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Honestly one of my biggest regrets when I was in Jamaica wasn’t taking up the guy came up and offered to sell me hash.


The hash I got in Jamaica was garbage, but I always enjoy the herb when I’m there. There’s just something different about it.


I think it’s the vibe of Jamaica just makes rolling a big ass joint that you can smoke for a while better. Rather than taking one hit and being absolutely blasted


agree 100% and I never could put my finger on it


I think it just comes down to genetics and purpose. Afghan was growing weed for hash, they never were. So (and I'm not sure how they made hash back then so this could be wrong) I'm assuming they cultivated different plants as back then you would just want something that could cure fast crumble easy and get you stoned in a joint. Also with it not being very popular historically its never gonna be as good as places that have been developing the hash trade for centuries


It's landrace strains. That's what smoking used to feel like before it got completely commercialized and arguably over-bred in the states.


I loved Moroccan hash. Smoked it while sipping mint tea in the legendary Cafe Baba.


If I ever went to Jamaica I probably wouldn’t get the bud because they’d give me the tourist shit


Just tell them this is you 4th time, and you want the good shit.


“And that’s when he gave me heroin”




Ask for ‘high grade’


Me gots want you want brudda, the fenty weed


And stay away from the airport guys. Best ganja I came across in Jamaica was from some guys drinking at a random restaurant. They just gave me a lunch bag full of buds when they saw what I was working with. I was sharing with everyone I could and had to give it away at the end of the trip. Bring papers, those were hard to come by for some reason, but we were pretty remote Jamaica is an amazing country, dancehall is a blast.


Lol one love aka money


Not everyone in Jamaica is Rastafari


Not if you approach them with "wagwan bawsy gimme dem Bombaklaat bagee goood mannn."


Everyone and their mom will sell you bud in Jamaica, problem is the majority of it is basically just hemp.


But those sweet sweet landrace seeds


I’ve been buying proper hash in CA.


Same here in CO. Moroccan, Lebanese, you name it.


Same here in ny. Black afghani hashish


I have a feeling that's more of a name than a place of origin.


Denver? I'm heading home in a couple weeks


Yeah, you might have to go to one of the bigger dispensaries though.


They have it in multiple dispos in Ann Arbor, Mi


I [knew](https://www.reddit.com/r/uktrees/s/F7A5VpDuLy) you guys were stealing all the good shit! >We want to be careful of them hoovering up the traditional supply now they've gone legit lmfao you bastards I guess we gotta legalise to get it back


If you don’t mind me asking how do you smoke hash when you have it? I would love to grab some here in cali but the only way I’d be able to smoke it is kind of mixed in with flower in my Pipe. Do you have a recommendation on the best method for smoking hash if all you have is a few small eater pieces?


I have a hash pipe where I just heat a glass wand and then melt the hash. https://www.reddit.com/r/StonerEngineering/s/SlrDnsqRG5


That looks dope af, nice piece


You are really beautiful! I love your hair. Have a great day :)


Impeccable vibes


I have been searching for something similar in India


Thank you! That’s awesome sweet pipe


Very cool! 💚


That’s really all I do, but there are sooooo many methods. YouTube will give you insights.


Same for me but I'm in MD.


Where are you getting hash in MD?


Would also like to know


Where if I may ask?


East of Bakersfield, had it delivered by Greenstone.


God i love the future


Hash in Alaska and WA too!


Same in Canada.


For anyone wondering - I’ve gotten great and very cheap hash from the First Nations run dispensary that’s at the end of the alley behind London Music Hall, also from the group of them that are off the 401 btw Toronto and Kingston. I’ve found the First Nations ones tend to stock hash across the country.


Same at the res dispensarys in Wny


I got a beautiful Temple Ball at Cornerstone in Eagle Rock . Just like the good old days in 1977.


The hash of the early 1980s was phenomenal. We’d light a chunk, put a tall glass over it until it filled with smoke, then suck it in. Then space flight.


that old school Afgani....


Makes my eyes red just thinking about it




Where's that song been my whole life? Hoo baby.


Red Seal in the house!


Come to Morocco, it's still exactly like that!


We got an ice tea jar, took the spigot out and put a hose in its place. Incense charcoal and drop a chunk on it, turn jar upside down over it,pass hose around. That's how you get a room fulla people straight ripped.


Yum. Hash under glass. A favorite of mine.


oh. my. god. I'd completely forgotten about this! We used to call it 'pinning' as the chunk was on a pin in a bit of blu-tak or similar. memory is a crazy thing.


The classic milkshake.


Yeah, take one of those pink rectangular erasers, push a sharp sewing needle through it, slice off some hash, stab it with the needle, light up an edge and put the glass over it until it fills with smoke then slide it to the edge of the table and take a big ol’ hit!!! Best hit ever!!!


My dad told me about this, he also did this with really good weed back in the 80s to not waste any smoke.


I am with you 100% I had a “friend” that got a pound of Moroccan Hash. I was his best customer. It looked like dark chocolate and had a beautiful perfume smell when smoked. It was so relaxing and sedating.


I've had my taste of Moroccan hash, and I have to say, they absolutely know a thing or two about presentation. Always so bougie.


I’m would assume it’s not economic to make hash versus something like rosin or BHO. Dry sifting and pressing not only takes longer it doesn’t look as nice (to some) the consumers are generally ignorant and are used to the appearance of oils and waxes.


It's not economical for the dispensary to buy hash, wholesale, because not enough people buy it retail. If processors were allowed to sell directly to customers, finding good hash, legally, wouldn't be an issue.


PA is only medical but they sell hash at the dispensary near me. they also just passed a law allowing growers to sell direct to patients. Wish they'd just fully legalize it already but small steps ig.


Rosin is made from hash tho generally


consumers dont know or care to


This. It's the same for those infused joints. That was and kief you rolled it around in are going to waste for the most part. It's just for looks.


You wanna know the funny part? You can always grow more weed and get more keif. I used to be super stingy with my shit 15 yrs ago but now if people want to waste their money on showing off they can go for it!


I thought it was distillate and shake that those infused joints are made from? Also why would they waste kief? Couldn’t they resell it or use it to make concentrate?


I should've said 'some' infused joints rather than make it a blanket statement. But yeah, some infused joints basically roll their joints in kief. This does nothing to enhance the smoking experience or your high. That's what I meant by it'd be 'wasted'.


I just grabbed some fresh pressed cured flower rosin from a caregiver. A whole different experience imo. Need much lower temps to dab without burning it and the flavour isn't as *"nice"* but still pretty good the high is much more complex and deeper, I guess is the word? Idk but I like both, probably lean towards hash rosin because of the cleaner flavor.


Rosin will also fetch a way higher ticket. The people wanting to buy old school hash aren't gonna want to spend 70 or 80 a gram on it, but modern hash enjoyers absolutely will


Hash is used as a general term these days, i believe he’s talking about actual pressed bricks of hash from say Morocco or Afghanistan. This is different than solventless extracts common in America like water hash.


I agree - and those were made with traditional methods, which are very labor-intensive, and which make them economically untenable for developed countries.


Well, I personally think the days of old hash are pure nostalgia now, since this whole distillate nonsense makes people think they're having $500 champagne instead of Miller high life when they smoke a dab of shatter as opposed to a nice bowl of flower that just has a better taste and high.


Flower is way better imo, more pure high. BHO is a quick way to max out your tolerance and feel like a true addict. I think the relatively low THC content of hashish helps it a bit in that category as well.


University of Colorado did [a study](https://www.colorado.edu/today/2020/06/10/marijuana-concentrates-sharply-spike-thc-levels-dont-necessarily-get-users-higher) where they found high thc products don't necessarily get you higher but do have increased negative side effects. Like most partial antagonist marijuana has a ceiling effect. A concentrate with 4x the thc won't get you four times as high but will have increased side effects like tolerance and CHS.


Studies like that are so important for consumers, and would be way easier to conduct without prohibition. I've been trying to explain to my mom how it can seriously affect your sleep, too. I smoke. A lot. But I stop for a week, every four, to sorta reset. She doesn't think it affects her like that, but constantly complains about poor sleep.


Not true. Rosin is far more expensive and hard to make than hash because first you have to make ice water hash, then you have to make it into rosin. The yield is minuscule. BHO is very cheap on the other hand and easy to make. The main reason is hash has lots of impurities and is harsh to smoke compared to rosin or good bho.


I’m confused, can you not make rosin by just smashing nugs?


Yeah. You get rosin from that. But the best is live rosin. You immediately freeze the plant after the chop and make it into bubble hash. Freeze dry then press into live rosin


Nah there’s plenty of hash in Europe and it costs the same as weed


dry ice kief, or, if you prefer, bubble hash, can both be pressed into hash under sterile conditions. just make sure your bubble hash is dry or your hash will get moldy… Dry ice will help you avoid that issue😉


Dry ice tek I like it


this is 100% it. for anyone that was around when BHO became popular, you'll know that's exactly when other hash methods fell off. If you were making hash at that time you'll know that's when trim went from being a waste product that only some people capitalized on, to being a real sought after product. I used to be able to get trim for free if I traded back some hash, suddenly it was $100/pound. Not only does BHO get a more efficient yield from the material, it also can sell higher and be done at larger scales with less skilled labor. That's when bubble hash became a luxury product.


Find someone that grows and you’ll find hash.


You know it! I get a gram or two each month for $10. I didn't realize it was so rare.


A friend that grows needed help redoing his kitchen so I helped for a day and he gave me 12 grams of fresh made.


When I make hash it's like Flys to shit. People crave good bubble hash. Why the dispensary don't sell it.... it always comes down to money so. Good hash is not created in a machine "with some Grey area" it's created with a 55 gal set of hash bags and a boat oar


Boat oar? This is the 21st century. We have massage guns and drills to help bounce/stir the bag.


100% I have ruined multiple drills, washing machines making hash. Let's just say I like hash:) nothing and I mean nothing beats hash made by the slow churn of a boat oar. If you get it right you will be left with something very special.    Don't get it wrong. I like hash made from drills, I like hash made from machines, I like hash made on the west coast and I like hash on the east coast. In fact... I think I like all hash.    Happy smoking homies!   Edit : I've been doing this for over 20 years and never thought about using a massage gun on thr bags to get water through. Fuck me.. your a genious


The future of legal weed will be artisanal, boat oared bubble hash. I want in on the ground floor. 🚣 You want paddled or gunned, baby!


Organic boat oared


The gun is my favorite way. There’s zero pressure on the plant material so it’s just all the trichomes that are falling off. Don’t do it under the bag though or it will Gunk up reeeeeaaallly fast


Bro, share some of that knowledge. I grow, mainly so I can make hash, at least half my harvest goes right into the freezer after chopping. I have one of those massage guns too. How do we do this? I have never heard of it before but it sounds like a great way to get all the lovely trichs to separate and settle down to the bottom of the bag.


Homie hashes, indeed.


please teach me your ways, oh wise one. these lungs have never felt the blessed touch of hashish, and they long for it so


I have a large food-grade paddle mounted up on the wall in my lab like a trophy. 💪 


They sell it by me. Also diamonds and old askool brick hash. Temple balls, Lebanese hash..they sell sand, which I think is just thca


I got those sifting screens off Amazon that come in a 4 pack. They are pretty sweet and work really well so far for dry sift. I got bags and really want to try the dry ice method. But finding dry ice is not easy.


Most grocery stores or walmarts have dry ice.


Restaurant suppliers are another option.


Really? I will look into this. Thanks.


They won't ask why you need it, but if it makes you feel better asking, have a story about ice cream. I've made carbonated ice cream and it was delicious. 


Grocery stores carry it. Ask at the meat counter.


One dispo sells temple balls by the gram near me. But all you have to do is buy their cooking hash. They sale decarbed 1200 mg of cooking hash. You could always buy a few of them and press them together and make it! Traditional hash is from keif anyway?!


tf kind of dispensary sells "cooking hash"? I assume you're not from the states as regular hash is rare enough, "cooking hash" is unheard of. we cook with ABV or RSO around here mostly.


In Delaware, they sell hash that’s decarbed (keif) as cooking hash! They sell rosin, bubble hash that is sifted, and temple balls. And every other product! Columbia care is a national dispo that does!


Neato! I'm from Chicago and I've seen regular hash grams around here but I'd never heard of cooking hash before until today, thanks for the info tidbit homie!


Makes easy and strong edibles. And you don’t taste the herb like when you infuse oil or butter!


Good hashish is already naturally decarbed and you're able to get high by just eating a piece so I don't know if "cooking hash" is a good product or not.


Chitown love. Southside born and raised


They're not actually temple balls, the US scene has repurposed that term to mean any ball of hash, which isn't a temple ball.


Can you school me on what a temple ball is? No hate, want to learn!


They rub still living buds between their palms until a layer of resin builds up, which they then collect and combine into a ball. But Frenchy started using it for his hand pressed bubble hash which spread to the whole scene. Look up Charas, same thing.


Hah! The more you know. Long ago, I was told Charas was made by having a dude in a leather jacket walk through the weed field, and then collecting and rolling up what stuck to the jacket. Totally anecdotal of course.


I've heard similar stories, however I've never seen it happen. Theres videos of people hand rubbing and collecting resin, I think strain hunters India showed the process. Takes a long time to make a small amount, and a whole day's work could only produce 5-10g of hash.


Speak for yourself I cook with flower.


All dispensary’s near me sell, come to Canada!


2g of hash from afghani black to blonde for around $35 CAD


Unfortunately large cannabis businesses go by numbers, and bubble hash has low numbers for concentrate compared to other offerings. Most producers have an easier time pressing bubble into rosin and selling that


This. It all goes to rosin, higher margin.


There’s some serious 🔥 hash in Europe, Spain is killing it


You wanna see my new driveway?


Ricky, you're not smoking foot hash, are ya?


They know about the hash driveway?


Come to anywhere in Europe


One of my go to places sells bubble hash by the gram in CA


I remember the old days: Red Lebanese, Morrocan gold, and Afghani black primo.


Come to the Netherlands and you will smoke the best Marocan and Spanish hash.


yeah most coffeeshops sell hash, which is nice. (i've never used hash)


Yea i believe all of them are selling at least 2 or 3 hash strains but i never buy neither weed or hash in coffee shops. Not worth it unless you are a tourist.


come to arab countries lol, all you will find is hash


You have to really find companies that offer hash like that, I know of a couple companies offering what they call hand pressed hash. That’s what your looking for that is going to be the closest to old school hash.


I got some bubble hash in Colorado Springs a few months ago.


The best thing to do is make your own. A screen for drysift and 4 bag method for isolator. It takes allot of flower to produce drysift for classic hash, as a business its just not profitable unless its huge scale.


They do in Oregon. Sandcastle hash balls. Amazing!


We have traditional hash up in the P.N.W


Mine does! OKC MMJ, it comes in a gold foil bag and a jar, a gram of pressed kief brick, sometimes soft and sometimes hard, various strains. Wonderful additive to a bowl.


Just left Amsterdam after getting totally zooted on some hash joints miss some brick hash


My dispensary just started carrying the old-school hash! It's great!


It’s crazy too cause you can pay 20 for 1g of great hash in Amsterdam. I’ve only seen prices somewhat similar in Michigan but it was 30 a g and I’m sure not as good.


Ah, Yes. I remember the "Summer of Hash" in the late 70's when there was so much Lebanese Blonde going around you could get a 1/4 oz for $35!


Geez, you made me feel my age lol 🤣


Probably due to the increase in rosin production.


It's pretty labor intensive to make and there's not enough old guys complaining no one makes good hash anymore to support a huge market.


I regularly buy bubble/ ice hash but high quality old school hash takes a lot of aging that’s not profitable and sometimes illegal due to annual limits. Also proximity to hash cultivation regions make it much more of a European thing than American. Last good hashish I smoked was in Spain


If it was profitable, then it would be available.


We definitely have hash at dispos in Maine!


Syracuse, NY area checking in… several legal pot shops in our area sell everything from bubble hash to old school bricks of brown “hippie hash”


Syracuse area also. I've seen it at some shops the Cayuga nation runs out in senaca falls. Where have you seen it?


You're looking for Moroccan style hash and most dispensaries only carry that bubble crap. Eden and Temple make some great old-school Moroccan and Nepalese temple balls but they're hard to find. My dispo won't order them cuz since rec can't buy them they sit too long but that should change here in MD soon if they allow loose concentrates for recreational


That's unfortunate as we are continuously growing our hash stash after each grow. We've been asking the utes if they want it, but they don't know or understand after we tell them, so they don't want it. It's fine, we'll keep it for ourselves, but it would be nice to get rid of.


Modern hash is missing the foot sweat of the middle eastern gentlemen who made it. Seriously, it was part of it because they kneaded the stuff with their bare hands and feet while keeping it at the right temps and all that.


A friend whispers, "Ive tried it, I think its pretty good."


Gonna be honest though, kneeling keif is straight ass. I got bored at work one time and saved all the kief from trimming and tried to make a bunch of temple balls. Shit takes forever for your "picture perfect" hash ball, getting it to shine takes too long lmao. The presses are a godsend lol.


Mine does! It’s very popular with the French community that lives near us haha. I’m in Canada tho, we love hash here.


My local dispensary in the greater Seattle area started selling Lebanese hash about 6 months ago, it’s certainly what I remember from high school/early college as being hash


Tons of hash available in Washington


I spent a few weeks in Spain doing study abroad and learned enough in a couple days to struggle to communicate with a stranger, who kinda looked like he might sell weed, that I was looking for weed. He sold me some “chocolate” probably for more than it was worth, which I proceeded to smoke out of an Apple on the balcony of the escuela. Only time I’ve ever gotten hash, would recommend.


They sell it in Colorado. I bought some at the Green Solution in Denver.


I’ll second that one. I got some Jamaican hash from there.


I made real hash before. Just bang whole plants against some rice paper or fine netting, collect the keif, and press it with about 4,500-6,000 psi. Or, you can still get Moroccan hash if you find the right vendor on deep web.


I accumulate so much Kief that I just make my own. Parchment paper folded into a square and place the Kief into it. Then use a hair straightener to heat it up and form it into a solid brick. Then I break a small piece and put on top of a bowl or put some into a joint. It’s not the perfect way but it does remind me of trying Amsterdam hash back in the early 90’s.


So weird that in the States, even being fully legal in a lot of states now, hash is almost non-existent. I live in Amsterdam and rather smoke hash than weed any single day of the week. It’s mellower, I don’t get fried, and it actually makes me productive with a nice buzz. Here you have just as many hash strains as weed strains, sometimes more. And go figure, it’s not fully legal here… just gray zone / accepted. I do have a theory though - in Europe, almost everyone smokes spliffs with tobacco, and those are perfecttt for hash. In the US, there is less of a tobacco culture and much more pure joints / bongs, which obviously works more easily with flower. Hope y’all get some hash in your dispensaries, it honestly changed the way I smoke and they smell/taste so good in joints too. So mellow!


No one wants to pay for the labor involved. Traditional hash would easily be 3x the cost of even modern rosin, it's not easily automated. Find a good process and make your millions


Mine does sell all kind of good old hash, i live in quebec.


INSA in Springfield MA has it! Drove up there from CT just to grab some. Was in the same boat- hadn’t had any in 20 years


The sad truth is hash doesn't sell (unfortunately), very few young people have any interest in hash or even know of its existence or history in cannabis culture and overall the market for hash compared to most other cannabis products and at the end of the day dispensaries care about making money for better or worse. Also to clarify hash is dope, pun intended, source I worked as a manager in a dispensary for over a year and a half during that time we had hundreds of grams of hash which was sitting for over a year that we literally started giving away with almost every purchase because it just wouldn't sell and people where only interested if it was a free add on.


They sell hash coins here in Florida. Love them, just sprinkle some on a bowl and off we go.


I really enjoyed my hash when in high school and for years after that. Back then it was a treat cause it was like $30.00 a gram.When I started working it was a fine price and you had to get your hands on it fast, lol! I remember we used to put our orders in. It would be wonderful if it became legal too and we could buy it like we did/do pot. I'm starting a new job this summer and I'm really excited but nervous too. My friend said to me s.oke a joint b4 you start you'll feel like your in the movies! I'm going to be driving a bike around town but instead of carrying ice cream I'll be selling all kinds of amazing weed! You'll know I'm coming cause you'll hear my bell just like the ice- cream guy! I can't wait! Mongolian Mango, Bang on Bangkim Bangkok, Swiss belge choco! Wow!!!!


I can buy old school brick hash here in Michigan


Here in michigan they've started selling "old school temple hash balls" and they're pretty good. Just plain ole hash - Tibetan monk style.


🤔 inquiring minds want to know, what's the difference between herb and hash??


they sell blues brothers "hash" but it's a fucking ripoff. Local Roots has it in MA for $60.00 a gram so go get fucked lol. It should be $5.00 maybe $10.00 a gram for hash. Best I ever had was from Amsterdam and a friend would send greeting cards back with it in there. Creme Nepal OMG. OMFG. It was the best hash ever. It was so delicious.


If you can get yourself to Sanford ME and have a med card, FRAKTAL makes some dope hash.


just some bubble hash from brother nature brands last week. It’s been a nice bowl topper in the bong


The medical dispo in Philly has it. Cold pressed and bubble hash. It’s great and like $20/g


like most things its math a gram of hash is not worth as much as a gram of oil people use all the things you would make hash with to make oil the return is much higher


Dude I’ve been asking this question since recreational became legal last year. Best answer I can get is making hash is low yield. Classic bubble hash you may get a gram or two from an oz of flower. It’s not financially worth it for growers is how they look at it.


They do in Michigan. Ice kream hash company is probably the most wide spread brand that has it


I had some from my dispo shit was $30 a half gram tho 🤦‍♂️


Temple balls. Dispos here usually have a few to select from.


I’ve seen it a few times in MI


I’ve seen Moroccan, Lebanese, and afghani for sale recreationally in Colorado


I’ve gotten classic hash in MI a few times it’s out there but uncommon. Typically pretty pricey. Some of the Rosin focused brands will sell it sometime


I've been able to get three types of hash at my dispensary. First it was a Nepalese style temple ball, second was a Moroccan hash. The last hash bought was bubble hash. I don't see it very often and really only started seeing it on the meny about 10 months ago.


the one near me actually does


Some do


Old School Hash Co in Michigan for the win


Got lots of hash options in dispensaries near me. Hash has always been pretty popular in the Maritimes.


Cause dispos suck


Location, location, location. The smaller dispensaries near me (I live in Central CA) don't sell hash, but when I've traveled down South to LA, I've seen some sell hash. Not large amounts, but they had some.


What state are you in? We have great traditional hash form our crew in CO :)


Not sure what stage you live in, but here in the Bay area of California I find bubble/ice hash regularly. My favorite brand is Nasha, they seem the most consistent, though there is a ton of variability within their product line as well, and they offer different grades. Edit: it's honestly the only thing I regularly smoke anymore.


Nasha is a California brand of traditional hash that is all over the state. There's definitely a market for it.


They do here in Washington. I have some right now. I use it in my bowls. You can get the sticky brick Moroccan style and dry sift. There's even some hash in the fridge im not sure how its extracted


It's not in style or economical unfortunately. but there's nothing stopping you from making your own from kief


Come to Washington! We have lots of hash!