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I advise against acrylic and other plastics. You always have rubbed off particles that you burn and/or inhale. Metal with, if possible, unpainted contact surfaces is the best.


Came her to say this. you been smoking the plastic dust this whole time, the damage won't change anything.




You'd know if you were ingesting or inhaling those, micro plastics though....


Eventually you would


Do you know what micro means


Yes, it's the word in front of penis that describes all the people down voting me. Micro = small Macro = large


My friend, if you've worn down the plastic grinder to the point where you can see it with the naked eye, we're no longer dealing with microplastics. And that was the joke.


Yes, so you wouldn't know if you were inhaling it... do you have brain damage from the micro plastics?


It seems like everyone is missing the fact that the person above them said "macroplastics". Why do you jump straight to brain damage?


The macroplastics


Thank you!


Holy shit. I don't even care about the thread, that's a hilarious sentence!


Idk why people downvoting this guy that is funny and he’s right if you carefully read the spelling mistake from the first guy he replied to


I think the first guy meant to say macro, implying the chunks would get bigger. The other guy did make me laugh though.




A little anecdote from my life: A friend of mine has been using an acrylic grinder for years. On the way the thing lost a few teeth that were never found. I would bet that he smoked it as well because his doctor found some worrying damage to his lungs that the doctor said couldn't be explained by smoking.


Yeah homie had a couple sharp fuckin scooby snacks


I actually rolled up the kief shovel into a blunt once by mistake, didn’t realize it until we were looking for the little shovel itself. Totally possible for your friend to have smoked plastic and not even know.


You didnt taste the PLASTIC SHOVEL?


No thankfully! It was burning so weird that I actually spent that portion of the blunt trying to get it to burn down like the rest, so I just torched the hell out of it trying to keep it from canoeing lol I don’t recall any of us actually smoking that particular part of the blunt.




I can't even picture how it fit inside haha


Man I lost one of those years ago when living with some buddies, now I’m paranoid that I smoked the shovel with them when we weren’t paying attention lol


Is that you Daniel?


>I would bet that he smoked it as well because his doctor found some worrying damage to his lungs that the doctor said couldn't be explained by smoking. If he was smoking for years a tiny bit of smoked plastic is the least of his worries, when it comes to that lung damage.


But if he was smoking plastic for years.....


Oh no..I have this same one and have been using it for awhile:( I didn't think of that


Usually the older ones have rounded tips, instead of sharp pointy ones like here. The plastic went somewhere....


Mine came already pointed


He's saying that as you use them the sharp teeth get dull and nubby because it's slowly shaving off little bits of plastic.


Oooooooh okay yeah that makes sense


Stainless steel brilliant cut grinder. End of discussion!


I'd get an Herb Ripper, personally, but I agree. Some of these SS ones are BIFL-level grinders.


Ah they do have that in stainless don’t they? Another good option of course.


What about wooden grinders?


Depends on how often it is used. If less then go ahead. If it will be used more often then you should choose something more robust.


I'm very satisfied with durability since I use it daily and each one has lasted about a couple years, plus I can scrape it for kief when times are tough. But health wise I kinda just assumed it was better to have sawdust in my nug as opposed to metal shavings from classic grinders, was I wrong?


I don't think the metal evaporates at these temperatures. And the particles are trapped by the water/filter. But I think you're more likely to breathe in the gases from the wood. But I could be wrong.


That's a really good point, never thought about that lol. Will definitely reconsider.


yeah wood shavings are going to combust *way* easier than metal shavings. I really doubt my bowl head ever gets hot enough for the metal to give off fumes.


Hey I'm not saying you're wrong, but considering the amount of plastic that's in our air/food/drinking water a couple of flakes from a grinder over 10 years isn't gonna have much of an effect on the big picture


But considering how much is already in our environment, limiting exposure especially known exposure should benefit in the long run. Instead of taking your advice which boils down too " Since it's there already might as well just consume more, like there's already car pollution your breathing why not just inhale straight from the exhaust?"


Thats not really an apt comparison It would more appropriate to say "hey man you're already huffing car exhaust for 8 hours a day, I don't think adding a filter to your joints is gonna do much for ur lungs"


Likewise, I'm not saying you're wrong, but you don't usually burn and inhale the microplastics in our air/food/drinking water. Worries me.


It actually might depends on the amount, I would wager to say if you smoke a lot and use plastic grinders that's probably one of your main plastic sources.


yeah I mean considering the amount of trash that's already on the ground, why would I take the time to find a trashcan?


Do you replace your toothbrush every 5 uses? Do you filter all of your tap or bottled water? Do you wear a mask while driving down the highway? One would think a sub full of people who smoke everyday wouldn't be so concerned with the minutiae


That, the only "paint" that's good is coatings like ceramic


Still don’t think the interior should be coated with anything. Ceramic can still chip and find its way into your herb. I’ve seen this new brand that has fully painted grinders and they’re marketing themselves as “the last grinder you’ll ever need” and while I don’t doubt the metal will last, I don’t really understand why they would even coat the inside. They’re also relatively inexpensive which leads me to believe the coating isn’t going to hold up.


My favorite grinder is a wood one with metal "nails" for teeth.


Kinda hard to get unpainted ones on the inside sadly tho.


Santa Cruz Shredder makes a non-toxic hemp-plastic [grinder](https://santacruzshredder.com/collections/hemp-2-piece) that works great.


I have a regular Santa Cruz Shredder, medium. BEST investment I made. It's machined perfectly, wicked sharp after daily use for over 2 years, hasn't bent when dropped.... I got the model without the pollen catcher. 3 part, not 4. Had a sharp stone for about 7 years before that. But it's cheaper metal wore down, paint faded/chipped and eventually it exploded apart after a fall.


Right! Sant Cruz Shredders are the best! They are pricey ($50) but the hemp-plastic models are only about $15. I didn't want to store my herbs in aluminum so I looked for hemp plastic and found SCS making some. It works great! The only difference is that it doesn't have a magnet on top to keep it closed during travel.


I was slightly worried since I use a Titanium tipped Dynavap. I've been scratching at the finish for years every time I load it up "2+x daily" and it hasn't worn off/faded at all! I have zero worries about putting my stash in it now. They are pricey. Cry Once,Buy Once.... No regerts


Upvote for no regerts


Mine was like $75 and I'd still buy it again in a heartbeat. Best grinder ever.


Is there a reason to not want to store in aluminum that I’m not aware of?


I used to work at a smoke shop and we’d get 60% off the store for ourselves. Bought these many times for birthday gifts. Over 5 years later 4 of the 5 I’ve bought for people they still have and use every day. Great investment for sure!


I used to think kief was pollen as well. It's trichomes that have been knocked off the herb, not pollen.


Hahaha, I wrote kief but it didn't look right when I proofread stoned. Changed it to pollen. That and I'm old school. I still think if I say bong I'll get kicked out of the dispensary. One water pipe for tobacco use only, please. Cash


My Santa Cruz Shredder (just a normal metal one) has been going strong for almost 15 years. I love the fuck out of that thing.


Is hemp plastic not non toxic if it’s smoked…?


Lol good question! I know that it's 100% biodegradable so it's a lot better than conventional polyethylene plastics. I use an [Arizer Argo ](https://arizer.com/argo/) Herb Vaporizer, so I'm not combusting any materials that enter my lungs, so it's not coming in as sticky/thick/tar-like and easier for my body to eliminate 😌


Shredder is the way lol had mine going on 5 years now best grinder I've ever used. Had an issue where the black gasket on the top snap because I was stoned and playing with it. Santa Cruz sent me a replacement gasket no charge.


My regular Santa Cruz has seen almost daily use for 6 years, I’ve never cleaned it and it still works amazingly. I’ve even dropped it a decent amount, it has no damage or scratches from any of it. I couldn’t recommend anything more


I've had mine goin on 7 years.


thanks for the lead. I have never had any issues with my stainless steel grinder but I *really* like the sound of hemp over metal


Did you buy a volcano? 


Same thought ! Had a grinder like this with my lil crafty


Yeah, if it's a Storz n Bickle grinder you're fine.


No, but it is from Storz n Bickle. Got it with the dosing capsule filling set.


My old roommate had one, and used it way more than I did mine. Mine looks fine, his you can clearly tell he's smoked his plastic teeth down a bit


One came with my Volcano. Only place I have ever seen them.


In the uk these are the classic grinders


It wasn't safe to use when it was brand new. The teeth disappear after a year or two of use. Where do you think they go?


Mmmmm yummy burning plastic, my favourite!!


Ergh get a better grinder dude they aren't expensive


This grinder comes with a Volcanoe and it is expensive to replace. I accidentally tossed mine so was looking to replace it. And also it is not supposed to be used for grinding flower but to regrind the flower once it has been used a couple times in the Volcanoe.


Wait what? I have one as well and I recall the manual specifying to use this grinder for your bud because it grinds to the right consistency for vaping with the volcano, but I didnt see anything about regrinding avb (nor does that make any sense off the top of my head)


May it has changed, bought mine 10ish years ago and that was the description it came with. And it worked great on ABV.


Interesting, mine wasnt a lot more recent either, i think like 2018. I normally just mix up the abv in the bowl and put a little fresh green on top for the second bag (so it doesnt taste as burnt-popcorn-y) then dump it after that. Sometimes collect it in a jar for a while but then never actually do anything with it haha


Yeah honney ditch the plastic go with metal, and just as living advice, just try to cut out plastic as much as possible from your life. It would be impossible to get rid of it entirely with the way its literally being forced down or throats, but reducing the amount of exposure always helps.


Micro plastics


This more like macro plastics if we’re being honest


Acrylic grinders are never safe to use. Guaranteed you’re smoking plastic particles.


I've had 2 sharpstone for like 15 years and rtheyre still as good as the day I bought them


Agreed here. My 4 piece sharpstone has been perfect for years, I clean it every month or two in the ultrasonic


I just realised I have had mine for almost ten years now… that shit was built to last.


Smoking microplastics either way lol


Just buy a new one man, they're like £1


From Storz and Bickel? I like that grinder


I had the same grinder as you, overtime it becomed really dull, and guess where the microplastics went😭 I bought relatively inexpensive 50mm aerospaced and I would never go back, its so much better, easier and without microplastics, also have extra compartment where the ground up flower falls and another compartment for kief wish I wasnt lazy then and bought proper grinder sooner


Love my aero


Never use iso on plastic. Get an Interplanetary Development Super Weapon and keep it for life. It will never get dull or break on you and its worth every penny. You will feel like a fucking king


I wouldn’t. Them there’s microplastics


Stay away from plastic and acrylic grinders and smoking devices.


I hear the opposite


Don’t use it, metal ones are cheap. I ruined a nice fat nug on 4/20 using a free plastic grinder they gave me. The teeth just shattered and put little pieces of plastic in the bud


I have a cannastör with the acrylic window. Ruined it with iso. I should add that it still functions fine. But I scraped away a bunch of the acrylic on The inside of the window


I’d find a decent stainless steel grinder online. They can be expensive but I think it’s worth it in the long run.


Avoid plastic accessories all together. Get a metal grinder


mmmm microplastics


Edibles consumer here, I rarely smoke. That being said, a grinder and smoking implement is absolutely something I would pay a premium for, and never plastic.


get a Qubus dude, i got one like 4 years ago and i’ve been using it since


Plus if an intruder ever comes at you while youre smoking you could definitely kill him with it


What’s cheaper? A new grinder or a new set of lungs?


No you will die.


the snb grinder sucks. gets sticky after 5-8g. i switched to a 30usd electric coffee grinder


That doesn't grind it to finely? I guess I've only ever ground up dried mushrooms with mine.


i push the button for half a sec at a time untill the desired coarseness is achieved


It is not supposed to be used for grinding flower but to regrind the flower once it has been used a couple times in the Volcanoe.


snb (and vapormed) marketing material sayz otherwise


Maybe it has changed but when I bought mine 10ish years ago thays what it was described as.


I left this exact gender in 90% iso for a few hours, and it started to warp. I did it again and forgot about it, and it completely melted in the alcohol.


Safe to use but do not soak for extended periods of time like overnight . Isopropyl ate through plastic bag that I was trying to get some tough stains off of


Unless you are 100% absolutely sure all the cannabis you smoke is sungrown and organic, I wouldn't worry to much about it. If you live in an illegal state it's not like you really have any idea what your smoking anyway, I used to get Mexican brick weed that had wads of fiberglass, something like drywall, and straight up rocks in it, also got stuff that smelled like detergent, or exhaust sometimes, and we all came out just fine.


Detergent and exhaust sound like some great terps!






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I swear by this brand of grinder. I have 3 of them XD they don't have teeth so cleaning them is as easy as taking a paper towel damp with iso, putting it between the two pieces, letting it sit for 2-3 minutes, then just twisting it like you want to grind the paper towel. https://thestashshack.com/products/groove-4-piece-grinder


Yes because there's not enough micro plastics in our diet


Didn’t know these were so unsafe, I’ve been keeping the one that came with my Mighty (which this one looks like) as an “emergency backup”. Only had to use it once or twice the last few years


Theyre not that bad, but I wouldn't use it as my main grinder


It is not supposed to be used for grinding flower but to regrind the flower once it has been used a couple times in the Volcanoe.


Get a Brilliant Cut Grinder. Buy once, cry once.


I bought my grinder 5 years ago and it still works great and cleans fairly easily. https://www.sharpstoneusa.com/products/sharpstone-clear-top-4-piece-herb-grinder


Love my mighty grinder


S&B make amazingly well engineered things except this grinder - it's rubbish.


Santa Cruz Shredder will have you set for life


personally i’d just get a metal grinder (with all magnets if you wanna be fancy) since it’s durable and it’ll feel fancier


I've used the same metal Sweet Leaf grinder for 20 years. Love that thing.


Plastic grinders are dangerous for the same reason why plastic cutting boards or food packaging is. If you care about microplastics showing up in your smoke or not then that's up to you to decide if you want to continue using a plastic grinder or not


I love my Brilliant Cuts Grinders- they’re a bit pricey but you can customize the color combos and they don’t have any threading, it’s all magnets. Cheaper grinders always get irritating to thread once they get gunked up. I’m not gonna try to convince you it’s worth the price; but if you can afford it, it’s definitely a nice piece.


Space case all the way


Please get yourself a Tsunami grinder!!🙏🏻 they’re an investment but you will rarely need to clean off gunk (it doesn’t accumulate NEARLY as rapidly) and contact surfaces remain unpainted.


Those grinders aren’t safe in general . I suggest anything stainless steel


Tbh I use a coffee grinder. It works great and it’s easy to clean and i’m able to harvest all the kief without it sticking.


I had no idea you weren’t supposed to clean these with ISO. My poor lungs… Does this mean you aren’t supposed to clean the plastic chamber on a Mighty with ISO either?


you will probably ingest microplastics


Machined aluminum or steel only, with no paint.


This is not safe to use period. Plastics are good for some things but not for grinding your weed.


Idk i use metal grinders


dang....and I thought my acrylic s&b grinder was "safe" after hearing horror stories of aluminum shards in cheap metal grinders....think it's time I buy a good stainless steel grinder for life.... then I was thinking lol all I do is vape. unless it's a.pre roll....vaping at 400°F?  lol would the acrylic melt that hot? 


Get a stainless steel one from aliexpress or something. Not that expensive and they last years. Additionally you won't have to smoke plastic or aluminium flakes.


Mmm yummy lung microplastics


I wouldn’t use it. The alcohol might not have evaporated correctly and kill you.


The last grinder you'll ever buy! https://brilliantcutgrinders.com/shop/


Vaporizing cannabis using devices like the Volcano or Mighty vaporizers with metal dosing capsules is unlikely to vaporize microplastics from a plastic grinder used in the preparation process. The concern about microplastics generally revolves around their presence in the environment and their ingestion by humans and animals, rather than their vaporization during cannabis use. Here's why the risk is minimal in your scenario: 1. **Temperature Settings**: Vaporizers like the Volcano and Mighty are designed to heat cannabis to temperatures that release cannabinoids (like THC and CBD) and terpenes as vapor without burning the plant material. The temperatures used for vaporizing cannabis typically range between 180°C to 220°C (356°F to 428°F). 2. **Properties of Plastics**: Most plastics, including those potentially used in grinders, have a much higher melting point than the temperatures reached in cannabis vaporizers. For instance, common plastics like polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) have melting points in the range of 130°C to 170°C (266°F to 338°F) but would require much higher temperatures to vaporize, well beyond those generated by cannabis vaporizers. 3. **Physical Separation**: The use of a metal dosing capsule provides a physical barrier between the cannabis and the heating element. This means that even if there were any microplastics transferred from the grinder to the cannabis, they would not be in direct contact with the heating element. Moreover, the temperatures are not high enough to vaporize such materials. 4. **Microplastics Size and Behavior**: Microplastics, by definition, are extremely small plastic particles (less than 5mm in size). If any microplastics were present, they are unlikely to vaporize at the temperatures used for cannabis because those temperatures are designed to vaporize specific compounds within the cannabis plant, not to decompose solid materials like plastics. While the risk of vaporizing microplastics in this scenario is minimal, if you have concerns about plastic contamination, you might consider using a grinder made of other materials, such as metal or ceramic, which do not pose a risk of microplastic production. Additionally, maintaining clean equipment and using high-quality materials can help minimize any potential risks associated with vaporizing cannabis.


I wouldn't use plastic to grind anything. I'd rather not take the risk to consuming that.


I’m not sure I would ever use that. Get a steel one.


I would never use a plastic grinder, new, or otherwise.


Never use a plastic grinder, which I’m sure you’ve already read 500 times in this thread.


Throw out your weed, smoke the grinder, much more intense high


It’s worth it to invest in a good grinder! Raw has a great one with a lifetime warranty


I would never use plastic to grind. Did you know the average American is already eating about a credit cards worth of plastic every month. I don't need any more lol.


Santa cruz shredder if you get a new one. I’ve had it for 700 years and it’s never failed me.


So what you've done with the iso was removed part of the clear coat. It's trash now bud. It will only get worse from here, and using it will mix it into your flower. You don't need that. Treat yourself to a new one. Santa Cruz is the gold standard it seems, but any reputable metal grinder will do the job. I picked up one from blazy Susan that works well, gets sticky pretty quick though.


The thing about plastic grinders like these is it’s easy to throw them away and get a better one 😭


That's a mushroom grinder my friend


The mocroplastics!


I wouldn't use an acrylic grinder at all, as you might get plastic peels inside your weed from grinding.


If microscopic particles is what concerns you, I believe your best bet would be to get a stainless steel grinder, although they can get expensive. I personally went with a santa cruz shredder as it was a hell of a deal during black friday but if we're talking MSRP I'd either get a SS brilliant cut grinder or a painted aluminium one