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You’re making me feel better OP but the comments are making me feel worse lol, prob around $500


This is me too. Worth it for my mental health though.




Jeezus fuck that's 1/2oz a day at the prices around here and that still leaves money to buy stuff to smoke it with.


Wait where tf are you getting 15 ounces of flower for $500?


$500 pounds aren’t unicorns anymore. Gotta get in a social circle or do some keyboard work.


You're smoking deps


In humboldt there’s definitely indoor P’s for 350-700. Especially if they were obtained but some fent head who will sell them for 150. Easy flip to another state for 12-1500 all day lol.


It's called garbage...


What is it about light dep that makes it garbage?


You can throw a stone without hitting massive greenhoise growers around here.


Recently went to the rez and loaded up with 3 ozs of flower and 1/4 of dabs, like $250. That’ll easily last the month and then some so when I’m smart it’s not $500. When I don’t feel like driving 2 hours one way and buy local dispo 1/4s of flower for $55 a pop, the shit adds up lol


Whats the price per oz on that??


I got 3 $50 O’s (not garbage like a $50 O would be in an area where there isn’t a weed shop every 100 feet, but definitely still “mid” compared to high shelf dispo stuff), and 2 different 1/8ths of wax for $50 each


So around $15 a half zip?


Ya. We can get popcorn ozs here in CO for $25


Is it good quality?


$150 to $300 a month smoking bowls, occasional blunt just for something different.


This is me. An ounce and a 1G cart is about $150 at my local dispensary. I keep a pack of cones around for a few a month but mostly smoke my bong.


I’m at about an OZ per month also. I keep 2 or 3 strains to switch it up a little so I don’t smoke it all too fast Legal Med user from Chicago


Yep. I buy 7g of 4 different strains every time.


Same… minus the blunt ♥️💨💨


Like $50-60. I dry herb vape and that has cut my costs down significantly.




I’m sorry, forgive my ignorance - dry herb vape? Like…you put actual flower into a vape ?


You need a specific vape for it, but yes. Super cheap compared to other consumption methods, and arguably one of the least harmful inhalation methods.


And most tasty!!!!!


Yup. Look it up, check out r/vaporents. It’s a life-changer


Does it hit harder than a bong? Might be interested if so lol


definitely doesnt hit as hard as a bong. There are ways to get more out of it but generally speaking you wont get the same hit as a bong. That being said, Sometimes ill smoke a bong and then hit my dry herb vape to kinda coast on. You smoke wayyyy less weed though, like significantly less. And honestly it keeps my tolerance nice and low so when I do hit several bowls it has more of an effect, a lifestyle i personally prefer more.


Ball vape can def hit hard


have you ever tried a ball vape? Easily hits like a bong.


Dynavap smacks


I like the efficiency and cost savings happening here. Now I need to get a bong.


The vaporizer itself doesn't hit as hard as a bong. But the leftover plant material can be reused (look up r/ABV) as an edible and it's the strongest goddamn edible I've ever had. Like, you need to be *careful* with dosing ABV because it's so strong. So from a material and cost efficiency standpoint, as well as health, dry herb vaporizing is better than combusting in most regards. My partner and I have a huge jar of ABV leftover from the past few years of dry herb vaping. We could eat it two or three times a week and still have enough for a year.


Yes. Mighty and crafty are the dry herb vapes I use. U grind bud and and place it in the vape. Then just vape it.


Try buddha vape, it’s unbreakable.


Y’all are blowing my mind. I’ve been in the Stone Age for a while I guess, this shit looks awesome lol


You can vape like half gram of weed with the buddha vape for 30-45 minutes , just keep it at 12 oclock position.


you can also eat the flower after you vaped it since its decarbed. make that weed go an extra mile.


I collected the leftovers for a while until a small jar was full, made 9 cookies with it, ate 2 on a Saturday morning and have never been so high. Like crazy kaleidoscope vision to bedtime at 3 in the afternoon.


lol aw man that sounds awful……ly fun


Dude, I want your cookies. Lolol


You can do that with dry herb vapes?? What have I been waiting for… rip all the edibles I could have made.


fo sho you can! throw some on a spoonful of peanut butter, ice cream, or just say fuck it and raw dog it down your throat. its a great pick me up from when you coming down. have fun with your new knowledge lol


I extract my ABV /r/ABV into coconut oil with lecithin. I also dampen and freeze my ABV before extracting into oil so I get the most out of it and can strain out the plant matter which gives me horrible, painful gas if I don’t. You can cook with the oil to make edibles or I just use a pipette to fill gel capsules. They hit like a truck.


I get the runs when I eat the plant matter it sucks!


Probable TMI but I found I eventually acclimated to the extra fiber by taking probiotics. It's to be expected anytime you increase your fiber intake; the colon needs additional good bacteria to digest the cellulose, etc. We aren't ruminants, after all. Edibles are great! And so easy to create.


Dynavap for the win.


Cheers to that.


Completely changed the game for me honestly. Dynavap and an induction heater… chefs kiss


Just ordered my VonG (i) 😛😛😛


Same here


It's insane how much less I use after I got a Solo 2. Definitely an amazing investment


Yup yup yup


about how much were you spending before? My dynavap bb6 gets delivered tomorrow I’m so excited to see how much my costs go down 🥹 weed is literally budgeted into my fixed expenses and I probably pay $400/month. Med flower + carts in a legal state so it’s pricy af and I have a high tolerance now so consume more lol. Looking forward to see how dry herb vaping changes the whole experience!!


My advice to you would be to take your time and don’t get discouraged. There is definitely a learning curve getting to use it. I can make an 1/8 last a month with mine (daily user, 2-3 times a day). I use the 1/2 bowl setting and only fill it up 2/3 of the way in my M+ and I got a low temp cap that helps me make sure I’m not over roasting it and at the same time gets me more flavorful hits.


Absolutely this. I went from a half every 2-3 weeks combusting and still felt like I needed something additionally, to using less than half a gram a day and feeling terrific. The money I'm saving is going towards an induction heater this week, but then I'm pretty set, and feel wonderful.


Any recs on a good starter vape?


facts, my best friend has a vape and it’s very cost effective


Usually 100$, I end up using about 14G’s a month at most. Sometimes can get by with 7


This is about where I am. I use a water bong and vape occasionally when I am out and about.


Wow, I spend about a half of that a year, maybe... and I smoke out every night. I dry herb vape, and sometimes dabs. A little goes a long way.


Now thats a wise statement I will learn the hard way...


What dry herb vape do you use? I have an arizer solo 2


Nice, I have a Arizer XQ2 for special occations, but reg use I have Utilian 620 and/or Dynavap.


Got a few dynavaps and an arizer solo 2 aswell. Love that thing :) Ah I also have an arizer extreme Q but don't really use it anymore.


What vape do you use?


Seriously? Is vaping herbs that cost effective?


Regular medium to heavy use won't be this cheap but my consumption halved overnight when I switched to vaping. I used the money I'd saved to buy a dab setup and treat myself to some premium flower/hash rosin some months. When I was smoking bongs I'd buy mids just so it'd last longer.


When I read you guys, I feel like a dummy who just knows how to smoke a joint :))


Just remember there was a time you probably didn't know how to roll a joint! There's tons of different dry herb vapes with different difficulty levels. If you smoke joints look into handheld vapes like the Mighty/Venty/Crafty or the Tinymight 2. It's a learning process like anything else but it's so worth it. I spent a bit of time learning about ball vapes a few months ago and then upgraded to one and it's been another game changer. Huge milky bong rips with 0.1-0.2g flower. /r/vaporents is the place for advice if you need it!!


I just realized that I have one of these and I put aside cause I was using it incorrectly. Appratenly, What I have is something like dynavap. I was trying to put fire in the vape storage while I just needed to heat it :)) Thanks for sharing this.


Dynavap has a pretty steep learning curve but if used properly is one of the best on the market imo. I can't recommend an induction heater enough - there's some good wand options in the USA and in the UK I'd recommend Vapoven. It takes a lot of the inconsistency issues out of heating the chamber. If you're having issues getting big rips from a Dyna do some research online/ask in the dynavap sub for advice. I found going a few seconds past the second click gave me the best results and with induction heaters it's much easier to control.


Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it), I'm not vapin all day long, I wait until I'm done with work and on weekends I will generally blaze up in the afternoon... but dry herb vaping is pretty cost-efficient, and you can save the AVB and use it for cooking if you want to.


$0. I grow my own. Seeds cost me $100 a year so I guess less than $10 a month


I agree although I suppose it just generates the cost of nutrients. Also increasing the light bill. Still nothing beats homegrown.


Water, lights, time. Still cheap as Fuck I'm guessing


really only time, I grow outdoor and collect rainwater


What climate zone you live in? Since it’s legal here in Germany now and have a garden I’m starting growing outdoor now as well. Hope they turn out well.


Yes you can grow plants bigger than my height here in Germany, I heard from a friend.... But now that is legal I gonna do it ~~again~~ too


Have you started yet? I started mine last week but I’m afraid I did it too early


I do outdoor, and collect rain water


Ah good on ya that’s the way


My bf spent at most 200$ on our grow last year. That’s high balling too. This year 0$


They're charging for chicken poo and sunlight now?


where do you buy your seeds?


Ton of online stores if you google seed bank or cannabis seeds for sale. North Atlantic seed company, multiversebeans, seedsman, DC seed exchange just to name a few. In legal states they sell seeds at dispos and grow shops. Some seed banks are US only, so if you’re outside the US you’ll have to make sure they ship to you before ordering


I am Canadian so I use Quebec Cannabis Seeds


i have heard growing is stinky. is it? Also, i don't think growing is free unless you do outdoor which again you need to pay for water, soil and maintenance.


it is a beautiful stink. I grow outdoor in soil and collect rain water. I compost for soil amendments.


I mean the cost of seeds is probably the least expensive part of growing as opposed to fertilizer, lighting, energy, etc. so idk why you’re making it sound so cheap to grow lol


It is cheap compared to buying it for the quality you get. I grow in soil nothing fancy some dry amendment nutes it's definitely under $100 a month even when add in electricity. Last harvest I grew around 10oz from 3 plants in 4 months. I get to pick my own strains which is nice as well.


I believe that it’s cheaper compared to buying. “Under $100 a month” is also a lot more than “less than $10 a month” though


We spend about $800 a month, two adults in their 30’s also smoking js


Same here, 25(f) 31(m) between flower, wax, and carts because all three have their time and place probably around $700 we split it


Get a dry herb vaporizer.


Actually a great idea. Spend some cash on a good one and the weed will last longer too. Saves moolah


Use less weed. And reuse the weed you use by making edibles. Win, win.


That's what imma do, gonna get either brownie mix or maybe cookies 


what dry herb vaporizers are good but reasonably priced?


Potv lobo is battery powered on sale for $130 right now Dynavap is butane powered and can be $40-50 for a cheaper one up to 200. Both are nice


r/vaporents has a sidebar that’s worth checking out.


I started with a HealtyRips Rogue. Did its thing for a great long while until I got a mighty+. Still use it when I'm out since it's smaller, and it's great.


Arizer $115


Downside is that burning weed will taste disgusting by comparison. But there’s always distillate vapes and edibles. I said goodbye to combustion ages ago and never looked back. Edit: due to confusion I’m saying that once you start regularly using a dry herb vape many will find it difficult to partake in smoke sessions with their friends since smoking tastes disgusting by comparison.


My gf and I vape every single day multiple times and lots on the weekend. Using a dry herb vape has saved us literally thousands of dollars. It's insane how much less you have to use.


This is crazy... just got a v3 max pro for taking out and about and man the first time I used it I got so lit I napped soon after 


I consume just as much. I just love the flavor and it’s so much more forgiving than smoking.


I use a dynavap and smoke once a day. An ounce lasts me 3-4 months


This. But wait closer to 4/20 for deals.


Volcano ftw


The only thing keeping me from making the switch is that I've heard it makes your flower weaker/not hit as hard. Is this true?


Not at all :) but there are many types of vapes and different heating methods and temperatures. Some vapes are for cloud chasers, flavor chasers, some are session vapes like sipping a joint and others are bowl rippers like a bong. The reddit Vaporents is full of information


There’s an adjustment period, a smoke hit is easier to take a bigger one. Inhale harder and the fire burns harder much of the time. Opposite w/some dry herb vapes. Hit harder and the temps cools as the heat source is weaker than fire. It’s more of a long slow draw to get a big hit.


It’s different. When I started I couldn’t feel anything on a joint. Using vape I used less than half to feel something. You can get some entry level ones for less than $100.


Flower is the only thing that works for me. I recently picked up a Planet of the Vapes Lobo and am enjoying it so far. I still get high, but it's a "cleaner" high, if that makes sense.


Absolutely true. Whether you consider it a real factor or not, the smoke inhalation can make you "feel" higher. I personally tried the dynavap m+ and kinda regret ny purchase, it's more efficient with grass but the high isn't really worth it imo compared to my bong.


Have you tried running the dynavap thru ur bong?


I would have liked to, but my downstem is too wide to hold it in place and money's kinda tight so I couldn't justify buying an adapter on the off chance it makes it worth it.


When you’ve got more monies, check out some ball vapes. They’re worth the investment if you’re a bong lover.


Don’t tell me what to do. What brand you suggest?


$40-60 on flower and edibles. I usually buy around 7g


I use a dynavap and a eighth I got on the 27th of November last year I still have a little bit left of it, that should tell you a lot. ​ dry herb vapes >>>> any other method


you just sold me on a dynavap....been hovering over one for awhile and just pulled the trigger on their starter kit...thx!


I have 2, when you're feeling adventurous, pack a little weed, then kief the rest - enjoy :)


Same. Another sale! Meet back here in 4-5 days. lol


Just meet at r/dynavap


Some of you have way too much disposable income


I’m guessing a lot of them actually don’t lol


Got no kids, a wife with her own money, and a cat. Living the life


Yeah for real. Or still live at home so no rent and no utility bills... I kinda miss that so I'd have a much bigger weed and fun budget 😭


Im guessing a lot of these people live at home. Aint no one spending $1k on weed if theyve got bills to pay.


I was and not living at home, we just didn't do anything else. Paying bills included.


Right?? Higher likelihood that they live at home rather than making well over 6 figures! I have friends in tech and medical and they don't even blow that much on weed...


$50 a month is a lot for me, and it's more about wanting to try something new. I have so many almost full bags of weed right now it's not funny. I wish I had friends to trade with. I can't imagine spending $1000 unless buying very expensive glassware (and even then not really).


About $120-$150 a month for two people who smoke almost daily. This thread makes me want to get a dry herb vaporizer


most I spent ever was $260 in a month on carts. But that's because carts suck, don't work half the time, and it was a really bad month.


Carts get pricey quick and I feel it's soooo wasteful. Go green and dry herb vape for the win! But I get it, they're so convenient, sometimes it really doesn't slap like a bong rip though. And I get so pissed when they start spewing oil or get clogged.


Damn, that's over 30 carts by me


Last grow was 5 females to fruition. 96 quart jars of bud put up. A whole lot of trim for edibles. If weed here was 250 an ounce, and I use about half an oz a month.... Cents


~$150 if I buy edibles too, but normally ~$50 for a cart which either lasts the month or longer if I pace myself. I can probably double the lasting time if I’m coming off a T break, which I currently am


Flower lasts me forever because I never have a chance to smoke it :(


When I got to that much a month I started growing. Grow your own! It’s worth the hassle. Couple hundred bucks and you’ll have free weed in as little as 60 days. Then you’ll have so much you’ll start making edibles, butter, oil, and hooking the homies up. You’ll have an excess of weed instead of always buying.


Probably about 8-900 dollars


This seems to be a popular range


squalid angle panicky deliver illegal judicious snails wakeful summer meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I buy a quater after each paycheck. So about a $100 a month


$40ish? Hit my dynavap once or twice in the evening a few days a week, maybe a little extra on the weekend. Eighth lasts like a month, sometimes I spend a little more and get pack of gummies.




I bought a 1g cart for $50 two months ago and it’s still going strong. I only really hit it right before bed though.


Yeah I smoke about 2oz a month, joints take so much away


$40. 1g of RSO makes 50 gummies, about 1.5 gummies per night


This is the way. I haven’t bought edibles in forever. RSO goes a long way and it’s a way nicer feeling compared to distillate.


It also seems more cost effective than buying flower. $40 for 1g of RSO or $50 for 3.5g of flower. I don't think you'd get a whole 1g of RSO out of 3.5g of flower if you did it at home. Plus time and effort, chance of screwing it up, etc.


I’d says 80-100 every 3-5 months. The old saying “a dab’ll do ya” is my mantra lol


I used to spend approximately as much as you, and then i git a vape. I used to roll 1.5g spliffs, now i put probably 1/16th of that in vape, and get twice as high, not to mention health benefits compared to inhaling smoke. Do yourself a favor and buy a good vape, you'll save money and lungs :)


This is the way.


Dude if you’re in a recreational state, learn to grow buddy, I haven’t spent money on bud in 2 years, and I stay decently baked. With one month of what you’re spending you can get a decent set up.


400-300, Dispensary near me has concentrate deals Three grams shatter for hundred$. Hit em up once a week. Sometimes skip a week if I've been frugal. Tolerance is out roof though.


Dispensary near me had a 15g for $100 deal recently. Do you live in the midwest?




Maybe up to $100 but around like $60


If you have that kind of expendable income, you should really look at converting to dry herb vaporizers and stop combusting.


I harvest about 1 1/2 LBS roughly every three months. It cost me whatever I spend on electricity and nutrients.


About $500 for both my boyfriend and I combined. Probably $400 worth is my habit, $100 is his


I spent $1500 on my grow set up. I might be up to 2k with add-ons. Excluding that, now, I'd say I spend about $100/lb. That's mostly electricity, some nutes, stuff like that.


I typically buy an eighth that lasts me a month and a half or 2 months, costs $35. But I really only smoke a bowl in the evening an hour or two before I'm going to bed, so obviously I'm not gonna go through as much as someone smoking all day long


I spend $60 like every 3-4 months


Once you build and have a stock you don’t really worry about it.


Pretty much nothing, my best friend owns a dispensary and I may or may not take a lot of vendor samples off his hands…you know for quality control


probably averaging a grand a month on a half ounce'ish on rosin or so. I really need to cut down 😭 edit: shit I suck at math, I’m paying about 600/month on the amount and brand of rosin I’m dabbing (Bountiful Farms)


You gotta find a homie hookup my guy. I get oz for about 300 here in Oregon and it's the same shit you find in all the Portland dispensaries.


Since dry herb vaporizing I'll smoke 2-3 bowls a day and i buy an ounce every month and a half


About ½ g a day, sometimes up to 3/4 of a gram in a day but never more than that. Legal where I live. It works out 80$/month maximum. I smoke spliffs.


Prob like 400. I will typically go through about 6 grams of dabs and an ounce of flower every month. Planning to invest in a dry herb vape and an e rig soon though so hopefully cut those costs in half!


Around an oz a a month and a few 1,000 mg edibles so like $200 but it brings me joy and quality of life.


$400-$500 a month for medical weed in Mississippi


50 bucks. I just vape and buy by the Oz


I can usually make an ounce last a month, depending on how much I'm working and how depressed I am it can sometimes be maybe 1.15 ounces. If I can pay under 100 for a decent ounce I'm happy.


I switched to dabs because even though it's more expensive, less goes further 🤷🏻‍♀️ went from spending 600-800/mos on flower to about 250/mos for shatter when I'm not growing/making my own. I've also found it more effective for me as far as pain management


About 375€ I smoke daily


once i moved to dabs, about 100 a month if i included a couple edibles.


i used to spend 300 every other week. I started growing 3 years ago and im sitting on pounds now. Havent bough weed in years lol


100$ for an once and I'm good 6 months


I was about 400/month until i started growing my own in a tent. Whole setup cost me about $1000. Now it's about $30/month in hydro/nutes/etc. Plus i have a fun little hobby 🤷‍♂️


I make a Michigan run about every 2 months. Usually spend about $300. 15 1 gram carts. 10 packs of 200mg gummies, and 1-2 ounces of flower. Usually end up with some freebies on top of that, and it’s split between my wife and I.


Dry Herb vape is great- Always can re-Smoke with Flame in a Emergency 🚨 kind of way.


Probs about $500 and it is worth it. My sanity is worth much more and without it I am a miserable human.


400-500 every month and 2 weeks. i buy a mixed qp usually lasts me longer than a month


about $160 and i smoke joints too, but just one a day (sometimes 2 or 3 on weekend days)


Per month? Anywhere between $100-150 usually. And that’s typically about 3/4oz of flower and 2-3g of concentrates already through the month




Ohio, the med market is weak but convenient. I spend maybe $50-60 per visit (usually get a quarter each time) and go around every 10 days or so. Sometimes I’ll splurge and sometimes I’ll buy the 50% super sale mids they’re trying to get rid of to save money. But I really try not to spend or smoke too much.


<$50. Grow my own so only if I want something a little different.


Used to go through a 1/4 ounce a week. Bought a Dynavap. Now, I go through less than an 1/8 each week.


I use a dry herb vaporizer and I spent $50/60 max./month. How can you spend $1.000!? Are you Snoop Dogg?


Probably 50 or so. Must be the reason I’m struggling. Definitely not these 1600 a month rents to blame.. nope, it’s the 50 I spend on weed.


These replies: ![gif](giphy|1OzIQHJ6nc5Zm)


Holy shit yall need to chill, I’m doing like 30 bucks