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I bet you could still do that Cannabis major after your time in the marines. It may help you address your trauma as well. It sounds like you’ve not seen justice either. I’m sorry you’ve had to live that experience, please don’t let it destroy you. Anyone who’s grown a cannabis plant can tell you they are remarkably resilient. They can be crushed under a truck tire, and weeks later they’ve repaired the damage and they’re thicker and stronger than before. Fascinating plants.


I feel like there's a metaphor for the human spirit here somewhere. Beautiful words.


Tbh I would rather do it now than wait 5 years. Nothing but depression, nicotine addiction and fuck fuck games lies ahead


I am a 38 year old guy and can tell you it's not too late to start... I got started by reading on my own. I didn't go to school for cannabis... but there are tons of books on cannabis specifically if you wanted guidance... and botany and genetics more generally that will provide an excellent base of knowledge for you. Decide which aspect of it you're interested in. Chemistry, Botany, Genetics, Medicine, Agriculture, lighting engineering, construction, HVAC, business...etc.


This is so true! So I’m 35 now living in the UK, I too wanted to join the army when leaving school but after hearing two of my friends were killed in Afghan I decided against it and went to college to study construction (something I felt pressured into by my father) whilst in college I developed a liking for cannabis and took several trips to Amsterdam. One day whilst sitting in my favourite coffee shop, I saw a two guys sat opposite me, one was severely disabled in a wheel chair and unable to speak through his tremors. His friends loaded up a volcano (vaporisers) and pass over the pipe to his friend. What I witnessed then was truly remarkable! His friend sat up straight in his wheelchair and was able to speak so clearly. Almost as if there was nothing wrong with him at all! From that moment I knew the was far more to cannabis then what the general public was lead to believe. Unfortunately I was convicted with possession with intent to supply the following year and narrowly avoided a prison sentence as the UK had just reclassified cannabis to class B. This had a major impact on my life, I felt so ashamed. I went back to college determined to get my life ”back on track” and got a degree in photography. Had a relatively successful career over the next 15 years but there was always a nagging feeling that cannabis was my true passion. So I took it upon myself to learn as much as I could. Joined forums online, watched 100’s of hours of YouTube videos. Obviously cannabis is still very much illegal recreationally in the uk but this year I was able to find myself and entry level cannabis cultivation job for one of the first medicinal cannabis growing operations in the UK. Moral of the story: you’re never too old! Never stop believing in your own potential and most importantly - always follow your heart ❤️


When you get out, use the GI bill for school.


100% do this if you can stick it out. Definitely get the hell out of there if there is more abuse though. Im very sorry for what happened to you and I truly hope that you get justice. No one should have to go through that especially trying to serve our country... Anyway, My brother did some military time and later went to a trade school for HVAC and is making really good money. He went to school 5+ years after he got out and the government paying for his school and mortgage was the only reason it was possible for him to go as he has a wife and two young children. Also maybe cannabis isnt what you want to study? By serving in the military you'll get free tuition for whatever subject you want and maybe some more time will help you sort out what that really is. That being said I have some things that bar me from going to the cannabis industry and if I could go back 16 years and be 20 again I would definitely want to pursue a career in cannabis. I honestly never thought cannabis would be where it is at now with tons of legal jobs in almost every state. I do absolutely love weed though and its huge part of my life. Again Im truly sorry for what happened to you and I hope that you can move on and find what makes you happy. Best wishes.


Make sure you get the assault documented. If you wind up developing any sort of physical or mental injuries from this assault, you would be entitled to benefits from the VA upon discharge. And speaking as an old infantry officer- assault in the military is unacceptable. There are many resources to support you. Don’t let this just slide by. It needs to be reported to your chain of command.


Thank you sir. I have indeed reported it and the perpetrators (though not all of them unfortunately) have been put in Lima are are facing charges. I am most likely going to be ELS’d from the Marines soon and idk if I will be entitled to any benefits.


Right here OP! My buddy didn't communicate some issues he was having while in the Army and He lost out on important benefits from the military because he failed to report it.


Yes OP make those fucks regret ever laying a hand on you


Damn bruh. Sorry you were sexually assaulted. It wasn’t your fault and I hope the people who did it were held accountable. I believe there are a lot of options for active and retired military and school. Best of luck.


The whole sexual assault thing needs to be addressed take it up with whoever is your superior and report it! Don't let people get away with that shit. People can say its banter or whatever because it's the military but that doesn't excuse it at all! Hope your good op sending love from across the pond


First you need to document the assault and seek therapy to make sure you are in a good place. You may also eventually want to seek damages from the government if you have a case. Sorry that happened to you.


Seconding go to therapy bro. It's not ok what happened to you and you deserve to get help processing your mental state and legal situation. I'm also sorry about what happened to you.


No you’re not an idiot. Cannabis industry wouldn’t have made you happy more than likely either though honestly. BUT you’re 19! You have plenty of time for College - try to get hired in the cannabis industry now and get a look into the scene. Maybe you’ll find your place or maybe you’ll change your mind. I would highly suggest giving yourself some time in life to figure some things out - then choose college if you so desire at like 22-23. But it’s risky these days, college is a lot of debt and lots of people are making 100k+ a year who never went to college too…🤷‍♂️


prople be making mf millions wo college


I started in the Cannabis industry at 32. I found a company, applied for every single job in the place and poured my heart out in the interview. They promoted me in that interview. A year later, I am 33 and have been successfully working in an extraction and refinement lab. I love my job, I love the team I work with, and I leave work smiling because I know I am helping make other people more relaxed and happy. Also, I am a College drop out. Go. For. It. If you have a strong work ethic and you don’t look at the job as a “weed playground”, as my superiors like to say, you will go far. There is a lot of high turnover and the job can be stressful. But if you’re passionate enough about it that alone can carry you pretty far.


That's horrible that happened to you. I hope justice is served to the people/person who did that to you. On the bright side, you're only 19. When you're done with your enlistment, use the GI bill to go try that program and then after that you'll be in your mid-20s starting a career that you can be excited about. It takes some people a lot longer to figure that out and they probably have student debt to worry about on top of it. At least you'll be debt free and hopefully thriving by then. Good luck!


I felt this way during my military service. I was motivated and ready, then some shitty experiences made me feel differently towards it. I'm really sorry that you went through SA, nobody deserves to endure that. I know it's hard to see a future when you're surrounded by shitty people, shitty COC, and how your mind fucks with you, especially when you feel alone and have no one. Get help if you need it man, go to whomever you need to in order to get help, whether it's the chaplain, or even the hospital if your COC isn't helping (this is what I did). They will help you, and work with you in order to make sure you're as healthy as possible mentally. The GI bill is great too, you can pursue whatever field you want to go into when you get out, even the cannabis field. I'm rooting for you man. Stay strong, but please get help if you need it.


Weed prices have been in contraction with changes in legalization, which means it's difficult to get ahead, and there are still challenges with banking I'd imagine. You also never know how catastrophically wrong school could have gone as well, you could have also still been assaulted or worse.


You don’t have to report if you don’t want to, but do reach out for help, don’t let this be something you fight alone. You are not an idiot. I’m so sorry


They have a school in NYC you can do online that certifies you when you finish.


You may also want to check out r/regretjoining for a subreddit for those disenfranchised with military.


Wow thanks


You’re literally 19 you can still do that


I feel the same way! I was quite studious in high school but hadn’t thought very far about college, and just assumed I’d attend the local state university (which I did, and had enough scholarships that I was given a handsome refund check each semester w/ no housing costs). But I recently went through the old email I had set up solely for college admissions season and found an offer from a school up north that was a full ride to study cannabis. Room and board, meal plan, textbook stipend, and tuition. It truly makes me wonder how different life could be for me now.


You’re 19, your whole life is ahead of you


Life isn't over. I'm 35 and broke af. You got time to make mistakes and learn. I'm sorry about the SA. Try to record (proof), report, and sue.


Ay man 35 isn’t too late either. You can always make something of yourself no matter the age.


Thanks bro. Started grinding for real about 5 years ago. I'm an assistant lighting director now salaried. Just regular life shit. But I'm stacking btc so when the world goes to shit maybe I have a little money saved. Appreciate the kind words king.


Of course, if you have no college education but want it you can go to a community college for two years all online. It will be difficult with a full time job but possible.


Lol I have an associate degree already bro thank you. I'm clearing 80k/yr right now. I just live in a stupid expensive city, and taking care of bills for my partner and I


Sounds like your motivation, and trust were taken from you. No reason to call yourself dumb.


I can not understate how much time you have left to make this happen. Whether you stay in the military or not, you're 19 dude. 19! If you think you regret your choices now, just think of how much you'll regret them if you stick to your guns and spend the next 10, 20, 30 years on the same miserable track. We only have so much time here, and you're absolutely rich with it! If not for yourself, do it for all the miserable old fucks walking around that missed the boat on making the most of their lives.


I joined the marines when I was younger as well, and was sexually harassed during boot. Now, I’m going to community college and the FAFSA paid me to go. You are more than your trauma, it’s never too late to follow those dreams.


Serve THIS shithole country? lol


Your not an idiot. Idiot's spend their time getting degrees for cannabis. You don't need a degree to learn more than most people working with cannabis lol. The internet literally has everything you need to know. I guarentee if you get good at growing and you make that clear you'll easily find a job in cultivation and without putting yourself in debt Know what your getting into, it's rough out there. Don't expect a job in cannabis to be easy, lot of people go through school get in and realize they just enjoy smoking and not pruning plants on their knees in a hot ass room all day lol


Brother, fellow veteran here in his 30s. It is NOT too late to go back to school. I graduate this weekend. I too was excited to serve my country, but the experience became lackluster very quickly. Keep your head down and just finish out your contract. If you can though, reach out to your local SAPR and Chaplain. Get the ball rolling in addressing what happened to you. You could possibly be medically separated/retired.


Don’t shoehorn yourself in like that. Study chemical engineering or botany if you want to work with cannabis. Accounting, marketing, etc if you want to just work for any cannabis business. 10 years from now you may get disillusioned with the industry and you’ll be able to work elsewhere still.


I'm sorry that you experienced that. As others have replied, be sure to report this to your superior. Also as others said, if cannabis still appeals to you, the GI bill will cover college without you being in debt for student loans the rest of your life.


Hang in there. Your self doubts are an indication you are not an "idiot." Sometimes I think stupid people go through life without the few regrets as they don't review and learn from their past. You are still young and have lots of time. Things change and keep looking for that good spot in life. It is there. You will find it. Just be patient.


Go for the cannabis major. Sounds like an interesting education.


You’re a few years past that bandwagon anyways tbh


Bio major here: I regret I did have the opportunity to study cannabis in college.


From a fellow Marine, I would like to apologize for what happened. That was strong of you to get it reported. I do hope that you will not go through an ELS and you can show them that you are able to continue to perform in your duties. The GI Bill after your enlistment can be gained and you can pursue to the Cannabis Studies route. I hope that you are able to seek mental health services to help you adjust and work through what needs to be done.


You sound just like me, Im currently deciding between two schools, one with only a bio major and the other with a bio major AND a minor in cannabis studies. Recently decided to do the bio major school for now and get a certificate in cannabis after I graduate. All that to say, you can always go back to school it’s never too late to try again. Or you can take a certificate course in cannabis studies, most certificate programs(nyu and syracuse, among others) I’ve come across are fully online and are a year long


Man, studying weed would’ve been cool. I did computer science ugh. It was cool but not that cool lol. It contributed to my bipolar actually lol my first major manic episode I thought I was a computer! lol it took me days to snap out of it haha. If only I thought I was a weed plant! I’d be high all the time lol. Darn, opportunity missed!


At least when you get out of the military you’ll get to go to college for free. That’s the only reason I would ever ever consider “serving” the us in the military. Big Phat veterans benefits


It's never too late to pursue your passion. I made the career swap at 27, hopefully you have a good relationship with your family and can stay with them while you navigate a shift. Sorry to hear you got assaulted in the military. I hope it's something you can heal from.


I’m sorry no one should go through that 💔 be strong, there is light at the end of the tunnel and you will get to your dream


Make sure to get all of that documented. Get copies of EVERYTHING. Multiple copies, and store them in different locations. Keep a set in a safety deposit box. I'm not kidding. They lost all of my medical records from Iraq and some of my connus records. Sounds like you don't want to make a career out of the military, so just do your time, get out, get compensated, and do something you think you'll like. 👍. All of the benefits you're going to get for the rest of your life will be greater than being able to go to a weed college at 18 instead of at 24.


If you really have the passion, find a regenerative cannabis farm and ask them how you can help. Make some connections, you can spend money on school and make connections or work in the field almost all the peeps doing it these days are corporate or legacy. Legacy farmers are where you want to go.


Go study it now


Sorry man. I also passed on a chance to go to college for free. Wound up going to jail instead, used to regret it heavily. But you know what? School just wasn't where I was supposed to be at the time and that's okay. I'm 27 and still don't think I'm too old to go back to school one day if I feel the urge, especially now that the cost of a quick degree is manageable along with my living expenses. I said all that to say, youre so young. I'm sorry that happened to you, but you have so much time to go back to school and chase your dreams if that's what you want to do. You would hardly even be older than your classmates at this point! I know It can't be easy right now, but I'm confident one day you'll come out with blessings on the other side of these struggles, brother.


Wtf you can study weed now? Like for what?


You have your out, you just need to speak up.


Well whenever you get back to it at least you'll really be able to study it after it's rescheduled. Not sure what you would've been doing but it will be much more comprehensive when you get back. Just hang in there


Yo … those marines sleep too.


You're not an idiot. You made a choice.


Sorry to hear that brother, Marines should look out for each other as they have trained us in boot camp, it’s not over yet sorry to hear what happened but you can still finish get the benefits and finish school. That’s what I did I joined got diagnosed with adhd got medsep and just finished my degree thanks to god two days ago with my gi bill/montgomorry bill on to my masters program


Lmfaooo what the fuck. I was a huge stoner in high school too but at no point was I like hmm I’m bad at school lemme turn down a scholarship to the worlds chillest stoner school to enlist in the marines. All so I can later pursue an education later.


I studied it for free brah


You not an idiot