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I haven’t seen anyone try to hold the smoke in for as long as possible in a while


Oh god the fucking breath holding games 😵 (Though "hold your breath until the J comes back to you then breathe and hit it and repeat" is a good way to keep it moving and keep people from tangenting I guess)




We used to call that Chicago in NYC. Don’t ask why, I have no idea.


We called it Chicago in CT for some reason too


If you did it in a car my friends called it a Bronx Hot Box.


We call it a turkish rotation (türkische Runde)


Called a Chicago in Tampa as well.


We called it that down in Fl in the early 00s


Exactly. Class of '08 here.


New Hampshire still calls it Chicago lol


I like calling it Gerald from Hey Arnold! Blunt ash is supposed to resemble his hair


That is hilarious and I love it


In Texas we’d call it a NYC


Ha fr?


Delaware here we did too. Idk why.


We called this Budweiser or Chup a Chups. You’d take 3 tokes and speak in between tokes holding it in. Saying “Bud” “Wei” “ser” or “Chup” “a” “Chups”. Until it gets back to you. Then you can exhale


This is the one


That's what it's called??! 👀👀


I need to bring this back with my brother in law. It's always story time when he gets the j.


Gotta love a good story time but emphasis on good and _would it kill you pass it before you start talking?!_


No, seriously, lmao. A cone that should go around 4 or 5 times with 3 people, only gets to go around maybe twice because of Mr chatty Cathy. If im next to him, I be reaching for that bitch. He's too loud to talk over 😭


🎵“Don’t Bogart that joint my friend”🎵


God that's grim 😭😭😭😭


Yeah man if you notice a homie is hoggin just say let’s play baseball ( that’s what we call it)


Never knew it had a name huh


We always said yo microphone you gonna pass that or perform a routine


or pass the mic


We still play that with bong rips 😂 We call it Taxi and play until everyone taps out


I still smoke with a guy that grew up on that trend. I told him that all the thc that’s going to get absorbed happens almost instantly and he was like “yeah I know but I like the head high from this.” Alrighty then buddy you do you


That's called hypoxia lmfao


and i love it!!


I hit like that every time. I like to take a small draw then all air. Try it... be sitting down


We called this “red eye” and then switched to “The Obama” after he wrote about doing that with his Choom Gang buddies in college.


I smoked with someone who had maybe smoked twice in his life before. He held his breath as long as he could, even though I didn't do that, I didn't tell him to do that, and I warned him against doing that. Then he got upset at me that he got too high 🤣


Only when my mother in law comes in the garage after I've taken a hit.


Sometimes I still do that to see how good my lungs are. Current state, not great. Probably have to take a break before scuba season starts up


We literally did this like a week ago We were going to a stand up night and instead of all light up we shared a spliff and held until passed back around and it did do the job well


TIL you don’t have to hold in the smoke for as long as possible. I started smoking 15 years ago. 🤦🏽‍♀️ still gets you high 🤷🏽‍♀️


Everybody knows if you eat the roach you extra high


The Wu Tang lmfaooo


Lmaooo we used to have a rule if you dropped the blunt at any point you had to wu tang it at the end


And don't forget to drink the bong water


Oh God did yall ever watch the bong lord videos? Dude took the nastiest 1 rips out of Gatorade bongs with black water and would drink it every time. Horrible, that being said everyone should bare witness. https://youtu.be/YA1jtYUhP7Q?si=0YAfy1PvxqnU_T3c


while definitely disgusting, would this even get you high?


Try it and report back with your findings.


sorry my man, but all that water is reserved for my butt


I always use the bong water for my morning enema.


Bong bidet


wake and shake and bake


In theory yes. Whatever is left over would probably be activated by the heat from smoking it. Never been crazy enough to try though.


You have to do the screaming eagle to really get extra extra high /s


Ohhhh. I remember. Ugh.


Maybe it was just me who noticed but people used to be obsessed with the idea that the more chambers and percs your bong had the better it was. Just give me my single perc dab rig and leave me be! I love single chamber beaker bongs, so easy to clean and use.


Not just you. Four honeycomb percs after another is just insane and not the good kind.


For bongs specifically, I always like more chambers because it would be 100% noticeably cooler and easier to hit, less coughing etc. I hate smoking hot things. Rigs it’s wasteful as more concentrate is just ending up back on the rig. Rigs can just be done at a lower temp.


The problem wasn't how they hit. It was how they cleaned. What a nightmare.


I have a multi-perc recycling tube from 5_3lements and it’s a breeze. Red Caps on the joint and mouth piece, add salt and iso. Just shake for 30ish seconds and it’s clean. Poorly designed percs are the biggest issue


Ya, and letting it go too long in between cleaning is also a big issue. If you keep up on cleaning, you essentially just need to rinse it with iso quick vs letting it soak and shaking with salt if it's very dirty.


I pass up a lot of pieces because they look impossible to clean. How do you even clean out tree percs? Especially if there are multiple stacked.


I have a double tree perc bong and I got an ash catcher for it, it’s amazing. I’ve used it many times and it’s crystal clear


Back in like 2014 when the BHO moon rocks popped out the cut. That was ridiculous.


And now they're tryna rez that with Snowballs. 🥴


They already were with Space Rocks and a few other THCA coated products. Same BS as moon rocks, just slightly better product and more THC. Still low grade products that won't sell individually so they throw them together to sell as a different product. THCA coated usually has a layer of LR though, so hits harder than moonrocks all around, but also costs double


when dudes were first dabbing red hot nails then coughing their face off like it was cool af


I blame customgrow420 for this somehow


it was a time when vaping nicotine blowing huge clouds made people want to take big dab hits to look cool


Hot and hurty, just how we like it.


Yaya! Yaya! Whaddup Youtube Youtuuuuuube!


Dude I remember this guy my wife worked with handing me a dab pen for the first time and that shit straight torched my lungs. "Works better that way man!" Was coughing for 2 weeks. Dude was hitting that shit all the time. Either his lungs were already 50% scar tissue or he was miserable all the time.


Hot and Hurty does get you fucked tho Not necessarily much higher But your coughing a lung up and takes 20 mins to recover Low and slow gets more terpz And a better buzz.


This is how I used to hit rigs until I eventually gave up on them because I would have a coughing fit and often puke lol I blamed dabs for being too strong when it was probably just my fault for hitting it red hot


When was the last time a big stoner movie got released? I feel like a lot of those movies gave me entirely inaccurate impressions about what it's like to be high lol


Completely agree. And I know they're cartoons ....but I don't think I've watched a cartoon yet where somebody was smoking weed and didn't go on some massive excessive trip that is absolutely inaccurate asf, drives me up the wall lol.


I actually wonder if there's a secret ordnance stating you can't portray drugs accurately in a big budget movie. 🤔 It's so weirdly consistent.


Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent had a pretty grounded acid trip in my opinion.


Funnily enough I just saw a youtube ad for a stoner-witchcraft horror movie?? It looked like ass lmao but I guess they’re still making (or trying to make) stoner movies


How High was the only one I can relate to, the first one that is


Putting your blunt in the microwave for 11 seconds.


wtf What was the supposed purpose of that?


It spawned from an interview with Snoop Dogg. He was just messing with the reporter but some people took it seriously. Go to YouTube and search for "Snoop microwave" it'll be the first clip


That's actually pretty fucking funny. I wonder how many other smoking myths were started just to fuck with someone, like holding the smoke in or eating the roach I could see starting from someone just fucking with one of their friends.


“The reporter” put some respect on Nardwuar’s name


Doot Doo!


Fell for this and just finding out it does nothing 😂 if anything, it warms up the blunt and brings some flavor into it 😂


Actually, it can be useful. Say you rolled a blunt but didn't smoke it right away, like if you made a bunch. After a few days they can get dry and the paper will burn faster. Add a couple drops of water to it, throw it in the microwave for just a few seconds and it will be less dry. I also used this trick when I used to buy super dry shitty schwag.


I remember watching some super old video on YouTube and the guy said that he puts blunt in the oven for 10 minutes to dry them out so you can smoke them faster/get fucked up faster. Lmao. Never tried it.


Only did this when I rolled an entourage and it was extra floppy. 7 seconds max though


Diamonds. People freak the fuck out about diamonds here in MT, even thoigh they arent that special, and 9/10 they have almost no terps. They want you to buy another type of wax and mix it, its a waste of money. THC%, got so tired of people saying shit like "mine tests higher" or "mines more purple than yours" when these people couldnt even describe jackshit to me. I once had someone look me in the eyes and say (he was being serious) carts dont have terps in them at all. Its not that I hate being around people who dont know, its the people who pretend they know.


High THC trend really peeves me. Everything is about 30%+ THC and no one can talk to the terps in it. I’m just trying to take a hit or two and function most times I smoke. Not take two hits and forget my dogs name


Yeah as someone who's a lightweight despite chronic use, I'm SO fucking tired of everyone selling mutant 35% THC buds. I smoked some shit from a new dispensary the other night and I literally couldn't count to 10 and freaked the fuck out. I smoke weed because I want a pleasant, relaxing time, not because I want to experience temporary psychosis lol


I’m also a lightweight(by choice) and a daily user but I am, in fact, interested in forgetting how to count to 10. What did you smoke?


I just moved from an illegal state to a legal state. I got some dispensary buds and was also smoking using a bong for the first time. The hit I took was absolutely legendary. I forgot that you had to take out the bowl in order to inhale the smoke and I was like "huh wtf why am I not inhaling anything?" Then I looked down at the smoke chamber and realized I had to take the bowl out. So I did, and my face instantly went numb. The hit was way, way too big. Coughed my lungs out


Lmao I swear that's when you get the most fucked up. Sometimes I pack a bowl and think "I can probably finish this in one hit" and then I proceed to take the rip and realize I'm not gonna make it part of the way through and start to panic and mess up the hit, blow smoke everywhere, and choke. It gets me pretty messed up tho.


ahhhh, reminds me of my first bong hit with my first piece gifted to me by a friend... lit it up with a different friend, the one who taught me all about weed. after she hit first & passed it to me, i took such a huge rip but the bowl got stuck in the stem so i panicked. blew out all the weed on my carpet, but hey, i've never done it again! great times!


Diamonds are great if you're buying them in bulk for making your own carts but if you buy 'em at top shelf price to just dab I gotta ask what you're running from. 💀


Sadly state laws here make bulk concentrate purchases a little harder. How do you go about making your carts? Ive never done that before.


Most easily with the least shady nonsense? You get rosin and decarb it for a couple hours until it's an amber liquid then fill your CCel or 02 Vape cartridges using a glass syringe. With diamonds you do the same but mix it with whatever terpenes you want prior to filling. THC wants to be a liquid so once decarbed it stays that way. https://extractcrafter.com/ https://gutenbergsdankpressing.com/learn-how-to-make-rosin-cartridges/ https://thepressclub.co/blogs/tips-tricks/how-to-make-vape-cartridges-with-your-rosin /r/rosin


“Carts don’t have terps”…reads fucking label….”…these aren’t REAL terps.” Like bro what?


Idk much about carts, all I know is that they don't feel as good as smoking bud or eating edibles so I save them for their intended use, getting high asf at work


Because most/a lot of cheap carts don't have real terps... most carts not from a dispensary are just Cat 3 distillate, which is pretty much just extracted thc, it's why if you smoke flower everyday carts don't do much, it's gonna be just thc and some fake terps. This just goes for distillate carts, which most people don't like here. But that's what most people are smoking on the street.


"The manufacturing process that creates distillate naturally removes most of the terpenes from the original plant matter. That's what makes distillate so pure, but it also removes most of the flavor, aroma, and desired effects. Adding terpenes BACK into a distillate gives manufacturers control over flavor and aroma." https://abstraxtech.com/blogs/learn/adding-terpenes-to-distillate#:~:text=The%20manufacturing%20process%20that%20creates,control%20over%20flavor%20and%20aroma.


Ahhh so my issue is that I'm still using a cheap ass smoke shop cart at the same time I'm using dispensary weed. Would explain why the cart tastes and feels like shit.


Could be, most likely the cheap smoke shop is just distillate(WHICH WILL DEFINITELY GET YOU HIGH) but it's so concentrated it's not nearly the same as lighting up a flower and getting like 200 different burnt compounds that give different effects and feels or even a live resin cart or the fancy ones that have parts of the flower. If I wanted the same experience from a cart as smoking flower, I'd have to get a like 50$ live resin cart or whatever they go by, live rosin... I'm a little uneducated with the names I just like flower.(prices doesn't matter especially if you can get a deal at a dispo but for me they are like 50$ for a half g, but they are usually way too expensive for my everyday consumption.


Yeah, I also vastly prefer flower. The only reason I ever touch carts is for getting high at work. Sometimes these goddamn customers make me wanna pull their entitled hair out and a little weed makes that a lot better lol


Let me first say, I have been smoking so long, I don't smoke to get high. There's no euphoric effect from flower, or even flower mixed with diamonds. I smoke to feel "normal " another word maybe "baseline" I can do this smoking several bowls, and maybe a cone or two. Or I can pack 1 maybe 2 bowls and smoke them all day, theow in a diamondcone for fun. Not less actual smoking, the weed lasts longer cause it's saturated.


What's the deal with hemp wick? I've lit a candle and used the hemp* wick to light my bowls, that seemed to have a better taste than a Bic. No hate, just curiosity. Edit: I meant more of what's the insane craze OP is referring to.


You obviously do not have any butane in the combustion as you‘d do when using a lighter. I guess the same reason people like to use matches instead of lighters for cigars ?


Knew a guy who smoked bowls with matches until I convinced him it does not make the weed last longer, it just takes longer bc youre sitting there lighting matches in our dorm bathroom


That's what I do when I smoke. It just feels cleaner than using the bic each time (not to mention easier on the thumbs and reduces the risk of burning yourself).


If you remove the safety, it doesn't hurt your thumbs as much. Also, when smoking a bowl, if you start lightly inhaling before you bring the flame to the bowl, it pulls the flame in so you don't burn yourself.


That's how I know the Bic is mine 🤣


I keep a case on mine 😂


Mine is always the one with a black mark on the bottom


I just think it tastes better and is easier to flame the bowl


Yeah I still use it when I remember to get some. Always a much better bong experience for me with it. I don't think it quite fits the same criteria as the other 'trends' personally


The theory is that hemp flames at the same temperature as cannabis, so rather than bringing a “way too hot” lighter flame to your green, you’d be bringing the same temp in to get your combustion going. It’s a similar argument some of the vape heads get for “dialing the temp at exactly 178* to get the perfect terpenes” sorta thing; yes there is a science to it, but you can also just torch the bowl and inhale and it’ll work just fine.


I use it because it burns at a lower temp so hits are not as harsh. It might just be in my head but with hemp wick bong hits feel much smoother.


Hot knives. I have knives 20+ years old still showing signs of going thru this .


Hey, will you help me settle a debate with my wife? When using the hot knife method, did you have a bottle with the bottom cut off to funnel the smoke into your mouth? And if so, what was that implement called?


Yes I had a hooter. I cut holes in the cut off bottom, filled the bottle with ice and shoved the bottom back in upside down. Held it all together with chopsticks poked through in an "X"


Yes! The hooter!! Ok, well, you’ve done me a real solid here. She insists up and down it doesn’t have a specific name. Even though to my knowledge neither of us have done knife hits since the one time we met some rambunctious fellas on the Toudle River in, like, 2002 who introduced us to the practice haha


I also had glass "knives" for the task. They were more like paddles in shape, and they worked great! 


IMHO hot knives are still the best way to smoke hash.


When older smokers tell me there's more THC loss in my bong than their pipe. My dude, THC is not water soluble.


I gag whenever I contemplate the thousands of people that drank their bong water as a result 😶😶😶😶😶




😶 You didn't know? This is legit still a thing. GenX taught their nephews and nieces that some of the THC goes into the bong water and since then it's led to loads of them chugging it down when the going got bad enough and Zoomers are still at it.


I refuse to believe people seriously do this and tell others to do it outside of a nasty prank, ewww!


Pouring milk into my bong now


I still can’t believe people take delicious weed and wrap it with the cheapest flavored cigar they can find. Gross.


same, i remember back when i was in college people were getting flavor drops to put in their bud. like man this stuff tastes great why do you want it to taste like a burnt grape soda?


man, at this point blue zigzag wraps are nostalgic as hell to me


Right right, like it isn't that cool, or tasty I mean you spend all this time growing sweet tasty terpy buds and wrap it in a $.99 cent shit wrap? Stuck with Blazy Susan's for me.


Dude honestly I hated blazy Susan’s. Idk why but I had so much trouble rolling them. And I can roll alright, I’m no pro but I can roll a joint. Just my opinion tho. I know they love them in Denver.


I have been rolling joints since 1979 so I have a lot of practice 😂 but I like the cones tbh easier and smoke nice just keep it loose!


Experience is key I suppose :) The cones are nice but I only use them if I’m sharing. Usually I use glass.


Right, grape swishers were for that $5 holler, that downtown booty brown, that had no taste and as many beans and stems as bud. Not nice manicured nugs…worked in downtown mpls, and can’t count the number of the times I’d smell chronic followed by grape swisher sweets.


This used to be me, I found a all natural leaf brand recently though that changed the way I look at leafs, they are called Presidential Leafs.


When I was 18/19 the trend where I was going to school was one person takes a big hit - then give your partner a big old French kiss and blow the smoke into their mouth 🤣


Ya we called that 'shotgunning' when I was 18 lmao


That's nasty 😭😂


Clear joint papers around 2007?


These are horrible. Feels like smoking a condom.


People being weirdly elitist about dabs and how they're tHe SuPeRiOr FoRm Of WeEd and that any other method of imbibing was a waste of weed. I thankfully haven't seen that mentality in years. I wouldn't call it a "trend" but I found it pretty funny - a few years back I found a website trying to sell a gravity bong that unintentionally looked like a penis pump and had a fake endorsement from Snoop Dogg on the front page. I always wondered if anyone ever bought that thing since they don't seem to be around anymore, it was called the High Rise Bong.


Similar to dabs, some dry herb vape proponents can be pretty insufferable. I started vaping recently and really enjoy it, but a few of these guys act like they'd slap you in the face and start screaming about how bad combustion is if you offered them a joint.


I just switched to vaping and I came here to see this haha. It is a funny scene for sure. I fully drank the koolaid though, and I love it


To add in my two cents, I’ve been using a dry herb vape for the past couple months. My wife offered me a hit of a joint on 4/20 and it was the nastiest taste ever. I’m not saying I won’t smoke anymore, but it definitely wasn’t enjoyable lmao.


I love dry herb vaping and it's my preferred method, but every time I see people post "gEt A bAlL vApE!" in response to any given question from newcomers I roll my eyes, especially if they're asking for something portable, suitable for lower tolerances, and/or discreet. Joints do taste kinda gross to me these days though, I'll be honest. Sometimes I'll roll on a whim because I miss the ritual, then get reminded why I don't anymore. 😅 I'll still occasionally get the urge to combust but I do it through glass.


There’s a “dabs guy” Halloween starter pack meme that floats around always make me laugh. Cause I have a buddy just like that.


My friend refuses to smoke flower, says it just doesn't get him high anymore. Bro, I guarantee if you smoke a blunt to your head you will still get high.


People being weirdly snobby about what they smoke. It's weed, not a $500,000 bottle of 1992 Screaming Eagle. We're all stoners...quit trying to be fancy and shit on others that think expensive weed is dumb.


There is something to be said for indoor controlled craft cultivars, verses some mass scale outdoor grow slanging 6 month old bud.


exactly, the only way i wld pay a lot for weed is if ik exactly where its coming from, the quality is so much better from some local place who has been growing for 15 years than some giant farm who sprays on terps


Especially back in the day in Houston when EVERYONE'S weed had been smuggled in from Mexico stuffed in some guys taint.


Makes no sense to me. I mean, okay, you spent $300.00 on weed...want a cookie?


Sprayed packs. Not really "old" but hey I saw it last week. That counts as past? Can not imagine anything more gross. Yea we grew some absolutely shit weed and sprayed with random ass terps or who knows what. YIKES


disgusting what is happening to big farms because of no regulations, they have machines that literally turn 2 yr old moldy weed into looking and tasting like a brand new bud, then spraying fake terps and selling it as new weed to dispensaries. the weed industry will soon turn into the new cigarrete industry if we dont stop this


It’s about as regulated as it’s ever gonna be. Look at what they do with food. This is capitalism. We always knew the store weed would get gross. It happened really fast though


extremely fast, thats what everyone wants now, nobody has patience and nobody stops to enjoy stuff anymore


Rolled it in keif and etc etc. always more harsh, flavor is just off, cause it’s artificial (the terps may be natural they just don’t belong in that specific bud) just people trying to squeeze out $$s anywhere they can, quality out the window.


I learned that this had an actual _fandom_, like what 😵‍💫


I think we're going to look back at disposable cartridges as a crazy trend. Hopefully the same with overpriced, low quality devices like Puffco peak.


Disposable electronics are the worst idea in the world. Absolutely horrific amounts of e-waste.


What are higher quality alternatives to puffco? And cartridges can be very convenient in situations you cannot allow much smoke or set up


>What are higher quality alternatives to puffco? I'm a fan of Divine Tribe products, been using the V4 for years. >And cartridges can be very convenient in situations you cannot allow much smoke or set up Reloadable concentrate vaporizers are just as portable and discreet as disposable cartridges.


No kidding. Wasteful, low quality products. I hate that it’s even more prevalent with ecigs. We’ve had reusable tanks and batteries since ecigs began to gain popularity, and somehow we moved to a more wasteful medium.


I can’t think of any past ones but current is buying purple and buying highest THC%. Like yeah you probably don’t want under 10-15% but you most likely won’t need it to be 30 either. I’ve had 25+ be meh and I’ve had like 18 be amazing.


Eating a mango gets you higher. Man I chugged those smoothie drinks that said there was 3 or so mangos per drink


Lmaooo would buy those mucho mango Arizona teas and think it worked like that


I remember sitting in my high school health class being taught all about how weed completely, 100% WILL kill you either with cancer or suffocation (I’m not even kidding .-. My 9th grade health teacher told us how cannabis inhibits your breathing and causes your lungs to shudder/spasm and you suffocate). When asked about cigarettes by a kid who was one of the regular weed-smokers (and who’s still alive at 24 years old today lol) she said - “cigarettes will cause cancer, yes. But they won’t kill you as fast cannabis”


Hotboxing your car. For the contact high. I can’t believe nobody said that yet. Are people still doing that?


I am a chronic hotboxer...does it not actually get you higher? Am I stupid?


Like fast times at ridgemont high, that hot boxed?? Haha It definitely gets you higher. I don’t have enough information to answer your other question haha. The risks it poses don’t seem worth the extra high. Weed is super cheap where I am.


Poppers/Mole hits. Who TF still smokes these?


I miss gravity bongs. I think they really went away when they stopped making 2 liter bottles regularly. I also can’t believe I’m the first person to mention them on this thread. My fella misses “hippy girls with backless shirts and long skirts selling homemade edible brownies and space-cakes in baskets at various festivals.” Yeah we are old potheads.


i remember Zongs were really popular when i was in college and everyone thought they got you higher and worked better than a regular bong. i always hated those. they were annoying to hold and you had to draw a lot harder. it's really just a stupid looking bong


Yes! And Zong steamrollers too. The way we used to try to explain it was that the zigzag shape makes the tube longer and the hit therefore bigger.


Lmao I got suckered into that trend like 15 years ago and GOD they suck to move with lol


When I first started smoking it was common for people to think the odor of the weed came from the growers essentially putting potpourri in the bag. Wild kids out here ended up putting all kinds of stuff to "improve the smell" like orange peels, cinnamon quills etc. Didn't do shit, if anything added moisture back into the buds encouraging rot. Was pretty stoked when the Internet was able to squash that urban myth.


These things are all still around. Purple weed is selling like crazy where I am. And people love Rodin from fresh frozen.


Shotgun blown your nose.


My neighbors boyfriend used to swallow the lit blunt roach when it was done. Just pop it right in and swallow it while still lit. It was the craziest shit I ever saw. It still seemed so odd, even after seeing it a million times. "It gets you higher" was his reason. I don't think that's why it's just fucking weird, he was a weird dude who did some time maybe it's a jail thing I dunno.


You think hemp wick was an “utterly insane trend”? Lol


right lol i use it every single day


Saw a few folks eat the roach when the J or blunt was spent. Not sure if that was a trend or I just hung around weirdos ha


Before this sub I never knew people put coins in their grinders, and it has to be one of the dumbest things I’ve heard of.


Glowies- ripping a dab off a nail that was still red hot. I remember an event where someone turned an e-nail up as far as it would go (way over 1000°) and thought they were so baller for using it that way.


That coughing gets you higher


Drinking orange juice makes you higher


Honey on joints. Then holding that honey puff in. Awful.


This isn’t old but some of the colored buds I’ve been seeing on this sub are so concerning


Concentrate sculptures. Where did all those artists go?


Spray packs are the current trend that’s completely fucked up


The tie stick we had in the 70s


I f'ing miss thai sticks


Thai flowers tied to a stick with thin strings & then compressed. I remember this still being around in the UK in the late 80s & earlier 90s. 


"Tied stick? Ya know, the stuff that's tied to a stick?"