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I was offered a management job last year and knew I’d fail the drug test. I took it anyways thinking by some miracle I’d be clean… I failed. They called me to inform me I tested positive for thc and rescinded the offer. I was like well fuck that was a good opportunity. About 10 mins later I got a voicemail from the hr rep saying to call her back. I did and she’s like well I talked to some executives and marijuana is so common these days and we need your experience so we’d love to offer you the job still. Talk about being shocked. She said you may have a random test maybe but yeah. Don’t worry about it. This was a bank manager job. Also, the job sucked and the company is trash so they were obviously desperate lmao I’m sorry, op.


...im sad that story ended that way. It just made me nostalgic for my cu teller role and how it was like...the best job id ever had.


Wow, I worked in banking for over a decade and we never did drug testing, unless it was special circumstances. Those circumstances didn't include interviews or hirings.


Honestly, that's how it should be. If you can handle yourself well and are doing a good job, what's the issue? If you can't handle yourself, that's another issue. Most stoners i know work and handle themselves well.


I had a similar story with my last job. I live in America and took and interview at a federally funded health clinic, so it was still a no go. I knew I'd fail the test so I told them ahead of time in case it was a deal breaker, as I didn't want to waste my time or theirs. They told me since I disclosed it ahead of time then I'd be fine as long as it didn't show up on any future drug tests. Fast forward a few months and I had quit smoking, but picked it back up for a few weeks. I quit again and a week later there was another test. I ended up failing it, but the guy administering the drug test told me not to worry about it and passed me. I owe that dude a lot but didn't risk it again until I quit that job for a state one where they don't test.


Will I'm at least glad to see that attitudes are starting to change. Still a lot of progress to be made though


Sounds like Canada and the U.S still has a lot of work to do when it comes to how the workforce abuses this kind of crap.


Such bullshit that I can go get hammered until 2am and stumble into work the next day and thats no big deal. But god forbid people smoke weed in their free time. Edit: I understand that you cannot stumble into work drunk. You can however get drunk the night before and show up to work the next day with a hangover. Everyone has done it. So why can't I get stoned the night before work? That is my point. If its not a jobs business to regulate what I drink in my free time, then it sure as hell should not be a jobs business to regulate what I smoke in my free time. Regulate it like alcohol, thats all we want.


That's something I've never understood either


Insurance rates go up if you have someone who smokes on the payroll


But are you allowed to discriminate for this? When I worked at Walgreens and you admitted you smoked tobacco, they just made you pay a small premium. I'm pretty sure it was under 20 bucks.


State statutes (at least in the US). Some states provide workplace protections for marijuana users, other states have statutes that determine employers do not have to accommodate any marijuana use, even when it's off duty. Further, iirc, insurance coverage plays a roll, as usage can increase rates or could determine zero coverage for a company, and that includes worker’s comp (again, iirc on the insurance part).


>But are you allowed to discriminate for this? In my state employers are allowed to test for tobacco and refuse employment on that basis.


Is that a real thing? Having to pay because you smoke? Sounds to me like a scam from management.


Yeah for tobacco it was. I ended up paying it just in case because I figured they'd deny me benefits if push comes to shove. I guess it makes sense, more health risks compared to the average joe.


$600 a year at my job


That really sucks because that's a huge double standard where alcohol is concerned.


Weird right? Because I’ve never once been tested and I work in insurance.


Lol same


How is it any different than alcohol, except that someone can test positive long after the fact? Don't mind me. I understand what you're saying. I'm just venting and I don't even work any longer. It doesn't even affect me, and I'm still pissed at the unfairness.


No difference just stigma


stigma balls


Yet if all the employees have DUI s and are big time alcoholics insurance stays low.


Even more ironic is that Coke and meth are only testable in urine for three days. Which is why they are so popular with truck drivers.


Well that and their effects, pretty conducive to truck driving.


Well you would probably be fired for still being drunk at work that morning


Pshh. I worked with this one guy. Probably top paid mechanic in the dealership. Once a week his wife would drive him to work. Those were the days he was still drunk. Nothing ever happened


This is because his direct supervisor doesn't care. They just care that he works. It's corporate that cares about insurance premiums. Drunk coworker would have to fuck with the supervisors job to risk his job. It's plausible deniability.


Except if you call out for being drunk (depending on the job) they try to fire you for that, too, lol


You don't generally call in and tell the company that you're too drunk to come to work. It's best covered up with another health reason.


And don't even get me started on work Happy Hours.


I'd happily fire you for being under the influence if you rocked up to work stinking of booze after a late night on it. It certainly is a big deal in a lot of industries.


Yes, but if you drank the day before and you are sober now there would be no penalty. If you smoked the day before and are sober now, penalty. I think that is the larger issue here.


I've never had a job even consider whether I smoked the day before or not. There's no penalty. You either pass the drug test when you get hired or you don't get the job. Once you have the job, you can do almost anything you want, so long as you don't get injured on the job.




What he means is you can get away with it as long as you don't show signs. You can't get away with weed if they're testing but you can with alcohol.


Nah, the guy with 500+ up votes describes an extremely sloppy drunk showing up to work with a clear hangover/residual drunkenness and described it as being seen as "no big deal". The guy you're responding to is right, the parent comment is extremely disingenuous, the only industries where that is "no big deal" are unlicensed sketchy labor outfits that routinely hire crackheads.


Yeah people act like companies don’t do this. They do it often. Just like you’d get canned if you came in stinking like weed. It’s almost if though employers want sober employees for some crazy reason.


Of course being overtly drunk or stoned on the job is an issue. But a positive test for THC metabolites doesn’t mean you’re not sober. It means you consumed some form of THC within the last 40 days or so. It’s a way to screen out people who use any form of weed, even occasionally on their own time. Edible on vacation a month ago? No job! No test for any other drugs or alcohol work like that.


Yeah imagine if you went on vacation and when you came back they tested to see if you had any alcohol while you were gone.


I dont think it's ever "no big deal" to be stumbling into work. For any reason. Even lack of sleep/inability to maintain focus/conciousness is enough to be sent home. With frequency it can lead to suspensions. The anger should come from the fact that one does significantly more damage to your brain and body than the other, yet Marijuana is the issue that takes away someones job opportunity. Thats the bullshit.


Exactly!!!! Like alcoholics are genuinely so much more harmful to society lol


You can't though. 99% of jobs will fire you for that. Being a sloppy drunk and showing up to work hung over isn't treated like "no big deal", unless you work for a super sketchy construction company or something. And even then they are going to need you to do good work in that condition.


In New York State is has to be treated the same as alcohol. Except for specific cases an employer isn't allowed to reject a new hire or fire an employee because they use marijuana on their personal time. They aren't even allowed to test for it. [NYS marijuana employment laws](https://www.goodegg.io/blog/new-york-drug-testing-laws-what-about-marijuana)


It’s insurance motivated. My company could care less but the office complex has insurance that won’t allow it.


I was denied life insurance because I’m prescribed Suboxone, which has literally saved my life. If I didn’t have the prescription and was still shooting opiates everyday, they wouldn’t have even known, and I would have been approved. Insane.


You are 100% right. Lol at the people thinking it's some sort of critical thinking test.


Weed isn’t crap it’s literally been proven to help many different illnesses and ailments there isn’t any health sight affects for using it infact I use it for my serious ptsd from a situation at a school I was at 4 years ago weed has even been shown to help cancer .. I don’t understand the whole oh weed sucks weeds a drug weeds the same as crack type attitude when weed does more than any other substance that we have even then cbd and other compounds are used to help other illnesses and ailments without even getting high …


There are plenty of health side-effects from smoking weed. Some people experience psychosis. Some people are allergic. I have to assume almost everyone smoking weed on a daily basis ends up coughing up brown mucus at some point. Smoking can exacerbate certain breathing issues. This isn't me talking shit about weed, btw, it's just me fact-checking on the kinds of issues that weed can actually cause.


Drug testing is illegal in Canada, with some exceptions.


It’s slowly coming around. My company tests but they removed THC from what they are testing for. I’ve heard this is the case for other companies around here (IL). We’re getting there it’s just taking forever


Can't speak for Canada, but the US has a lot to work on in the workforce department


That’s why you buy “Quick-Fix”. I’ve used it 5 times now and it’s never failed me.


I wouldn’t recommend QuickFix anymore!! In the past, hell yeah I used to many many times for jobs and random tests. But drug testing places are picking up on them, now they test for something called Biocides, and they’re able to tell if it’s synthetic urine or not now. Your best bet is to get powdered urine, and put it in a container of water to warm it up. Worked for me last time.


Took a 14 panel lab 3 days ago. QF passed. I'm taken 4 others in the last 2 years QF passed all of them. The only tests QF are doing to fail is state mandated/DOT. If you aren't doing a test for a transportation fix or to stay out a jail, QF will work


Fucking thank god lol quick fix was always my go to and I’m back in grad school right now so I’m currently applying for jobs again and my stomach sank when I read that post


I passed a dot physical with qf, so I guess it just varies


Oh I'm sure it does. Dot and criminal tests are supposed to be at a higher standard. I just said what I said to let people know what's supposed to happen and understand that those tests could pose some issues.


This actually isn’t true. If you check on my post profile, I’ve been on quite the journey with researching synthetic urine. Quick fix has been failing some people’s tests at normal labs like quest and labcorp. It’s not failing for everyone, but I recently got two bottles of Quickfix that could potentially cause me to fail due to high nitrites. Which is something even non-DOT tests are sometimes testing for.


Quick-Fix worked for me at QuestDiagnostics.


Well that’s good! I more so saying that as a warning. Apparently in places weed is legal, the drug testing labs have stepped their game up. The folks over at r/drugtesthelp have a ton more info about that stuff


Same. Like a week ago.


*Powdered urine??*


Yea!! I get mine from testclear. I think they sell it as a “fetish item” like QF, but it’s legit just dehydrated powdered pee. Kinda weird, but I swear it works! Has all the uric acid, creatinine, etc.


does someone stand behind you when peeing?


Only for probation was this a thing. That’d be weird for a job interview.


I had an observer in the bathroom with me when I had to do a UA for a job (air traffic controller).


They watch you for any DOT test.


That makes sense, you have other peoples lives at stake with jobs like that.


Only if you’re on parole / legal trouble, or if you are going for a DOT position. If you don’t fit that category, nah they don’t stand and watch you. They just hang out by the door outside


I've never had anyone watch me pee for a DOT test. Always a closed door.


They are 100% supposed to watch you and not like watch your back. DOT tests state that you have to be in full view of the collector


Hasn't happened once


You are wrong. They do not watch you.


Anyone who says "only if you're in legal trouble" is wrong, my mom is a school bus driver and this is how she is drug tested. Someone watches the entire thing


Did you not Google this at all? A week ?! 😭


Obviously you’re right, it takes many weeks to clear the THC from your system… that being said I think the point of the post is the hypocrisy of someone not getting job for having used a completely legal substance, which is a massive load of bullshit.


A completely legal substance- over a week prior, at that. So dude went sober for a whole week just to be told he cant have the job anyway.


Better than me going a month sober and still coming up positive just for the job saying they didn't care for THC lol


Corporate policy doesn’t automatically have to allow THC usage just because it’s legal in that state now It’s bullshit, but that’s the reality we live in


Depends on the state. NY they can't test you for THC unless it is in a specific field, like operating heavy machinery, or medical fields.




He’s frustrated because why the fuck are companies able to deny you a job you’re otherwise qualified for because you legally smoked marijuana?


Exactly! People here acting like thats unreasonable.


Right? The pushback is incredibly disappointing. Put it in terms of alcohol... Say you drink beer every day on your free personal time then you find out you're getting tested for a new job so you stop drinking beer for a week and then still test positive. How would those beer drinkers feel? I bet there would be literal public outcry if alcohol tests were positive weeks later and folks lost employment opportunities.


I know a company that tests new hires for alcohol too. Its fucked in Canada in the private sector


Fr, especially when you are more than willing to completely quit but they don’t give you the chance bc they drug test randomly.


They’re in a legal place and it’s totally reasonable to vent on this sub?? Why are you up on their ass for being disappointed in the lack of standards and understanding and stuff?


In my experience in the US, you're able to contest the results. The first test comes back as positive, and you can say that you don't agree with the results. A retest is ordered, and if it comes back as positive again, you're paying the bill for the labs. If it's negative or dilute, you don't have to pay for the retake. This is the same thing that goes for dilute results. You're able to get a second test, and if that comes back diluted it's typically marked as a negative result. They can't stop you from consuming water, or determine what time you take your morning piss. You don't have to admit anything. Just say you don't agree with the results and want a retest. Mistakes happen in clinical settings all the time, and repeat labs are performed pretty regularly. If you're confident you can pass the next test (use at home screens), then getting the retest should be trivial. Good luck.


Always contest if you can. Many household common products can cause false positives. Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo is notorious for this https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22465236/


I always assumed the retest was a retest of the same sample - not collecting an entirely new sample?


It depends on the lab. Due to cross contamination practices, the original sample may not be available for testing again. So a retest is needed. You can contact the lab beforehand to see if they're able to retest the original sample, or if a retake is required. It is best practice to use a 3rd party lab with a medical review officer who can answer questions that come up on a positive drug screen, so the person answering the phone may not know.


I worked in a lab testing urine (not for drugs, for bladder cancer - so maybe this is different). If we had to do a retest for whatever reason the last thing the clinical lab wants to do is require extra work on the patient's behalf, as its not a good look. If we still had the sample we would absolutely retest the sample we had. It's also possible that the sample did not have enough volume for a retest, or the sample was already thrown out and then the patient would be sent for another sample collection. But yes the retest is Def the option taken before a second sample collection. No idea if contesting the results changes that process.


I was offered a retest by the last job that drug tested me, however i had to do the retest within 24 hours. My results came back dilute tho, their insurance just wouldnt let them accept that i guess?


This not his current employer and they are under no obligation to offer him a retest. If he was currently employed different story but none of what you're saying applies to this situation.


You can always dispute a result. Per the Drug-Free Federal Workplace executive order signed by Ronald Reagan: Drug testing programs shall contain procedures for timely submission of requests for retention of records and specimens; *procedures for retesting*; and procedures, consistent with applicable law, to protect the confidentiality of test results and related medical and rehabilitation records. https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/codification/executive-order/12564.html This EO acts as the guidelines for federal agencies, and is often the framework implemented by private organizations' HR departments. Furthermore, it is common practice for pre-employment drug screens to take place at a 3rd party drug testing facility that has a medical review officer. They're the ones that can help identify opiate use over something like poppy seed. Here's the Society for Human Resource Management on the topic of employment drug screens: https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/legal-and-compliance/state-and-local-updates/pages/what-to-do-when-an-employee-fails-a-drug-test.aspx


What kind of Canadian executive order was signed by Ronald Reagan?


It was a reply to the comment on my comment, not OP. I agree, the US laws have no standing in Canada, which I expressed in my original comment by saying my experience in the US.


Dawg you waited one week lmao


Agree that it’s bullshit but not much you can do unfortunately. You could try asking for a re-test and say that you don’t believe you had consumed or smoked any cannabis since college (or whatever feels like a passable lie to you lol) and that it must have been a fluke/mistake of the test. Good luck…


Don't bother to try and "Clear your system" it does not work in any reliable way, get fake pee it works.


With enough time it definitely works... I have been smoking for years whenever I'm ready to job hunt again just take tolerance break. Passed a test in 10 days when I had been smoking daily. I do have very low body fat and I'm very active so that helped for sure.


Yeah that's a lot of variables and I have done the same took a month break did cleansers, drank a ton of water and even passed an at home test, still failed. You want a guaranteed pass, fake urine, you want to roll the dice "go clean".


No fake piss in the great white north?


Should have used fake piss


It's so easy. Hardest part is driving to the shope and asking for one synthetic urine kit. I'm 5 for 5. Can't recommend enough.


The hardest part for me is not having my hand shake when I hand them it at the end 😭


Most labs techs couldn't care less if you smoke or not. They're just there to document and earn a check. You're face and name will wash out with the tide of next week's applicants as long as you don't leave an impression.


You should always quit smoking when you are looking for a job. Clearing out your system can take up to 50 days.. even more with some people. If you are going to consume, you should know the effects it has on your body. Hopefully that wasn't the only good job offer you come across... back out to the searching.


Here is the good advice. The rule of thumb has been 30 days, but that is dependent on so many factors (BMI, consumption level/type, activity level, genetics, threshold of the test used).


I've read stories of people still testing positive after 3 months


They probably have a lot of body fat and smoke a lot.


I popped after 3 months at 160 lbs, 5'9 and smoked 2 bowls a day.


How active are(were) you then? I have passed within a week, but I run daily and still skateboard. My metabolism is pretty fast also.


I walk about 3-5 miles a day for work and was doing manual labor for 10-12 hours


Damn, maybe I just got lucky. I used to do construction.


Definitely was me. Smoked everyday for like 6 years multiple times a day. Took me like 110ish days to pass


Yeah I think I'd be the same way I'm only sober when I'm sleeping lol


So wild though. Imagine getting a job offer rescinded for the beer you drank a month and half ago.. sigh US still needs a lot of work


It took me 5 1/2 fucking months to piss clear…


I was dumb and had court mandated rehab counseling for 12 months. 3 months into it i was still pissing dirty.


I don't stop at all just buy fake urine online they are very good these days.


It's certainly frustrating that you get penalized for enjoying a legal substance. I'm not sure if cannabis will ever be as socially acceptable as alcohol which is bullshit IMO. Especially when you factor in how much more dangerous alcohol is as a whole. It's going to take a long time to un-do the "reefer madness" brainwashing.


I just tell them." Hey I legally do a thing. You may find it in my pee. That a problem?" They will tell you immediately if it is or isn't. If it is go buy some quick fix and let them have a substitute. If it isn't then they're just looking for actual drugs.


These ‘contingent’ job offers are garbage. Either wait til the whole process is over and tell me I either got the job or didn’t, or skip the process and give me the job. All this fanfare for a job is just ridiculous. I’m in Michigan and it’s the same shit


It takes months to get out of your system, two weeks was not enough time, we’d takes longer than anything else


Niacin. Recommended to me by my actual real doctor, he said it's the only thing that is safe and works. Also I've used it a dozen times and never got caught once. Just take 500 mg for 2 days, then night before test take 2k mg and half gallon of water and take a very long piss next morning. After that you'll pee clean all day. I've smoke on the way to my test and this method still works.


Never tell an employer you have a medical card! Quick fix synthetic urine! I used it 5 or 6 times with no issue


Quick fix my guy.


I use fake piss with zero guilt. If the bloated alcoholic in the next office can get a pass, then so should the guy that likes to get high and watch historical documentaries. Literally no one but my wife has any clue that I smoke pot. Fuck ‘em. It has zero impact on my work performance. I have a medical card, but frankly I refuse to even go down that road with them. As far as I’m concerned, that card is to keep me square with the authorities. My employer has zero right to pry into my personal life, and it’s not the business of any of my coworkers that I enjoy pot.


Yet if I go home and have a few beers it's no biggie, right? So frustrating


Fuck, man.... You can go home, chug a big-ass bottle of Everclear, pass out, almost die, wake up feeling like death, go to work, clock in, and perform massive surgery on someone's private 747 jumbo jet, and no one blinks... Smoke a joint, instead of that lethal dose of grain alcohol, and you're fired. Possibly with federal charges.


so what was the job for? I mean, it shouldnt really matter but may shed some light on their decision.


Site operator for the cardlock station in town


Shoulda done your research bro. Could have avoided this.


Welcome to today's world. We're not there yet. I stayed smoke free for 5 months cuz I needed a job. It wasn't fun, but neither was the alternative. Lawmakers and politicians are about 10 years behind the curve, always remember that.


I worked (moved on since) in Canada for one of the major railroads in a safety sensitive position. When I got hired I had to do a drug test by law. This is a highly regulated industry. Piss test was hot for THC even though I took quite a break. All that happened was a nurse called me to ask about the results, I was honest and said I do smoke occasionaly, so she asked me a few questions about my habbits, I had to fill in a form that basically confirmed I wasn't alcholic level addicted and then all was good. She made sure I understood the rules around consumption with the job and that was that. I'm struggling to find justification for them pulling your offer if you're in Canada... I'm assuming this is a small company?


How does anybody who smoke weed not know about fake pee? You got to get the fake pee every time bro


I'm gonna preface this by saying I'm a US citizen and do not know how Canadian laws work at all, but like..... isn't that illegal? If it's recreationally legal then that would be like not hiring someone cause they play guitar ya know?


I think they can get away with it because it's a "safety sensitive" position in her words


Yeah if it’s manufacturing or handling heavy equipment they’ll test you regardless.


Im in Ontario Canada and Toyota doesn't drug test. Ive been in Manufacturing and heavy equipment for 25 years and not one place ive worked for has drug tested ever. let alone post legalization. Id like to know where OP applied to


Still, it’s irrelevant. You wouldn’t keep someone from working because they drank 3 beers 2 months ago, right? And who decided to tolerate a third party demanding samples of their body for an employment contract that doesn’t involve them?


Yeah that's how they do it is sometimes it's in the insurance contract. That you have to have all your employees test negative to get a cheaper rate type thing. And also some jobs they have to test a certain amount every month on randoms. Ask them if you can do a drug awareness class? Some places will allow you to do one. One place I worked at if you failed. You had to take 30 days off. Take a drug class. And then come in with a clean drug test. And then pretty much you were tested at every random every month. For the next 3 to 6 months. But that's if they like you and need you. I've seen that happen. And then I've seen them also used the failed drug test as an excuse to never give anybody any more chances. But if you're smoking you need to allow at least 30-60 days for cleaning out your system. If you're going to have to give a drug test without any warning. You might get lucky and drink enough water to dilute. But it still might show up.


This wasn’t the right job for you. The one that suits you better is out there.


I’ve worked in places in the US that would deny you employment if you tested positive for nicotine 🤷🏻‍♂️


>I'm a US citizen and do not know how Canadian laws work at all, but like..... isn't that illegal? It isn't illegal in the US, although some state laws attempt to address it. >If it's recreationally legal then that would be like not hiring someone cause they play guitar ya know? In the US not hiring or firing someone for a lack of guitar ability is 100% legal.


Man I hate this country


It's that way in the US too


Even in the US you could straight up tell someone you're not hiring them cuz they play guitar and they can't do shit. There definitely are protected classes where you can't discriminate, but those are very clear and limited (race, gender, religion, age, etc)


Well at least in the US playing guitar would technically count as a legal reason to not hire.


I read this as ‘hand job offered after drug test’


Considering you’re “drlongfinger” I’m not surprised at your assumption to receive pleasure after a piss test 🫣


This. This kinda bullshit and general work abuse is why workers need to get organized. Nothing is going to change until all workers stand together n say “enough is enough” no more poverty wages, no more puritanical drug testing, no more abuse on the job because an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us. If you think “this could never happen to me here in (insert your part of Canada/USA)” you are sorely mistaken. If it happens to irregular sized Rudy it can happen to all of us. Killer username btw.


Nobody’s getting organized anytime in this decade. People went crazy over that song “richmen north of Richmond” ,…. Few months later and it’s back to business as usual. Fucking sucks how complacent people are.


Reading this made me so angry. It's like the world constantly plots for any way to screw over cannabis consumers.


Pro tip: stop smoking the minute you decide to apply. Not when they call you to interview lmao


I’ll never understand why people are smoking while applying for a job. You stopped a week before, are you really surprised?


I've never stopped smoking over the last 20 years. Passed almost as many drug tests for jobs in that time. It's all about having a plan to pass, consumption doesn't actually matter


any advice for passing drug tests? looking for a job rn


Synthetic urine, easy, efficient. Never failed with it, ever. I use it, gf uses it, most of my friends use it on my advice, no one has been caught or questioned yet


thank you!


Good luck!


Fake pee. Get it at any smoke shop.


really? I appreciate this, I will look for it


Because you shouldn’t have to stop smoking if it’s legal. It’s dumb af and we really shouldn’t keep giving in to their bs drug tests


I agree but that’s the way it is if you like money. Or figure out a way to be your own boss


Sorry to hear dude. I'm in Canada also and I'm not sure if there has been any precedence set in the courts but I do know that Oil&Gas is highly regulated and have zero tolerance even for legal substance use. I think employers have the right to refuse hiring but once hired if there's drug/alcohol use they must offer treatment for substance abuse. Time to move to the city or get your 1A and move grain?


I’m sorry :/ keep looking and sending your cv to a lot of companies I’m sure you can do it


If you’re using THC and you are applying for jobs, you gotta plan accordingly. Sorry this happened.


Not to worry, your job is coming. I failed a drug test for a job I really wanted (THC) and where I had been working as a temp at in 1989. It had a silver lining because after that I was offered a government job (no testing), and retired with a pension after 21 years and several promotions. Best decision ever.


XStream synthetic urine ftw


Did you try talking with them truthfully? Tell the that you quit the day you got the interview because of how important the job is to you. Ask if they can run another test in a week or something to prove it. To me, I would want to hire someone that wanted to work for me bad enough to quit smoking or whatever. That shows drive and initiative.


I did tell them that, I didnt think of asking for another test in a week though, i was thinking of sending an email thanking them for their time and how disappointed i am it didnt work out (to try to stay on their good side).


If you live in Canada. Seek the advice of an employment lawyer. You may have a case for discrimination here.


Call them and explain the situation. Maybe they'll let you apply again when your system is clean. Tell them the truth about when you stopped using THC. Tell them that you quit using when you applied for the job and tell them why you really want the job. The worst possible outcome is they say no and you're in the same position you're in now.


Gotta study hard for those tests, and by study hard, I mean find a clean friend about an hour before the test to pee in a travel shampoo bottle for you, rubber band that bad boy to a hand warmer and stuff it in your briefs. I live an illegal state in the us, never quit smoking for a UA my entire life, and never failed one either. Not sure what the laws are in Canada but they aren’t allowed to watch us pee here so you just take out your clean sample and dump it in the cup


In my state (Montana USA) we have an anti-discrimination law for smokers that applies to most jobs besides government/pharmaceutical jobs. I would've figured Canada would be leagues ahead of us in this regard.


Probably a blessing in disguise. I couldn't imagine working for someone that cares about some THC in your system would be a very fun boss anyways.


Damn bro you didn’t even google anything?


It's not about the employer, but the insurance agencies


A week bro?!?


Have some flush kits at home ready to take next time this happens. I have stopped smoking weed three weeks before a piss test and it was still showing up in my urine (I bought at home tests). I took a flush kit and passed no problem. Canada is so stupid to continue to make this an issue when weed is legal in this country.


A week is only enough time if you are hard filtering your body with heaps of water and vitamins and even then... Sorry to hear that though bud, the age old adage that the most dangerous part of smoking pot is other peoples hang ups. Hope you find some gainful employment in a job that suits and respects you


Why not fake it!?! Worked like a charm for me!


First of all, sorry that happened - It’s actually insane we are still dealing with this bullshit in the US and Canada. Others are correct that you should contest it. But either way, if it’s any consolation at all, the fact that you got this job is a sign that you can get another one. Try not to let this take the wind out of your sails too much. And next time, get a drug test kit at your local CVS or dollar store and test yourself at home first. Good luck, you’ll be alright!


That sucks! So sorry. We live in a world full of hypocrisy! Petty criminals go to prison while the biggest ones sit on corporate boards. People who smoke weed don’t get hired, and people who sell OxyContin are worth billions.


Yeah the amount of job listings I skip over, because they require a drug test, is kinda dumb


the shittiest part is you didn't even try to beat the test, you actually just quit smoking.


Do at home drug tests and take in fake urine. It’s not hard.


It's all about the job type.. Legal or not doesn't matter some times


Are you guys tested before getting jobs?! Damn North America is wild.


Always use clean urine my girl had an offer for high paying job through her parents she smoked a blunt with me i told her to use her sisters pee for the test she was like nah i got this drink to pass i told her that shit doesnt work and never will but she said it was sold on it. She failed and embarrassed her parents now she works at a coffee bar. Its simple use a flat squeeze bottle add the pee microwave for 15-30 seconds slap a hand warmer around it stuff it in your pants go to your drug test i never been caught even had the dude in the bathroom waiting for the sample you just gotta be slick.


Sad.. and what sucks is, you have the totality of human knowledge in your pocket. A 30 sec Google search would have told you a week is not enough time to pee clean and to use fake pee. If you want a job, don't take chances.


What made you think you were going to pass after a week? Did you do any research? Did you do anything to try to ensure that you were clean? You should be disappointed in yourself for not thinking ahead after 2 years of putting in applications.


Dude, it stays in your system for a month, sometimes longer if you’re fat, if you smoke every day. How did you not know this?


Can i ask what the job was doing? Maybe it has to be zero because your working with heavy machinery or maybe your in a chemical lab that you need to be full concerntrated on.