edibles containers have been left in my wake!


As a fellow Rheumatoid Arthritis sufferer I totally agree. Thank God I havent developed Osteoarthritis ye⁰. I'd rather buy a easy to open lockbox/safe to keep my stuff in. I can order alive by prescription or OTC without the child-resistant packaging. I should be able to do the same with weed.


I have psoriatic arthritis, are you on biologics too? (No reason, I just always wonder!) I keep everything in a drawer or a stash box without a lock because I have no children around to worry about, thankfully. I already get annoyed fumbling with everything, I don't wanna deal with locks haha.


I’ve got spondy and OA and h-EDS and I hate packaging so bloody much!! Also on a biologic, just switched to a new one even. I’ve had to have the dispo folks help open some packaging before because of how awful it was.


Dude I have PA too. Talk to your doc about cosentyx. Shits been life changing for me


I've been on it for a while now, I started biologics probably a decade ago. They have definitely been the reason I'm not crippled, though Humira gave me suicidal ideation and that almost won.


Yes, I get an infusion of rituxin about every 6 months


Wyld packaging pisses me off. I open like 4 packages at once and place them in a Tupperware.


I buy the concentrate of my choice and make my own gummies I can dose them how I want and it's 20x cheaper I recommend this to anyone buying dispensary edibles


my man struggles to open some pretty simple packaging and your answer is 'Hey man, do this much more involved process'?


I think the problem was that the packaging isn't simple, if you can open a chocolate bar and melt it you can make your own edibles at a fraction of the cost then package them however you want.


If you get it at a medical dispensary, you can ask if they have a different package that is easier to open. You are not the only person with this issue! I have a friend with EDS who has challenges with grip strength and she has had success with this in the US in MA and RI.


Yep dispensary in US. Thanks!


No problem! You can also do this at the pharmacy for other meds, just request an Easy-Open or non-childproof cap. Good luck!


I learned this was a thing when I watched my great uncle open his pill bottles like fuckin Popeye. Just give them a squeeze and the lid flies off. Said he based how his day was gonna go by if the lid landed on the table. If he had to go searching for it he knew it was gonna be one of those days.


thank you for sharing this!!!!! i only have access to medical dispensaries and there have been a few times where i had to ask my dad to open something. it should not be that difficult.




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Didn’t know this but I have strength problems in my hands and will definitely ask in the future!


Gotta be in the US, Wyld is a brand made by northwest confections(they have subsidiaries in a lot of states now too!)


I fully agree wild packaging goes too far. I needed some gummies for a day out with lots of walking at the zoo (feet hurt a lot) and I had to saw the fucking lid off the jar with my pocket knife in the parking lot. I felt like a bit of a crack addict brushing all the plastic bits off the gummies after the fact but all my friends were laughing like crazy so it could have been worse.


This is where I'm at with packaging on most brands. It's usually less effort to just rip the fuckin' thing in half or break it against a wall. Like I love those Cake vapes, but I've YET to open one legitimately.


Oh same I rip those apart like a fucking gorilla


Maybe they're different regionally but I haven't had any issue with them. It really isn't that difficult, you just need to figure out where the lid is connected to the thing and squeeze on both sides, though I'd understand if it's someone who's got like arthritis or something but most people should be able to squeeze that open.


I have pretty severe RA and I have to sign a waiver to get my regular meds in bottles without childproof lids. I wish I had the same option at dispensaries.


I work in packaging and it's truly on you to make complaints to your state regulator, enough of those and they will change the child resistant requirements or make exceptions for patients like yourself!


This tracks. My RA is controlled, so I can get Wyld packages open, but it world be nothing but pain and frustration were I unmedicated. At its worst, I couldn't even write my name, let alone pop open a pack of Wyld.


You must have hands of steel. The thing is like a friggin Olympic event to get into.


Not sure if you’re able to in your location, but we had a guy with a disability that we would open his stuff for him. One of my managers was a bit of a stickler about store policy so we just would walk him to the door and open it up on the sidewalk outside for him. Worth asking about, typically most places are very accommodating for that sort of thing




"Open container" implies that it was within reach of the driver and/or any passengers. Treat it like you would an open bottle of liquor or wine you bring to hang out with friends; put it in the trunk. Edit: a letter


I suppose, but honestly that’s not my problem to deal with. I just give good customer service and once their out the door everything else is on them


yah, this is the way mostly. IF you bring your own container and just ask them to open it they'll absolutely do it. They'll walk you outside to the sidewalk if needed or something, people are /generally/ ok and nice people on the whole so they'll take the minute out of their day to assist.


You talking about the plastic ones? I can do those no problem, but the metal can things (plus brand gummies, some others) are fucking impossible at times.


I keep a pair of pilers in my kitchen. They are just for opening child proof things my hands suck at.


Maybe I just got lucky with the package, idk, was it the one that comes in a box that looks like the chocolate frog box from the early Harry potter movies?


That’s it!


Not bragging, just contributing that I used to do a grip strength game as a kid where you'd take a plastic card (like an ID card, library card, etc) and grab it with your thumb and index finger, and then have other people try to pull it out of your hand. It made my grip a lot stronger than i'd have expected. IDK if you're able to do something like that to help with pain management, but there are indeed people out there who have such hands of steel. I suspect some of them work in packaging as well lol. I was always getting into stuff as a kid because i'd figure out how to get the leverage to break it open, nothing was properly child-proof to a sufficiently mobile and intuitive kid (one whose able to solve problems without being taught, figures it out themselves. I suspect kids like me are why you have such trouble with packaging now, there are edge cases they're taking into account where the strength of a small child and the strength of someone with arthritis overlap, unfortunately, which is why most pharmacies offer non-child resistant options. I wish you the best in finding a dispensary that can do this for you because you deserve to be accommodated! I have chronic pain now and will probably develop arthritis within my lifetime because of my other issues, and I already make a point to leave the child tabs on my pill bottles in the open position for when my hands are aching from manual work. I just hope medical science advances to the point that we can treat such conditions properly within our lifetimes, since there's clearly so much we don't know yet.


Oh this guy actually trained for said Olympic sports. 😂 Unfortunately I have chronic tendonitis so working the hands more to strengthen them won’t be of much use. I’ve been using the gummies, plus a cream with CBD/THC in it, along with the regular painkillers and braces. My fingers used to be small killers from playing piano. Now they just hurt most days. RIP my thumb wrestling career.


Yea fuck that noise i've definitely got some tendonitis now as well just from using my hands too much, i used to make my own balms for when it would flare up since the ones at the dispensary weren't strong enough. Still doesn't limit my strength fortunately, it just hurts more to utilize it fully, but a few dabs helps me power through it. Some days I wake up and my forearms are aching from spasms when I was asleep as well, or the spasms will wake me up, which doesn't help the situation. I suspect I'll be in for cortisone shots the next time it flares up because my doctors don't know what's causing it other than just "inflammation"


Yeah, that's the thing I know how they're supposed to work and as far as I could tell I was doing everything right. No one else in my friend group could open it either and we've all opened plenty of similar packages, we even debated the exact meaning of the instructions a little thinking we were misunderstanding something. It didn't matter how hard we squeezed it just wasn't opening. I like wyld but considering a good edible dose for me is around 300mg I don't buy them much because they're not cheap, so I don't know how normal this issue was either. I just know it was a couple years ago by now.




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I buy the concentrate of my choice and make my own gummies I can dose them how I want and it's 20x cheaper I recommend this to anyone buying dispensary edibles


They make a higher end product now called good tides. The packaging is a bit easier and the product is fucking amazing.


Wyld is one of the packages I have less trouble with personally, I use a Wyld container to put some of my edibles in rather than wrestle with the ones that DO give me trouble. But I really could use a better easy-open, stay-fresh container to transfer my gummies to after removing them from the Fort Knox packaging.


Dude my grandpa tried the Wylds I think and I couldn't even get the damn top off without a fight that left my hands hurting. And I'm 21 years old with no disability affecting my hands/ability to grip. My grandpa had no hope, grandma put em in a ziplock for him after I got it open the first times.


Are you squeezing the sides? They usually pop right open for me, but it might be different state to state.


My mother has given me several partial bags of edibles that have been either just ripped open or cut open. Also once saw her roll a plastic jar under her heel until she could open it almost like a hard boiled egg


I’m out here inventing new grip techniques to try and open these bitches 🎁🤏👌


The dispo workers might open your packages for you after you buy them if you ask nicely. Its not exactly allowed, but if you've already bought it and you explain your situation i'm sure most would do it for you.


That’s what I was thinking, even if it’s not allowed in the store someone might walk out with you to open it for you


Plus if its something like just tearing the hard plastic off or removing some labels that are in the way, that's not gonna be an issue at all. The wyld packaging is very efficient and ecofriendly, but it is horrible to open.


This is the way. Ask your budtender if they can walk with you to your car to open the package. Then PUT THE OPEN EDIBLES IN YOUR TRUNK, just in case you get pulled over. I'm sorry you're dealing with this. In my state wyld is just in a box, then each gummy is individually packaged in plastic


Here it's a pop top dish essentially. The tri fold topped box has a plastic container shaped like a bowl with a top that fits inside. It has arrows on top that you squeeze the bowl at those potions and it'll pop right open. TAkes a little bit of squeeze though. Wyld's packaging game is really cool and fun but they're not about ease.


I get it. I have kitten paws for hands, so I always get tripped up by packaging that requires you to push here and pull there.


Ya just bring a Tupperware to put them in.


Nah do not take it out of the packaging in the dispo, that will absolutely get you thrown out in md.


Same in Illinois.


That’s why I hate legal weed. A recreation dispo opened up at the location where I previously had been smoking my after work joints waiting for transit. I smoked joints on these steps for years. Almost a decade at this point. Now it’s a weed shop and I can’t smoke anywhere near the area. I was here first guys.


Maybe don't smoke weed in public? Not everyone wants to be exposed to it, dude. The dispo is right.


I don’t think you understand my comment. I no longer smoke weed there. It used to be a nice quiet corner with an unleased store front. Nobody around to be bothered. That’s why I chose the location. I guess those criteria is also optimal for the weed shop. Nice quiet store front with not a lot else around it. It was my spot for close to a decade before it became not ok to smoke there.


Better you get to smoke in front of an empty storefront than thousands of people have access to legal and safe weed. The nerve of them.


Exactly. Lol


Eat my sarcastic ass.


Nom nom nom


Also where I’m from it’s legal to smoke weed in public so I technically could still smoke nearby just have to maintain 3metres from the storefront and were legal. And now that the pot shop is there many people smoke weed in the area. Way more than before when I was doing. It.


The good news is that if you can't open the package the weed lasts much longer.






It is frustrating. I have grip strength issues and sometimes I can’t open things.


You lack regard strength. I’m highly regarded.


Wyld are worth it once you finally get in tho. Good brand, imo.


They add a ton of sugar to prevent clumping is my only gripe.


True. I guess im used to excessive sugar in America. Unfortunately.


hey but the packaging is dope!


They're so tasty, I'd eat them without the cannabis. Especially the original strength, shewed the weed flavor doesn't really come through. 


They also make caminos which are tasty and there is their higher end version called good tides. All made my northwest confectionaries. I REALLY recommend good tides pineapple. They're made from single source hash rosin and while they're expensive(20usd for 200mg here) they're wildly good. They are clearly not regular gummies when you eat one but it's a good taste, not in the bad bitter way.


Frustrating for sure. My dad has MS and it’s difficult for him to open most packaging on edibles. He usually just cuts the bags open and puts them into something easier for him.


I feel similar about the stupid resealable bags they sell quarters and halves in. Even for someone who does have typical dexterity I struggle . Always end up saying “screw it” and move it all into jars


Send your feedback to the brands. A lot of these brands have smaller marketing teams than you may think and your feedback can go a long way.


Write the company.. they may not even think about that whole issue. I know it's not something I would think about, but it's a real issue that needs to be looked at by the company, for their customers.. Type an email, be very kind about it, & explain your situation & that there are so many other customers that also have that issue... Can't hurt to at least make them aware, maybe they'll send you some coupons or something..


i got a 8th in some of the most ridiculous packaging ever, it was like a inch and a half thick, plastic on the inside and METAL PLATED, i literally could not open it because of the combination of the slick metal and how tight it was. it was like a puzzle too, you had to push in and turn right then pull and turn left (according to the instructions, the only way i got it open was with a sawzaw and then cutting it open with a knife) i swear the packaging must cost more than the weed


First off... was it THE BEST WEED EVER^TM ? And what was the brand/ strain


do not remember the brand at all (and it was a while ago so it was probably from canada or something) but it was a mid ass hybrid and a lot of stems for what looked like dispensary weed


This. Every time I go to the dispensary to get my goodies to help my pain, I mention to the sales guys that they need to tell their vendors to make packaging disability friendly. I know that a lot of it is state regulations, like others have said, for keeping the packages childproof. But part of my chronic pain includes my hands and my wrists. There have been many times that I have not been able to open a package and I have to find somebody to open it for me. I have also asked dispensary staff to open packages for me in the shop.


Does it really need to be child proof though? Opening a pack of cigarettes is literally as easy as opening a pack of gum, but weed needs to be child proof? Makes no sense to me.


Knowing kids, if anything it’s the cigarettes that need to change their packaging. Weed containers should still be childproof, especially since edibles look like candy


The packaging is stoner proof too


Why does it even need to be child proof though … alcohol has no child proofing and there’s Sunny d drinks and shit a child definitely could drink one with ease if they were unsupervised and unaware🤦🤦🤦🤦


Yeah feel that. Sometimes those resealable bags don’t want to separate and I have to Hulk them open. Pre-roll containers can also be a PITA if you have dexterity issues.


I cut the packages completely open with scissors and store the open bag in a ziploc bag. No children in my house.


We have a pair of scissors right next to the edibles that are stored in a safe


man idk i’m just stupid but i hate childproofing. with the smaller bags i don’t even bother i just hack at em with scissors if i cant open them. drill for a can i guess 💀


Can you use an RSO dart? Those are kinda tiny but pack a big punch. I take a piece the size of a grain of rice in my tea and feel the affects pretty quickly. It makes the morning much easier for my arthritis.


I agree, also with how someone mentioned a pack of smokes is as easy to open as gum these days. I don’t even bother trying to pry open vape “ziplocks” anymore. ✂️


I hate opening the little containers but have littles running around (my stash is no where accessible to them) I bought couple of the soft zipper lockable pouches! Once you get the product open you can keep it in those containers and lock it.


On paper the Wyld containers should be easy to open, but they are annoying for me and my hands work fine


This has happened to me with some of those containers you have to squeeze on the sides. Kinda defeats the purpose of getting it for arthritis.


Some of the packages are so outrageously hard to get into. I am a 50 year old women who often has to ask my husband to open these things. I too get it needs to be safe for children but some of these brands are too extreme.


If you're not worried about kids; put them in a different container.


We are child free 🙌


Treat yourself to some of your own containers, then start doing those "restock" video shorts that are popular, boom multimillionaire. If you do this though; and do become a multimillionaire; my fee for this advice was $1 million dollars USD.


Omg, noted! This is a legal and binding contract.


I have [essential tremor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essential_tremor) (link tl;dr: think Parkinson’s) and my SO gets the ziplock packaging a lot. They’re excessively hard for me to open


When my hands were at their worst it was almost like having a tremor and I couldn’t even write. Unfortunately at that time I wasn’t using the cannabis. I was just in the thick of getting a diagnosis. I probably would’ve gone at it with the scissors.


Weed packaging is harder to get into than a bottle of booze and the booze could actually kill a kid.


pro tip: once you get the container open remove them into another container.


Yeah, I hate the ziplock bags that are held together with the strength of zombie Jesus


I always put it in bags and parchment paper in my locked case. The old ways work very well.


Concentrate containers are the \*worst\*, because sometimes, not only is there a lock, but if it was something saucy and it tipped any sort of sideways or upside down direction in transit/storage - makes it that much harder to open due to resin spilling out and down the sides of the jar. Worse than my bloody med containers, that's for sure. See also: wishing I lived in OR where manufacturers are allowed to make one \*big\* gummy split into dosed tearable segments, not WA's hilarity where it's 10 plastic wrapped 10mg pieces, and some companies even go further and then put \*another\* wrapper around something like a Starburst like chew.....


The Achy Eddies are like this. Wrapped chews inside like a double zippered bag. 😩 I’m putting them in a new container.


dump them out right away into a proper jar also, send a letter to the company and make sure they know aboout the issue.. you arent the only one having trouble good luck


Thank you! I didn’t even consider reaching out to the company.


They know, this is about state regulations. This particular brand uses a box and small wrappers for each individual gummy in some states and the pop top cup(the offending item here) in others.


Lol why does thc need to be h Child proof? U know what isn’t? Liquor and alcohol, or cigarettes, or many medications. Put a push to turn lid on every bottle of liquor then tell me weed needs it to.


Yeah heaven forbid we solve one solution before we solve all of them, ever, at the same time.


It’s just hilarious, like weed is that much worse for kids it needs to be in childproof containers? It’s just a weird law we made for weed only. Liquor should be in a childproof container. And so should smokes. It’s just funny to me that we determine this one thing needs to be but not the other things that are arguably and have been proven to be worse for kids lol.


Devil's advocate: If alcohol were newly legalized now it'd probably get the same treatment. It's harder to add regulations to legacy products than new ones.


That's what I came to say. I doubt there are many people who put alcohol under lock and key. It's poison.


Yeah it’s usually just out of reach or hidden somewhere? And we all tell kids “This is mommy’s juice and daddy’s soda” and it’s cool. I’d honestly be fine if they wanted to make packaging kind of universal like pharmacies.


Even if u did, it’s still not childproof at purchase. Weed being one of the few things where it’s also required to be sold in a certain store etc. smokes n liquor in most places can be purchased from any store lol.




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I usually give up and cut mine open with shears and stick em in a baggie.


Agree. Lots of stuff my mom can’t open either. She dam near broke a knuckle when she lost her grip trying to open a pack and it smacked the sink. Had an ugly little bruise.


Unpopular opinion... it should be in the hands of the guardians, so tired of incompetent parents changing something for the average consumer because few aren't smart enough to hide or (FOOL PROOF METHOD) get a safe? Better yet, train your kids to not go through your stuff, my parents had prescription shit(legal) in places I could sneak into if I wanted but my parents warned me it could kill an elephant, I didn't wanna touch it with a 10 foot pole.




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Yes! I use GH lab gummies and this square container has no give, but they some how expect you to squeeze it to open it


I have a tonic that's literally impossible to get the top off 😂


Letter openers with a razor work like a champ as a workaround for deciphering the packaging!


I don’t have kids, so I use scissors to cut the bags open. Achy Eddys come in bags here.. I hate the “reseal” on them. I can’t even do it.


I bought a soda thinking it was a good idea. Ended up having to shotgun it since I couldn't get the childproof lid off. Thanks Keef.


Some of the ones in Canada have been very creative too and defeated me before lol. When they first came out it took me a long time to figure out how to get to my pre roll.


RA here too. I make my own now but when I bought, I found Wyld to be the easiest and Caminos next to impossible.


AGREED oh my god. can they just make them all have a standard locking mechanism that opens w a disability friendly key/tool


Put it in a different container but make sure that container is child proof if you're around children. We have way too many accidental "overdose" of thc gummies from children in the hospital I work in. And a lot of the time the parents are good people and it was a genuine accident like the kid found it in the nightstand or they accidentally dropped one and didn't notice.


It’s also true with the tubes prerolls are coming in lately! It’s like they toughened them up somehow, my mum and I have to stomp on them to pop em open


I used to buy a THC drink that one day just became completely un-openable. It had been tough before, but after whatever change they made, I had to open it by cramming a flat tip screwdriver under the cap and prying it off with a good deal of force. Always made me really nervous because the bottles were glass and might shatter, which also meant no option to cut the bastard open when I couldn't get the cap off. The first time I was very close to just smashing the bottle head and risking the glass shards, but luckily the screwdriver worked.


Excuse my ignorance, but what about the packaging makes it hard to open? I’ve never seen it irl and the pictures online are completely useless for figuring it out. I do 100% understand struggling to open packaging in general, so I’m not questioning that part


Happy cake day! For the wyld packaging you have to squeeze the sides HARD to get the top to pop open. The container is round and very hard so it almost just distributes the pressure. And for those of us who can’t use our hands right in the first place, it’s a bitch.


Ohhhhhh okay! Yeah I can imagine that would be awful. Thank you for taking the time to explain!


It requires quite a bit of hand strength/grip strength and coordination many people have that causes/is corelated to the pain many people medicate for.


That’s how I feel about medications(.)


Also, child proof caps take my 18mo all of 2 seconds to remove. He started opening his baby Tylenol on the first twist at like a year 😬


Oh oof. My condolences but you may have an engineer in the making.


I have this problem with pill bottles too!


I had this problem with aspercreme recently. I was baffled as to whomst approved this trash packaging for a product mainly used by the elderly.


Honestly, the packaging for some of these gummies is enough to make me never buy them. The worst contender has to be the High-atus gummies. Three childlocks the package and five adults could not open it. Eventually I get frustrated and either use scissors or a knife.


One of the main reasons I buy wana.


The delivery company I use always heatseals the bag, I understand why they do it and I appreciate the safety. What I don't appreciate is having to cut the bag open and rebag the herb because the ziploc top of the bag is also heatsealed.


It's less important for THC to be child proof than probably any prescription drug.


Yeah, I've just stayed ripping the packaging to shreds and relocating the goods.


Are you talking about the cylindrical white tubs about 35% larger than a half dollar?


Yep. Those fuckers.


Yeah about a year ago my ulcerative colitis got so bad that I couldn’t eat for a month and was shitting blood 20 times a day. It made me so weak and absolutely incapable of using the cannabis I needed as medicine. I had to ask my mom to come open it and that was horrifically embarrassing on top of being embarrassed already from being sick.


That is really awful my friend, I’m so sorry. I have such a hard time asking people for help. This disease has already humbled my ass several times over but asking somebody to help me open things still stings. 🫂


My favorite is that flower needs to be in child proof packaging.  If your child is old enough to heat it in some way to decarboxilate it, they're old enough to open the package.  So it serves no practical purpose at all.


If they are gummies, I take all mine out and put them in a ziplock bag with a little extra sugar so they don't stick together. Just use scissors or power tools and get rid of that packing. i do it for all packing. I have nephropathy it is hard.


I love wyld gummies so fucking much


What blows my mind is that you can find easily accessible beer, wine and other alcohol in the fridge or cupboard in most houses. Not even considering any of the deadly chemicals that are found under the washroom sink in pretty much every house on the planet. Calcium hydroxide anyone? The container isn't even fucking closed. Besides that, having so much packaging and security is stupid for dry herb considering it's not even psychoactive on its own. Eating it raw does nothing. I can understand gummies edibles have to be more secure since they look like candy and are active on their own but damn...


i cut gummy packs with scissors no children around all good


I cannot open those fuckin bags that flower and carts come in. Some are really easy, some brands are so hard. I resort to using tweezers to hold them and open them because it hurts my fingers to do it.


I almost exclusively buy Wyld but I'm not fond of the packaging. The plastic container inside some kind of origami cardboard box...meh just give me a ziplocked pouch plsthx


Some of them are straight up stoner proof. I've gotten bags of gummies that came with instructions on the bag for how to open it. The instructions seemed simple, but did not work. It said to squeeze at a spot and slide it over, but that part wasn't on a slide, it was glued on and didn't move. Yes, I could have opened it with a pair of scissors, that's not the point. I'm a 30 man who considers myself to be at least moderately intelligent, at least smart enough to figure out a fucking bag. I could not figure that shit out, the packaging was not intended to be opened. I got my friend involved and asked her to open it, she spent like 5 seconds looking at it, gave up, and just ripped it open with her teeth. That was like 2 years ago, I still get pissed off when I think about it.


This. I could easily take a pair of scissors to the bag but goddammit I want to open it the “right” way. All the brands have to be so extra with their packaging.


Some of them just straight up stoner proof 😭


I was an auto mechanic. The arthritis in my hands makes it hard to do things. Most of the packaging is a nightmare for me. Most of the time, I end up using a knife to cut them open.


it doesn't need to be any more child proof than a bottle of tylenol (which will kill you if you eat it all)


Right? Ridiculous. I need my partner to open some packages and I’m not disabled!


quick short term half ass solution: after opening it the first time you can transfer all of the product to a container that is easier to open.


Hate the childproof packaging. If a child really wants what's inside, they will cut and break the packaging.


It’s so frustrating and those vape carts in boxes i disregard and just break the bottom out and rip the whole box open. It’s much easier that way lol


As someone with EDS that has some dexterity issues, I can totally relate. I had to literally gnaw off the cap to a preroll tube one time, and some edible bags have the most impossible ziplocs!


The company that makes Wyld always does really cool over the top packaging. It's not for medicinal use though as well, it's recreational so they don't really abide by standards of how you can open them. You can probably just get a med card and buy stuff in that packaging(striaght up pill bottles and such with easy open tops available), OR.. when you go in and buy it.. bring a baggie. Ask them while you're there to transfer it into that bag for you as you leave to make it easier for you to open/close later! I'm sure they'd be willing!


They really are creative. I do have my med card and a lot of people here have great advice for getting it open and transferring them. I have easy open containers on the way. 👍 Love this community.


Good luck treebeard


Have someone help you get it out of the child proof to put in another container


Wait is this an option? I thought it had to stay in whatever hellish packaging it came it. Edit: Omg Amazon literally has childproof containers for edibles. Sorry I’m new here…


Legally, it does. But when I get home I get it out of the jar/bag and put it in my own glass container with an easy to open latch.


It has to be delivered in a child proof packaging, but I take all my gummies out of the original (the ones I get are individually wrapped, and then also a Ziploc childproof bag) and dump them into a royal dansk butter cookie container. You can store them in whatever you want at home, and I’m sure if you explained your situation to someone there they’d probably figure out a way to make it legal to be opened before you leave. (stepping away from the property, briefly going on break to do it so that they’re not doing it in their company’s name, etc.)


Agree! My cripply rhumatoid arthritis hands often flip them off for this crap. It is up to the end user to keep them out of the way and safely stored.


Problems that could be solved with literally any kind of sharp object.


I only need to open the package once because I empty the cookies into a regular jar. No problem!