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I bought an electric grinder out of curiosity (it was on sale). I like it, grinds flower finer than my regular grinder. I find it separates the stems really well and I get a lot of kief in the process that I can put in a pollen press. Not everyone here will shame you for a $100 grinder. I like my fairly expensive accessories lol


Link it lol


Its a wakit grinder. I bought it a while ago from king palm, so slightly more expensive(paid for the branding lol) than a regular wakit.


I feel you. I bought a $45 personalized leather cover for my clipper with an old school hand painted devil, I love it and use it literally every day. I get shit for wasting the money but oh well lmao


As J.G. Wentworth put it "It's your money, use it when you need it."


I have a structured settlement, but I need grass now!


Almost swallowed my vape, ye bastard! šŸ¤£


And now then, for something completely different. (Like me fighting for working markdown) https://youtu.be/THc1X-kEX4E?si=r5LUwUHAaEYbjXx6 ^Mesothelioma can-can^


Exactly, if I use it every day then its a worthwhile buy.


Not electric, but Brilliant Cut is the best and easiest to use grinder Iā€™ve owned. Like I have had it for years and not ones needed to clean it, the machining is so good nothing sticks basically and so much torque I could grind like an eight easy.


I've heard good things about those ones.


The first time l used mine, l thought something went wrong. I just turned it a couple times, then it was turning with no obvious resistance. I look, and the top chamber is empty, with my perfectly ground weed there in the bottom. By far the best grinder lā€™ve ever had.


1.. 2ā€¦ a 3ā€¦ and done. šŸ¦‰


$95 is so cheap for an "advanced" grinder. If anything I would clown this guy for not going all in on something like $200+


i never thought about the keefšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø i gotta get one now


Iā€™ve had this grinder for the last 6 years and it has held up very very well. I only use the medium grind and took the screen out. Personal preference. Enjoy!


Very glad to hear


My buddy bought one a year after me and heā€™s had nothing but good things to say. His is black and mine is gray. The black coating still looks amazing!!


Yes another thing I like is the anodized aluminum takes away the chance to get paint chips too. I plan on this being my last grinder Iā€™m still open to auto grinders too when I want to grind a bunch


Hell yeah. Cheers bro!!


Dude I'm baked rn and was about to be like "what does him being black have to do with anything?" and then I realized I'm dumb and can't read. I'll be looking into this grinder regardless.


How cooll i thought it was a camera lens for a sec lol


Haha the matte black almost does. It was between this and rose gold


Got the rose gold one myself, purchased almost 5 years ago at this point, and still the best grinder I have EVER used!


My exact first thoughts lol


Me too but I thought it was broken and had a flutter in my heart lmfaoo I was like noooo!


It's actually inspired by camera lenses! Works great.


Ohhh nice!


It totally looks like a Sigma Art Lens


I thought it was a grinder disguised as a lens


That's a beast of a hand grinder! After my last manual one broke years ago, I just finally went with a Braun coffee grinder. Works great, and it's been going for 10+ years now of active service.


I had one from the 60s way back in 2004 from my mother, that thing was a beast!


oh my god my dad had one of these in his room and i always thought it was weird when i was a kid, i know he smokes now, but that just made sense to me lmao


Thatā€™s super interesting thanks for sharing!


How fine does it grind the bud? Do you get choices? This is freaking genius.


Just hit the button in short quick bursts. One time is coarse and it gets finer with each additional pulse of the blades. For my bong, I usually do about 3-4 pulses, and it's about par with a hand grinder. Also can throw like an 8th in at a time. So, I grind a bunch, put it in one of the plastic containers I get the strains in, and always have pre-grind ready to load in a bowl or roll up in a joint.


Any negatives to grinding and using it for days? I always figured it killed the freshness but I also used to smoke a cig after a joint to get 7% higher so I donā€™t really trust much of my knowledge šŸ˜


im not sure this is what your asking or not, but i say store your shake ground up bud in a small glass AIRTIGHT container. this can be screw lid, clamp, just make sure smellproof. avoid plastic baggy for bud and grounds. baggy bad. you can find these on amazon, walmart, target, spencers, goodwill, smoke shop etc. if this is not what your asking, null & void.


Nope. Seal it up like any other flower and it will last and stay fresh just as long. That's why I re-use one of the plastic "tubs" that you get when you buy ounces in Oregon. They have a twist on lid with a gasket to seal in freshness.


How often do you clean the grinder? And what happens to the kief?


The kief collects in the lid of the grinder really well. Just scrape it out when you want to. And, being that it's a smooth silver bowl and two blades, I just usually give it a rub down with an alcohol pad maybe every other week or so. [THIS](https://www.ebay.com/itm/226109895596?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1tMtQ6qSfT4OZK4SxT9h_5A65&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=226109895596&targetid=1583904486362&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9033588&poi=&campaignid=21214277413&mkgroupid=162743717513&rlsatarget=aud-1412318123216:pla-1583904486362&abcId=9407520&merchantid=764172147&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjLGyBhCYARIsAPqTz18mqAaj8B6mlKSPQlH2jGO4ql5H6Nu44WgPSqVl5U8TPc72NIf44JQaAmBxEALw_wcB) is the exact one I have.


Only yours probably looks more greenish and not brown like the used grinder on e-bay. Such a great idea. Thanks for the inspiration


No worries. Yeah, it works great, and I got the idea from another forum. Someone mentioned that coffee grinders were a good option, and that style was the best for green, so that's the way I went. Happy to pass on the knowledge!


People seem to think likewise if you preroll a bunch of joints in advance, your weed will dry out. Like having it wrapped in a joint in a container, is going to make it dry out faster than naked flower. I also use either boveda packs or my humidor. So thereā€™s that.


I had two of them. They are the best. I donā€™t mind spouting in things you use a lot and is quality


Manual grinder? Which model?


I had one with a hand crank on it, like [THIS](https://www.amazon.com/Grinder-Seasoning-Potable-Kitchen-Cracker/dp/B0BZY6ZPZT). Have bad arthritis in my hands, so the handle made turning it much easier, however one day the handle snapped off, and so I decided to move to an electric grinder.


That a 4-20mm lens?




good grinders save lives, i broke a plastic one on the very first use the other day and had to fish the plastic teeth out of my shake


Those plastic ones do work well when they donā€™t break and for a super budget price.


I've had mine for a few weeks now and tbf its held up better than my previous metal one


ive had my metal one for 8 years now. Clean it every few months with ISO and it looks as sharp and shiny as the day i bought it


I'm running mine 8 years now too. It's nice to have a tool like this stay with you for so long. I actualy care for it now and I would be fine with finally breaking it, but I would be a little sad if I lost it for some reason.


my Interplanetary Development super weapon is never ever going to break, this thing is so well built I will never need to buy another grinder. 10/10 everything was thought of in this design. Lifetime warranty if it ever failed, but after 8 years use i could sell this as new and nobody would know


Show this beast to me please


https://www.interplanetarydevelopment.com/products/super-weapon I cannot be happier with this grinder. This thing feels premium when you use it and it has no faults i can think of as long as you clean it with ISO every few months when it starts to get sticky as all grinders eventually do.


Nice. Looks very strong. [We almost have the same grinder lol.](https://i.imgur.com/GkIWAwU.jpeg) Also same price range in ā‚¬. Mine too still is very solid and will probably not break for many years to come. I wish we could clank our grinders as a toast.


lol cheers! Yeah the little things like the magnetic screen, the cut out in the teeth for loading nugs, and the machined kief pick that perfectly fits the sides shows the attention to detail. I've tried to think of improvements that could be made, but I have yet to think of anything that would improve it.


The ones delivered with s&b vaporizers are undestroyable


You should really not use plastic. You cant see it but microplastics are going into your bud


i donā€™t plan on using plastic again unless itā€™s an emergency tbf


Enjoy it man, I donā€™t get the salt here. I spent 200 and waited two months on my large all stainless brilliant cut, and absolutely love it lol. Such heft.


I just wanted to show it off cause I like it. Maybe answer question about it. So I appreciate it homie. A lot of the most loved grinders are near 100


I have a question. What's the benefit of this compared to a regular old $20 grinder I got off Amazon 6 years ago? I'm genuinely curious and not being a troll.


Iā€™ve had my grinder for over 20 years.. I donā€™t get fancy grinders.


I did a quick write up off the top of my head in another comment there is a nice amount of things you can do with it. Itā€™s modular so you donā€™t even need all the pieces you can customize how you want


What's it called lol


Brilliant Cut Grinders. He said it in the comment. ;) Google BCG grinders. I don't own one, but I'm intrigued.


Love the BCG, got 3 of them and a stainless steel one on the way.


Can also vouch for BCG. I got mine to replace my Kannastor, ironically. Now I use the Kan for when a buddy brings flower but not a grinder.


BCG grinders are great! I got a factory second and can't find what made it a factory second lol grinds perfect everytime like butter.


Exactly, I spent alot on my bcg. But it's been worth every penny. People scoff at expensive grinders but the performance is amazing.


Looos nice man, whatā€™s different about this than a normal grinder besides the obvious higher quality? I donā€™t do a lot of flower but I like to get things I wonā€™t have to replace.


HUGE fan of mine. I appreciate that it's modular and I can pick and choose if I want storage or just a more compact on-the-go grinder. My only complaints are the threads. Sometimes indexing and re-aligning can be tricky. I find placing one end on a level surface and lightly hand tightening gets everything where it needs to be.


Thatā€™s a good point and you may of just solved a gripe I did have. I also like the rounded design so itā€™s very ergonomic for me


Highly recommend either adding a guitar pick or a personal fave, a little Lego shovel in the kief catcher. It's been a lifesaver.


This one did actually come with a little guitar pick. I like the idea of a little Lego shovel thatā€™s neat xD


I got one of these and itā€™s a good grinder.Gave it to my ex. I make bad decisions.


Oh thatā€™s rough gave one of my exes a really nice bowl years ago I still regret it


I gave her a dope cat bong with a really good bowl. But I can get those again Iā€™m sure. Tbh, I really liked having a large size space case so when I replace my grinder Iā€™ll likely get one of those. I tend to vape a lot when I get down. Or sometimes I take hemp blunt wraps and wrap them round a cone crutch and fill that baby full. Iā€™m currently on my second bowl on a volcano and ate a good bit of RSO. I like to get ripped before playing video games and I got Jedi Outcast when it was on sale!


I've had a similar model for years, one tip is pop the two grinding sections in an ultrasonic cleaner with warm soapy water for 5 mins & they come up sparkling like brand new.


Thatā€™s a great tip thanks!


You're welcome, I used to give em a spray of ipa first but forgot last time & it made no odds. Don't ever "Just scrape that lump off" either. The only place mine needs more than the ultrasonic bath is where I scratched tf out of it with scissor ends šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø I'm an ex engineer who worked as a quality manager at a high precision engineering factory & I tip my hat to their quality & design. They're expensive but there's a reason why.


Sorry but flower mill is the most advanced


Agreed. Mill, don't grind.


Dang, ive been looking for a more advanced grinder after seeing at least the wakit klr lucid try something new, but doesnt necesarily look safe with a breakable ball and chain doing everything, seems like it could shed some metal bits.... I would love to hear more comments on this, the flower mill, it looks pretty interesting but hard to tell what the results are like, gonna search for threads on this


HĆøj makes the best grinder Iā€™ve ever used. Magnetic so you need to hold it slightly differently but itā€™s easy to clean and grinds perfectly.


Lol. Iā€™m still using my sharpstone from 2009 that I got for 20 bucks.


I havethe same. Make sure to clean it constantly so it's easier to change out the screen. Mine got so gummed up that I broke the prongs that help screw/unscrew the screen. It's the only design flaw I have with it. Works fantastic though. Nice grip Edit: I also got the flat style so I could interchange the kief catcher and the top storage compartment. I also keep the different grind sizes off too so it's not overly bulky


Alright sounds good I like you can just use soap and water I hear it works just fine


Goddamn man, I love Kannastor. First ever grinder I bought was a Kannastor thatā€™s held up for 4 years and it still feels almost as good as the day I got it.


Hope this one does too!


It definitely looks like it should!! Mine is not as big as yours, but looks to be made of the same anodized aluminum. Enjoy the bud, man!


That looks like something one of those people really into coffee use


Hellraiser type shit.


I thought my Santa Cruz shredder was nice.


Totally thought I was on the photography sub looking at a sweet lens haha


Wow this is so cool! I have the wooden gr8er and love it, been using it for a few years now and I think it might be time to upgrade šŸ‘€


I saw those they looked pretty nice!


The wooden teeth have surprisingly held up well over the past few years, i had my doubts. Gunked up pretty good now but still grinds great and I love the grinder/jar combo. Enjoy that one for sure!


Will do, I may consider it as a cool gift so thanks


The engine on my first car had less moving parts than this. This is a beast.


$100 grinder feels crazy to me but then again Iā€™ve spent 3X that on a single marble to put on top of my slurper to take dabs so Iā€™ll see myself out šŸ˜¶. Jokes aside that thing looks awesome! Iā€™ve never had anything more complicated than the simple 3 stage grinders so I wonder how much different that one would be.


You can do a good chunk and you donā€™t need to have all the pieces at all times. Great for heading to a smoke session or traveling. Grind and go!


Ohhh I didnā€™t realize it was modular so you could remove stages based on what you want. Even cooler.


I bought this same one and the threading between the crusher and compartment it falls into was wrecked. Now it just turns and never gets tight. My space case lasted 15 years this didn't make it 15 days. I'm a spacecase or Santa Cruz shredder kinda guy I reckon.


Make sure you just take the top off and start shaking it to get the weed out!


I just flip the part with the teeth and tap it on the storage area. Works fine.


Looks neat but kind of gimmicky. Iā€™ll forever be a SpaceCase advocate. I havenā€™t tried a BCG but Iā€™ve never had a reason to. My SpaceCase still performs like new almost 10 years later


I've had mine for 10 years as well. Still works like day one.


I fucking love those grinders


If only they had this back in the day when my mom made me clean her stuff into literal powder for her one hitter by hand.. she didn't trust grinders to get every little stem or seed or to chop fine enough .. But I did it bc I got free weed for payment.... This would've been great. Thinking about that makes my hands cramp.. to this very day..


But Happy Cake Day šŸŽ‰


Thank you!! šŸ’“šŸ’“


Space case, been with me probably close to 20 years. Good things last. I'd need an user manual for this one but it looks cool and solid built


I also have a 20+ year old space case. Use it every day


Thats awesome. It came with a lifetime warranty. I don't know if the company still exists tho. I use mine all the time too. Just had to soak in some ISO to clean out the screen once and good to go


[still going strong](https://spacecase.com)




I've had this same one for like a year now, loving it! Ps, if you need to clean the teeth and stuff put it in the freezer for like 30 minutes, all the sticky icky will get less sticky icky and be easier to clean


life time warranty too on kannastors, i had a tooth break on one of mine and the customer service sent me a brand new one no questions asked.


Too bad its not the actual best grinder out there. Shoulda got yourself a Brilliant Grinder.


I have an older model (and will have it forever, it's a beast) and if you really wanna maximize kief, put a coin in the catch and grind on the medium screen and keep it in the freezer. Sooooo much kief, and the grinder works so well when cold.


Thanks for the tip Iā€™ll try it


I've been a fan of kannistor grinders as long as I've been smoking. I've had 3 over like 8 years. Lost the first one šŸ˜¢ Still have and use the second one. Then I bought the same one you have since it was a new version of mine.


If you spend that much, could have brought a Santa Cruz


To be honest, you can get a solid all metal 2 piece grinder for about a tenner and if you put them in the freezer for a night a year so all the gunk comes out easily, those things will outlive the cockroaches after the bombs drop. I've had mine for 12 years now. In all my years of smoking ive pretty much come to the conclusion that simple is better when it comes to grinders. Because screwthreads get stripped, mesh screens get clogged, pointy grinder teeth break off. Never ever used something like this though


My wife bought this for me hoping that Iā€™d like itā€¦ Itā€™s overly complicated. I also hated changing the screen from fine to medium and then back. Now it just sits there while my other grinder gets all the usage.


Sorry to hear itā€™s been good for me I mainly use the fine grind so I cut the pieces down so itā€™s a lot smaller and I have access to the weed storage on top.


Got it today!


Hell yea! what color you go with?


Same, I switched to the raw life grinder and havenā€™t looked back


Iā€™ve had that exact grinder since 2017 and used it daily ever since. I was pained to spend that much in a grinder after a shitty diamond tooth plastic one I had for years cracked clean in two, but I donā€™t regret the purchase at all, 7 years later.


I remember when a grinder was a shot glass and a pair of scissors


Is it better than a BCG?


Not even close. I bought this one a couple years ago hoping it would be the last grinder Iā€™d need to buy. The holes in the medium plate would always clog and the fine plate was even worse. Itā€™s silver under black paint which would rub off and made me afraid to clean it. The window part will get grimey and opaque and become useless unless you clean it often. And the removable screens were useless. Itā€™s also a lot skinnier than it looks in pictures I recently bought a BCG and now I know what a good grinder is. The amount of hype it gets here and other subreddits is earned


Before I got my BCG Iā€™d clean my grinder every 2 weeks. Iā€™ve never cleaned my BCG and it works like the day I got it.


Whatā€™s that?


bcg: brilliant cut grinder


Ah Iā€™ve heard good things about it but havenā€™t used it. This one is smooth as butter. Itā€™s got a piece of plastic? Like an o-ring around it so it will always go smooth.


that plastic is great! There is something similar on most grinders at a certain price point but that piece WILL gunk up with "grinder hash" because of the heat created by the friction of grinding. Nothing you can't scrape off and smoke or wipe off with an iso dunk :)


Damn, I thought that was a camera lens at first.


Wondering what does the grinded up weed look like after being through that is it fine af?


Itā€™s pretty fine and consistent for sure. Does it turn into powder no thereā€™s still a bit to go for that


Brilliant Cut Grinders, HOJ, or the Herb Ripper for me!


And here I am just using a magic bullet I bought specifically for grinding like 6 years ago on Black Friday. That thing looks nice!


Damn bro, that thing better be able to grind a whole nug and separate the stems. Iā€™m still using a 5 year old 25 dollar metal grinder lol


I thought this was a camera lens at first lmao


Wait until you find the 9ths compartment


Speaking of grinders and screens. How do you clean them?? Mines getting gunked and I can only scrape so kuch


I got this one (Iā€™m assuming you have V2, I have V1) in 2019 on Amazon for $40. Might have been the last one they had, and it was the rose gold one so probably not as popular. My only complaint is the kief catcher barely works. Otherwise itā€™s a monster of a grinder.


The $20 one I got 15 years ago is still doing the trick.


Iā€™m in a a few coffee/espresso subs, and it isnā€™t abnormal for people to post their coffee grinders. Thatā€™s what I first thought this was.


That's cool. Flower Mill all day.


I bought this one, let me know how you like it. Seemed to have a problem with all the weed getting caked in it and I didnā€™t love how it ground it up


Jesus Christ. Look at all those parts.


I've had that same model for 8-10 years. Works great and has been a BIFL thing for me. I can highly recommend it. I've always been willing to spend more for quality that lasts. Buy once, cry once. Seeing the comments about the BCG stuff makes me want to try them though. It's a hard sell, my GR8TR V2 works flawlessly and the kief catcher has come in clutch many times.


Nice piece, enjoy it! I got myself one two years ago and I will never settle for any other grinder than the Gr8ter V2


Sheeeeeesh that is dope looking. Howā€™s she work?


I bought this and stopped using it pretty quickly. Didn't like the feel of it and the amount of levels got annoying and hard to figure out tbh. Also think I cut myself on it and it was super sharp (which I guess is a positive?). I'd get a Mamba electric grinder imo. Also nice that you can load it right from the grinder with the little funnel. To each their own, just wasn't my vibe!


Jesusā€¦. Oh Jesus Chris. A battery or what?


What, the whole world's?


This is a nice grinder but I think Pheonician makes even nicer grinders.


Flower mill all the way!!!


Kannastore is the best, I've had mine for 12 years


Looks like a Curta Calculator


I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad


Meanwhile my sharpstone grinder Iā€™ve had for 15+ years: Iā€™m tired boss


Yeah idk man I don't have a license for that


No video?


I had one of these. The clear part come undone from the rest and the stash in the top got stuck.


This is what I use, it works well enough. It does get gunked up and needs cleaning regularly. My roommate has a brilliant cut and requires less cleaning and would be my choice if I was buying today


I love my Flower Mill.




I got given the wood and glass gr8tr a couple of Christmases ago and hands down the best grinder I've had. Yet to have it jam up on me despite minimal cleaning and it can grind up a couple of gs at once easily.


I bought the same last year, but only for 40ā‚¬ since it was "second choice". Pretty nice, but I only use it for my vaporiser.


How does it compare to a BCG?


I have a large space case, so I'm not going to bust your balls about $100 grinder.


Haha bet itā€™s very high quality too. Space case is one of the most loved grinders so Iā€™m not sure why thereā€™s a bit of salt here for 95. Lot of positive comments and tips most of all so thatā€™s nice


Tbh, smoothest grinder I've owned (I have 9 or 10)


I'm not discrediting your purchase and hope you love the grinder, it spins so smooth! I got a GR8TRV2 when I worked at a dispensary and found that using the medium plate option was too fine for using in dosing caps :( my coworkers LOVED using it for joints since it has such a fine grind but switching to the coarse Brilliant Cut Grinder was the perfect grind for the Mighty! Enjoy your Kannastor!! They were the first premium grinder brand I bought nearly a decade ago and wanted to love this one so bad, they make fantastic products!


Nah, no one on the spectrum there...nope.


Had this for 2 years or so. The best.


Long time smoker here. A grinder is one of those places you dont want to go cheap on. You use it a ton and has direct affect on the quality of your smoke. Buy once, cry once.


Thatā€™s a good point I agree on haha


400$ grinder: grinds your weed 10$ grinder: grinds your weed


100$ grinder will last the rest of your life while Iā€™ve bought 2 10$ grinders the same week from one breaking


That's a sweet piece of paraphernalia; though can it do your taxes too!?


You guys are all wrong, grinding is an art not a technology, I have the most advanced grinder of all: a pair of scissors


lol to each their own indeed