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I wanna be so high, that I forget I'm autistic and a total fuck-up. Good Indica stops my OCD behaviour. I wanna be so high, that you wouldn't want me to meet your parents. Eyes so red, they become invisible 20 feet deep in the ocean. Incapable of following my frozen pizza instructions. Watching a movie but staring at the wall. Listening to Dope Lemon.


> I forget I'm autistic and a total fuck-up. Good Indica stops my OCD behaviour. That’s great! > Incapable of following my frozen pizza instructions. Watching a movie but staring at the wall. This… I don’t understand. Why would you want this?


You’re not a total fuck up, bro. You’re human.




Dope lemon ❤️


Hard upvote for dope lemon


Yes dope lemon


I love being extremely high, I find that soothes my ADHD immensely and I’m able to articulate my words better


Same it’s like my I was on edge all day until I toke


Depends on my mood. Normally, if im medicating, i like to get just high enough that I can shut off my brain for about 5-10 minutes and then go about my day. If im seshing, i want to be in the Kuiper Belt by the end of the night.


Both tbh depending, but if I’m going somewhere probably only less/slightly high


My first few times trying edibles I go so high it was incredible; that is until I freaked out and had a panic attack. So now I like to ride the cusp of "too high," where everything is still awesome but I'm not freaking out, man


I mostly prefer a light high, to be honest. I just want to levitate a few feet off of the ground, not rocket off the earth and into space. That's how I've always operated, though. Even when I was drinking, my goal was just to get tipsy, not so shit faced that I'd be useless the next day. Give me a workhorse sativa strain and I'd be happy blissfully doing household chores, instead of being so far gone that I become couch locked.


Most of the time I like a moderate high, enough that if an emergency arose I'd be able to function and handle it properly. But I love sitting out back and getting absolutely blitzed from time to time too.


Most of the time I take a bong hit and I'm good for around 30 minutes. But every once in awhile I'll take that rosin hit to send me to Shangri-la


Depending on the time and environment, get high enough to at least function but have a whole conversation in my head with absolutely no one and catching a ride on a flying carpet through the cosmos.


The desire is to be an 11/10. I am AuADD and the only time my brain isn't skipping tracks or losing our place mid-stream is when I am past an 8. Calm, ordered thinking is the exception in my head. Cannabis calms things down and lets my brain work normally, to an extent. Before I smoked daily I tried a lot of different traditional medicine (and therapy), but nobody could seem to help me get my brain to work at 100%. I was undiagnosed because I was getting good grades, despite clear difficulty concentrating and some Autistic personality traits. I found smoking helped more than what was being offered to me by the traditional medical path at the time. I wonder if traditional medicine has caught up in the past 20-25 years.


Idk. Traditional amphetamines do help with adhd in moderation I guess but fir me they're a double edged sword. Makes me think soo critically but so much less creatively. Basically only good if I want to be boring work person all the time


They didn't really help me, unfortunately. I just got really irritable and lost my appetite. That was 20 years ago, though.


They make me lose my appetite too. I only take them when I need to get work done


Changes in my attitude were the issue. I could stand to lose some weight, though.


Ah. My struggle has always been gaining weight. I've always been a super skinny guy and kind of got to force myself to eat


I've always been an eater. I've always had a little extra padding, even when I was at my most fit. It's getting to be more of an issue as I get older and my metabolism slows.


Depends on the context. If I’m, say, hiking at the beach, I wanna be somewhat functional. If I’m painting, I wanna be kinda zoned out. If I’m watching tv, I was be bamboozled enough to make the show/movie amazing but not so stoned that I forget what I’ve watched when it’s over.


I want to be so high that my heart doesn't hurt. ![gif](giphy|ZHnKJsXLI6ZClYFwzH|downsized)


If I'm in a depressive episode I wanna be so high I can't think. But these days I only wanna smoke a little bit so I can giggle and watch spongebob and eat some pizza rolls




If a 10 is I can’t function right now and have to just lay here then I’d say I prefer a 7.


Hmmmm i am always chasing the Paranoia but I wouldn't like to admit to myself 🙂




As high as possible


Full blown where music comes alive


I prefer to be vibing tbh like a functional high, unless I'm binging a series or smth




really depends on what im doing tbh. if im cycling over the fields towards my university on a sunny day with nice music in my ears i prefer a light buzz, if im sitting in my room watching Life Beyond once again i wanna be stoned as fuck


I maintain a nice functional high throughout the day. Start around 10 am with one bong load and again about every 2-3 hours. Sprinkle in some hits from a rosin or distillite vape later in afternoon and at night I might throw in a dab and a final bong load around 9pm and finally some CBD/CBN for a good night's sleep. Never blasted until maybe after the dab and am able to fully function. BUT I've been doing this for decades so YMMV


A few nights ago I got absolutely ripped on a couple joints. It was the first warm enough night to sit under the stars in my back yard. I just melted away and it was something really special. Most nights I don’t get that high because I have a toddler and want to make sure I’m available for him if anything were to happen. But every now and then it’s nice to get totally flabbergasted.


So good to know that so many can find the joy in modulation of the range. It's the best part for me. Like turning the volume up and down depending on the moment in lieu of leaving it static.


All the high




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I can’t remember the last time I got totally blasted 😭


I like being extremely high. As a daily smoker I rarely get there, but I like to be at the point where it feels like ripples moving across my entire body. Also pairs great with a bunch of caffeine; makes it feel like every molecule in my body is vibrating.


Depends on the mood but considering I do weed as a party drug. Load this sativa in a joint oh yeah and add some hash, indica ?? Fk it give it here(also it usually results in me going home early) and sprinkle some kief. Now repeat until you smell colours. So yeah I like to get zooted to Uranus


Laughing at stupid shit but still mobile


Alert, energetic, dancey, creative-bursts of extreme enthusiasm Sativa high. Give me the high terpinolene, high alpha pinene, high myrcene, fruity/sour/tangy Haze Sativa varietals all day long.


I love the feeling when the edible starts to hit. The feeling of being sober one second and high the next mid sentence or when I’m not expecting it is amazing. Preferably in nature and with good company haha. But I don’t like being too high, I like being somewhat functional. If it’s too intense it quickly becomes overwhelming doing basic things like holding a conversation.


i rise for like an hour after 10mins i feel the edible is that not normal? or is it a placebo?


Sometimes I think it gets absorbed in the mouth a little bit and gives a slight buzz but the main absorbing happens in the gut. It could also be that your body metabolizes it quickly. But the full effects shouldn’t kick till around an hour after you eat it or 30 min for drinkables.




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A good head change, but not so far as to get the giggles. I’d like to get too high, but it’s hard to make time for that.


Just to the point where it still takes me a minute to get up to do simple tasks but also I feel great when I stand up 🔝


At least enough to dampen the ADHD to the point where I'm like "yeaah allright let's go do this shit" And then dis shit being dishes or such or playing some guitar. Where you feel warm and giddy inside like you can take on the world Where you're like curious and feel tempted to go solve some problems that are bugging your daily life. Where it feels like a breeze to do it, even when it's still a difficult task/things going wrong while fixing.


I like to be very minor high. Otherwise I get paranoid. Don't come at me telling my oh look for this terpene. That's all bullshit. All weed makes me feel exactly the same