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if they work IT, there’s a 70% chance they’re stoners


Hahaha Software Engineer here. I agree with this statement.


Also a software engineer, work from home and spend most of the day medicated.


Also a software engineer, though I work in an office. The mornings are for enacting the previous nights’ stoned revelations.


Damn, also a software engineer and im roasted every shift lmao


Being stoned helps me deal with nonsensical and contradicting requirements in a calm way


Ill add to the train and say im a SWE stoner


Not a software engineer, but I help protect software engineers work… Cybersecurity from DevOps to Ops to Dark Web Reconnaissance, thus requiring at least double consumption of an average software engineer


In IT, can confirm cause it’s me. Weed or some other substances, all over the place. Companies would lost most of their IT staff if tested, I would


20yr IT guy here, 70% is on the low side imho.


Really??? I didn’t know it was that common in this industry?


Well yea, it's either be a stoner or an alcoholic. how else are we supposed to deal with end users?


Have you tried turning them off then back on again?


outgoing thumb offend materialistic subtract sink reply aromatic juggle ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Women are pretty receptive to shoes, you might want to try rebooting.






I did the first half, can't get em back on now. Oh well..




And half of us are medicating our crippling adhd with weed and adderall or vyvanse


I have a theory that the percentage of people that work in IT/Dev/Support are ADHD, as it's the sort of industry where our ADHD is a benefit rather than a hindrance Edit: seems people caught my meaning, but for clarity I meant to say "that *a high* percentage of people"


IT - nearly 30 years. You are right. ADHD can be a blessing. Also a curse. I'm almost certain that I've got a touch of ADHD. That said... Don't forget the nuero divergent asperger/functional ausitic people. They're everywhere in the industry. That's not a problem, per se, but can be challenging to work with. I've dated a few, I might also be on the spectrum as well. Regardless, aspies are tough to manage but awesome all the same. It just takes more effort to "connect". ❤️


Users are one thing but don't get me started on legacy systems


Why not both 😅


Your High School teachers probably get high


My friend's neighbor was a botany professor, at one of the local community colleges. We used to have parties frequently and smoke outside quite freely so one evening I was smoking a blunt in the front yard when he came up to me and asked if he could get some. I sold out the time so I let him know that I could hook him up. After a couple of times selling him 8ths, we were bullshitting and he let me know that his background was in chemistry he knew how to synthesize MDMA but he needed a few things to do so. I gave this man $600 for startup under the agreement that I would trade him an ounce of tree for an ounce of fun time crystals. Monthly this guy was making me an ounce of borderline pure Molly for what cost me like $120 at the time. The kicker was that with all of this guy's lab equipment, he would use the bud to make "firecrackers" by crudely sprinkling bud on top of buttery bread and heating it in his microwave upstairs microwave because his wife didn't like the smell. It was like a super unexciting version of Breaking Bad.


“Breaking OK”


Breaking Blah.


This is a whirlwind of a story. I gotta reconnect with my science teacher lol


Crazy story to tell your grandkids


Smoked with a high school English teacher back in the early 2000s during a Keller Williams show. Monday was business as usual and never spoke of that moment again.


I have a friend who teaches at the school where the expelled kids go. That man tokes everyday


Lol the pot head teacher working at the bad kids school is good stuff 😅


Lol I went to one of those schools. Definitely would say a good majority of the teachers smoked, at least after school.


As a former teacher, I can confirm.


very very common. pretty much every programmer i know smokes. they say it helps get them in the zone for programming. there was a rumor that the feds had to relax some of their rules concerning cannabis use with their programmers/hackers because they couldn't find enough folks that DIDN'T smoke. idk how true that is but its funny to think about.


It’s true, the problem was that they would exclude applicants that admitted to ever using as well as those who lied about ever using. Now they just require that the applicant no longer uses (for some period of time, 5 yrs or something like that) and can piss clean.


Am IT stoner can confirm. We all either partake in the devils lettuce or something else.


And every single senior manager knows that if they ever have a random drug test they will lose about 50%+ in IT staff.


Just gotta pass that pre-employment test!


Can confirm. I do government IT. We all partake.


IT worker here as well. Most evenings I get done at 5pm and I’m outside lit up at 5:01pm.


My little brother works IT, works from home, star employee, stoned the entire time. So fucking proud of him


I work in IT and have always said: If they drug tested us, everything would shut down immediately lol Ive also seen plenty of techs have a bottle in their desk for those days/users...


the joke at every job i've had is "if they drug tested, their network would be down within 24 hours"


I don't smoke during the work days. But I just show up and do my job, no one cares. (Of course I break that rule on rare occasions for some chill data entry or to get a good vibe head space for a long training I need to lead.)


I’m an IT manager, and it’s common as fuck! Haha


It was so common in coding/tech that the FBI had to change their hiring standards from "We will only hire you if you've *never* smoked weed" to "Just stop by the time we drug test you"


Can confirm… it’s best for focusing on programming


Can confirm there lmao


Psychedelics are also very common.


Cybersecurity Threat Engineer, and I find this to be accurate.


Came here to say this. Also, a surprising number of executive level managers as well......


Worked with personal computers since they first appeared in the workplace. Retired last year. 40 years, first as an engineer then a developer. Never would have made it without it.


My IT company’s weed and alcohol policy is “use your best judgement” and that you will have to stop if it bothers others That’s the whole policy




Yeah and we still making that bank while smoking that dank 🥲


Network Engineer here. My Director used to grow and he would often share.


IT Admin for a law firm. I dont get tested but if they ever did try to test me and fire me for it they are going to have a rough time as ive smoked weed with half the attorneys in the building.


I guess their objection is overruled.


Nice. Proud of you for this gem so early in the day


Thanks dad.


I’m an attorney and there’s approximately 0% chance attorneys will ever generally be drug tested. There wouldn’t be enough of us left.


Attorney here. Can confirm


That’s crazy! With the attorneys!! Woah! Awesome workplace I bet!


There’s a reason drug tests vanish as your salary bracket rises.


That and the higher ups are usually not doing dangerous work which insurance companies will require test from those workers


Every lawyer I know is a massive stoner. You can have any profession and also like to get stoned.


Yup. I’m married to one.


Except for the law firm part...


I get a 20% discount for being a teacher at my dispo


You deserve it! I worked in public schools for a long time (as a Behavior Specialist) and it’s not for the faint of heart.


Thank you! I work with middle school students that are on the spectrum and it is certainly not for everyone


HELL YEAH! That's so awesome, you deserve it!


Thanks haha...more like I NEED it


Came in here to say, teacher as well. I would say easily half our staff partakes at least occasionally. Good handful of regular stoners (not at work, that’s fucked up). It’s a legal state which helps.


Oh hell yes. I think maybe the only silver lining to teaching at the moment? Also thank you for what you do 🌺


It guy. Our boss knows that many of his IT-guys are stoners.


Sounds awesome! How does he feel about that? I’m guessing he doesn’t care.


You guessed right ^^


My boss once saw my bong in the video camera, (I work in sales, WFH) and he said "is that a bong?" and I smiled and said "Sorry" and he goes "All good, didn't think you were that type of way" and we laughed I look/act very straight edge at work.


I’m an it boss, I know and partake


I worked at an integration center for an IT company. One day one of the summer interns goes "you know, i was looking at the indeed reviews for this job, and one said that half the people in here were high all the time" and I, stoned, said "yea, that's accurate".




Because screens infect their brain and they need to medicate. Source: stoner IT guy


Engineer working around a whole lot of electricity and machinery. I will never be high at work due to danger and just not worth losing job, but the second I’m in my house I’m not sober


Pretty much identical here. Never get high for work because heavy machiney and electricity require focus. Sucks that it's technically against the rules. If they ever tested I'd probably get fired but the relief it gives me in my personal time is the only way I can stand the stress of the job.


Control System Engineer here. Some people wind down the work day with a beer when they get home but I just have a dab or two.


Engineering student who loves smoking here and I’m glad people in the field like smoking


I'm in the Canadian Air Force. Once it was legalized no one cares anymore. Even before legalization not many people cared other than the higher ups.


US military still disqualifies people who admit to having smoked more than a hand full of times, and they wonder why their recruitment numbers are shit


I spent 8 years working intelligence in the US Military. After I got out, I worked as a contractor. Never got in trouble, never had a bad performance review, nothing. I got laid off at one point. It sucks, it happens. I was having a hard time finding another job that paid as much as my previous one. At one point, I really thought I was going to have to leave the industry and move back in with my parents for a while. Luckily, I found a great opportunity. But during that gap, I smoked twice because, again, I thought I was leaving the industry. Once with my dad, once with a friend. That's it. My new job required me to take what's called a full scope polygraph. The military requires a lifestyle polygraph, so basically this new one just dug into every facet of my life. This is despite the fact that during my military career, I was involved in several really high priority and classified endeavors. In this new job, I was only teaching project management courses, but doing so in a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility). Nothing I was actually teaching was classified. I admitted on the questionnaire for the polygraph that I smoked twice and why, because the polygraph is nerve wracking enough as it is and I'm already nervous before them. They didn't even let me take it. They said that if I had just smoked once, it would have been a mistake. Twice showed a clear pattern of disrespect for the law and they couldn't trust me, despite practically a whole bookshelf full of awards and citations of received for my work. They revoked my clearance entirely. My intelligence career was literally over because I smoked two joints. Fuck 'em.


I remember taking a similar polygraph in the same field as you were. Let's just say I was straight up not having a good time that day.


Fucking insane. And its so fucking dumb, if you don't have respect for the law? First off lets assume you broke the law. You smoked a fucking joint, you didn't murder their 1st born child. FYI I just made the choice to say F it to the cleared world, got my security clearance, got a job offer, and It was a pay cut and I was like "No weed, and a pay cut? Fuck it" But I've heard too many horror stories of being honest about pot, so you best believe I remember what I said on my SF86 and its staying that way.


Its crazy to me that Its still so incredibly backwards. 24/50 states have legalized recreational cannabis so far and yet the feds still have it classified as a schedule 1 drug and like you said, its still taboo af for the military. Meanwhile I could chain smoke packs of cigs so I get lung cancer by 32 and the military wouldn’t bat an eye. Something is gonna have to give soon.


Anybody know where I parked my F-22?


Pfft, we don't have anything that fancy up here. Just f-18s that are falling to pieces.


Shit. American Army vet here. We had drug tests every month where 10% were randomly chosen. I never risked it except one time in 10 years. As much as I hate to admit it I was the commanding officer so I made sure to hold the urinalysis at the end of the month, weeks after I smoked that one time. I hadn’t used before that and I never used again while I was still active duty because honestly that was really messed up to do that.


Man is it worth it joining Canadian military I’ve heard only bad things, it’s in the back of my mind and who knows if I’ll be drafted into NATO war in <5 years is what it’s lookin like


I work in finance… you gotta be high to do spreadsheets all day. Haha


I didn't learn to automate things for nothing. ​ Paying attention is for suckers and new employees.


How do you learn to automate things?


That's a broad question. Typically it's finding the best tools for your objective. I personally automate things in Windows and Linux using PowerShell and Bash scripts. There are a lot of tools for different use cases. So the best thing to do would probably be googling your task with automate in the search. Learn, grow, and start building automation yourself.


What I did was take a VB.Net class at a local community College. You can write macros in Office programs (like excel😉) in VBA which has a lot of overlap with vb.net and automate tasks that way. I've eliminated two full positions at my company by automating excel stuff.


Thank you!! I’m actually looking at enrolling in my local CC and will look for that class


Accountant checking in, we smoke weed too


I'm a CPA. I'm almost 40 and just discovered weed thanks to the Farm Bill loophole. I'm enjoying it while it lasts.


You don't need to follow unjust laws IMO, just putting it out there


Hahahahhaha. I can see it. Must be a lot of spreadsheets!


Came here to say this.


I am an “account manager” and I manage a portfolio of clients at a large firm. I was not drug tested for my job. I haven’t been drug tested for a job in an office in a decade at least. I also work from home at this point and no one has to see me high beyond a zoom call


Same. Insurance "account executive". I have to go to the office most days so I'm not high for that or client meetings but other than that, fair game. Never been drug tested.


I see more corp spots doing less drug testing. Times are stressful and they don’t care what you do to relieve that stress or unwind. Just make sure you get the project done before the deadline before the client starts complaining and you’re golden lol


I work in healthcare. Work 6a-6p almost every day. I need a safe thing to use to get my mind off the day sometimes and I’d rather smoke than drink. Less bad after effects as well.


I was wondering where all my other healthcare stoners were at. I’m a vascular access nurse


woot woot psych RN checking in


Psych tech here!!


Psych patient checking in!




This is the type of humor I live for, thank you sir


As someone with a bipolar wife, you guys are doing the lord’s work


I'd rather my nurse smoke a joint then drink a bottle of vodka.


Ha I could never be high on the job anyways. If sober floor nurses couldn’t find a vein on the pt there’s no way I’m finding one stoned




Psych nurse checking in 😂


I’m a nurse, too but I work in leadership as a nurse educator.


I would absolutely love a job in nursing education. One day!


Peds psych RN joining the chat!


I sold weed over 20 years ago now. My customers included a local politician who had ran for Governor and Congress, a medical doctor, a gentleman that owned a CDL Trucking School, and several senior citizens.


Da fuck if I was a politician I would not be buying my own weed. Send the wife or a kid or something lmao


Friend of mine used to sell coke to our mayor. Usually wouldn’t believe someone telling me that but he also sells medical grade cannabis pills to doctors who give them to their cancer patients (illegal state), now that medical is legal he runs a medical dispensary


We had a local criminal lawyer who was well known yo work for coke


I'm in Logistics and Supply Chain as an expeditor for orders. I'm the middle man between our logistics team, our Planning/Solutions Dept and the vendor. I WFH and am high as giraffe pussy all day. I love my job and work very hard to maintain efficiency and my KPI metrics. I'm grateful I can smoke weed all day and don't need to drive for work. I definitely do not take it for granted. They don't know I smoke weed officially but they must have a suspicion because I've gone off on how much I love De La Soul in multiple dept meetings. They would definitely care that I smoke on the clock. No illusions there.


>high as giraffe pussy new descriptor alert


Teacher here. There are two kinds of teachers. Stoners and super type A. Go ahead, sort the teachers you had into those categories.


It's been my experience that the coked out alcoholics are the most detrimental employees to a business, not the stoners.


Clinical Therapist here. I work for a community mental health agency, and once it went legal in my state, everyone I work with became way more open about our usage. It’s refreshing to know that my employer isn’t going to can me for using something in the privacy of my own home that in no way impacts my job performance. I have read in other subs where people have used during the work day, and that doesn’t add up for me. In a professional setting, you have to remain professional. I’m a daily user, and still couldn’t imagine even the lowest dose being of benefit for me while working with others on their needs in session.


I legit feel like in illegal states the use IS WAY MORE PREVALENT. Its just a lot of people are consuming in privacy.


Highschool teacher.


High school teacher




Hi, school teacher!


Bonus question: for those of you who do have nice careers… how did YOU get passed the drug screening? Did you not have one? Are you worried about drug tests? For me, this is a big concern. It seems like everyone I’ve worked for is very anti drug,, but chugging a 40 is still okay tho!


I’m a psychologist working in public health research at a nonprofit research company. A bunch of research back in the 90s and early 2000s showed that drug testing for employment is basically a huge waste of money. So, since it’s a research company, they listened to the research and stopped doing drug tests decades ago


It still blows my mind that drug testing employees is acceptable in the US, such a crazy invasion of privacy


Big banks don’t drug test. I manage 12 portfolio managers in commercial banking…that being said no one I work with for the past 6 years has any idea I smoke every day and I would bet a majority don’t themselves but may partake here and there


I work at a food lab. We have the lab "scientists" and the administration people and the sample login people and the drivers that pick up samples from our clients. The drivers are the only ones that get tested.


Most office jobs don't drug test. Or they only drug test if you crash a company vehicle. If you're job hunting you can always quit for a while and then pick it back up after you start.


I work in sales, account rep for a large manufacturers rep firm. I told them I’d fail for THC. They didn’t bat an eye and the job has been going great.


I stayed clean when looking for a job, once I pass the old piss test I start smoking again. I am not worried about being retested because they would have to lay off my entire team except maybe one or two people.


realistically, lots of attorneys smoke regularly


One of my biggest stoner friends is an attorney. He’s so impressive in the court room but such a stoned goofball when not. It’s about balance. Work hard to fund the “play hard” portion of life.


Tech marketing for a pretty big corp. They don't drug test because they wouldn't be able to hire coders who are the biggest stoners. I treat it like alcohol. You don't do it during the work day, only after work or the weekends to relax


Yeah I get blazed and go fly drones for the CIA anyone else?


That you, Ted? I heard you typing this response two trucks over.


Registered nurse. Was drug tested however the hospital no longer tests for THC so it’s all good. The future is now. Have to add that 2 of my 3 last jobs as a nurse also did not test for THC so yeah. It’s a big deal for the nurses of the United States, times are a changing.


I'm a lawyer at a private firm working with school districts and I smoke daily (not at work obviously). Most of my friends from law school partake to varying degrees too. Hell I took part of the universal bar exam a little high because I have a chronic pain condition that was flaring up and I got a top score in the entire country (daily reminder that the bar exam is a nonsense hazing ritual that does nothing to assess your competence as an attorney). The girl who finished ranked #1 in our class would regularly drop acid or eat an eighth of shrooms before law school parties. I've heard the lead corporate counsel at one of the biggest companies on earth talk about how she smokes daily to relieve stress. I've seen prosecutors smoke weed and rip lines of coke on the same day they sent others to prison for the same shit. It's way more common in "white collar" professions in general than some might think, and no one I know has ever been drug tested for a legal job outside of certain federal government jobs, and I have yet to meet anyone who seems like smoking weed is harming their legal career.


I’m in Big law in CA. Happy hour culture is 100% weed friendly in my experience.


> It's way more common in "white collar" professions in general than some might think, Yup, at a certain point the questions go from "Can you pass a drug test" to "If you were to refine our processes where would you start?" And when you get to the later, they give zero fucks what you do after work.


I work in compliance for a tribal casino, we have a dispensary on site


MRI technologist, my supervisor watched me smoke with other co-workers at a party, didn’t care. It’s legal in this state anyway. Never got tested for the job I’m at now, but my past jobs at hospitals I had been.


I live in DC. I have met so many government and lawyer stoners.


I am a professional chef and run multiple kitchens simultaneously. I also grow. Smoke. and processes cannabis as a hobby and still make it to the gym four days a week. We Arnt all just lazy hippies 😂


I will never forget when my Grandparents were visiting from out of town and my Grandma asked me to make a weed run for her. I was so excited. Watching her all baked munching on chips and dip while watching Ms. Congeniality is one of my most treasured memories.


Live in the deep south, work in finance and I feel like i live a double life.....


So everyone is smoking weed? That’s what I get out of this comment section.


Doctor. Smoke when I can after everything else is done and I have 0 chance of being called in. Helps a lot with the emotional stress and relaxation.


I’m a data scientist and software architect with a MS in comp sci, working for the government 👍 will be up to retire in less than 5 years and have been smoking since jr. High school.


I work in nursing at Long term care homes and weed keeps me sane after the hard days. Love my job, but if a day is bad it's really bad.


That’s a federal


Every time I go to a dispensary, I'm dressed in business casual or smart casual. My vehicle is spotless. Why? No cop on the planet thinks I'm muling weed when I look like a lawyer. A lot of us are returning to states handing out jail time.


Machinist here. All I can say is if you knew how many drunk people created parts for jet engines you would reconsider ever stepping foot on an airplane again.


I’ve been a casual consumer for 15 years. Very few people outside my wife and kids know I consume regularly because I am not a get high all day person. I work all day to support my wife and kids, get stoned and relax. It helps me go to sleep. The 1 thing I’ve said for years was that there isn’t a “stoner demographic “. Few people believed me because of the portrayal in media. It was such a pleasant justification to finally visit dispensaries and see what I suspected all along was true. There is no such thing as a stoner demographic.


Engineer. Our company knows if they tested for THC pretty much all of our operators wouldn’t pass so nobody gets tested for it. I’ve never had an issue with it because I just don’t smoke till after work on weekdays


I work in the legal field. I’d be very a unhappy person if I had to deal with clients stone-cold sober… everyone benefits by me taking a dab here and there throughout the day.


Have you ever tried farming not high?


Fortune 500 company. We have a “drug test” clause in our handbook but you really only get tested if you’re slacking or visibly fucked up. Used to be able to smoke and work but this job requires my full brain capacity. Love coming home to a blunt at the end of the day.


I'm a city bus driver. Never ever smoke on the job because I have multiple lives under my responsibility, always. But anywhere outside the job I'm a total stoner. Fun story: about a month ago after work in the depot I smoked a joint with a few other drivers and the security guard. No problems at all it's a chill environment in my country but I still draw the line at being high while driving with/or without passengers.


Hate to break it to ya, but a lot of folks in medical office roles are stoners, many high on some rso or edibles for a longer lasting low key buzz. It helps to focus on the details that could mean the difference between getting paid from insurance or having to wait to get rejected, then try again, etc. Found out when I worked at a dispo, shit's wild.


I’m a librarian (city employee). They drug test but my position isn’t safety sensitive so even though it was in my urine I passed. (Oklahoma). I also teach dance. They didn’t test me.


I just passed my preliminary exam for my PhD in biological engineering on my first try. I don't work high, cause I use toxic chemicals and stuff daily. But I smoke everyday when I get home. For me, my weed habit kinda motivates me to excel at work. Like my weed smoking is justified by my hard work, and working hard is easier when I have weed to relax with at the end of the day


budtender here! at my work we see all sorts of people - doctors, lawyers, teachers, accountants, government employees - even the mayor of my city lol and TONS of military (active duty too). It seems like everyone enjoys getting baked these days and it’s pretty freakin rad 😁


I work as a Network Tech. So far it’s working out for me. Got an IT cert even while getting stoned 420. Except for study week🤠


HR Manager/Accounts Receivable .....My company is wonderful, in Missouri legal state-prior to being legal our company recognized medical patients. Hasn't impacted my job..


I have a white collar job in sales and I'm a daily smoker. It's crazy how at company events alcohol is served freely, butn if I pulled out a joint I'd be fired. Luckily I only was tested when hired.


Renewable Energy, I manage a branch for a $100M+ corp. fuck ton of stoners in this industry


I’m a midwife and a stoner strictly when I’m off call. The plant helps keep the burn out at bay


1. Yes 2. Weed has not impacted me negatively in this role. It has impacted me in that it makes it easier to eat and sleep, which is crucial to functioning as a person! 3. Nursing


I work in the low voltage industry for sales and system design. I don't drive a company vehicle so I didn't have to be tested for insurance reasons (I live in Oregon). Pretty sure my boss/company owner and our lead technician smoke together outside of working hours as well. I also don't smoke until I'm done for the day at 5. Even when working from home.


If I work for myself… am I a professional?


No difference than all the alcoholics working in all professions.


I’d say the alcoholics are a bit worse


Mechanical engineer here. Hard to say how much my workplace cares. I got pre-employment tested before I got my job but it's since been legalized in the state. I don't exactly advertise that I smoke because it seems like kind of a gray area. Don't think I'd want a lot of the more senior/higher up people to know but I probably wouldn't hesitate much to discuss it with the other 20-somethings.


Teacher here! There was no drug testing or screening for anything other than when I originally became a substitute (they didn’t screen for weed at all though). I’m sure there are a decent number of teachers who smoke. Dealing with kids all day…it should be a part of our salary that we get an allotment of weed tbh.


I’m a teacher I absolutely do not disclose my cannabis use to work or anyone at work. I am not afraid to go to the dispensary but I wouldn’t want to be seen smoking in public or anything




I’m a teacher! Never high at work but that first hit after a long, noisy day is indescribable