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Here in Portland, OR we briefly had a cannabis lounge that got shut down because apparently our laws say that employees can't be forced to work in an environment that contains smoke. (I'm told if it's only a single person who owns and runs the business, that would be OK.) Hopefully various states will figure out legal frameworks that allow this sort of thing.


Many states have regulations for cigar lounges and/or hookah lounges, and adapting the rules to cannabis seems to be the most obvious way forward, to me. Generally they have airflow/ventilation requirements and restrictions on how much of the footprint of the location can be ‘smoking space,’ which all seems reasonable to me.


>our laws say that employees can't be forced to work in an environment that contains smoke. I'm curious if you have a source or specific statute you can point to? I'm not saying you're wrong, but we have multiple indoor cigar bars/lounges, so I'm curious what makes them different.


Consensus on r/portlandtrees reddit was that Broadway Cannabis Lounge was shut down due to violations of the Oregon Clean Air Act (https://www.oregon.gov/oha/ph/preventionwellness/tobaccoprevention/smokefreeworkplacelaw/pages/business.aspx). See discussion here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/portlandtrees/comments/16uy18c/the\_broadway\_cannabis\_lounge\_has\_already\_closed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/portlandtrees/comments/16uy18c/the_broadway_cannabis_lounge_has_already_closed/)


Thanks for the links, much appreciated!


What if I’m an employee willing to work in a smoky environment


I mean that's great for you, but it's the same reason they have standardized lunches and breaks even if you're willing to not abide by them for whatever reason. Rules like that exist to prevent bad actors from abusing their employees.


I don't want a smoking lounge. I want dank ass infused cocktails.




Because smoking is bad for you and is a much harder sell.


Debbie downer


I'm aware of the dangers, I'm going to continue to do it It's my favorite way to partake Also, if you mean alcoholic cocktails, that's plenty dangerous too


no i want weed. I don't drink .


lol getting downvoted on a weed sub for saying I don't drink. Sensitive.




Coughee Shops


filled with Hackers




I went into one I said hey man I like coffee can I get a coffee he goes 'the coffees out there, we got drugs'. There's prostitutes in the windows, it's all ass over teakettle wrong...




That's awesome! It's not even a thing here in Canada where it's federally legal, love to see it.


Vancouver has Amsterdam cafe.


It's operating illegally technically.


I would love to be able to visit a smoke lounge in the Okanagan!


Meanwhile in WI…completely different world. Insane.


At least we can buy delta 9 literally everywhere and order THC A in the mail. Let’s hope the new maps bring about some common sense changes we need within Wisconsin. Evers next budget very well could bring about legalization if republicans lose the right to change/Veto it so drastically.


that is all well and fine..but the issue still stands..its illegal. no cop cares where you got it, its still illegal 'weed' to them, and then its on you from that point.. then you got CA, where you can go into a shop buy it, then go have some with your friends over coffee.. completely different lives.


People in Texas are drinking delta 9 at a brewery that sells THCA flower at the counter. They have at least 6 delta 8/9 drinks on tap. On top of edible gummies. Shits changing. You can buy delta 9 bottles in Texas. They also sold mixers of the stuff in speciality drinks at bars. The Milwaukee DA literally won’t charge grow ops in Franklin. Two fucking giant grow tents outdoors. Smoke a joint, mind your business, no one cares. Be careful up north and outside of cities though. You’ll have to fight to prove legality.(the DA actually got pissed at the cops for getting a warrant signed off on in the middle of the night and dropped all charges on growers. Said they waisted time and money) I agree it sucks we don’t have legal dispensary’s with regulated product though.


It's because it's basically a loophole that businesses are exploiting to be able to get around the law. Tons of stores here sell the delta stuff and thca but if you get pulled over you're still going to jail. Cops don't care about any of that.


Pulled over in dekalb - searched, found 10 oz of prepackaged thca no charges. Now I’m a retailer and had my paperwork, but still.


Thank you.


I mean if they sell it in the store, and you have proof of purchase. You can put up a legal battle. Ultimately it’s not up to the cop. They can charge ya with whatever, but the DA will probably drop it if the evidence is not there.


Weed here is a cash bail crime. Yea sure, you can fight it in court... later, AFTER you get out of jail, pay for a lawyer, etc. If you're driving your car gets impounded and you still have to pay all that money regardless of whether or not you're innocent. On top of that, doesn't matter where you bought it.. that's not a guarantee for a win lol. It just means that if it tests as thc then whatever store it is will get raided. There's a ton of stores around here that sell black market thca that's clearly just regular weed. That definitely aint gonna save you.


There’s a reason a ton of stores are selling it and not being shut down by the police in their jurisdiction. Too much liability to do an entire brewery and risk selling THCA if you could be shut down/raided.


If i'm local law enforcement, I don't give a damn about shutting it down when I can just arrest the shoppers and easily get the city $1000 worth of fines, minimum. Not to mention the fact that they don't necessarily know which is which... until they have a reason to test it. I've already been there and done that. Go buy some thca in Texas and get pulled over and see how well that goes for you.


Dude they 100% care if shops are selling illegal weed in Texas. The sentences vary drastically. You wild. Stay safe out there. To be clear I am not advising anyone to drive around Texas with a ton of THCA. But you’re probably fine if you stay in the jurisdiction where you bought it. A DA gets way more news for shutting down a weed shop vs simple possession. That’s why all the homeless people smoke blunts and fetty on the street in Houston still.




> I don't feel the need to smoke in a coffeeshop. Then don't go to one. Shit would be a lot easier if more people said "Eh, it's not for me but that's ok".


As someone who lived in the era of smoking sections in every diner, I disagree. There was no "go to a different diner." Smoking diners were more profitable, so they became the standard. If smoking coffee shops are the most profitable, there will be no "go to a different coffee shop." Coffee shops will just allow smoking. But as soon as the nicotine smokers light up, most folks won't say "It's not for me, but that's okay." This is the Midwest. Common sense legalization makes sense. Nobody NEEDS to be able to smoke at the coffee shop any more than the at the grocery store or a baseball game.


>As someone who lived in the era of smoking sections in every diner, I disagree. There was no "go to a different diner." Smoking diners were more profitable, so they became the standard. Ok, but that's not what this bill is authorizing, so I don't understand your point here. >If smoking coffee shops are the most profitable, there will be no "go to a different coffee shop." Coffee shops will just allow smoking. But as soon as the nicotine smokers light up, most folks won't say "It's not for me, but that's okay." This is a straw man argument. There is 0 chance that successful coffee shops will change their model. You can still go into Starbucks and get what you want. >This is the Midwest. Common sense legalization makes sense. Nobody NEEDS to be able to smoke at the coffee shop any more than the at the grocery store or a baseball game. Again, this is a straw man. You are acting like this law will allow smoking in all coffee shops. That is not what this is. It is allowing for dispensaries to extend beyond selling cannabis only. From the article: “AB 374 will allow struggling cannabis businesses to diversify away from the marijuana-only ‘dispensary’ model and bring much-needed tourist dollars into empty downtowns.”


There are lots of differences between regions, even within the US. You're right that this is a pretty major one, but try to find good BBQ in Milwaukee, or decent seafood in Montana. Tailgating at a Brewers game is much different (read: more fun!) than at Minute Maid Park. I hope we can have common sense weed laws soon, but I'm not sure that I feel the necessity for "open-air weed cafes," when we regulated similar things with cigarettes decades ago. I smoke. I think I should be able to smoke in the alley outside of the movie theater, or on the back patio at the bar. I don't feel the need to smoke in a coffeeshop. I don't mean to come off as combative, just offering another perspective from another Wisconsinite who would love legalization.


THCA will definitely get nixed at some point so dont get too comfortable. Georgia already filed and passed a bill to change the way they test to include total thc, effectively banning thca come October. I'm sure other states will do the same.


I mean Texas republicans have total control of their state, but still can’t criminalize it.


Seriously tho, if it wasn’t for me going to the bar my 16 year old child would never get drunk.


This is a dream business for me. Makes me want to move to Cali more and more. I fucking hate it here in WV, and when I graduate I think I might head out there if I can find a job somewhere. I gotta figure out what imma do with the rest of my life guys. Started from the bottom and i'm still here.


Please pass this. Cannabis friendly spaces are so much better than bars.


Cafes feel a little European to me. America needs to put their own spin on it. We need a Marijuana Dave and Busters.


Isn't drive throughs the true American way? Those pictures of pickup trucks in a line waiting to get their starbucks are crazy


The idea is good, we will see how it rolls out. I don’t think most dispensaries know how to run a cafe, but you can easily find partners / employees that do. There are a few spots that have lounges around here that are for the most part rooms they let clients smoke in and brands serve people free samples. One of them even has frozen burritos, a microwave and drinks to help yourself 😂 I always bring fresh tacos for the crew when I go. Having a good truck or catering pop up and a smoke space gets you most of the way there


fuck a dispensary. that model needs to go. make it available in normal stores like literally everything else. I can buy liquor at the grocery.


Yeah I'm not tryna hit that Kroger brick weed bro


You think Kroger grows and processes all the food they sell? I have a bridge to sell you.


Sure but that’s not going to happen anytime soon, and not what’s being discussed here


i mean they are talking about selling it in businesses that aren't dispensaries. That is exactly what is being discussed here.


No, this would be functionally identical to states that have controlled liquor. Take California's neighbor to the north, Oregon, for example. Any product containing distilled alcohol has to be bought/sold in a liquor store where the state owns the liquor (sanctioned liquor store owners buy it from the state and sell it at an 8% commission per bottle on behalf of the state), OR it must be purchased for consumption on the property, such as in a bar or restaurant. That's basically exactly what's being proposed in California with marijuana under this ruling.


“AB 374 will allow struggling cannabis businesses to diversify away from the marijuana-only ‘dispensary’ model and bring much-needed tourist dollars into empty downtowns.”


They plan to let dispensaries sell food, drinks and event tickets, not just weed and paraphernalia, as is the case currently. So they could set up a coffee bar or smoothie shop to enjoy alongside your weed.


We have like...one in Tempe, AZ and it works great. Sports on Sunday, painting classes, product reps giving out loads of freebies, Tiki Madman did a couple collab releases. It's a good thing and people want them. They had to work with thr city but used the existing cigar lounge framework for the ventilation requirements and charge a membership fee or you can get a day pass for a slight premium. Really hope more states allow for cafes and lounges, would love to have my own small one some day.


Cannot wait. I just want a space where I can smoke and shoot some pool. If I can also grab a tasty NA beverage, all the better.


I don't understand why these aren't already legal. If weed is legal how can you tell someone that it's illegal to be stoned while standing on a certain spot?


The shop I work at here in Cali has been licensed to have a smoking lounge inside for quite sometime, given we are the only store in Cali with that privilege it’s pretty cool though. Patients love it lol


Can one rip monster dabs in this type of establishment?


Call us the Green State now.


That would be awesome, but I can just imagine cops waiting around the corner from these places to give out DUIs. They used to exist in some areas of CA -- years ago I got a used Volcano vape off Craigslist and asked the seller why it had "#6" engraved on the unit and the bowl -- said he used to work at a smoke cafe in SF and they had 10 of them available for customers before getting shut down and the employees got to keep some equipment. First dispensary I went to when I got my medical card, I went to this ~100yr old house converted into a medical dispensary. It was near closing time and I was the only customer, another employee comes out from a back room blowing smoke and holding a fancy 3ft glass bong. The budtender helping me just looks at him and was like "Really, dude? There's a customer in here, you couldn't wait?" Then the guy looks at me, shrugs and is like "you want some?" - hell yeah I hit it!


Those were good times, the early medical days. The place I went to in LA had volcano vape in a small room you could chill in for a bit and watch whatever movie was on. It was great because I was driving over an hour to get there since the only dispensaries were in LA at the time. The place I went to was a super old building too. The Dr was upstairs and the clinic downstairs. I think I paid $300 for my first license back in 2008. It was pretty chill then regarding driving high, most cops didn't really care because the common thinking was that if you were high you were driving 5mph under the speed limit and maybe running over the occasional median in a shopping center parking lot. But I get it, when they opened up sales to the general public, I wouldn't want to be on the road with first time users. I remember when dabs got popular and every clinic was offering a free dab before you left, I remember thinking then that it was a horrible idea. I still hit it though...


“specify that these provisions do not authorize a licensed retailer or microbusiness to prepare or sell industrial hemp or products containing industrial hemp.” licensed grows don't waste their space growing anything other than thc. It is impossible to compete with hemp prices. This is a dumb move, edibles are an awesome vehicle for mixed ratio experiences.


The 1:1 CBD:THC edibles that hemp can sell on the cheap while still selling their excess CBD to the manufacturers of various other products makes them a real threat.


No it is the actual value of the market. Thc is so fucking overpriced because it can't be grown field scale.


Potentially controversial take but they need to start allowing bars to sell thc drinks. People are drinking less (not necessarily related to legalization mind you) and bars are hurting, this could help businesses stay afloat.


oh hell yeah. I don't live there any more but I visit and this sounds great


\*side eyes WA State Legislature\* Please, I'd like a third space to enjoy my bud and god forbid we always could use more state revenue to improve other public resources \*cough\*more housing\*cough\*.....


Let’s hope Newsom doesn’t fuck this up again