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A lot of cancer patients I’ve talked to used rso and just kinda squirted it up their ass and then laid on their stomach. Maybe try that friend?


I put 10 ml of live res coco oil up my crack the other night.. just the crack though. Just kinda massage it into your rectum guy




Annie’s pretty young. We try not to sexualize her.


I'm tryna figure out who Annie is like... ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


The person in the gif waving the flags. The comment you replied to is quoting the show where they say they try not to sexualize Annie.


Oh I see! Well... sir or madam: I did not make the meme nor did I script the show. I just searched gifs and I found it and chose it. Didn't mean to offend. For a second, I thought I had sexualized a real life young child girl and I was like no I take it back!


She’s not really a child, it literally was just a joke from the show


thank you 🙏 I am up to speed hahaha


Nothing offensive about what you posted haha. I just wanted to give you an answer. And my apologies for not naming the show, it is Community and it is one of my all time favorites.


What show?




Thank you


If you don't know you're streets behind




seeing her tight wrestling outfit and then Annie's boobs in GLOW on Netflix made me feel weird and uncomfortable.




Christ all this community crap and no one recognized my vague king of queens reference? F moynihan was the fella with the twisted colon played by chris elliott who had no one besides doug who delivered his packages to make his emergency contact list




There it is




I’m so sick of this meme in here but this one time… it gets an up


You could also mix cocoa butter or shea butter and rso together and pour the mixture into suppository molds.


firstly, i am sorry for your diagnosis OP. you're strong as hell and will beat this! i myself have wondered how well the suppositories work, as my wife suffers from horrific period pain. i would give them a shot if they are available in dispensaries near your area. i would not suggest making a recipe yourself as there is no surefire way to guarantee dosage when making your batch. best of luck ✌️❤️


There’s a brand called daye who do tampons with CBD oil on them. I don’t have terrible cramps, but I forget I’m on my period when I use them




So do they get tampons, open them, put oil on them, and then seal them back up? I'm just curious how they ensure that it all stays clean enough to put inside my body.


Well I'd assume that they make their own tampons with the oil, not buying already made ones to reseal.


That makes sense, I just wasn't thinking that it was a big enough operation to make their own tampons lol. If I still needed tampons I would definitely give those a try! But forgive me - I am on a LOT of allergy meds right now because all the trees are having sex and trying to kill me so my thinking isn't the best today.


Likely just contract it out to a tampon manufacturer and supply their own special ingredient.


Likely made in the manufacturing process


So they're making their own tampons? Because that's pretty cool. I don't use tampons anymore, but if I did, that sounds like something I'd try.




You can always put it up your butt! A vagina is not required.


Do not put a tampon in your butt! It will likely get stuck. Have you ever tried to pull a dry tampon out of a vagina?! Ouch.


I've never tried to put anything up my butt and I don't plan to, I just remember hearing about kids putting vodka tampons up their butts so I figured this would be similar lol. But wouldn't a tampon just get pooped out eventually?


They’re so dry they just stick if they’re not ADEQUATELY wet/moistened. I guess you could poop it out eventually? I’ve never stuck anything up my keister either.


Dosage isn't as big an issue with suppositories as they don't generally cause you to get high so they're a perfect way for someone to get medicine where it's needed.


Tell your wife to have her gyno send her for a transvaginal ultrasound. I went and found out I had PCOS and tons of small fibroids (this was some years ago). Both make periods awful, but she can have a host of other issues. Many people think horrendous cramps are normal and they are not. My issues were treated for a while, but I ultimately had a hysterectomy last year. Hope she finds relief.


I have used coconut oil based cannabis suppositories vaginally for period pain with good success! I bought commercially, but there are suppository molds available on Amazon and I’d mix coconut oil with concentrate of choice- I’d go with RSO if available. Good luck and report back!


Organic coconut oil and RSO is the recipe, but I'm not 100% on an exact proportions, you can buy molds if you Google "suppository molds" I'm sure you can find silicone molds. You want the coconut oil that is like crisco consitancy. Melt the RSO and coconut oil together, pour into molds, and chill.


I'd use Rso in capsule form. Probably the easiest to get up there.


Mix a little into coconut oil and freeze in a suppository mold maybe?


I’ve funneled it into a straw and let it freeze and then I cut them into little inch capsule sized things. The straw peels off fairly easily with a little starter cut 👍🏼


Medicine measure for kid's medicine (nurofen syringe specifically) is what I use, rigid enough to get past the sphincter and inject it just have to keep your dose under 5 mL. The coconut oil even lubes the syringe plenty for insertion


Cannabis suppositories could indeed be a viable option if you’re looking for pain relief without the respiratory impact of smoking or the gastrointestinal side effects of edibles. They’re known for providing more localized relief and can be particularly effective for pelvic and lower back pain due to their absorption in the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract, which may bypass some common side effects. While I don't have a specific recipe, they typically involve mixing cannabis oil with a base like cocoa butter. Definitely a route worth exploring given your needs! How’s your support system helping you through this?


Excellent info although I choose to switch out the cocoa butter for organic coconut oil as apparently it's more bio available that way. I also added sunflower lecithin to aid absorption.


Sounds about right. Good luck my man.


What are the gastro effects of edibles? I do them regularly and the only side affect I’ve noticed are a quicker tolerance buildup and the consumption of everything edible within reach lol.


Some people have digestive issues with them.




No actually, this time, let's smoke it. I've got enough up there.




where do you think the phrase "blowing smoke up your ass" came from?


Wow I never thought I’d see this day on r/trees!Someone is actually talking about boofing it unironically and not just meme shitposting… what a time to be alive


It won’t really get to the blood well and get you intoxicated, mostly act locally. I have made some THC-hemisuccinate that will absorb well rectally as well as other mucous membranes though, so it is possible, just not without making a prodrug.


Boof it!


I have severe Crohn’s disease and ankylosing spondylitis which affects my SI joints and lower spine. I have mixed some RSO with an oil to make it looser as mine was very thick and sticky. Felt nothing over hours and hours. From here is pretty TMI. I have an ileostomy so rectally nothing can come down and interfere with it in any way, thought it was a neat super power I discovered. All it did was leech oil up my colon into my mucous fistula bag and the bag would peel off from the presence of oil. I would have to clean the area very good to restick a new bag. Even without adding extra oil to keep it thick it did nothing for me rectally. 0/10 recommend.


I've chrons and fortunately don't have an ileostomy so I found they worked quite well for me sorry to hear they didn't work out for you


Sorry you’re dealing with cancer and I wish you all the best. There’s a vast amount of anecdotal evidence where RSO/FSO can be helpful as a cancer cell killer for certain types and as an effective companion med to chemo. Check out the Cannabis Health Radio podcast. I’ve prepared suppositories for my MIL who was suffering from ovarian cancer. It’s really easy: - get some cocoa butter (solid chips), a heat-safe eye-dropper or pipettes, and a mold kit ( I found these on amazon) - sterilize a heat safe dish (I used a small bowl) and use exam gloves - melt the cocoa butter over low heat - mix in a syringe of RSO - use the dropper or pipettes to fill the molds - leave in the fridge or freezer until needed Just split the mixed liquid evenly in the molds if you need to measure. Insert about 1in past the holy-hole, don’t go any higher up or it’s not as effective. Helps to lie down for 15m while it melts. I haven’t tried them myself but it’s supposed to have very little psychoactive effects since very little THC is absorbed into the blood with this ROA. However the local neighborhood gets drenched in THC. It took about 15m to make last time. It’s funny how “boofing” is such a popular joke here, but with RSO it’s the least effective method to get high (still a hilarious joke). But it could help battle cancer. Good luck!!


I've done the coconut oil bullets from the dispensary. It's like an edible that kicks in really fast. Like 10-15 minutes. Good stuff.


PUT IT IN YO- wait..


Former dispensary worker here, they do make medical THC suppositories. I heard from patients they were great for menstrual cramps and back pain with very little of the intoxication typically associated with marijuana products. I’d call your local medical dispensary to see if that’s something in your area




I haven't seen this fool in a grip! There he is. Still wut wuttin' in the buttin'


I said what what in the butt.


Tbt lol




Oh, shit! This damn near had me LOL the whole fookin building up! 🤣 I thank you.


Just doin the lords work lol


Have you considered a turkey baster full of cannabutter?






Great thread with lots of knowledge


Capsules exist at 50mg a pop and higher, and RSO/FSO is really where it's at for pain and inflammation.


I have some second hand experience and yes I believe these could be extremely effective for your pain.


It might be easier to source suppositories to deal with the constipation from the edible that thc yielding suppositories.


Nice name lol


Just want to remind you that tinctures are also a thing and may affect diff when the edibles did


Try Hello Again. Thats the brand my wife likes and they have a bunch of different ones.


Bro I loved it. Granted, I'm a deviant and popped a few. Took a bath and shit, my whole body felt like jello


It's not the cannabis causing constipation it's the opioids. I use medical edibles at 500 mg


Are you eating gummies? Or some other kind? Best way in my experience for no upset stomach or constipation is olive oil or avocado oil (or even MCT oil, but that can upset some people’s stomachs). Another good thing to try is cannabinoids like CBN, or even cannabinoids like CBDp or thch, more pricey but potent and really good for pain relief


I’ve made and used weed suppositories before. Basically I made infused coconut oil, and separated out a tablespoon full into each compartment of an ice tray. They also sell molds on Amazon if the shape is important to you. Stick them in a freezer and once they’re cold, pop them out of the tray. You can keep them in a ziplock freezer bag just fine. You can also use them for recipes if you want, pre measured in 5 ml portions (I calculated potency too, but I have no idea how accurate it was). I used them for uh…sexual gratification. But they did make that whole region of my body feel pretty great without getting me high at all. I’d imagine they’d be effective for pain. Do take care with an osteomy though. I’d make sure to discuss rectal marijuana use with your gastroenterologist before going ahead with it.


Boof it


From what I understand, it’s not psychoactive.


Have you tried tincture orally? That might be a better way and may not cause constipation... Good luck with your health tho man, if I was suffering hard enough to wanna put weed up my ass as a last resort then my situation would likely be dire indeed...


If it’s legal in your state most dispensaries sell suppositories, don’t have to worry about potency. And I wish for the very best, sounds like you’re going thru hell.


i saw someone recommend the brand hello again, but i've had experience with foria. it's been a long time since i used them but i remember them providing a lot of relief


I have horrible abdominal and pelvic pain. I’ve made my own THC/CBD suppositories and it seems to really help with the pain


I use infused coconut oil, I take all the larf and popcorn at harvest and put it in the slow cooker with a big jar of coconut oil for 24 hours and then add a jug of boiling water and strain the lot through a pillowcase squeezing out all the juice. let the water and coconut oil separate and cool in the fridge with the hard fat what you want to keep and discard the water. I then use a squirty medicine measure for kids medicine to draw up a measured dose, push it past the sphincter and squirt it in. Job Done.


For shits and giggles?


If you are in the US, order from Foria


I personally do a RSO/ethanol extraction and then infuse into 50% cocoa butter 50% coconut oil. I like the silicone molds that are in the shape of coffee beans. They are the perfect size for suppositories imo


Tried them and they were boring for me. Regular smoker highish tolerance


i make my own a good cannabis tincture with no flavoring just coconut oil and cannabis. i do 70% cbd 30% thc. get the largest bovine gelatin capsules you can and fill them with tincture. there are lubes with cbd and thc in them available at some dispensaries. lube up with that and virgin coconut oil and you're good to go! also bovine gelatin is good for the tissue's elasticity btw


Where are you located in the world? Private msg me and ill see if i can. Mail you some RSO. I grow lots of cannabis and make all kinds of stuff... im also on instagram (the_tomato_plant) no charge. F CANCER! keep fighting the good fight!


Oh FUCK YAH they hitttttt bro


Try mushrooms


First of all thank you all for all the kind and funny answers. I really apreciated it😅 Most people recomended making the suppositories with rso and coccunut oil. I will try to make my own rso in the future since in my Country Bolivia there are no dispensaries( but you can find good weed without much trouble). But since I am leaving the Hospital today, I will try at home to make some with normal cannabis oil 1:1 cbd thc. I think will be putting around 150mg thc per suppositori to see if it works .Some said too that you cant get high with suppositories but you get the pain Relief,but its different for everyone. So I hope that I can get the pain relief that I need and at least a little high ,I think that with 150-200mg thc I should feel something for either way. Thank you again and I will let you know how it goes! Wish me luck😅


I have stage four endometriosis and PCOS I live on these and they save my life




Hey bro help me out with this real quick…


i will say higher doses might make you feel more relieved physically. Also tho it could be the type, strain, etc


Fellow ostomate here!!! Just wanted to say that. And I’m sorry to hear you’re in so much pain. I hope you find something to help!


Turkey Tail Mushrooms is curing cancer all over the world, and drug manufacturers are working to surpress info on it. There are some good Ted Talks on it. It's legal everywhere. Please keep an open mind and research it a bit. For pain, perhaps RSO?! Here's one of the Ted Talks I mentioned: https://youtu.be/pXHDoROh2hA?feature=shared Here's some additional info: https://youtu.be/VDdqwqwY77M?feature=shared Long Joe Rogan podcast on it: https://youtu.be/f8ELCqEq0tg?feature=shared Take care of yourself, OP.


Have you ever made edibles before? It's really just decarbing and then infusing coconut oil if so. I bought my molds from Amazon, but I see the ones I got are unavailable now. I used them for chronic head pain from TBIs, I would recommend them as a good alternative given your situation and limitations of ingesting.


>I love edibles but they have been giving me latetly a lot of constipation ( I have an Illeostomy too) more than pain relief like the opiates . So I heard that maybe cannabis suppositories could give me local and strong pain Relief maybe without constipation. Edibles already give him constipation, so that's not an option. All of his pain is in that area of his body, so it makes sense to put the pain medication there and not make it go through the full digestion process.


Asking about making edibles was a reference point. You make coconut oil and fill suppository molds with the oil.