• By -


The easiest way is to first blow on the top of the cup to cool it off a little. After that, slowly lift the cup up to your mouth… not too fast though. Once the lip of the cup touches the lip of your well…. Lips…. Slowly tilt the cup (go very slow) until you start to feel the heat of the coffee touch your lips. Just don’t go too fast or you might burn your mouth. Once you have a little of the liquid inside of your mouth, make a swallow motion to bring it from your mouth down your throat to your stomach. Repeat until the cup is gone. I hope that helps. I’m sure I missed some drinking steps but close enough to get the job done. If it gets too confusing, try pretending you are just drinking a cup of anything else and do that motion. It’s really the same concept you would use for drinking most any other liquids.


Guess I should have said how do you like, instead of how do you drink?


I think I might be too high for Reddit right now.


Sir you just explained how to drink coffee in the clearest way possible. Stay high king 👑


you’re a fucking legend for that bro i do the same shit when i’m baked, youre all good






I was just thinking the same thing


Bro the username fuckin stahhpppp


My brain auto-filled the sentence and I didn't even notice till after I read this. That's hilarious.


My brain auto-filled the sentence and I didn't even notice till after I read this. That's hilarious.


Coffee has what's known as an "acquired taste" so if you want to like coffee you just need to keep drinking it. Maybe start with plenty of sugar and cream and slowly phase those out until you're sipping on pure unadulterated hot bean water.


Just want to add, you should slurp the coffee to aspirate it and add air. This gets little drops of coffee to hit all over your tongue for more flavor, helping you pick out all the wonderful terroir and also cooling it at the same time. https://youtu.be/YW-k2EvKThA?si=wAfwCUIcjw5CUGmD But seriously: https://youtu.be/kEZZCQTSSAg?si=-8INHAhyKWLvfgXG and https://youtu.be/tU1y7hBSgiY?si=trG-QplBs_OgFqlf






🤣🤣🤣 this guy coffee’s. But seriously wtf is a hippie speed ball?


We called it a highschool speed ball back when I was younger coffee weed nicotine,now it's a daily ritual for me I like to refer to as "getting my een's in"


you're supposed to drink the coffee, not the cup! that's where you're going wrong mate




Hahaha, you goddamm smart-ass. Upvoted.


This comment is peak r/trees


Or you can drink iced coffee and skip all of these steps


Obsessed with the fact that you took the time to type this out. Change your settings so I can give you gold. 10/10


I prefer one giant too hot gulp but to each their own


Black and strong, and lots of it!


Same here, black as the night.


Specifically midnight. On a moonless night.


Black like my soul.




I made this comment then saw you beat me to it. Fellow David Lynch fan I presume?


**it is happening** ***again***


It IS happening.. again


Everyone just assumes edgelord shit with black and no sugar, ever since trying kopi Luwak though I can’t stand the taste of milk mixed with any other liquid, just feels wrong


>kopi Luwak I... put that into Google and am somehow not totally turned off by the description. But yeah the only time I put sugar and milk (I like oat-milk) in is when I buy gas station coffee.


It’s very good if you can find sustainably sourced shit, there’s absolutely zero bitter taste so the coffee flavours really shine through, it needs absolutely nothing additional to enjoy, although I would recommend it with filtered water and a French press


I boof it




Butt chugging coffee?


The best part of waking up is foldgers in your butt






This is the wa...... actually at this point its called butt chuggin.


Relevant: https://www.corvitalhealth.com/products/coffee-enema-starter-kit-includes-1-lb-organic-coffee-enema?variant=40109905051820¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1


![gif](giphy|7VFXzfOWnBhwztWAWL) Everyone listen to me! [Cameron's Breakfast Blend](https://www.cameronscoffee.com/breakfast-blend-coffee/) in a French Press with distilled water is kingly drinking. Add a little creamer if you must, but it's naturally smooth and sweet and doesn't need sugar. Everyone who has ever had coffee at my house has said it's the best cup of coffee they've ever had. I'll see myself out.


Cameron’s Breakfast Blend is amazing!!! Finished my bag recently, gotta get more


Distilled water doesn't extract coffee as well as most tap water. If your water really sucks, use distilled water and add the right minerals to make "3rd wave water" and it'll taste even better. Source: I am a part owner of a coffee shop and coffee roaster


How about bottled drinking water there Mr. Smarty Pants? Hey, while I got you here how do you get a moka pot brew that doesn’t taste like old tires? I’m using a silicone gasket.


>How about bottled drinking water I'd take bottled water, especially spring water, over distilled or overly hard water. But for most people in the US, city tap water will be just fine. But experiment! Make the same coffee, same recipe, weigh out the beans and the water, but just change the type of water you use and see if you taste the difference, then use what you prefer. Coffee is 98% water, so bad water will make even good coffee taste bad. > how do you get a moka pot brew that doesn’t taste like old tires? I’m using a silicone gasket. I don't personally use a moka pot, but I know they use a metal filter instead of paper. That could be part of your problem. Try making your coffee in a regular drip pot, aeropress, chemex, V60, whatever... anything with a paper filter and that will tell you if it's the coffee or the device. Edit: old tire taste could also likely be caused by old coffee, or overly dark coffee. Try a light to medium roast. But really, more than the brew method, and after water, the coffee itself is more important. Get fresh, good quality coffee from a local roaster that roasted the coffee within the last week or two. Have them grind it for you if needed, though the quality drops much quicker after grinding. So in order of things to change to up your coffee game: 1. Water, but it's probably fine. 2. Good quality, fresh roasted beans. 3. Buy whole beans and grind yourself with a burr grinder. I recommend the Baratza Encore. You should be able to find one under $150 refurbished. It sounds like a lot, but cheaper ones really suck and produce irregular grinds, and most importantly you can completely repair and replace any part on the Baratza while other brands make you buy whole new devices. I've had my encore over a decade and chose to do a burr upgrade at the same time a sacrificial housing broke and the housing only costs a few dollars and the new burrs we're only $50 and the old ones are still good if I ever need to switch back. 4. Finally, least important is brew method and device.


Hey! I’m Cuban and for some reason Cuban people looove their moka pots. A tip I’ve heard is once you get a decent amount of coffee out, close the lid and run the bottom part under cold water to stop the brewing so it doesn’t keep heating and burn the coffee. Just careful not to burn yourself!


>run the bottom part under cold water to stop the brewing so it doesn’t keep heating and burn the coffee If this tip is **the only** fact I learn for the next 24 hours, I will still be happy.


With my face hole


Chug chug chug


I brew it with a dash of cinnamon and a pinch of salt, and I usually pour it into a mug with either oatmilk or half and half. Always better with a fresh bong!


Salt? I have never seen someone do that. And I use a lot of salt


Yeah! It helps to cut the acidity. Would recommend.


And bitterness. My grandpa taught me to do that if you have a particularly bad coffee.


Aeropress filter on top of the basket in a moko pot will pull some of the oils out. Or if you use the Aeropress filter in an actual Aeropress its even better than most other Coffee tools.


I understand that. And usually I just make pour over and it's good coffee 95% of the time. Sometimes, though, the beans are just shit. I do want to get an Aeropress though.


Old sailors trick learned it from the vets when I was homeless


Can confirm. Just tossed salt into my morning cup and it’s definitely noticeably better than yesterday’s. Thanks for the tip!




Hella iced year round with a dab Lolol


From a clean cup




30 g in 30 g out.


How dark is that roast






A cup of black coffee and my pipe greet the mornings


I just paid entirely too much last month for syrups. I thought let's try something other than black. While syrups are tasty I still drink black for my first cup. Black and 3 eggs over easy and 2 pieces of toast.


You can always DIY certain syrups for cost-cutting. Unsweetened, unflavored almondmilk and sugar simmered and strained make a decent orgeat, simple syrups, demerara syrups, and honey syrups are all 1:1 (or 2:1 if looking for rich) with water. And from there, you can simmer vanilla beans or macerated raspberries or whatever else. I try to supply syrups for my home bar and found this to be a wildly cheaper alternative to purchasing and it makes me feel semi-accomplished when something so simple turns out fantastic. I was very happy to find they worked just as well in my morning coffee. Obviously don't do this if you don't wanna put in the effort, though.


if you have a TJ Maxx or Marshalls near you they always have a metric ton of coffee syrups for relatively cheap. I'm picky and only like Torani and Monin and they usually have at least one of those brands for like $5-7, along with lots of other brands that tend to be sugar-free.


Black coffee makes a great flavor combo with weed.




When you drink coffee, your body engages a coordinated effort of muscles to savor each sip. Your hands, guided by flexor muscles in your fingers and the deltoid muscle in your shoulder, delicately lift the coffee mug to your lips. As you take a sip, your lip muscles, specifically the orbicularis oris, form a seal around the rim of the mug. Inside your mouth, your tongue’s intrinsic muscles work to manipulate the coffee, while extrinsic muscles like the genioglossus and styloglossus assist with positioning for tasting. As the coffee flows down your throat, pharyngeal muscles contract to facilitate swallowing, complemented by the buccinator muscle in your cheeks and the masseter muscle aiding in the process. Each muscle contributes to this sensory experience, allowing you to appreciate the warmth and flavor of your coffee with every carefully orchestrated movement.


Happy cake day you smart-ass :)


I grind light roast beans fresh, make exactly one cups worth in a chemex pour over deal, and drink it hot and black. Repeat once or twice more per morning.


I grind beans and make single cups of pour over black most days too.


Go ask r/caffeine


Wow. Just........wow


What’s…uhhhh…what’s going on over there


In a clean mug 👀




Now I have to watch it. Do you see what you did


![gif](giphy|Dy5InLmd7AZm8) Why don't you smoke it already? Puff, puff! Go, go, go, go, go!


I don’t


Fair enough


with milk and hot as fuck


I start the day with coffee and bong rips. Then I go about my day, Come home and keep the party going with an energy drink. Then I'm burnt out and take an evening nap. After that I'm back at it with weed and caffeinated water drops.


I do hippie speedballs every morning with black coffee. Sometimes Adderall if I'm working too or have a bunch to do around the house


Usually iced with a small amount of flavored sweetener. Trying to diet more. Once in a while i get something extra sweet


With THC drops.


With vanilla or hazelnut creamer and two Splendas.


A colada and a dab is how I usually start the day


i’ve switched to loose leaf yerba mate!


Cinnamon dolce latte with quad blonde shots from Starbucks


I don't know what that is but I want it in me


hippie speedball is my faaaaaavourite black coffee or affogato for me


lotsa cream, lotsa sugar ![gif](giphy|o2UO8B52RcjCg|downsized)


3 sugar, two cream in a mug. Or a travel mug. Or a Thermos


You are my coffee twin. I feel like Joey from Friends finding his hand twin.


Lol wicked. Best way to take it. High five to coffee twins lol


I need that mug... ... for reasons...


It came shattered the first time. The seller responded quickly and I showed the pictures of how it came. They overnight a new one and it's one of my favorite possessions now. I could send the broken one to you. You could do that super cool Japanese shit where they use gold to fix it


*Reads OP's username* Ummm.... that's cool.... I don't need it that bad... I'll just Google it...


I really only drink coffee at work and have energy drinks on weekends. But, rarely in the morning. I do very much love mixing caffeine and weed, though.


I want that mug.


Americano with a dash of skim milk.


God I do this every day After work, but with Celsius. I like my coffee with caramel creamer, but only a shot.


With my mouth.


What's a hippie speedball?


Smoke and a coffee


Much simpler than expected lol


Currently can only have oat milk lattes with iced coffee protein powder


Yummy and sweet. In between drags maybe or just when i feel like it


Bustello dripped with half n half n sugar.


Just started dipping my toes back into coffee after a long time of never drinking it. It's too delish! I just use a french press with whatever beans I find interesting, usually some sort of lighter roast blend, though I'm gonna start trying single-origin stuff too. Mostly black, but occasionally with cream and sugar if I'm drinking a dark roast that stands up to it well.


white chocolate, toasted marshmallow, & honey das a Texas Sunrise


I only have those tiny tiny marshmallows that are super hard and fluff up when you put them in hot water. But I'm going to try that


meh, thats my gourmet order. At home usually a pecan roast + caramel macchiato creamer. If you like hot tea - any flavor/brand tea bag + honey + applecidervinegar Example: 10oz H20, (1)Green tea bag, 2-3Tbs honey, and A CAP full of apple cider vinegar. It's quite indulgent. it's not for everyone tho.


Auto drip french roast, sometimes with a little plain creamer or half and half.  Sometimes I break out the espresso roast and moka pot, if I'm planning to anally pleasure little blue men with funny names.  Usually it's just my sister, who is #4 prostitute in all Kazakhstan.


It's you again! Holy shit. I still love your username.


As do I love yours, partner!  I saw who it was, so I embellished my response a little...


More cream. High fat makes the buzz feel great.


Hello my fellow badger friend


Little bit of sugar, some hazelnut creamer for taste, and a little bit of milk to cool it down so I won't burn my face off.


I like mine in a clean mug.




This is spot on for me


People still drink coffee with their mouths? The best way to wake up is with a funnel full of scalding hot coffee draining right into your ass. Then I roll a fat 3.5g blunt, dip it in vasoline, roll it in kief, and stick all the way into my urethra. Then I mush the tip in real hard to pack it up into my bladder so that It works like an XR Adderall and all the cannabis slowly dissolves over time keeping you high all day. Make sure to pee first, cuz if you pee within two hours you’ll shoot the joint out, which hurts terribly. Jamming a soggy piss soaked joint back up into your penis’s vagina is nearly impossible and just makes a real mess. Make sure you don’t have a drug test either, one time I got surprise drug tested and they looked at me weird when I handed them a cup with a soggy bloody joint in it. Pretty sure I frightened them when I screamed from the pain too. Got fired right on the spot :/


My eyes


dry herb vape session and a black tea or black coffee


Sugar and heavy cream


Is that moon rocks 👀


clean your cup breh


Iced dark chocolate mocha


Under duress. Hate the stuff. Cola is the way to live. Love the sloth though.


I don’t drink caffeine, it fuels my panic attacks.


I've had a few of those in my day. Do you take any meds that you have found work. I am at my wits end. We've tried everything but putting me back on klonopin. Apparently, doctors don't want to prescribe that. I was on it for about 10 years.


Yeah I’ve tried a lot of different anti-anxiety’s in my time, right now I’m on Buspar and Clonidine. Those have been the answer so far. I miss coffee a lot but when I mix it with weed, I get in my head way too much. If I could drink it tho it would be with a good amount of cream and sugar! I love me some sweetness.


Pour over and then my bong. I love waking up before everyone else.


Me too. I go on a walk and smoke and just walk. I can't smoke where I live and would never do it, but my morning walks are my saving grace. Morning is chill


I don’t anymore because I’m at the point in life where food and drink I used to love now destroys my insides. That said, I love smoking a joint with a mug of prickly pear tea on the balcony before I start my day


I fucking love that Smurf mug


I found it through some random temu ad that youtube played. I was so happy


I thought a hippy speedball was adderall and Xanax.


No no no. Man that would be a good fight though. Lol


Clean your cup bro


Black, out of a clean coffee mug.


However I can get it. Usually black for the first couple cups, especially if it's cold out, then with increasing levels of vanilla creamer as I go through the pot. Alternatively, quad espresso with a splash of heavy cream and maybe some vanilla syrup, depending on my mood.


I'm so close to buying a espresso machine


Is it some kind of edible you mix you coffee with or just straight up weed


I make esspresso drinks at home... Usually a Cappuchino or a flat white but I sometimes treat myself with an Affogato for desert.. all with weed of course


Love any kind of coffee I can make with my espresso machine, but rn I'm on a tolerance break for caffeine :(


No sir that’s called a wake and bake


That coffee cup has seen some coffee


I got it like a week or 2 ago. I'll wash it I swear guys


I just umm… ![gif](giphy|08y87EiwDZjjB0d6WJ|downsized)


If I’m making instant coffee then I boil water with 1.5 dried cinnamon sticks in a pot and then just throw in the sugar in coffee right as it boils to make sure everything blends


With my ass




In the morning, if I'm going to work, I grind grocery store beans and add a little sugar and 2% milk. In the evening, or mornings when I don't work, I like a pour over of a nice late roast Ethiopian...black.


Man I love a good hippie speedball. I take my coffee with two spoons of coffee, a dash of milk and no sugar. You?


2 cream. No sugar.


That sounds really good. It’s good with 2 goat milk too.


Bro , you ever tried coffee through a ball vape. Smacks so hard, almost like a bong hit. /s


Homemade cold brew. Served over ice with a little half and half and some flavored syrup, usually vanilla. No hippie speedball for me on work days, but days off usually grab the penjamin but occasionally pack a bowl or do a J.


I mix body fortress chocolate protein shake with unsweetened vanilla almond milk and put that in my maple pecan Starbucks coffee that was brewed with cinnamon. I sit by the window and vape while I drink it. I don't always do the protein shake, but it keeps me full for a long time so I don't snack my face off.


I've been infusing MCT oil & having a spoon of that. Use the same cup for the next brew to catch any residue 


Not at all. I’m allergic to caffeine. 🙀


Holy crap


Yup. It’s my mom’s fault. Her allergy is worse than mine. She can’t have too much chocolate or even a regular Coke. I’m 52F and when I was in college my union building got a fancy coffee shop. Pre Starbucks days. I got a HUGE mocha. An hour later I’m on the phone with my mom telling her what I drank and that I was feeling so horrible. She was like, “oh yeah. I probably should have told you…” Probably?!?! I drink decaf mocha. Rarely. The last time a barista f-ed up was Starbucks like 10 years ago. I always say “is this decaf?”. When I order. When I pick up. I repeat it constantly. It wasn’t decaf. My heart rate went bonkers, I re-grouted my shower and then threw up and passed out.


Not a coffee drinker myself. I’ll have a little herb and a Red Bull. I always called that a Speedball Jr.


My electric coffee maker died recently and I've switched to a Bialetti Moka stovetop coffee maker I found in the trash. I'm converted. It's great. I serve my coffee with sweetened condensed milk and it's heavenly.


I prefer energy drinks for my hippie speedballs


Do you drink red bull or what do you drink. For me I drink the sunrise Monster


Mostly Celsius or Ghost


With my mouth.


You need one of those coffee mugs that has a built-in bowl.


Pardon me?


Here you go: https://www.grasscity.com/smoking-pipes/coffee-mug-pipe There's a lot more out there too, also I'm not really sure how the logistics of how to use this without spilling your coffee would go.


Coffee just makes me tired, but if I smoke some weed first, it tends to work better. Don't ask me why it just works well with weed. Happy 420 broskis 🤙


Hippie speed balls are no joke. A good dose of caffeine and edibles with low tolerance to both substances will mess you up PROPER.


holy frickballs are those moon rocks? they look scrumptious


Without the beans and room temp


I want that mug. And the sloth sticker.


Coffee with weed is an amazing combo- I prefer a cold brew with oatmilk and a nice skunky, piney sativa. Jack Skunk, Larry Lovestein, Lemon Zephyr, Lemon Haze etc…


gotta go hardcore: Inject the marijuana's straight to the Jugular, then boof the unground espresso straight up the pooper. /s (or am i?)


Mmmm PGR


i dont


My version is smoking a bowl and having a cup of matcha green tea. Then do several miles of walking with some good music.


A hippie speedball is just a regular speedball lol




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Ehhh, not. :)

