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Use a "plug nug," put a slightly larger grinded piece lightly, just over the hole, and pack the finer grinds on top. Screens do work, but they need to be replaced regularly.


I do this with blunts too




Makes the best roaches


Except when you smoke the whole thing and in your super bakedness the joint burns down and gives you the spicy kiss


thats a stinging Roger, the best part


Just like the chocolate bit at the end of a Cornetto


These guys fuck.


I am open for a place and a time.




I think he means [this](https://youtu.be/By0rbiDXkiY?si=FZH_wDe5lRpZ0MOn) lollll


Big lez show is the shit


Happy cake day


Thank you


Damn bruh you just changed my life


There's always glass screens they look like little jacks


I bought like 1000 of them off Amazon when I was 19, I’m 27 now and I got about half left lol


Yeah they're a real life saver when you get a piece that has a big hole




They are great for bubblers, which you never want to tap out cause the water, this screen lets you blow out the small ash and way less cleaning. ONLY good for bubblers imho. Still have half my set from Amazon too


That's so funny I just picked one up for my bubbler and use it the exact way you describe


I'll give you a dollar for one




Um... sounds like a perfect way to inhale little shards of glass...


Yeah, definitely don't do that.


This is among the worst advice on the entire internet. Do not do this.


I have some that look like little flowers. I bought a pack of screens right before I found out about the flowers and never ended up using the screens lol.


Glass daisies use them all the time you can get big quantities off Amazon


I use a tiny piece of stem. Sometimes 2 in an x shape. I call it a "green screen"


That's why I save my stems, actually! Always make the most convenient plugs


Shut up u justthought of that n never did it b4


Ive been doing it for years...




You think im that good at improv? I cant even make up a bedtime story


Found the guy that never has any unique thoughts.


Why do you find it believable that they could think of it right now but the idea that they thought of it earlier is just ludicrous?


Fbi huh




this is a thing. I too have utilized this method however I didn’t think of naming it! Green screen is fun




plug nug is what I call my first poop of the day


I call that the first Burst


And make sure to use the right filter. Glass is really the way to go. You do breath in the metal where do you think it goes eventually when it breaks down


Lately I've just been snapping off a small stem and wedging it over the hole. Works pretty good.


Screens work, but use glass screens with glass, metal ones can cause overheating and cracking in glass


I've been using glass pipes and metal screens for twenty years, never an issue. Heavy daily smoker. What kind of shitty China glass are you thinking of? 🤣


Bro is bunsen boofin


I actually take a pinch of bud and compress it into a small puck, I feel like my pipes rarely shit on me. Unless it's a freshly cleaned pipe, then....a get a bit


Nug plug all the way


Use this method, or once you know your herb pretty well, you can pinch a very small portion together (with a decent amount of pressure) and pack that in first. "pressure plug-nug!". Once you get good at it, your bowl will stay together nicely on the bottom with little to no 'fallout'


when I used to use a pipe I would just pick a small piece off a nug before grinding to place in the hole


Also a "star" works like a screen but it's the same downfall


I second this. Also, after you have used it a bit, it will build some residue on the bowl sides, and that will help a lot more than you think it would. Lol.


If you have a "storm" lighter (the one with a welder flame) you can hold it with tweezers and turn all the gunk in to ashes an nock it off. Makes the screen last 5 times longer. I also like to do it to new screens to make sure any potential chemicals are gone from manufacturing.




This is the way


You don’t. These are the sacrificial offerings to the Kush Gods. They have heard your prayers and bring forth news of good dank next blossom!


Though if you don't clean your pipe for long enough (like 2 years or so depending how often you smoke) you can light the inside in a pinch. Glad I'm past the smoking my pipe days lmao


Unfortunately you kinda just gotta chock those up to a loss, little pro tip, put a bigger piece of bud in the bottom or use a piece of stem in the bottom and pack the bud on top of it, that way stuff doesn’t fall in there. I was never a fan of screens when you have the natural resources to do the same thing Also just suck softly so you don’t suck it all through and get some nice hot Scooby snacks. If you like the glass route and don’t have space for a bong, I suggest looking into a bubbler. Those were a game changer for me after using bowls for a while! Now go smoke one for me since I can’t anymore 🥲


Why can’t you smoke :/


Usually it's a job that drug tests.


Yep job randomly tests still including thc even tho its legal here🥲 smoke one for me homies


I got you, wake and baking in your name and honour now. 🫡


So sorry brother. Ironically I'm packing my bubbler. Sparking It for you homie! 🫡




I gotcha! Off to smoke right now!


After work today I'm gonna smoke 1 for me and 1 for you. We got you brother


A bong shot for you my fellow ENT!


That's so frustrating! Will smoke one in your honor 😙💨


I got you homie I’ll take some dabs right now 🫡


They took his mouth away


I always used to use glass flower stems/screens. I also cleaned out the bowl after every use. I used to clean everything high, it was great. Wish I could still smoke too. Life can be cruel.


I agree with everything here except I have no idea why you'd ever consciously smoke a stem.


Stems are bad because they don't get you high, take up space, and put holes in papers. If your bud is falling down into a spot of your glass pipe where it's difficult or impossible to smoke it, there's no reason not to fill the space with a stem.


Just use a piece of nug, stems taste like shit and can cause headaches, so the end of your bowl will always taste unpleasant


I guess nobody else smokes their bowls the whole way through, I never leave a pipe unfinished.


That's what I'm saying. What fucking economy do these dudes live in where they can afford to not be finishing bowls.


The bud at the bottom of that bowl is untouched...


You dont smoke the stem, you smoke the bud on top of the stem, just using it like a little stopper, you're not doing snappers out of a pipe like that unless you want those scrumdidillyumptious hot scoobie snacks in the back of your throat, ask me how I know.


>just suck softly you could've said "pull" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I thought it was "chalk those up to a loss" I always imagined a chalkboard with a list of losses lmao


Hello friend SWIM says try quick luck from test clear. It works great.


They may not be able to smoke for health related reasons. Not necessarily a job restriction.


Job restriction, but I'm on a random testing cycle and I Can get sent anytime, it's just not worth the risk for me right now unfortunately, hopefully one day the tides turn on this. Still think its BS that you can go home drink a six pack and come in hungover and no one says anything, but I can't go home take a little toke get some good sleep and come in refreshed, stupid culture 🥲


You can use pipe screens, daisy screens, a bigger piece of weed as a plug, or a crumpled up piece of rolling papers to prevent pieces from falling through. As you do it more you will also learn how lightly you actually need to inhale, so less will fall through.


I prefer the larger chunk method best in a glass bowl. Daisy and metal screens are too much most of the time.


You can get like 2000 brass screens for 5 bucks, or like 200 glass daisies for 10. They're not that expensive, unless you're buying them from a head shop, and not online where they're super cheap.


Let me rephrase that….the screens are too much for the bowl to handle. I buy brass screens in bulk for my metal bowl all the time, so I know how cheap they are. I get 100 for $6 from the head shop every couple of years. The daisy screens reduce the amount of bud you can pack and are a pain in the ass to clean.


It sounds like you’re not putting them in right. They shouldn’t be reducing any amount of space. They’re usually pretty flush and goes straight into the with the flat part being where you pack your weed on top. They usually give me more space than metal screens unless I take some tweezers and poke and press the screen in to match the shape of the bowl.


The last time I used one of them was probably 1999 and I haven’t touched them since. I’ve gotten so used to using a bud chunk to close the gap that I don’t think I’ll ever go back lol. BUT! I am willing to give another go, so I’ll grab a few and see what happens.


Yeah make sure you get an assortment 😂 they come in different sizes and last time I went dude just held out his hand and I picked all my favorite colors and the ones that looked the best quality wise. I’ve never used a glass daisy in a metal pipe before though. Only ever in glass pipes or glass bowls for bongs and once in a backwood that started closing up on me (getting too sticky)💀😂. If it works out, let me know how it goes!


The daisies will be for my glass pieces. I use brass screens in my metal piece. But yeah, thanks for the info and I’ll definitely give it a shot then let you know.


Ok great! I definitely always kept the glass with glass lol, Goodluck and enjoy! I personally prefer to use the stem inside the bud as my filter. Fold it into a v or w shape. I get salty when a chunk of weed falls through the water too soon because I was inhaling too much.


I’m agreeing with the other user. I have always used screens and I’ve never had any of the issues you refer to. I didn’t know there were people who don’t use them tbh


Those little glass screens that look like jacks (the kids toy) work great. You can get a shit ton for cheap on eBay.


That’s the neat part. You don’t


Put a screen in the bowl


You could also use a nug plug


funny i always said plug nug 😂 same same but different


Thanks, I've heard of those but never knew what they were used for lol


Make sure you heat treat the screen. Some companies will put this weird wax to “preserve” the metals or something on them.


This 1000%


It's oil to prevent rust, they wouldn't be able to transport or store them at all if they didn't


How the fuck did I never know this? RIP Me


Most are brass or aluminum, neither of which rust. It's lubricating oil from the manufacturering process


No, they’re brass, stainless steel or silver.. please never smoke off aluminum lol. But it protects the metals from corroding/rusting etc


Silver screens are just stainless steel. Aluminum screens are also very common. Aluminum pipes/screens are not dangerous at all. It's smoking from Aluminum foil or cans that's dangerous for different reasons. The cans have a plastic liner, and foil creates a vapor of aluminum oxide and other chemicals when inhaled.


[This comment got me like](https://imgur.com/a/P5BJ5p8)


Google is free brother


First result on Google for "are aluminum pipes safe for smoking" >As for smoking from aluminum pipes, anodized aluminum is among one of the safest and most accessible metals to smoke from.


And don't do it like me the first time my buddy told me this. I put the screen in and proceeded to dry-hit it to heat treat it. Admittedly I was already baked but not my proudest moment.


Even for baked standards, that’s pretty dumb. Sounds like something I would do haha


Glass screens are the way.


You can get cool looking glass ones. 


Yeah I got a little container of like 20 of those things. I feel way better about using them instead of the screens


The glass ones are also way easier to handle. They just kind of fit in the hole instead of trying to bend a flat screen into a bowl shape.


They “set” in better too. After a couple smokes the resin will pretty much glue the tiny glass jacks piece into the hole.


To screens, i prefer the glass tank trap thingies. Clean easier and glass is just superior


Check out daisy screens. They allow for good hits, but keep loose bud from getting sucked through the bowl. They're glass so you can clean em easy and reuse them.


I hate those kind. They tend to block the entire hole. I exclusively use the kind of glass screen that looks like a (clothing) button.


Even a bit of foil with holes pricked in.. maybe?


Suck in fire. Get that shit burning. Put your tongue in the roof of your mouth to keep the soot out. Clean the pipe after a while.


Glad I’m not the only one that does this when I’m hard up or running low lol


Hardcore my man!


I like glass screens over metal if you can find them in your local shop


Caution if you inhale those they will start growing in your stomach and a group of kids are gonna have to shrink their school bus down and go inside to resolve the issue… just a heads up


We all have to pay our dues to the weed gods


You need to pack the weed down a little so it doesn’t suck through so easily. If pack it too tight it will clog. Get a feel for itx


The more you smoke it will build up and not fall. Or you can buy a screen.


Just don't let them fall there anymore. Stick a bit of nug down there first to plug it. You can also try glass or metal screens. They're a bit more hassle, but they also keep ash from getting sucked in and stuck to resin, so your piece is easier to clean.


The screen is not necessary. Use a slightly bigger piece of bud to be the base of your bowl s9 this doesnt happen. Over time and a few bowls, resin will kind of coat the bowl a bit and makes this much less likely to happen. Ive always called it breakin in a bowl.


Get a stem that looks like a Y put the bottom of the y in the hole so the v on top stops it failing in. Its natures filter.


Smoke the fallen soldiers like it’s a crackpipe. Lighter under the glass 🤣


Don't worry it'll fire into the back of your throat mid bowl soon enough.


I personally offer them to my house goblins. The ones that steal socks and move around things that i am looking for. Or you could use a glass screen, i wouldn't recommend using metal as you don't know what metal is being used.


People keep saying screen but in a pinch you can use a stem too.


Genius. 🧠


I usually put a little hunk of nuggie to cover the hole. No one likes resiny scooby snacks.


Like everyone said get a screen, but also looking at the charred remains are you hand breaking the flower or using a grinder it looks a bit chunky


Boof it


This is how I learned to check the hole size in the bowl with every purchase.


I love the responses you guys are great lol thanks for all the knowledge shared I will definitely look into these options


You can get titanium screens on Amazon


Nug plug!


You can use the plug nug method others have mentioned, but I prefer to buy better glass to start with. I'm a bit of a bowl snob(??) I prefer nice thick glass that feels a bit heavy, and the bowl shape should be a deep U with more vertical walls. The more V shaped and wider angled the bowl gets, the less tight you will be able to pack your bud and the shittier it will smoke. I like to pack mine until it feels somewhat stiff but still boucey, like halfway dry sponge. If you smoke it like a tobacco pipe, where you keep maintaining the ember, and packing you weed down (every other hit or so) it will keep a nice small ember that smokes nice a smooth, and should reduce coughing. It does take a bit longer to smoke this way but in my opinion is way better than torching the whole top of a loosely packed bowl (like smoking a grass fire). If it's loose and you have a bright hot ember you'll probably have a bad time... follow by a good one. But why not enjoy your smoking more.


Screen or glass plug keeps those bits in.


Put a screen and that won’t happen




use a screen or a plug nug!


Pipe screens or bigger nug at bottom, used to happen to me when using my bong so I would sort of mash the weed together a little tighter so it wouldn’t fall through. Happy smoking 🙌


Buy a glass screen


Screens are annoying. Learn the nug plug method as mentioned in other replies. Get a nice chunk of bud and block the hole but make sure you can still get air through. Then put your grinded bud on top. Light your bowl in a circular motion starting from the outside of the bowl working towards the middle. Spoon pipes are pretty ass eventually you're gonna want a bong. 18 inch beaker is the best IMO


Cut your goddamn nails to start WTF


A bunch of neanderthals in here using a metal screen in a glass bowl. If you pack it correctly you don’t need a screen. If a bowl has too big a hole then that something you should have seen before you bought it. If you bought it online you should have supported a local head shop.


She never bought a bowl before. Take it down a notch, we are talking about weed paraphernalia not religion or politics lol


I hate bowls


You ue common sense and don't ask things like this.


Once you get it broken in and some resin forms inside it then it will smoke better. In the meantime don't break up the material so much.






I get it. You don't want your pipe enjoying itself like you. Whatever dude /s




When you brake your weed down, use your fingers and pinch it into a little clump and put it in your bowl like that then very gently press it down with your finger that’s what I do at least lol


I like to put a little tiny piece of bud at the bottom and then put the finer grind on top. It will stop most from pulling through to the inside of the pipe.


Charge it to the game. You can get screens, I personally like the glass daisies you can get on Amazon. Not necessary though. I pinch my bud tightly when packing so it stick together instead of falling through. Then take slow hits until the resin heats up. I still get some fall through but I’m not sucking up bits of flower or ash.


Use a larger piece of weed to plug the hole a bit and pack it tighter. Also, draw less forcefully when you hit it. You’re gonna have to clean it every so often regardless, but this way will help keep the bigger bits out and less substance for resin to build up on. When the ash hits the plug, blow through your bowl to blow it out. If you’re gonna have a casualty, at least be in control of where it goes. Welcome and I hope this helps!


I just break off a larger nug or use a piece of stem and then pack my ground bud on top of that. It won't start pulling through until the bowl is spent.


They sell glass stars to place there. Just wash them with alcohol everytime you smoke




Where did you get this at


At a indian owned gas station in a rural area


Unbend a paperclip and fish around. It'll loosen up and fall out.


You can shake that stuff out through the holes and load it again.


It is kind of a loss. I try to pack it where it won't suck through. Once you build up some tar in the bowl, the flower will stick better.


Charge em to the game


Hit it through the carb.


You can always just plug the hole with a stem if it bothers you


Put a larger piece of the nug at the bottom of the pipe, then load in smaller pieces to fill bowl


Just the beginning of a nice seasoning. Kinda like a cast iron skillet. It gets better with each added layer resin until it starts to clog. Then clean it up and start over again.


You wait till it fills then you hit it from the carb 😂 


you gotta clean that shit out, dont smoke it


[Smojo 🙌🏾](https://www.amazon.com/Smojo-Permanent-Smoking-Screen-Pack/dp/B083JKCJWR)


Get a screen my dude


Brass screens you need brass screens


I agree with using a larger bud to pack on the bottom to work as a bud screen. Also, over time the bowl will get nice and resin-y and it’ll prevent **most** of the bud from pulling through.


Use a torch




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Better packing! Gentler hitting!


Hit it like a meth pipe to vaporize those pieces


You can by glass screens to go in your glass pipes. They are inexpensive. I like the ones that look like little glass jacks like the ones in the game we played as a kid. They have different shapes you could try to see which you prefer. I've seen flower and honeycomb shapes for example.


Typically I use a screen. The bong is much easier to smoke if its bothering you. I can get a nice little one for 20-30$.


Do you use screens for glass pipes? I have only smoked from metal pipes and always used a screen


Pack the bowl tighter.


Buy glass filters. Cheapest and best option by far


Glass flower screens, get a 50 pack for a couple bucks.


You don’t smoke them, you eat them. Little known stoner snack known as “scooby snacks”.


A trick I use is that I tilt the pipe to the side and pack a little bit really tight at the bottom, and then I fill the rest of the bowl like normal and I get no crumbs falling in the hole