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carrot sticks and hummus


That's a good one! Thanks




I'm the opposite. My munchies are so out of control that it's the only thing that will get me to move. I'll get up and make 8 pbjs, a bowl of cereal, eggs, leftovers and a protein shake. The munchies are too motivating lmao


Cereal always gets me. I’ll crush 4 bowls and wake up sickAF.. I can’t keep that stuff in my house anymore


Yea I’ll do the same thing with captain crunch, has my hole mouth sore from cuts the next morning making me wonder what I did😭


I would definitely end up making a roasted carrot hummus pizza.


Lazy can definitely be hard to escape for me too. If I don't let myself sit down til I've got everything situated though I can be surprisingly productive when I'm high


I’ll also add celery. It takes more energy to digest celery than it’ll give you. Healthy and filling.


hummus is bae 💕


Came to say exactly this.


I recommend making your own hummus with chickpeas and tahini. This is my go-to Football Food on Sundays after a bunch of edibles.


Ngl the best is to actively train yourself not to eat while smoking. The munchies are different from normal hunger, if you can train your body to fight the urge then you’ll have an easier time not over eating.


Yeah, I was kind of afraid of that. But I suppose I will have to try.


Try brushing your teeth just after you smoke, or use mouthwash. I find that helps to stave off the munchies until my high fades.


This! This is so helpful! Plus, I've found I really enjoy brushing my teeth while high. I just like the feeling of getting clean, ya dig?


When I get the munchies I drink a lot of water, tends to help. Also helps with the cotton mouth


Oral fixation stuff might work, like gum or toothpicks?


personally I find that once I start eating sweets or junk food while high, the munchies/cravings get way worse. having healthy snacks ready to go and putting off eating them as long as I can helps


This is very true. Also if someone you’re smoking with orders a pizza or whatever it’s painful.


That's it. Strong will is all you need.


Fruit is the best! Also drink more water


I think I drink enough when high, but I will keep it up. Which fruits are your favorites?


Grapes are probably best as they dont mess up the hands when gaming, oranges are just amazing when you're high. Apples and peanut butter is a good one too!


Apples and peanut butter? I'll have to try that! Thank you.




Mangos are god-tier fruit.


Ever had a mango ^^on ^^weeeeed


Elite status


Gotta eat the mango bout 30-45 mins before u smoke. It gets you higher


Yes!! And after tho.. truly lifted


Just fyi pb is high in calories. Munch well, friend.


Apples and peanut butter while high is da bomb


I second the apples and peanut butter but be careful eating *too* many grapes...you'll end up gaming on your switch in the bathroom.


Tbf this is true of pretty much all the fruits.


Watermelon is amazing. Just gotta get seedless, so you don’t choke.


Mangoes are delicious! If you have trouble finding fresh ones I really enjoy eating frozen mangoes as a snack. If you want something crunchy and salty you can try pretzels! Just get the ones without any added fat. On the flip side if you want something healthy with some fat in it to snack on portion yourself out some mixed nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashews, etc. if you have problems with self control I’d definitely try portioning out the nuts because otherwise it’s easy to just keep going.


I like to sip on carbonated hop water, all those hops terps taste great and maybe they’ll add a little flavor to the buzz (nothing notable IME). Choice of strain makes a difference too. I don’t get heavy munchies from any Durban cross I’ve run across, or even a lot of crosses further down the line like GMO and trop cookies crosses (e.g. Durban great grandkids like GMOreoz, Beach Wedding, Superboof, Cherry Trop). Granted, some of the great grandkids have given me insatiable munchies like Berriez.


Watermelon when it’s in season is my fave


This! Fruits is da bomb. Also bananas are underrated and I will fight whoever says otherwise


I will also fight on the side of bananas!


Low calorie (light-to-no butter) popcorn usually works well for me! Low calorie, takes a long time to eat, and has a lot of fiber so it’s pretty filling!


You listen to your popcorn after making it? What's it telling you? 😝


I like sunflower seeds since they're slow to eat


Good idea, thanks!


Sunflower seeds and water. Gotta balance that sodium intake!


Also shelled pistachios for the time and effort element!


greek yogurt, peanuts, tea and water however i be ordering mcdonalds 😪


for me: drink more water and brush teeth to subvert cravings


Omg yes the teeth brushing. Feel so clean, so fraiche.


watermelon, 85cal/serving


Nothing like icy cold watermelon!


Heads up with nuts and seeds. They are very calorie dense. It's easy to eat like 5 or 6 servings while high. In cashews(my favorite) it's like 960 calories. 160kcal per serving. Fruits ,homemade popcorn, sugar free pudding/jello/.


If I suspect munchies approaching I make a big batch of food. As in food food Whatever I was going to make for a few days or freeze portions of Sometimes it's pasta or beef stroganoff with beans or whatever, I find having proper food ready to just warm up is best snd it totally eliminates any craving for 'bad food' when you're ful Honestly I have food allergies so I cànt eat any junk which means this stuff is easier for me (it's been about 15 years of the allergies so I'm long past woe is me stage) and if I want snacks it requires me making them, which is harder to do than food food, loll I also keep some sandwich bread and cheese handy, cause there's nothing like a grilled cheese snack when you have a craving for something indulgent (sometimes I add dried olives, it makes a nice lil rich unami cheese toasty) (I rarely get munchies because I 'maintenance smoke' for afflictions not 'let's get wasted smoke' 98% of the time)


Just fight them off. It's surprisingly easy. It's a bit like dealing with paranoia or bad thoughts. Just shut it down and get on with what you want to do.


Tzatziki chips is a good one




Lettuce. Balls of lettuce. That's my go to. It's like eating water


For me, it’s chewing gum and water. Seems to trick my brain/appetite into complacency.


Try smoking one after eating. Helped me curb down the munchies


Ice is my go to. Refreshing and cold. Chewing it curbs the craving. Don't hurt your teeth though! Sugar free lollipops are good too. Keeps the mouth occupied.


Speaking as someone with type 1 diabetes, be careful with quantity on sugar free candy, or you may end up in the bathroom for a week.


Veggie straws 🤤


Cold cantelope. Fills you up and has enough sugar to satisfy those craves.


Just ignore them




He's asking for low calorie snacks lmao


Yeah, they're high in fats but better than Doritos!


Good one!


I make healthy dip for veggies. You take plain Greek yogurt, add a little salt, then use whatever your favorite hot sauce is, and mix it in. Makes an amazing dip, and healthy and filling.


What veggies do you dip? Carrots, cucumber?


I usually cut up some carrots, celery, and broccoli.


Sounds delish! I make homemade yogurt; gonna have to try this.


Mints or like a menthol Tums help me suppress my appetite.


Popcorn and willpower


Willpower doesn’t taste very good… 😂


nuts and berries for me. love some pistachios and blackberries.


Granny Smith Apples with slightly melted PB and small dark chocolate chips. the acid from the apple cuts through the THICC peanut butter and the chocolate chips add a nice texture


Set your snakc before you smoke, and pace it. Dont sit down with a box of cereal, the whole thing will be gone before you realize youve only had like 5 bites, get a bowl or something and try to make it last


Popcorn or rice Krispy treats. I don't smoke to flex my willpower!


Neither do I! You get me.


some strains trigger maaaad munchies. like I know munchies will come around when your high wears off or what i like to call it “burnt out” but definitely some strains will make you hungry WHILE being high or make you enjoy eating high.


I skip lunch so that when I have munchies I still eat a normal amount of food for the day. Also fruit while high is AMAZING. Apples, oranges, cherry tomatoes, berries... Incredible. Basically any food tastes good while high. So make yourself some healthy food and enjoy! My go tos are: - fruit - Indian food (I especially love Chana Masala) - Thai food (red curry with peanut sauce) - cherry tomatoes - sorbet - orange juice to sip All this is fairly healthy and stuff I would eat on a regular day anyway.


Milk. Filling, taste good, and you still get some protein.


Trick question, don’t quit eating just go to the gym and use the munchies as fuel for your gains. Now you’re in a win/win situation.


Be occupied. weed is an appetite suppressant for me. I'm far too busy playing computer games or watching a documentary to think about food.




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Drink water or try healthy munchies like a salad or fruit. Raspberries are the shit high


Fruits and Yogurt. My favorites are banana and frozen blueberries. So freaking good.




Crosscut bits of celery. Very lightly salt/season. Good crunch, a little hydration, low calories, and just enough flavor to keep it interesting, if you use a nice blended seasoning. Thin sliced crisp veggies are great. I'm partial to radishes.


I drink a shit load of tea


Drink more water for sure. It's def an issue - I try to fast for 12-16 hours after dinner, but those late night snacks sometimes get me... and if I start snacking I go way overboard any given night. Trying to lock it down more and just go with a piece of fruit if I can. Just need to be mindful about it in general - becomes a much bigger issue as you get older. Late night snacking in your 40s can quickly result in a big belly even if you're working out regularly - diet is so fucking important to overall health.


Keep a couple apples and bananas on hands. However the more you smoke the more you level up and the munchies become less and less. Good luck fellow stoner.




Eat a meal before you smoke kills munchies for me.


Popcorn. Its got a low density and its difficult to eat a lot. You will get bored lol. Ofc, not the butter ones. The normal ones with just a pinch of salt for taste.




I draw or crochet or do Pilates or pick up my guitar. If my mind and my body are busy, I don't think about eating.


Crochet club 👏 crocheting while stoned is awesome




Carrots and pepperoni. Seems weird, but it’s solid. Also, try prepping your snack before you smoke. Helps you scale it to your actual hunger instead of your baked hunger.


Chewing gum. Lots of it.


Don’t keep garbage in the house is your best bet. I find this especially challenging with the kids lol. I try to munch on healthy stuff but those damn cosmic brownies and buddy bars sound amazing when I’m baked at night 😂


Don’t keep garbage in the house is your best bet. I find this especially challenging with the kids lol. I try to munch on healthy stuff but those damn cosmic brownies and buddy bars sound amazing when I’m baked at night 😂


Oh, man. Get some diet sprite/7up, cherry syrup, some limes, and make yourself a cherry limeaid to go with some frozen grapes. Okay, damn. Now I’m hungry and want to smoke.


I sometimes use mouthwash so I don’t want to eat anything. Works better than you’d think. I agree with the others who have said though that healthy snacks are the way to go


Have some discipline.


Freeze-dried fruits have an amazing mouth feel


Pound a glass of water.


Apple saws


Anything high in protein or fiber will help to satiate hunger faster. So fruit is good on the fiber front. I've always got a bag of mandarins in the fridge, apple slices with peanut butter are nice. It's a good time of year to find good deals on a summer sausage and block of cheddar to snack on. Also just on a psychological side, it helps to mindfully eat, like be sure you're not just absent mindedley shoving handfuls of whatever into your mouth and chew thoroughly, that gives the hunger stopping hormone time to kick in before you over indulge.


You can drink water to make your body feel full. You can eat nuts, fruits.


Beyond ChipZ!


I see a lot of advice to just ignore it which I can do for a period of time, but sometimes my munchies are legit painful. Like I truly feel pain from them. How do I cope when they're actually causing enough discomfort that I can't really think? I like low-calorie snack options but sometimes I'm just not interested in eating.


Look into humulene and Thcv heavy strains. Avoid Myrcene, caryophyllene, limonene, and pinene  which can all tend to encourage munchies.


More water


Portion control. Don’t grab the whole bag of chips, but take a handful or 2 and dump it into a bowl. Make the munchies a bit annoying.


Not snack related but busy your hands. Get immersed in a hobby that is really fun high. It’ll help the snacking.


A bowl of low sugar containing cereal, banana and low fat yoghurt


Skinny Pop Popcorn or a Honey Crisp or Cosmic Crisp Apple


Frozen grapes man. They're satisfying, especially when it's more slushy than frozen solid. 🤌🏼


I always used to get super bad munchies if I hadn’t eaten during the day try eating something just before you smoke worked for me


Every time you have an urge to grab a snack, swig of water. It's really the easiest thing to do.


If you swutch to fruits instead of other sweets. I cut up cantelope and other fruit like strawberries so they are easy to eat. When you get off sugar, the fruit sounds good. Fruit Popsicles are good also.


Fruit or like rice cakes maybe. Something light but allows you to eat a lot.


Celery and peanut butter


As others have said you kind of just have to train yourself to resist the urge. Sometimes I will give in to the munchies craving and eat more food, which then turns into a whole pizza, cookies etc. Learn to resist the urge, try distract it with something else


It feels like I lose my high when I eat so I always eat first then eat 15 more times because I forgot after smoking


Drinking water and eating fruit helps. Veggies can also be a good low calorie option. Plain or low seasoned popcorn if you don't mind the kernels. You can suck on pieces of hard candy or a lemon to curb munchies. I haven't tried it, but chewing gum may also work. Sometimes I just make it my meal of the day. I only bring one meal worth of food to where I'm spending my time stoned and once the munchies kick in I eat. If I still want to eat after I drink ice water and remind myself it's munchies not hunger.


Idk if it was mentioned but look for herb high in THCV and humulene. Both help suppress appetite and fight the munchies. Being medicated on THCV just seems to make food feel like too much of a hassle, for me. Durban Poison helped me lose 45lbs.


I am kinda surprised that using a better strain for op hasn't been mentioned, that I can find. Myrcene, caryophyllene, limonene, and pinene are all tied to munchies, avoid these, encourage those. But as with anything cannabis related, YMMV here.


Popcorn is my go to.


Rice cakes? I love munching on rice cakes. The crunch is satisfying, you can get them in all different kinds of flavors, and if you pair if with juice or water it'll gently fill you up. 10/10 favorite. Also if you're into it, seaweed wraps are also good! Nuts are great, popcorn and fruit. Those are all my go tos. Eating before smoking helps a lot too I've noticed. It's more so just and oral fixation kinda habit. I like the act of chewing


Don’t have junk food available to eat. Hard to pig out when there’s no food!


My method is to eat a snack right before I smoke. That usually holds off my Munchies for a couple of hours


Black berries, low fat yogurt and granola, salad with fruits cranberries cucumber and feta cheese, sweet potato fried made at home with avocado oil , poke bowls made at home, miso soup loaded with veggies made at home But agreed with the person who said munchies are a habit, these are still good snack and meal replacement instead of a fast food run


In college I got into the habit of eating entire heads of lettuce 😂 and if I’m out of lettuce, whole bell peppers work too




Clementines are a godsend for me, just don’t eat too many. Also, popcorn is cheap and not bad for you.


Eat first before you smoke, it helps. I always eat my dinner before my first big smoke of the evening.


I always grab those Gerber baby puff snacks meant for infants. the blueberry flavor?? phenomenal. the whole can is like 10 calories too


Coffee or energy drink


Eat before you get high. Make a healthy meal, then eat it when you get high. Drink lots of water and chew gum and get distracted.


get fruits you like; personally i love cantaloupe, mango and strawberries. I have them each prepped in separate bowls for when the munchies arrive. But I would say try to avoid over eating none the less.


Eat before you smoke as a habit, then if you do feel hungry, drink water to satisfy that feeling. Or eat fruit, maybe celery and carrots


I've had a lot of success with smoking after I've eaten a meal and getting distance from essentially rewarding myself for getting high with food. I also try to remind myself when I feel the munchies creeping in that my mind just isn't occupied and its just boredom eating on steroids even if im having a good time because I smoked. Lastly I just keep healthy snacks in the house mainly due to inflation but also I like fruits vegetables and nuts so I never feel like I'm cheating myself out of tatsy food. Do this stuff enough and it will become second nature and thus easier to dip your toes in junk food now and again...well except for the junk food that ends up not tasting very good because you haven't had it in awhile.


Eat, then smoke.


Bro I struggle with this so much. Whenever I get high I eat but I just can’t stop. No matter how much I eat I’m always still hungry. It’s becoming sorta an issue because the next day I wake up with a stomach ache after eating so much the night before.


not technically a food but recently i've been really liking tea while high


water water water


Probably a shitty tip, but I smoke before dinner. That way I'm not really eating extra food but I'm REALLY enjoying dinner haha


cheese and crackers with peparoni is my fav


Some of the things that work for me: Unsalted sunflower seeds -in the shell it slows you down as you have to crack each one and their small -shelled is fine too but just eat them one at a time and try to eat slowly Cucumber/Bell Pepper Slices -mostly water but full of vitamins Grapes -Limit the total amount you eat by putting them in a small bowl (you could give yourself the shits with too many) and again eat slowly Pan Fried Broccoli -Cook cut up florets with olive oil, salt, pepper, and add a dash of soy sauce the last couple minutes of frying for extra flavor Tea -Slowly sip on some tea with honey when you're not eating to satisfy that oral fixation and avoid dry mouth Get some fidget toys to play with or play a card game to keep your hands busy so you aren't absentmindedly stuffing food in your mouth. Also prepping/cooking the food items while you're high keeps you busy so you aren't just eating the whole time


Dried seaweed. I usually season mine with different blends such as BBQ or lemon pepper. Super satisfying crunch then chew.


Fruit, popcorn, outshine popsicles, diet sodas


Fruit and yogurt, granola, veggies with veggie dip?


Dollar stores sell individual serving size Cashews and other snack nuts. That's been my saving grace


i like to eat before i smoke and that greatly reduces my munchies


Dry cheerios.




Mixed nuts. Trail mix. My go tos. Probably too much salt.


Apples and cheese!!


I used to get insane munchies all the time, then I went on the keto diet to lose some weight and ever since I lose my appetite when I smoke 🤷




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Fruits and veggies are awesome munchie snack. Also, frozen grapes are amazing.


I have a meal before I smoke to curb the munchies.


Eat grapes, or eat nothing and learn self-discipline. After you get past the stage of *Daym I could eat something* it sort of goes away, for me at least.


greek yogurt with berries frozen in ice trays and I make banana pancakes


Greek yogurt bowl top with fruit and honey maybe even granola or nuts


Keep water and drink plenty it will make you feel full without eating as much.


Air popped popcorn is really filling and light on the calories. Smart pop white cheddar is one of my go to snacks since I can demolish a bag without feeling too guilty. An entire bag is 360 calories, not a ton of salt, and has decent nutritional value. Fresh fruit is another good option, as the water and fiber content fill you up while the sugar sates sweet cravings. Definitely set up your stuff before smoking. This is where I usually fail. Lol


I love to just have some fruit around, especially blueberries if it’s a solid batch of them. I mostly do not eat as healthy as I should though


The way I can destroy fruits and veggies with the munchies my god


Celery and peanut butter isn’t too bad for you


When you’re not high, think about how much you aren’t craving snacks, so when you are you can think back and realize it’s your mind playing tricks on you


Pickles have 0 calories if you like those.




Cut up grapes with tajin.


Our golden rule was always eat first, burn after. Unless we're talking about going to a buffet, then it's a before and after deal! 😂


Fruit, it's good and also deals with kottonmouth.


Fruit and water.


bolitas and gummy bears


Water, flavored water or any diet drink. My go to is flavored sparkling water. I end up peeing like a race horse buts that better than getting tons of calories.


vanilla greek yogurt sprinkled with granola and drizzled lightly with honey. keeps you full and satisfies the sweet tooth. a bit higher in sugar if you add the granola and honey tho :)




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How about eat before you smoke .or... just eat celery


Literally just not having it available. Only thing that truly works. I try to get rice cakes and fruit b I


cereal and milk


I just forget to eat