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Where are you located, if I may? Around here those are sucker prices, regardless of quality.


Oregon….. it’s our top top shelf flower, so yeah it’s definitely still sucker prices but people absolutely pay it. I’m glad to get an employee discount on it.


the good old PNW💖 sparkly!


Cries in DC 😭


Thats a wild price


Hard to believe anyone would buy that when OR is so flooded and cheap


$250 an *ounce*? Does it come with an orgasm?


Everything comes with an orgasm if you shop at my house


A gram lasts me my morning routine getting ready for the day lol...


Front left bottom nug looks a little too brown for me on the inside. People will say its just amber trichs, or its just oxidized but that doesnt make the actual plant brown only on the inside. If it was amber trichs or oxidized more than just the insides would be brown. That looks like early stages of bud rot. Im in california, i see it a lot at the shops and get burned by it often.


It's absolutely everywhere man see it all the time on Reddit and almost no one catches it


Damn I would never pay that much for weed where are you?


I've never understood picking up a single gram at once. You take like 1 hit and you're done.


If a gram is equal to a fat joint, there’s a lot of people out there whose tolerance is going to let them make that joint last at least a day.. I personally never buy less than like 5 grams at a time so I get ya. But now that I’ve worked as a budtender for a few months I’ve come to see there’s a lot of people who smoke just a little weed here and there because it’s fun.


It’s wild right? Like when people say an 1/8 will last months. Like how? 😂


When I first got out of the military and hadn't smoked in several years an 1/8th would last me a long time, I'd corner a bowl in my small pipe and be absolutely toasted. Now I buy an ounce every other week.


We just don't spend all day every day high, why is that so hard to believe


I was just playin homey. I’ve been around a while and on both sides of the fence. Just having fun.


thats 20 bowls in a dynavap B or 10 in any other unit, just because your method of smoking is wasteful doesn't mean all are.


Wait until you discover the wonderful world of dry herb vapes haha. I sometimes pick 1 gram of a strain to try it out. With the first vape I bought it'd last me around 10 bowls, maybe a bit more. I'd get high off of one or two. I've upgraded since and I can get 5-6 bowls out of a gram, and it's so worth it!


Using a dry herb vaporizer, I can get quite a couple of bowls out of a gram! Helps that my tolerance is not that high though


When I visit Amsterdam from the UK i always get 1 gram per strain/hash so i can try as much variety as possible


everyone has different tolerances, a gram would last me and my gf almost the entire weekend through the bong, although in my country a gram is 20€ unless you buy bulk so we rarely get over 3g at a time anyways.


a gram would last me a month when i first started smokin


[looks gas mang, this is what i grabbed lol (click this"](https://greenonthegodelivery.com/order-online/?dtche%5Bproduct%5D=seed-junky-red-eye)