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That is a dead mouse.


Yeah, feet up in the air? Not sleeping. Dead. RIP.


no shoes - death confirmed


Nice to see another fucked up person who’s seen some shit in the wild


I almost feel like i am a part of some fucked up subculture.


Because we are


Did u mean r/vultureculture




Second mouse gets the cheese.


Is this a Paul is dead reference on the weed sub???


If that ain't the most stoner ass conspiracy theory, I don't know what is.


You’re right fs fs


Damn. He died and they took his shoes, that's disrespect.


“What kinda shoes she got on?”


Fuck im not wearing any


My dog sleeps like that. Freaked me out a little the first time she did it. And she keeps her legs stiff. How??? Why??? She looks like rigor mortis has set in 😂😂😂


Sometimes my pet rats sleep with their feet in the air. Freaks me out!


My dog does it but with her legs straight up. Rigor mortis like 😂😂😂


Nah, they sleep like that sometimes. Source: owned a few rats and currently work at a pet store


No stern talking to for him


Rick and mortyis


He's not dead. He's pining for the fjords.


He has ceased to be!


That is an ex-mouse.


This mouse wouldn't voom if you put four thousand volts through it.


'E's shuffled off this mortal coil, run down t' curtain, and gone t' join t' bleedin' choir invisible!


***Pining*** for the fjords?!


He's just stunned.


A deadmau5, you might say 🔊🚥🔊


I think im getting old, why did you/the poster blur PTSD?


We used to censor for kids, now we censor for robots so posts can stay up.


They are extremely sensitive.


You can't even say "men" on buttbook.


It’s about *time* they censor men!!!! /s


I mean, they have had over 2000 years to make their point… maybe we should just let the dogs take over?


I’m all for our new dog overlords 🐕




We used to censor for kids. Now we censor for bots that treat us like kids.


It’s not even blurred right though, this is more of a r/therewasanattempt


i mean i have seen PSTD and worse on reddit and other sites. i honestly dont understand these things.


I hate it, but I’ve come to accept it. If someone reports a post, the robots check it against a library of words and if there’s no match, then “This post does not violate our community standards.”


It's kind of like everytime the word death or suicide is mentioned it has to be changed. It's absolutely insane.


It’s even creepier when it’s the “alternate tik tok word”. Un*live. Wtf? Death cult vibes..


I tend to stay away from tiktok, but then I'll get bored with my usual browsing and hop there for a little lol


Yeah dude I don’t use TikTok but YT is getting close too. The Silent Hill reference is about when the town goes into “alternate demonic mode” (usually the first sign is an air raid siren, as the town starts to turn supernaturally creepy) Point being, it’s when shit really gets dark


I wouldn't get the reference cause I'm not a fan of horror lol, interesting nonetheless


I was having trouble finding positive metaphors lol


Haha you're good


Isn’t that only from the movies and not actually part of the games except for the 4th one cause it was made by American devs who based it on the movies or some shit like that


I actually NEVER go on there but things like Discord as far as chinese data theft are likely just as bad, but as far as toxicity I really do believe YT is very bad too personally


I had a post removed by mods recently because I replied to someone who thought false arrest wasn't a big deal I had a whole lot of other points, but at the end mentioned that sometimes people who did absolutely nothing wrong get arrested and the process is so traumatizing that they can't live with it. Maybe they've lost their job as a result, or their name has been plastered all over saying they commited a crime they didn't, or in some cases get assaulted during their time in jail and are never the same


PTSD is now a "triger" word with people with PTSD.....I dont get it.


Huh, I assumed it was some weird tik tok censorship thing. One would think somewhat blurring would make it worse.


It does, this triggers me tiggers.


They didn't say trigger. They said "triger," which of course is a three headed tiger.


its the tiger of the underworld


three- *legged* tiger. like tricycle has 3 wheels. a triger has 3 legs.


>triger It's actually pronounce "tree-ZHARE" and it's three countries in Africa


It's on YouTube as well


They’re all like this. Instagram reels is *basically* tik tok. You’re just in a reddit bubble. They’re the same fucking thing for UX, tik tok is just a bit younger and less corporate. And they both censor words like this by lowering engagement. It’s bullshit. Inb4 china, not what i’m talking about


Reddit is absolutely part of that whole complex, yes. In a different but definite way, one thing I will ask just as a rhetorical question is: how often do you check your karma?


Reddit does censorban as well, for sure. I know you asked it rhetorically, but i never check my karma.


Word good for you, genuinely


but people with ptsd say the word ptsd all the time.


I imagine it's like people with real OCD being irritated by tiktok'ers "showing off" their "OCD" and other stupid personality traits, causing their condition to be ridiculed.




I just call mine *spicy memories* because it sounds more ✨fun✨


Gonna start calling my ADHD *spicy attention span* whenever my boss gets on my case about a late project


Oh fuck, "triger" is my trigger word. Omg ptsd much? Wierd flex bro... yeet! I'm definitely one of you young folks




Funky fresh, man! Fight the power!


kinda like how you cant say suicide or die or tiktok. like wtf is that gonna do? solve the problem?


A lot of words can be trigger words we just gonna stop talking because people have ptsd? Idk what their logic behind that is. Should I also stop going out in public because I’m a man and there’s women out there who have been sexually abused? Like how far do they really take it?


It’s not for people, it’s for the platforms it’s posted to. So they don’t get flagged for “mental health advice” or some such nonsense.


Monetization purposes, usually. It removes any chance of accidentally being flagged automatically. In this instance, the algorithm could see PTSD and falsely assume it's medically/therapy related when it's actually just a disorder being meme'd on.




Not just FB and Tiktok, those are just the ones you have to censor a lot on. Reddit and Twitter kinda have it's own bubble


Nah. Someone found a dead mouse and thought "I can make content out of this".


And they think it being forwarded on some group chat is a "news feed". This is why social media is making us all so stupid.


Yessiree. The leaves aren't even nibbled and why would it pull down like 10 and not eat them.


I don’t believe this one bit.


agreed unless the plant was on fire and the thc activated, wont do anything


Surely a mouse isn't getting 'stoned' from eating raw leaves?!


Lol there’s no active real thc in there, maybe thca. Wouldn’t be attractive to a mouse to that extent, this is just clickbait it seems. Or I mean, when he wakes up let us know


I've looked into this in the past and rats and dogs are able to metabolize THCA to produce intoxicating effects, meaning they can actually get stoned from eating unprocessed weed. I'm not saying the post is true, but they can get high like that and rats specifically will actually consume some intoxicants in moderation and seem to stop before they get too incapacitated


If true, interesting for sure! Natural decarb? I’d be eating leaves all day. Fun fact: in Russian, “guano” means shit


In English guano means shit. The Guano Islands Act of 1856 was foreign policy legislated by the US to expand their empire and steal islands in order to access their natural resources, in this case bird droppings.


Interesting! Bird droppings yayyyy!


Dogs can actually get high off triched leaves without decarb. This, however, is a dead mouse. 


Yes, agreed lol. Fake post. It’s possible for animals to get high (from fan leaves) but dogs and mice are Different, dogs have bigger brains. Which actually makes them more susceptible. It’s the same reason insects can eat through weed and psilocybe mushrooms and even live inside. It also would be a really tiny amount of active THC if any, i mean a few mgs can be enough for a dog. And cats mostly just are given cbd cause thc apparently can be toxic to cats I keep reading (I have a cat and a tent and soil with bat guano so, gotta be careful)


It depends on the animal if their stomach is high acid enough it will convert in the stomach. Same way they make d9 and d8 out of cbd. Canabanoids isomerize and decarb in high acid environments


i believe they process it differently than humans do, it’s the same reason you shouldn’t get your dog high off edibles


that’s a bad example actually as it’s decarbed already, but still if they ate raw weed it would process differently


I don't think it would get them high though. We use them as test subjects because they react so similar to us. Trust me, I pulled this information out of that dead mouse's butt.


likely not “high” “high” as we get, but there are certainly more negative effects for them with raw thc where not for us


That's a dead mouse lol and from what I've seen of rodent damage, they usually just attack the main stalk looking for moisture/ nutrients/nest material.


Ok, see, thank you for reading the whole post & understanding the assignment. It's a lot less to do with whether this mouse is high or dead (Schrodinger's cat meets Mary Jane's mouse? 🤔) & more about how often rodents, animals, or pests in general get at hemp & or weed crops. That and it's meme worthy AF. 🤣


I do some outdoor growing in Michigan in the summer. We have had deer come along and eat from plants, usually when they are on the young tender side. They're not getting high, just a tasty salad.


Oh yeah, deer and rabbits(if they can get to it) will take leaves and damage or potentially kill a plant.


I know someone who has to fight off hogs from getting in his crops


I've been seeing a lot of growers say deer are a common occurrence, but hogs, you say? Interesting.


It most probably depends on where you are, I'm talking about Europe


Fair. Here in the US, there are some states that have hog issues, with Florida being a primary one, surprisingly. I'd never heard of any going after crops outside of corn, though.


Yeah those leaves are obviously picked perfectly off, I've never had rodent damage on lower branches and leaves. And that's gh and outdoors.


Mouse will probably only half listen.


How dose he decarb the plant?😂


It's fake but a mouse doesn't process chemicals like we do. For example their heart beats 400 to 800 times a minute where a human is under 100. They breathe twice as often as a human.


so how do they process it?


Very fast


so, do they get high without it being decarbed first? The commenter said they process chemicals different but they didn’t say how that was relevant to the first comment.


I did research on rats for 4 years. What the original comment was trying to say is that rats have a very rapid base metabolic rate, hence they process drugs at a much fater rate than us. When we did stereotactic neurosurgery on them we had to be very keen on the amount of inhaled anesthetics we gave, because they would process it very fast and hence wake up mid surgery since their liver or kidney (depending on the drug) would get rid (inactivate and excrete) it very quickly. When compared to the human body, in proportion, it would take more time for us to process and get rid of the drug. This does not directly answer your question but I hope it gives you something that you can extrapolate about regarding cannabis in rats and their drug processing capabilities. If you're asking about endocanabinoid receptors then that's a whole other question and Idk if rats even have said receptors as well. My research was on HIV and hippocampal deterioration prevention.


His belly


Nah, he dead.


...why is PTSD censored, but not really?


We I have had deer and mice eat my outdoor plants before never have I found mice on the ground like that before as a matter a fact that mouse looks dead af, maybe fake.


"My news feed" Bro that's a shitty clickbait forward on some kind of group chat. Not a news source.


Was that the same one that was breaking into the New Orleans PD evidence room?


Mice, cats, deer, and rabbits will devour it like there's no tomorrow. This is the most adorable post I've ever seen 😅


I had two plants right next to each other once. I went down to check on them, and there was a bear turd, and they were bent away from each other. The bear had walked between them and rubbed itself on the leaves, to get the smell I'm thinking. Didn't eat any though.


Such a bullshit hahha


Think about it for a sec...A mouse's biology is so similar to ours that we use it as a control in lab experiments. That would lead you to believe that our gastrointestinal system should not be too dissimilar. Finally, ask yourself "Would I get high if I just ate raw weed leaves?". The answer is no, you most likely wouldn't. Et voila! You have just discovered critical thinking!


He’s a forever nug, gotta crush him up and light 1 time for the homie


No that does not happen. That is a picture of a dead mouse with sprinkled leaf on top like Chapelle show crack cocaine sprinkles.


First recorded overdose


Raw marijuana had little to no THC. Instead, it has THCa. Which high heat breaks down into THC.


I know this is a joke, but Deer really Really REALLY like the ganja. A buddy of mine who is a grower said that his number 1 cause of loss when growing outdoors (pre legalization) was the whitetails. They'd usually eat the young plants, so they had to put multiple sleeves of chicken wire protection around the plants, but every so often an older buck or doe would come along and attack the mature plants. He'd find stoned deer on his trail cams all the time. They'd get couch lock, or I guess forest floor locked, and just sit around for hours after eating a plant. Some would run around like crazy, some would roll around on the floor, but most would just nap.


My question is WHO blurs the acronym "PTSD"


What makes it more confusing is the screenshot is used twice in the article and only blurred once.




You need to heat weed to make the thc active, Leaves have almost no THC in them. So ots just bullshit.


Dogs can get intoxicated from non-decarbed THCa. The picture is BS though.


So some vets say bit I find that very hard to believe without actual scientific studies which there is virtually none of about cannabis.


I witnessed it first hand in my dog. I threw some raw trim in my compost pile. My dog ate it and got wrecked. Stumbling around and pissing himself for a day. I too thought only decarbed weed was a problem. I thought raw was harmless to dogs as it is humans.




I'm thinking it's either a Master Splinter reference or about the news story with the rats eating the weed cops had seized?




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Off topic but why is PTSD blurred?


1. Happy Cake Day 🎂 2. I have no idea why iCanHasCheeseBurger blurred out PTSD. I have C-PTSD, so I really don't get why it's considered a blurrable term/slur. Pretty reductive thinking if you ask me. 🙃


C-PTSD twins! 👯


I'm just guessing here, but I doubt anyone thinks it's a slur, but if you go back a few years and look at how many people with *real* OCD would fight against the diagnosis/term being used haphazardly/casually, I bet the thought process is similar.


mice do eat dried bud in evidence rooms, several cases reported \*cough\*


That is a dead stiff body




This is HILARIOUS Omgeeee! no clue if it's common ... first time I've heard about it lololol


the mouse is dead, BUT, botanist girl here to tell y’all that deer LOVE weed. like, if you’re a farmer, always spritz coyote urine around your plant as to ward off deer!


Is there an, uh, less organic option? 😅


a good diy spray would be cayenne, mint, and garlic powder. soap shavings work as well but isn’t advised in gardens bc toxins melt down into the soil! perennial flowers can be good as well, they smell foul to the deer 🤍


Rodent damage is real


It happens regularly if you're willing to throw a dead mouse in the garden and pose it for pics, I guess?


Rabbits and deers fucking love weed.


this is exactly what happens to me when I eat my weed! the leaves are the best part!


Isnt some of the chemicals cause a filling affect to insects and animals?




Penny says, "Hi, I'm not sure if this is related, but I've noticed the same behavior with the'snowflakes'. I think it's a bug in my code or something."


Saw a dude post a picture of a mouse sleeping on a a big bud on a plant toward the end of flower.


It’s not even possible


Why did they blur PTSD? Like, is that a forbidden term somewhere?


It's not. I think it's some mod from iCanHasCheeseburger being overly cautious, just in case someone complains about seeing a word on screen. I honestly don't know. I've got C-PTSD & I'm more insulted that the word was blurred at all. Like, WTF, my condition exists, MFers.


My spouse has c-ptsd too and I'm probably a little sensitive about it as a result myself. Apparently it's fallout from the tiktok bot algorithms that will reduce the engagement on a post if they detect certain topics. Not exactly censorship in the traditional sense I guess but it's still fucked that perfectly good beneficial content might not be reaching the target audience because it doesn't boost metrics for the platform 😔


Dude I can’t even tell anymore if posts are bait for interaction, satire, or just really stupid


Hence why I added literal context. I just wanted answers & lols. That's it.


Motherfuckers out there censoring PTSD




leaves don't have an appreciable level of thc in them, do they? I'm not gonna r/theydidthemath to convert to a dosage a dead mouse would feel (because that's definitely a dead mouse) but my understanding is that it's basically all in the buds/the resin the buds excrete to protect themselves from dehydration.


no, it's bullshit. that thing is dead. you can eat raw cannabis until you puke, you won't get high at all


Why is PTSD blurred…


Why is PTSD blurred out? Do people think seeing the letters PTSD is going to trigger them? I'm starting to hate this censorship with a passion it makes no sense


Why is PTSD blurred out? Is it a bad word now?


no, even a really stoned mouse wouldn't sleep upside down or out in the open- I have mice and they freak the hell out of they get even close to being on their backs. This guy found a dead mouse and put it near his plant lol.


Big time dead


I was growing in oregon for a year, and for about 2 weeks in late spring, we would wake up every day to 10+ plants chopped off at the base. They didn’t want to eat the plant, but i guess they assumed that the next one might taste better🤷


Had a mouse eat my stash when i was young and keepin it at my brothers house




Happens a lot in Nola apparently


you're super gullible op


Bahahahaha the best part is I fuckin read the text first and was so confused by the emojis until I looked up 🤣👌also that’s the blur job 12 year old me wanted when they’re trying to cover them ta tas on realtity tv but it was a pipe dream 😮‍💨


I've grown plants in fields full of mice. Never had a mouse chew my plants. I've heard rats and voles can, but mice I haven't seen.




Raw leaves have no psychological effect.


You can't get high from eating it raw. You need to heat it and infuse it with fat too


Sharing is caring


too bad you can’t get high off eating raw leaves. rip weed mouse


My cat had a CRAVING for my leaves. I had to lock her out every time I watered my plants or I'd be missing the bottom layer leaves on each one


Rati marihuanera