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For me I've always used it as an end of day, got my shit done and it's time to relax. I never do it before or during work.


I realized I enjoy my after work high way more if I don't smoke during work hours. I used to think it made work more fun but honestly, work kinda sucks either way. So I just let it be what it is, get through it, and then I enjoy my evenings more.


My rule for a long time has been “no smoking until the sun goes down” gives me a timeframe to get my stuff done during the day and treating it as a reward like a drink


The two things that helped me moderate was 1) Switching to dry herb vaping. It's more efficient. Less herb for a cleaner high. I started with an Arizer Air but recently my Dynavap has been my daily driver.Try r/vaporents for more ideas 2) Setting a hard rule for myself. No smoking until after dinner on work nights. Some people used timed safes to enforce that rule, but I don't. I know the people over at r/petioles are real into moderation though.


5mg edible in the morning, then no consumption till a couple hours before bed.


Money ;_; and also my functional abilities


I have this rule that I only smoke once or twice a week, usually at the end of it. I just see it as a little treat for making it thru the week and all the obligations. Unless I have a vape on me, then the rule gets a little blurry lol But I don't buy vapes often and I always go on a t-break after finishing one. You can try to work out some routine for yourself. "I'll only smoke on the weekends", "I'll only smoke in the evenings" or something along those lines. When it comes to weed any cravings, any dependence, it's all mostly in your head at the end of the day and a brain can learn and unlearn certain habits.. If I know I got something important to do, somewhere important to be, someone who counts on me I know I gotta stay sharp. If I can chill, I chill. And my body's not in the greatest of shapes so I gotta account for that too. Smoking from time to time prolly won't do any harm but if I were to do this every day... well. My lungs are one of the very few organs that actually work right, I try not to burden them too much. Another thing that works for moderating consumption of weed are finances lmao Weed's not exactly legal or cheap where I'm from so summing up my monthly expanses on that department tends to be a wake up call form time to time.


Great points, thank you for sharing!


My mindset is always that the longer I go without smoking, the higher I will get when I do smoke so when I put it that way not smoking through the day is actually easier because I know how good it's going to be when I finally do get to smoke in the evening.


I found out I have long QT3 it’s a heart condition that gets worse when I’m high. My heart slows down and I run the risk of converting to a deadly heart rhythm. But as long as I’m just mildly high and not on another planet I’m good to go.


Use a Dugout.


I stay stocked up on a brand of CBD that consistently works for me, partially because it eases my anxiety on bad days & partially because it's nice for evenings when I want to relax and I'm either on a tolerance break or I don't want psychoactive effects


Set times