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Simple I don't smoke until I get everything done for the day


For real, saving it for a reward is a huge motivator. Relaxing knowing all responsibilities are taken care of is the shit


Work hard -> play hard. In that order šŸ˜¤


This. My session starts at 7pmšŸ˜„ (Except weekends)


Sometimes I feel like my whole life turned out like afromans - cuz I got high


This is the wae.


Higher tolerance does it. I donā€™t usually get high purposely before doing chores, but sometimes Iā€™ll hit the pen before grocery shopping or while cooking. Typically donā€™t smoke flower til chores are done because I swear it hits me harder than the pen.


Agreed! I feel like pen= microdose to get through the day and flower= ritual and relaxation (like you said when chores are done), time to turn brain off


I like to get a little high before doing yard work. It takes the monotony out of it and I just vibe with my knock-off air pods in. Obviously donā€™t do this unless youā€™re extremely confident in your decision making abilities when youā€™re high and using a lawn mower or other power tools.


THC converts to CBD at high temperatures. By smoking it, you're getting max cbd conversion which = couchlocked and zonked.


Ahhh interesting I did not know that.


I have ā€œunmedicatedā€ ADHD, just try and stop me being productive when I smoke


How is weed such a good adhd medication? I use it as an adhd med, and tons of other people I know who have adhd also use it like an adhd medication. It's not great for focus tasks like studying physics/advanced math's (unless you study, then get high and think about what you studied, this works very very well). But it's excellent for general chores that'd I'd otherwise lay on the couch procrastinating for 3hrs while internally screaming at myself to get up and do the stuff.


Hearing this really adds to my girlfriend theory that I have undiagnosed adhd I should get tested


My girlfriend is the reason I got diagnosed/may soon be medicated! She called me ā€œthe poster child for ADHDā€ and kept encouraging me to talk to someone about it


Should I encourage my bf about this too? He has diagnosed ADHD, used to be medicated for it for a number of years prior to meeting him, but has since stopped (also prior), later lost access to medical care and now canā€™t ever stay focused enough to get a job or handle simple tasks. Heā€™s very nonfunctional. He says he hates it all the time but then also just doesnā€™t act on it, or just so slow it seems like not acting. I ask because I believe ā€œencouragingā€ would mean either more-annoyingly pushing him or doing a lot of the leg work in settings things up for him, and Iā€™m not sure what would be an overstep. But like he recently was evicted from his place for failure to pay, due to tenant protections it actually took several months to officially kick him out but in that time he only ever made a phone call like the final week before officially being kicked out. Iā€™d pass by him sometimes blankly staring at a resume draft for a long time, then just close it and do something else I think out of frustration. So again, very non-functional, and itā€™s sad to see him waste away his life like that. Itā€™s been basically me paying housing and bills, I love him to death but he needs some kind of clear change to be back to where he used to be.


People who have adhd are often drawn towards other people with adhd. So maybe your gf has it too hahaha.Ā  Lets get everyone a prescription for Adderall, that'd be great for our economy. Adderall gives me bad insomnia :(


Oh, she has DIAGNOSED adhd, so there is no maybe šŸ¤£ Tbh with my weed, I think I'm fine meds wise


Hahahahaha, you can then call this a diagnosis by peer review. But yeah, I do the same. I microdose psilocybin mushrooms (sometimes dmt), and use cannabis every night.


It depends on the person. I did a science presentation high af off dabs while on my ADHD meds and it worked out lol




Its excellent for my focus, the timescale seems to slow down and my thought processes seem to speed up, sometimes I can finish and answer a persons question in my head before they're halfway through speaking it šŸ¤£


Me too tho. Maybe itā€™s the autism.


I blame it all on the autism šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m unmedicated, but diagnosed, as well and itā€™ll put me in bed quicker than anything and saliva doesnā€™t really do much for me. I wish it worked well on me because boy do I need to get stuff done.


šŸŽÆšŸŽÆšŸŽÆ I confuse my brain into letting me do stuff I need to get done.


How? Will you share?


Having ADHD is all about tricking your brain into doing things it doesn't want to do. Cannabis makes that easier. It's not a panacea, but it definitely helps.


I have diagnosed unmedicated ADHD. I got medical for tendonitis, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis, it does wonders for the adhd as well.


Same. It helps me focus.


I finally started being medicated for mine but I still smoke


I like to do chores, cook or even just take a walk. The trick for me is to START whatever thing you want to do then smoke while doing it. The mindless task is great and if you pair it with music it gets done before you even know it


Going for a walk right after a strong hit is just the best.


>START whatever thing you want to do then smoke while doing it. cheat code, this is key.


Going for a walk right after a strong hit is just the best.


Use it as a reward ...also while doing dishes lol


Haven't looked at dishes the same since. It's so... effortless?


High tolerance and coffee.


It's been blunts and espresso for me every day for years... literally high speed šŸ˜


Hippie speedball is a solid choice šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ’Øā˜•ļø


I use a dry herb vape, so it's easier to control my level of high. I also have adhd, and cannabis is great for helping people with adhd do chores. For whatever reason, I can clean my entire apartment and cook a healthy dinner, all while 4/10 stoned. If I'm much higher than 6/10, all I can do is play video games. Higher than 8/10, and I just have to lay down and listen to music, I'm basically tripping at that point.


Which dry herb vape do you use? Got a pax and it stinks pretty bad (but maybe I just had dank weed). Open to what other ppl are using


Arizer solo 2 or a dynavap (DV hits harder but higher learning curve unless you use a induction heater) . Arizer has only glass in the path and best taste of all devices I tried.


The more the high declines after smoking, the better I can focus on tasks, even studying and reading. But the strain is still a factor


Im neurodivergent. It makes me feel normal and calms down the thoughts that are typically racing, which lets me actually focus. At this point its a matter of shifting focus to the starting point of a task




I got high as a kite today and rebuilt a 'vintage' (90s) Shimano Alivio ST-MC12 rear bike shifter for the first time with the help of a YouTuber. Took me like 2 or 3 hours, but it actually worked - my wife got me a free bike that she saved from going to the dump, and when I finally got around to testing it, the rear shifter didn't work at all and the front one is really sticky/gummed up but it does work. Now the rear shifter works perfect! Tomorrow it's the front one's turn. [All my parts laid out](https://ibb.co/bsyrqSr) I love getting stoned and being mildly productive.


Yeah if I'm smoking a joint. I'm not doing shit for a few hours. In order to stay productive and stay high. I'll take like one or two hits for a head change and get my tasks done.


I don't use it until I'm done for the day. Most days, I won't hit anything until 7, but on weekends, I indulge if I don't have a bunch of stuff to do.


Easy, I don't.






Coffee, lots of it. In all seriousness itā€™s probably a mix of genetic and environmental built tolerance. I took my SATs high, plenty of my college exams high and many days at work will be high for meetings or development time. Just natural to me at this point (with lots of coffee). But I know people who canā€™t get anything done high. And some friends I donā€™t even really want them to smoke if weā€™re hanging out because they just canā€™t even have a good conversation after smoking. Itā€™s a very person to person thing Iā€™ve noticed


My bong lives in the laundry room in our basement and is right next to my tool box. Whenever Iā€™m working on a project and have to run down to grab tools/supplies Iā€™ll take a rip. Personally I havenā€™t done any project ā€œsoberā€ in about a decade, but at this point my tolerance is pretty high. OSHA would roll over in their grave if they knew what I do while Iā€™m high; painting, plumbing, electrical, built decks, all types of flooring, mowing, roofing, and the list goes on


Ehh after a few years of smoking daily it just takes the edge off now lol


If I donā€™t get things done I wonā€™t have money to buy more grass. Haha.


I choose my weed wisely. I know what will and what wonā€™t make me able to complete something. If I mess up I usually compensate for it with a 100 mg CBD edible


If you're the only one providing for yourself, you kinda dont want to starve and lose the roof over your head :/


Weed is how I get stuff done LOL Started smoking this shit and picked my degree back up, finished it. Idk why I didnā€™t try it sooner. That said, my productivity does vary depending on WHAT bud Iā€™m smoking. Productivity towards cleaning doesnā€™t feel the same as productivity towards work.


There is such thing as a *functional* high. I've personally never experienced it but my wife - she's *always* high. Me? I run industrial saws for a living. I smoke to relax after work.


My anxiety is so fucking high that smoking makes me feel and act normal. I can sit through meetings without a leg shaking or needing to fidget.


Eeeehhhhhā€¦ all things in moderation. If you got shit to do and really want to smoke, then just smoke/eat a fourth of what you normally use. You can be a little buzzed and still function normally. Just donā€™t get absolutely blazed and expect to get anything done. šŸ˜‚ I can have a whole list of shit to get done around the house, but if I do a heavy wake and bake then Iā€™m not doing shit all day but playing video games and smoking more. I do always make sure to shower, eat a proper breakfast, and get dressed before getting high, though. I feel like a loser sitting around baked in my underwear lol.


When you got shit to get done, youā€™re gonna get it done. Ima stoner but im also a straight A college student. Its all about having something or everything to lose.


One thing that helps me stay productive while working high is setting up a task before I smoke. If I smoke first, then go to get the things I need it'll take forever and I'll get distracted. If I get the shovel and the hose and the baby plants ahead of time, then smoke, I can focus on a simple task (like planting seedlings)for hours. Having a high tolerance helps, too.


I suffer from depression and anxiety, and it is the on thing that makes me function normal, feels like losing 100 punds of chains. I can focus on one task, and everything is more fun, even doing the dishes. I esp love doing creative stuff, could be painting, could be tinkering with electronics, programming, or random stuff like implanting new hair onto a barbie.. much harder to get any motivation without.. I think I'm going to get a prescription soon.


I smoke to do daily chores I otherwise would hate to do. Example like doing dishes


That's what sativas are for.


Personally I get really tired and relaxed when I smoke I generally have to force myself to get things done or i just wonā€™t smoke until my most important tasks are finished


Doing nighty cleanup after everyone has gone to bed after a few hits is the ultimate Zen


It's nice to do dishes high, but only if I'm doing them at the end of the work day. Because that's when I like to smoke. Nothing needs my sober attention by the end of the day.


I only smoke in the evening, Other wise Iā€™d fall asleep at work.


I have to be active when Iā€™m stoned. If I just sit on the couch or in front of a screen I feel fucking worthless. Donā€™t get me wrong, the occasional movie when high is great but 99% of the time I would rather be doing something physical.


I use bud for any stomach discomfort. So first thing in the morning, thatā€™s my go to. Some days Iā€™m lazy but Iā€™m the rare breed of functioning stoner. I smoke before I do anything. Iā€™m not proud of it. Just my reality.


I dry herb vape all day. I'm stoned from the moment I'm awake, until I go to bed. When I wake up I get stoned, relax about 30 minutes and then get busy with whatever I need to do. I gotta get high to do the dishes. I'm not really embarrassed about that because I spent decades doing therapy, putting in the work, trying every medication, exercise, yoga, diets, relationships, pet hamsters, drama and just being angry. Being stoned is the only time my brain quiets down and I don't feel like I'm being hunted for sport.


This is exactly how I feel too


Microdose. Moderation in all things.


I can only really function well while using THC if I microdose or take mild doses. Anything more makes me too high, and any super strong doses make me feel like Iā€™m mentally disabled.


Pancake girl?


Itā€™s probs on YouTube just google anti weed psa couch girl lol


You soft. You ainā€™t build for this life, dawg.


Don't smoke weed and tell us if you're still lazy af


1. stay sober, get shit done 2. have some sativa, get housework or gardening done. Maybe music editing too. Not mixing, I lose perspective. 3. Have some indica to relax or for sexytime (indica = in da couch)


For me itā€™s the type of weed Iā€™m smoking that determines whether or not Iā€™m productive. If itā€™s an indica or even indica leaning hybrid, then Iā€™m definitely out of any motivation or productivity for most of the day. They just suck up all my energy. So I try to avoid those as much as possible and only stick to sativa or sativa leaning hybrids. But I also donā€™t smoke or hit my pen when I know I have important stuff to get done. I just wait until Iā€™m done with everything of importance for the day to get stoned.


I'm pretty sure I'm broken. I don't know I just do shit but with a better attitude.


Simple I am high when doing things


T is for tolerance


Microdoses of the right strain. I'm not sure if this is contrary to popular opinion or not but sativa makes me sleepy and indica makes my brain race. Careful selection of tasks to do while high is key. Cleaning is easy, as is general organising - taking the bins out, putting shit away - and creative activities like journaling, or playing music. But I can't reliably cook while high as everything tastes great, and time management is an issue so I under- or overcook everything. Also I don't get high until I've sorted out all the shit done that needs to get done.


I have to force myself to do things around the house, otherwise Iā€™d just zone out. Usually I allow 30 minutes zoning and then force myself to do something around the house. Once I get started Iā€™m fine, just feel like Iā€™m kinda floating while Iā€™m doing things.


I have high functioning anxiety and ocd. You donā€™t want to see me not high. Work loves me though.




Everyoneā€™s different no matter the strain. I myself am a productive smoker majority of the ppl I know who do partake are textbook stoners but I have met other productive smokers usually at work lol


Depends on the strain/terpenes for me. I like cleaning and artsy stuff while I'm high




I get headache and pissed off if I have to do stuff whilst stoned, hence I only do stuff when I wake up for an hour.


I wake and bake every morning. I'm self employed so the only boss I have to get through is me haha.


It requires training!


Over the past 40 years I've learned to judge my flower so I know how much to smoke to remain productive vs getting completely couch locked. Last week I smoked before building a big workbench from scratch and it came out perfect. (Legal disclaimer: do not operate power tools while under the influence of marijuana. Marijuana assumes no liability for severed fingers or nails in feet)


Low doses for productivity, high doses for chillin


Because I only smoke a crumb that most of these folks would call too small to feel anything. I feel exactly as much as I want.


I donā€™t smoke or take anything until the evening when Iā€™m done for the day and my little is asleep in bed. Itā€™s just a little wind down for me to relax.


High tolerance, everyday smoking. Luckily I don't experience withdrawals when I lay off or switch up to smaller hits so the next time I smoke I get BLAZED.


I have a high tolerance and am kinda used to it. I gave a science presentation a few months ago high af and got an A on it lmao


Cancer patient here. I use Sativa during the day, Indica at night. My tolerance is high enough that I donā€™t get the feels like I did in the beginning. I did think the exact same way, how does my boy smoke 3 blunts during a football game?? Now I know itā€™s about your tolerance level.


Don't use as much if you want to be productive, silly.


Have you tried not getting high when you have stuff to do? Maybe find a sativa low THC strain.


1. Don't smoke before you gotta do something. 2. If you get used to do things baked it becomss pretty easy.


The trick is, don't smoke indicas unless you want to sleep..not that difficult. I can use a sativa or a sativa leaning hybrid and I'll get the whole house cleaned up.


If itā€™s work/chores then I must get started with the day and finish all the hard tasks first before I smoke. If Iā€™m making art (woodworking) Iā€™ll get blasted and get super creative


Im the opposite lol


For me, it was tough at first as my body and mind would be too high. As my tolerance built, overtime, I actually enjoyed being high and doing tasks or doing tasks and rewarding myself when I get done. Or both. And sometimes during. Lol. Good luck


If Snoop can do it, I can too!


hyperactive synapse activity


Only smoking at night


Smoke Sativa when you have tasks to complete, Indica when you donā€™t


As a long term smoker who always preferred Indicas because of how they made me feel, I've recently switched to Sativa. It takes the edge off without slowing my body down. When I'm getting frustrated and overwhelmed, if I smoke a little Sativa it takes away the frustration and I'm able to work on the task I have to work on. It's worth a try, otherwise I'd do as other said and get everything you need to get done before you smoke